8 research outputs found

    Emptiness Problems for Integer Circuits

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    Balance Problems for Integer Circuits

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    The complexity of membership problems for circuits over sets of integers

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    AbstractWe investigate the complexity of membership problems for {∪,∩,-,+,×}-circuits computing sets of integers. These problems are a natural modification of the membership problems for circuits computing sets of natural numbers studied by McKenzie and Wagner [The complexity of membership problems for circuits over sets of natural numbers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2607, 2003, pp. 571–582]. We show that there are several membership problems for which the complexity in the case of integers differs significantly from the case of the natural numbers: testing membership in the subset of integers produced at the output of a {∪,+,×}-circuit is NEXPTIME-complete, whereas it is PSPACE-complete for the natural numbers. As another result, evaluating {-,+}-circuits is shown to be P-complete for the integers and PSPACE-complete for the natural numbers. The latter result extends McKenzie and Wagner's work in nontrivial ways. Furthermore, evaluating {×}-circuits is shown to be NL∧⊕L-complete, and several other cases are resolved

    Circuit Satisfiability and Constraint Satisfaction around Skolem Arithmetic

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    We study interactions between Skolem Arithmetic and certain classes of Circuit Satisfiability and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). We revisit results of Glaßer et al. [1] in the context of CSPs and settle the major open question from that paper, finding a certain satisfiability problem on circuits—involving complement, intersection, union and multiplication—to be decidable. This we prove using the decidability of Skolem Arithmetic. Then we solve a second question left open in [1] by proving a tight upper bound for the similar circuit satisfiability problem involving just intersection, union and multiplication. We continue by studying first-order expansions of Skolem Arithmetic without constants, (N;×), as CSPs. We find already here a rich landscape of problems with non-trivial instances that are in P as well as those that are NP-complete

    Functions definable by numerical set-expressions

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