32 research outputs found

    Instant Messaging Acceptance and Use Among College Students

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    Impact of internet experience on citizens’ adoption of e‐government in Sri Lanka

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    Electronic Government implementation and adoption of its services are in early stage in many developing countries. The fruitful outcome of this effort not only depends on the government side but also the citizen’s side as well. This study amended and used Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model to identify the factors influencing citizens’ adoption of electronic government and moderating effect of citizens’ internet experience. University students from Sri Lanka were the participants of the study. The real data disclosed that factors such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence determine the participants’ behavioural intention to use electronic government services, and these factors are influenced by the participants’ internet experienc

    Adoption of Electronic CRM in Service Sector: Using an Integrated Model

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    The main objective of this research is to develop an integrated model of significant success factors of the adoption e-CRM system by determining the intention behavior the user in the service sector. The proposed research model was constructed based on the innovation diffusion theory (Rogers 2003), the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), and the Task Technology Fit model (TTF). A quantitative study carried out with 340 respondents belonging to Tunisian companies with customer databases A priori judgment sample method was chosen. We used structural equation modeling that is an adequate solution to the design of theoretical models and to test the research hypothesi


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    The use of Instant Messaging (IM) applications on the mobile phones of the youth has become inextricably attached to their everyday lives. Students on university campuses cannot leave their mobile phones behind for a minute because of the importance they attach to the use of IM applications. This paper investigated how the use of abbreviations in IM affects the writing of Standard English language of learners of English as a second language. A sample of 150 students in their 3rd and 4th years at Kenyatta University was used. The study also interviewed a lecturer on the problem. While students indicated that the IM usage does not do any harm to their formal English writing, a faculty member disagreed. It was recommended that awareness should be created through seminars and lectures to bring the issue to the fore for students. This would help students to be cautious of the use of IM.  Article visualizations

    Exploring the Influence of Decision Style on Decision Support System Acceptance by GPs

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    While clinical DSS have many proven benefits in the medical field, their uptake by GPs has been limited. This research explores the influence of decision styles as a possible explanatory variable for the usage of DSS. Insight into the reasons why GPs do not use clinical DSS will allow the development of strategies to facilitate more widespread adoption with consequent improvements across many areas. Depth interviews were conducted with 37 GPs comprising a mix of education backgrounds, experience and gender. In addition respondents completed a decisions styles questionnaire. Results indicated that users of DSS were more likely to have an integrative decision style while non users adopted a flexible decision style. Decision style was also strongly correlated to education with overseas trained doctors more likely to have integrative decision styles and Australian trained GPs exhibiting flexible styles

    Sri Lankan Citizens’ Use Behaviour towards E-Government Services

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    This research study focused on the main factors influencing Sri Lankan citizens’ adoption of e-Government services. After reviewing existing literatures on technology adoption, the researchers chose the UTAUT model and picked up key determinants from it. The researchers aimed at answering research questions and testing the credibility of hypotheses brought about from the model. Entire Sri Lankan populations’ internet users were selected as the population of this study and sample size was calculated properly for collecting data. Questionnaire was developed and made available in three languages; English, Sinhala and Tamil. Reliability test was carried out to see the internal consistency of the data. The collected data were analysed using SPSS 20 and Minitab 16, and Excel 2010 was also used at times. Correlation and regressions were calculated to see the underlying relationships among the constructs and their impacts. Analysis found that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence had influence on Sri Lankan citizens’ Intention to Use e-Government services and this intention influenced Use Behaviour of the citizens. Keywords: E-Government, Adoption, UTAUT, Use Behaviour, Citizens, Sri Lank

    Sri Lankan citizens’ use behaviour towards E-Government services

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    This research study focused on the main factors influencing Sri Lankan citizens’ adoption of e-Government services. After reviewing existing literatures on technology adoption, the researchers chose the UTAUT model and picked up key determinants from it. The researchers aimed at answering research questions and testing the credibility of hypotheses brought about from the model. Entire Sri Lankan populations’ internet users were selected as the population of this study and sample size was calculated properly for collecting data. Questionnaire was developed and made available in three languages; English, Sinhala and Tamil. Reliability test was carried out to see the internal consistency of the data. The collected data were analysed using SPSS 20 and Minitab 16, and Excel 2010 was also used at times. Correlation and regressions were calculated to see the underlying relationships among the constructs and their impacts. Analysis found that Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence had influence on Sri Lankan citizens’ Intention to Use e-Government services and this intention influenced Use Behaviour of the citizens

    Predicting uptake of online customer service through mobile instant messaging applications : the effects of social presence on behaviour intention

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management, specialization in Marketing Research e CRMOnline shopping is rapidly increasing, creating new opportunities and challenges in the highly-competitive services market. In this context, companies are trying to come with new ways of connecting, as consumers seek easier and faster ways of interacting. This study employs the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology 2 (UTAUT2) as the theoretical paradigm and extends it, to explore the key factors influencing the uptake of mobile instant messaging applications in online customer service, by introducing social presence as a crucial construct. The data was collected from an online questionnaire conducted to 222 Portuguese mobile instant messenger’s users. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to verify and validate the research model. The results showed that performance expectancy represents the greatest influence on users’ intention to engage in online customer service through mobile instant messaging. In addition, social presence was found to directly impact behavioural intention and indirectly, through the mediation of performance expectancy and habit. This study fills the gap in the literature, where little attention has been devoted to examining the use of mobile instant messaging applications by organizations for online customer service. The findings will help practitioners make appropriate strategies for this new channel

    Analysis of the determinants of digital technology adoption in Moroccan audit firms: development of an explanatory conceptual model

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    The exponential evolution of technology has brought about many changes in the way businesses operate, including audit firms. Digitalization, once considered an optional choice, has become a major strategic issue. Thus, thanks to the traditional literature review approach, this study examines the theoretical foundations and conceptual frameworks around technology adoption. Indeed, this article presents a preliminary conceptual model to the context of audit firms in Morocco, based on the theoretical model of UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003) and a thorough theoretical model. The objective is to identify the determinants of the adoption and use of digitalization in these firms. Aspects such as the removal of paper, the use of computer equipment and the accelerated exchange of data are among the new technologies that influence these firms. Understanding the factors that motivate these firms to adopt digitalization is still unknown. This conceptual model aims to provide information on the different determinants of digitalization in audit firms in Morocco, by providing an overview of the key elements necessary for its effective implementation and use.   Keywords: Digitalization; Adoption of new technology; Digital transformation; UTAUT; Audit firm. JEL Classification: M10, M42, Paper type: Theoretical ResearchL'évolution exponentielle de la technologie a apporté de nombreux changements dans le fonctionnement des entreprises, y compris les cabinets d'audit. La digitalisation, autrefois considérée comme un choix optionnel, est devenue un enjeu stratégique majeur. Ainsi, grâce à une approche traditionnelle de revue de la littérature, cette étude se penche sur les fondements théoriques et les cadres conceptuels entourant l'adoption de la technologie. En effet, cet article présente un modèle conceptuel préliminaire adapté au contexte des cabinets d'audit au Maroc, en se basant sur le modèle théorique d'UTAUT (Venkatesh et al., 2003) et une base théorique approfondie. L'objectif est d'identifier les déterminants de l'adoption et de l'utilisation de la digitalisation dans ces cabinets. Les aspects tels que la suppression du papier, l'utilisation de matériel informatique et l'échange accéléré des données font partie des nouvelles technologies qui impactent ces cabinets. Comprendre les facteurs qui motivent ces cabinets à adopter la digitalisation reste encore inconnu. Ce modèle conceptuel vise à fournir des informations sur les différents déterminants de la digitalisation dans les cabinets d'audit au Maroc, en offrant un aperçu des éléments clés nécessaires à sa mise en place et à son utilisation efficace.   Mots clés : Digitalisation ; Adoption de la nouvelle technologie ; Transformation digitale ; UTAUT ; Cabinet d’audit. JEL Classification : M10, M42, Paper type: Recherche théoriqu