736 research outputs found

    Supporting mathematics learning

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    The effect of fancy rope jumping exercise on creativity of elementary school students

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    Purpose: To explore the effects of 6 months of moderate intensity fancy rope jumping exercise on the creativity of elementary school students. Methodology: One hundred and forty elementary school students were divided into two major groups, namely, the fancy rope jumping group and the traditional sports group. The Williams Creative Tendency Scale (WCTS) and Torrance Creative Thinking Scale (TTCT) were used to measure the changes of creative tendency and divergent thinking of elementary school students before and after the experiment, and to compare to evaluate the change of creativity of elementary school students by measuring the difference between the experimental group and the control group. Findings: (1) Six months of moderate intensity fancy rope jumping exercise had a positive effect on elementary school students’ creative tendencies and divergent thinking; (2) Six months of moderate fancy rope jumping exercise had a more significant effect on elementary school students’ divergent thinking. Research and practical limitations/implications: This study confirms experimentally that fancy rope jumping helps to enhance the creative tendency and divergent thinking level of elementary school students and promotes the development of their creativity. The limitation of this study is that the sample size is relatively small and not representative and convincing enough. In the follow-up study, we can make the research results more convincing by expanding the research sample size and sampling across regions

    Teaching business leadership skills to professionals in healthcare cybersecurity, biodefense and biotechnology through experiential learning methods

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    Пандемія COVID-19 не тільки змінила глобальний економічний ландшафт, але й підкреслила критичну потребу в стратегічному лідерстві та управлінських навичках в організаціях, що охоплюють різні сектори. Ця стаття заглиблюється в непереборний імператив виховання стратегічного лідерства та управлінських компетенцій серед технічних експертів, з особливим акцентом на ключових сферах, таких як біозахист, кібербезпека охорони здоров’я, біотехнології та управління операціями охорони здоров’я. У ньому стверджується, що пост-COVID-19 ера потребує глибокої зміни організаційних пріоритетів, наполягаючи на оновленому зобов’язанні розвивати всебічні лідерські здібності разом із технічними навичками в програмах аспірантури та здобуття ступеня. Щоб відповідати цьому імперативу, документ виступає за впровадження інноваційних та орієнтованих на студента педагогічних підходів. У сучасному динамічному ландшафті традиційні методи не можуть підготувати технічних менеджерів до багатогранних викликів, з якими вони стикаються. Натомість у документі відстоюється використання підходів до навчання на основі досвіду, таких як навчання, засноване на діяльності, навчання на основі проблем, дизайнерське мислення та Learn-Teach-Do. Ці підходи виходять за рамки теорії, занурюючи студентів у спільний, рефлексивний та інтегративний досвід, який імітує реальні сценарії, таким чином оснащуючи їх лідерською проникливістю, необхідною для досягнення успіху в технічних ролях охорони здоров’я.The COVID-19 pandemic has not only reshaped the global economic landscape but also underscored the critical need for strategic leadership and management skills in organizations spanning diverse sectors. This paper delves into the compelling imperative of nurturing strategic leadership and management competencies among technical experts, with a particular focus on pivotal fields such as biodefense, healthcare cybersecurity, biotechnology, and healthcare operations management. It asserts that the post-COVID-19 era necessitates a profound shift in organizational priorities, urging a renewed commitment to fostering comprehensive leadership capabilities alongside technical proficiency within graduate and degree completion programs. To meet this imperative, the paper advocates for the adoption of innovative and student-centric pedagogical approaches. In today’s dynamic landscape, traditional methods fall short in preparing technical managers for the multifaceted challenges they face. Instead, the paper champions the utilization of experiential learning approaches, such as activity-based learning, problem-based learning, design thinking, and Learn-Teach-Do. These approaches go beyond theory, immersing students in collaborative, reflective, and integrative experiences that simulate real-world scenarios, thus equipping them with the leadership acumen needed to excel in technical healthcare roles

    Research Publication 2011

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    Research Publication of Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences provides a window into our operations from the point of view of research activities. Through this collection of articles split into different themes we present our projects and the university’s multi-disciplined knowledge and expertise of the staff

    Learning of mechanical systems in grade 9 technology classroom by deaf learners in KwaZulu-Natal : an exploration of a learning of technology in a non-hearing environment.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, EdgewoodThe purpose of this study was to explore the learning of Mechanical Systems in a Grade 9 Technology classroom by Deaf learners in KwaZulu-Natal. The study focused on how Technology is learned in a non-hearing environment, considering the nature of Technology and the interdisciplinarity between Technology and Mathematics. This is a case study set within an interpretive paradigm. Since there were five Deaf learners constituting the Grade 9 Technology class, all were considered to be participants in this study. A blended learning model (BLM) was identified as the theoretical framework for this study. BLM is foregrounded on cognitive and social constructivism, with an intention to explore the learning of Mechanical Systems in a non-hearing environment. The data collection schedule included the following methods: • Classroom observation; • Document analysis; and • Semi-structured interviews. The results of this research were analysed qualitatively in order to adhere to the principles of the interpretive paradigm. The research findings of this study highlighted that Deaf learners’ previous experience limited their exposure to daily practices, resulting in misunderstanding of concepts in Mechanical Systems. Furthermore, the results showed effectiveness of demonstrations and simulations in enhancing the comprehension of concepts in Mechanical Systems. The findings of my study concur with Piaget’s view that the comprehension of a child is enhanced when learning is made concrete to them. Deaf learners’ participation in Technology activities assisted them to develop an understanding of concepts in Mechanical Systems, and facilitated effectiveness of interdisciplinarity in scientific subjects

    Communicative Language Teaching in Current Chinese Colleges and Universities.

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    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been prioritized as the key instructional approach in colleges since the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a revised syllabus in 1999 that underlines college EFL students\u27 communicative competence. The issuance of the syllabus was followed by a series of reforms on curricular designs and teaching methods. However, CLT has encountered great resistance. College teachers and learners are constrained by socio-cultural influences such as the perceptions of teachers\u27 roles and ways of learning and teaching (Hu, 2002; Rao, 1996). Although some teachers have shown positive attitudes towards CLT, in general they have failed to practice it communicatively. This thesis discusses solutions and provides suggestions after delineating the difficulties these teachers and learners have encountered particularly. Taking into consideration China\u27s increased global impact and internationallycollaborating programs that are currently conducted in many universities, this thesis highlights that CLT is an applicable approach to improve students\u27 communicative competence

    Communicative Language Teaching in Current Chinese Colleges and Universities.

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    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) has been prioritized as the key instructional approach in colleges since the Chinese Ministry of Education issued a revised syllabus in 1999 that underlines college EFL students\u27 communicative competence. The issuance of the syllabus was followed by a series of reforms on curricular designs and teaching methods. However, CLT has encountered great resistance. College teachers and learners are constrained by socio-cultural influences such as the perceptions of teachers\u27 roles and ways of learning and teaching (Hu, 2002; Rao, 1996). Although some teachers have shown positive attitudes towards CLT, in general they have failed to practice it communicatively. This thesis discusses solutions and provides suggestions after delineating the difficulties these teachers and learners have encountered particularly. Taking into consideration China\u27s increased global impact and internationallycollaborating programs that are currently conducted in many universities, this thesis highlights that CLT is an applicable approach to improve students\u27 communicative competence