328 research outputs found

    Efficient Monitoring of Parametric Context Free Patterns

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    Recent developments in runtime verification and monitoring show that parametric regular and temporal logic specifications can be efficiently monitored against large programs. However, these logics reduce to ordinary finite automata, limiting their expressivity. For example, neither can specify structured properties that refer to the call stack of the program. While context-free grammars (CFGs) are expressive and well-understood, existing techniques of monitoring CFGs generate massive runtime overhead in real-life applications. This paper shows for the first time that monitoring parametric CFGs is practical (on the order of 10% or lower for average cases, several times faster than the state-of-the-art). We present a monitor synthesis algorithm for CFGs based on an LR(1) parsing algorithm, modified with stack cloning to account for good prefix matching. In addition, a logic-independent mechanism is introduced to support partial matching, allowing patterns to be checked against fragments of execution traces

    Analysis of Calling Context Encoding and Decoding Algorithms

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    The calling context of a program is recorded via a call stack for event logging, debugging, and profiling. There are several calling context encoding and decoding schemes that record the calling context of a program. One such scheme we are introducing is DCCE, Distinguished Calling Context Encoding; it can encode a program's calling context using a single integer ID without the need to decode it later. Without the need to decode, DCCE has less overhead costs than other popular encoding schemes. Another advantage of DCCE is that it can distinguish between different calling contexts that have the same encoded ID and different ending nodes/functions. We want to compare DCCE with other existing algorithms in terms of running time and measure the improved efficiency overall. This research paper discusses the practical uses of calling context encoding, implementation methods for DCCE, and the efficiency improvements of DCCE compared to CCTLib encoding. Through our experiment, DCCE outperformed CCTLib by over 2 times of overall execution time

    Implementation and testing of a blackbox and a whitebox fuzzer for file compression routines

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    Fuzz testing is a software testing technique that has risen to prominence over the past two decades. The unifying feature of all fuzz testers (fuzzers) is their ability to somehow automatically produce random test cases for software. Fuzzers can generally be placed in one of two classes: black-box or white-box. Blackbox fuzzers do not derive information from a program\u27s source or binary in order to restrict the domain of their generated input while white-box fuzzers do. A tradeoff involved in the choice between blackbox and whitebox fuzzing is the rate at which inputs can be produced; since blackbox fuzzers need not do any thinking about the software under test to generate inputs, blackbox fuzzers can generate more inputs per unit time if all other factors are equal. The question of how blackbox and whitebox fuzzing should be used together for ideal economy of software testing has been posed and even speculated about, however, to my knowledge, no publically available study with the intent of characterizing an answer exists. The purpose of this thesis is to provide an initial exploration of the bug-finding characteristics of blackbox and whitebox fuzzers. A blackbox fuzzer is implemented and extended with a concolic execution program to make it whitebox. Both versions of the fuzzer are then used to run tests on some small programs and some parts of a file compression library

    Dynamic Assertion-Based Verification for SystemC

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    SystemC has emerged as a de facto standard modeling language for hardware and embedded systems. However, the current standard does not provide support for temporal specifications. Specifically, SystemC lacks a mechanism for sampling the state of the model at different types of temporal resolutions, for observing the internal state of modules, and for integrating monitors efficiently into the model's execution. This work presents a novel framework for specifying and efficiently monitoring temporal assertions of SystemC models that removes these restrictions. This work introduces new specification language primitives that (1) expose the inner state of the SystemC kernel in a principled way, (2) allow for very fine control over the temporal resolution, and (3) allow sampling at arbitrary locations in the user code. An efficient modular monitoring framework presented here allows the integration of monitors into the execution of the model, while at the same time incurring low overhead and allowing for easy adoption. Instrumentation of the user code is automated using Aspect-Oriented Programming techniques, thereby allowing the integration of user-code-level sample points into the monitoring framework. While most related approaches optimize the size of the monitors, this work focuses on minimizing the runtime overhead of the monitors. Different encoding configurations are identified and evaluated empirically using monitors synthesized from a large benchmark of random and pattern temporal specifications. The framework and approaches described in this dissertation allow the adoption of assertion-based verification for SystemC models written using various levels of abstraction, from system level to register-transfer level. An advantage of this work is that many existing specification languages call be adopted to use the specification primitives described here, and the framework can easily be integrated into existing implementations of SystemC

    An Experimental program animation system

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    Bibliography: p. 97-100

    Dynamically detecting and tolerating IF-Condition Data Races

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    An IF-Condition Invariance Violation (ICIV) occurs when, after a thread has computed the control expression of an IF statement and while it is executing the THEN or ELSE clauses, another thread updates variables in the IF’s control expression. An ICIV can be easily detected, and is likely to be a sign of a concurrency bug in the code. Typically, the ICIV is caused by a data race, which we call IF-Condition Data Race (ICR). In this paper, we analyze the data races reported in the bug databases of popular software systems and show that ICRs occur relatively often. Then, we present two techniques to handle ICRs dynamically. They rely on simple code transformations and, in one case, additional hardware help. One of them (SW-IF) detects the races, while the other (HW-IF) detects and prevents them. We evaluate SW-IF and HW-IF using a variety of applica-tions. We show that these new techniques are effective at finding new data race bugs and run with low overhead. Specifically, HW-IF finds 5 new (unreported) race bugs and SW-IF finds 3 of them. In addition, 8-threaded executions of SPLASH-2 codes show that, on average, SW-IF adds 2 % execution overhead, while HW-IF adds less than 1%. 1

    Modulating application behaviour for closely coupled intrusion detection

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis presents a security measure that is closely coupled to applications. This distinguishes it from conventional security measures which tend to operate at the infrastructure level (network, operating system or virtual machine). Such lower level mechanisms exhibit a number of limitations, amongst others they are poorly suited to the monitoring of applications which operate on encrypted data or the enforcement of security policies involving abstractions introduced by applications. In order to address these problems, the thesis proposes externalising the security related analysis functions performed by applications. These otherwise remain hidden in applications and so are likely to be underdeveloped, inflexible or insular. It is argued that these deficiencies have resulted in an over-reliance on infrastructure security components

    Atune-IL: An Instrumentation Language for Auto-tuning Parallel Applications

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    Automatic performance tuning (auto-tuning) has been used in parallel numerical applications for adapting per-formance-relevant parameters. We extend auto-tuning to general-purpose parallel applications on multicores. This paper concentrates on Atune-IL, an instrumentation language for specifying a wide range of tunable parame-ters for a generic auto-tuner. Tunable parameters include the number of threads and other size parameters, but also choice of algorithms, numbers of pipeline stages, etc. A case study of Atune-IL’s usage in a real-world application with 13 parameters and over 24 million possible value combinations is discussed. With Atune-IL, the search space was reduced to 1,600 combinations, and the lines of code needed for instrumentation were reduced from more than 700 to 25.
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