22 research outputs found

    A Survey of path following control strategies for UAVs focused on quadrotors

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    The trajectory control problem, defined as making a vehicle follow a pre-established path in space, can be solved by means of trajectory tracking or path following. In the trajectory tracking problem a timed reference position is tracked. The path following approach removes any time dependence of the problem, resulting in many advantages on the control performance and design. An exhaustive review of path following algorithms applied to quadrotor vehicles has been carried out, the most relevant are studied in this paper. Then, four of these algorithms have been implemented and compared in a quadrotor simulation platform: Backstepping and Feedback Linearisation control-oriented algorithms and NLGL and Carrot-Chasing geometric algorithms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Guidance, navigation and control of multirotors

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 31 de desembre de 2021This thesis presents contributions to the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) systems for multirotor vehicles by applying and developing diverse control techniques and machine learning theory with innovative results. The aim of the thesis is to obtain a GNC system able to make the vehicle follow predefined paths while avoiding obstacles in the vehicle's route. The system must be adaptable to different paths, situations and missions, reducing the tuning effort and parametrisation of the proposed approaches. The multirotor platform, formed by the Asctec Hummingbird quadrotor vehicle, is studied and described in detail. A complete mathematical model is obtained and a freely available and open simulation platform is built. Furthermore, an autopilot controller is designed and implemented in the real platform. The control part is focused on the path following problem. That is, following a predefined path in space without any time constraint. Diverse control-oriented and geometrical algorithms are studied, implemented and compared. Then, the geometrical algorithms are improved by obtaining adaptive approaches that do not need any parameter tuning. The adaptive geometrical approaches are developed by means of Neural Networks. To end up, a deep reinforcement learning approach is developed to solve the path following problem. This approach implements the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm. The resulting approach is trained in a realistic multirotor simulator and tested in real experiments with success. The proposed approach is able to accurately follow a path while adapting the vehicle's velocity depending on the path's shape. In the navigation part, an obstacle detection system based on the use of a LIDAR sensor is implemented. A model of the sensor is derived and included in the simulator. Moreover, an approach for treating the sensor data to eliminate the possible ground detections is developed. The guidance part is focused on the reactive path planning problem. That is, a path planning algorithm that is able to re-plan the trajectory online if an unexpected event, such as detecting an obstacle in the vehicle's route, occurs. A deep reinforcement learning approach for the reactive obstacle avoidance problem is developed. This approach implements the Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient algorithm. The developed deep reinforcement learning agent is trained and tested in the realistic simulation platform. This agent is combined with the path following agent and the rest of the elements developed in the thesis obtaining a GNC system that is able to follow different types of paths while avoiding obstacle in the vehicle's route.Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta diverses contribucions relaciones amb els sistemes de Guiat, Navegació i Control (GNC) per a vehicles multirrotor, aplicant i desenvolupant diverses tècniques de control i de machine learning amb resultats innovadors. L'objectiu principal de la tesi és obtenir un sistema de GNC capaç de dirigir el vehicle perquè segueixi una trajectòria predefinida mentre evita els obstacles que puguin aparèixer en el recorregut del vehicle. El sistema ha de ser adaptable a diferents trajectòries, situacions i missions, reduint l'esforç realitzat en l'ajust i la parametrització dels mètodes proposats. La plataforma experimental, formada pel cuadricòpter Asctec Hummingbird, s'estudia i es descriu en detall. S'obté un model matemàtic complet de la plataforma i es desenvolupa una eina de simulació, la qual és de codi lliure. A més, es dissenya un controlador autopilot i s'implementa en la plataforma real. La part de control està enfocada al problema de path following. En aquest problema, el vehicle ha de seguir una trajectòria predefinida en l'espai sense cap tipus de restricció temporal. S'estudien, s'implementen i es comparen diversos algoritmes de control i geomètrics de path following. Després, es milloren els algoritmes geomètrics usant xarxes neuronals per convertirlos en algoritmes adaptatius. Per finalitzar, es desenvolupa un mètode de path following basat en tècniques d'aprenentatge per reforç profund (deep Reinforcement learning). Aquest mètode implementa l'algoritme Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. L'agent intel. ligent resultant és entrenat en un simulador realista de multirotors i validat en la plataforma experimental real amb èxit. Els resultats mostren que l'agent és capaç de seguir de forma precisa la trajectòria de referència adaptant la velocitat del vehicle segons la curvatura del recorregut. A la part de navegació, s'implementa un sistema de detecció d'obstacles basat en l'ús d'un sensor LIDAR. Es deriva un model del sensor i aquest s'inclou en el simulador. A més, es desenvolupa un mètode per tractar les mesures del sensor per eliminar les possibles deteccions del terra. Pel que fa a la part de guiatge, aquesta està focalitzada en el problema de reactive path planning. És a dir, un algoritme de planificació de trajectòria que és capaç de re-planejar el recorregut del vehicle a l'instant si algun esdeveniment inesperat ocorre, com ho és la detecció d'un obstacle en el recorregut del vehicle. Es desenvolupa un mètode basat en aprenentatge per reforç profund per l'evasió d'obstacles. Aquest mètode implementa l'algoritme Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. L'agent d'aprenentatge per reforç s'entrena i valida en un simulador de multirotors realista. Aquest agent es combina amb l'agent de path following i la resta d'elements desenvolupats en la tesi per obtenir un sistema GNC capaç de seguir diferents tipus de trajectòries, evadint els obstacles que estiguin en el recorregut del vehicle.Esta tesis doctoral presenta varias contribuciones relacionas con los sistemas de Guiado, Navegación y Control (GNC) para vehículos multirotor, aplicando y desarrollando diversas técnicas de control y de machine learning con resultados innovadores. El objetivo principal de la tesis es obtener un sistema de GNC capaz de dirigir el vehículo para que siga una trayectoria predefinida mientras evita los obstáculos que puedan aparecer en el recorrido del vehículo. El sistema debe ser adaptable a diferentes trayectorias, situaciones y misiones, reduciendo el esfuerzo realizado en el ajuste y la parametrización de los métodos propuestos. La plataforma experimental, formada por el cuadricoptero Asctec Hummingbird, se estudia y describe en detalle. Se obtiene un modelo matemático completo de la plataforma y se desarrolla una herramienta de simulación, la cual es de código libre. Además, se diseña un controlador autopilot, el cual es implementado en la plataforma real. La parte de control está enfocada en el problema de path following. En este problema, el vehículo debe seguir una trayectoria predefinida en el espacio tridimensional sin ninguna restricción temporal Se estudian, implementan y comparan varios algoritmos de control y geométricos de path following. Luego, se mejoran los algoritmos geométricos usando redes neuronales para convertirlos en algoritmos adaptativos. Para finalizar, se desarrolla un método de path following basado en técnicas de aprendizaje por refuerzo profundo (deep reinforcement learning). Este método implementa el algoritmo Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. El agente inteligente resultante es entrenado en un simulador realista de multirotores y validado en la plataforma experimental real con éxito. Los resultados muestran que el agente es capaz de seguir de forma precisa la trayectoria de referencia adaptando la velocidad del vehículo según la curvatura del recorrido. En la parte de navegación se implementa un sistema de detección de obstáculos basado en el uso de un sensor LIDAR. Se deriva un modelo del sensor y este se incluye en el simulador. Además, se desarrolla un método para tratar las medidas del sensor para eliminar las posibles detecciones del suelo. En cuanto a la parte de guiado, está focalizada en el problema de reactive path planning. Es decir, un algoritmo de planificación de trayectoria que es capaz de re-planear el recorrido del vehículo al instante si ocurre algún evento inesperado, como lo es la detección de un obstáculo en el recorrido del vehículo. Se desarrolla un método basado en aprendizaje por refuerzo profundo para la evasión de obstáculos. Este implementa el algoritmo Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient. El agente de aprendizaje por refuerzo se entrena y valida en un simulador de multirotors realista. Este agente se combina con el agente de path following y el resto de elementos desarrollados en la tesis para obtener un sistema GNC capaz de seguir diferentes tipos de trayectorias evadiendo los obstáculos que estén en el recorrido del vehículo.Postprint (published version

    Aerial Vehicles

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    This book contains 35 chapters written by experts in developing techniques for making aerial vehicles more intelligent, more reliable, more flexible in use, and safer in operation.It will also serve as an inspiration for further improvement of the design and application of aeral vehicles. The advanced techniques and research described here may also be applicable to other high-tech areas such as robotics, avionics, vetronics, and space

    Geometric versus Model Predictive Control based guidance algorithms for fixed-wing UAVs in the presence of very strong wind fields.

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    The recent years have witnessed increased development of small, autonomous fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In order to unlock widespread applicability of these platforms, they need to be capable of operating under a variety of environmental conditions. Due to their small size, low weight, and low speeds, they require the capability of coping with wind speeds that are approaching or even faster than the nominal airspeed. In this thesis, a nonlinear-geometric guidance strategy is presented, addressing this problem. More broadly, a methodology is proposed for the high-level control of non-holonomic unicycle-like vehicles in the presence of strong flowfields (e.g. winds, underwater currents) which may outreach the maximum vehicle speed. The proposed strategy guarantees convergence to a safe and stable vehicle configuration with respect to the flowfield, while preserving some tracking performance with respect to the target path. As an alternative approach, an algorithm based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) is developed, and a comparison between advantages and disadvantages of both approaches is drawn. Evaluations in simulations and a challenging real-world flight experiment in very windy conditions confirm the feasibility of the proposed guidance approach

    Design and development of a tornado intercept unmanned aerial vehicle

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    Very little data surrounding tornado genesis exists, and this is due in part to the lack of tools necessary to deliver weather-sensing instruments into the severe weather phenomenon. Though current UAS are able to accurately gather weather data, they typically cannot operate in high winds or in rain. To help bridge this data gap, a custom delta wing UAS was developed to withstand both of these shortcomings.The aircraft was outfitted with an autopilot, long range RC control, and FPV systems for control over long distances. Despite utilizing a new turbojet that generates 50% more thrust at the cost of a 50% increase to fuel consumption, custom fuel tanks were designed and fabricated double the flight time of the previous system. Considerations for preventing ingested water from damaging internal avionics are explored, as operation in rain is a requirement.Aircraft performance approximations were generated using both analytical approximations and flight test data from the autopilot's flight log. An approach to generating a longitudinal aerodynamic control model is explored to estimate performance in extreme winds (75+ mph), but ultimately fails due to lack of conventional horizontal tail and the coupling of pitch and yaw controls to the turbine's exhaust speed (controlled by throttle setting).A car-based launcher system was also created for utilization in the field, reducing the required personnel's experience to execute a mission effectively. Multiple aircraft, as well as a prototype of the TIV, has launched successfully multiple times from this system, even exhibiting full auto-launching functionality.The longest recorded flight was over a ground track of 22 miles with an average airspeed of 100 knots over 16 minutes, consuming 60% of the total fuel available. The top speed achieved by the aircraft was 160 mph at 90% throttle

    Computer vision in target pursuit using a UAV

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    Research in target pursuit using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has gained attention in recent years, this is primarily due to decrease in cost and increase in demand of small UAVs in many sectors. In computer vision, target pursuit is a complex problem as it involves the solving of many sub-problems which are typically concerned with the detection, tracking and following of the object of interest. At present, the majority of related existing methods are developed using computer simulation with the assumption of ideal environmental factors, while the remaining few practical methods are mainly developed to track and follow simple objects that contain monochromatic colours with very little texture variances. Current research in this topic is lacking of practical vision based approaches. Thus the aim of this research is to fill the gap by developing a real-time algorithm capable of following a person continuously given only a photo input. As this research considers the whole procedure as an autonomous system, therefore the drone is activated automatically upon receiving a photo of a person through Wi-Fi. This means that the whole system can be triggered by simply emailing a single photo from any device anywhere. This is done by first implementing image fetching to automatically connect to WIFI, download the image and decode it. Then, human detection is performed to extract the template from the upper body of the person, the intended target is acquired using both human detection and template matching. Finally, target pursuit is achieved by tracking the template continuously while sending the motion commands to the drone. In the target pursuit system, the detection is mainly accomplished using a proposed human detection method that is capable of detecting, extracting and segmenting the human body figure robustly from the background without prior training. This involves detecting face, head and shoulder separately, mainly using gradient maps. While the tracking is mainly accomplished using a proposed generic and non-learning template matching method, this involves combining intensity template matching with colour histogram model and employing a three-tier system for template management. A flight controller is also developed, it supports three types of controls: keyboard, mouse and text messages. Furthermore, the drone is programmed with three different modes: standby, sentry and search. To improve the detection and tracking of colour objects, this research has also proposed several colour related methods. One of them is a colour model for colour detection which consists of three colour components: hue, purity and brightness. Hue represents the colour angle, purity represents the colourfulness and brightness represents intensity. It can be represented in three different geometric shapes: sphere, hemisphere and cylinder, each of these shapes also contains two variations. Experimental results have shown that the target pursuit algorithm is capable of identifying and following the target person robustly given only a photo input. This can be evidenced by the live tracking and mapping of the intended targets with different clothing in both indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, the various methods developed in this research could enhance the performance of practical vision based applications especially in detecting and tracking of objects

    Design, development and guidance of the Airborne’s quadrotor

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    The main goal of the Airborne project is to develop, at technology readiness level 8 (TRL8), a few selected robotic aerial technologies for quick localization of victims by avalanches by equipping drones with two forefront sensors used in SAR operations in case of avalanches, namely the ARVA and RECCO. This thesis focuses on the design, development, and guidance of the TRL8 quadrotor developed during the project. We present and describe the design method that allowed us to obtain an EMI shielded UAV capable of integrating both RECCO and ARVA sensors. Besides, is presented the avionics and power train design and building procedure in order to obtain a modular UAV frame that can be easily carried by rescuers and achieves all the performance benchmarks of the project. Additionally, in addition to the onboard algorithms, a multivariate regressive convolutional neural network whose goal is the localization of the ARVA signal is presented. On guidance, the automatic flight procedure is described, and the onboard waypoint generator algorithm is presented. The goal of this algorithm is the generation and execution of an automatic grid pattern without the need to know the map in advance and without the support of a control ground station (CGS). Moreover, we present an iterative trajectory planner that does not need pre-knowledge of the map and uses Bézier curves to address optimal, dynamically feasible, safe, and re-plannable trajectories. The goal is to develop a method that allows local and fast replannings in case of an obstacle pop up or if some waypoints change. This makes the novel planner suitable to be applied in SAR operations. The introduction of the final version of the quadrotor is supported by internal flight tests and field tests performed in real operative scenarios by the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI)

    Energy efficient path planning and model checking for long endurance unmanned surface vehicles.

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    In this dissertation, path following, path planning, collision avoidance and model checking algorithms were developed and simulated for improving the level of autonomy for Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV). Firstly, four path following algorithms, namely, Carrot Chasing, Nonlinear Guidance Law, Pure pursuit and LOS, and Vector Field algorithms, were compared in simulation and Carrot Chasing was tested in Unmanned Safety Marine Operations Over The Horizon (USMOOTH) project. Secondly, three path planning algorithms, including Voronoi-Visibility shortest path planning, Voronoi-Visibility energy efficient path planning and Genetic Algorithm based energy efficient path planning algorithms, are presented. Voronoi-Visibility shortest path planning algorithm was proposed by integrating Voronoi diagram, Dijkstra’s algorithm and Visibility graph. The path quality and computational efficiency were demonstrated through comparing with Voronoi algorithms. Moreover, the proposed algorithm ensured USV safety by keeping the USV at a configurable clearance distance from the coastlines. Voronoi-Visibility energy efficient path planning algorithm was proposed by taking sea current data into account. To address the problem of time-varying sea current, Genetic Algorithm was integrated with Voronoi-Visibility energy efficient path planning algorithm. The energy efficiency of Voronoi-Visibility and Genetic Algorithm based algorithms were demonstrated in simulated missions. Moreover, collision avoidance algorithm was proposed and validated in single and multiple intruders scenarios. Finally, the feasibility of using model checking for USV decision-making systems verification was demonstrated in three USV mission scenarios. In the final scenario, a multi-agent system, including two USVs, an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), a Ground Control Station (GCS) and a wireless mesh network, were modelled using Kripke modelling algorithm. The modelled uncertainties include communication loss, collision risk, fault event and energy states. Three desirable properties, including safety, maximum endurance, and fault tolerance, were expressed using Computational Tree Logic (CTL), which were verified using Model Checker for Multi-Agent System (MCMAS). The verification results were used to retrospect and improve the design of the decision-making system.PhD in Aerospac

    Safe navigation and motion coordination control strategies for unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become very popular for many military and civilian applications including in agriculture, construction, mining, environmental monitoring, etc. A desirable feature for UAVs is the ability to navigate and perform tasks autonomously with least human interaction. This is a very challenging problem due to several factors such as the high complexity of UAV applications, operation in harsh environments, limited payload and onboard computing power and highly nonlinear dynamics. Therefore, more research is still needed towards developing advanced reliable control strategies for UAVs to enable safe navigation in unknown and dynamic environments. This problem is even more challenging for multi-UAV systems where it is more efficient to utilize information shared among the networked vehicles. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis contributes towards the state-of-the-art in UAV control for safe autonomous navigation and motion coordination of multi-UAV systems. The first part of this thesis deals with single-UAV systems. Initially, a hybrid navigation framework is developed for autonomous mobile robots using a general 2D nonholonomic unicycle model that can be applied to different types of UAVs, ground vehicles and underwater vehicles considering only lateral motion. Then, the more complex problem of three-dimensional (3D) collision-free navigation in unknown/dynamic environments is addressed. To that end, advanced 3D reactive control strategies are developed adopting the sense-and-avoid paradigm to produce quick reactions around obstacles. A special case of navigation in 3D unknown confined environments (i.e. tunnel-like) is also addressed. General 3D kinematic models are considered in the design which makes these methods applicable to different UAV types in addition to underwater vehicles. Moreover, different implementation methods for these strategies with quadrotor-type UAVs are also investigated considering UAV dynamics in the control design. Practical experiments and simulations were carried out to analyze the performance of the developed methods. The second part of this thesis addresses safe navigation for multi-UAV systems. Distributed motion coordination methods of multi-UAV systems for flocking and 3D area coverage are developed. These methods offer good computational cost for large-scale systems. Simulations were performed to verify the performance of these methods considering systems with different sizes