71 research outputs found

    IoT in smart communities, technologies and applications.

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    Internet of Things is a system that integrates different devices and technologies, removing the necessity of human intervention. This enables the capacity of having smart (or smarter) cities around the world. By hosting different technologies and allowing interactions between them, the internet of things has spearheaded the development of smart city systems for sustainable living, increased comfort and productivity for citizens. The Internet of Things (IoT) for Smart Cities has many different domains and draws upon various underlying systems for its operation, in this work, we provide a holistic coverage of the Internet of Things in Smart Cities by discussing the fundamental components that make up the IoT Smart City landscape, the technologies that enable these domains to exist, the most prevalent practices and techniques which are used in these domains as well as the challenges that deployment of IoT systems for smart cities encounter and which need to be addressed for ubiquitous use of smart city applications. It also presents a coverage of optimization methods and applications from a smart city perspective enabled by the Internet of Things. Towards this end, a mapping is provided for the most encountered applications of computational optimization within IoT smart cities for five popular optimization methods, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, artificial bee colony optimization and differential evolution. For each application identified, the algorithms used, objectives considered, the nature of the formulation and constraints taken in to account have been specified and discussed. Lastly, the data setup used by each covered work is also mentioned and directions for future work have been identified. Within the smart health domain of IoT smart cities, human activity recognition has been a key study topic in the development of cyber physical systems and assisted living applications. In particular, inertial sensor based systems have become increasingly popular because they do not restrict users’ movement and are also relatively simple to implement compared to other approaches. Fall detection is one of the most important tasks in human activity recognition. With an increasingly aging world population and an inclination by the elderly to live alone, the need to incorporate dependable fall detection schemes in smart devices such as phones, watches has gained momentum. Therefore, differentiating between falls and activities of daily living (ADLs) has been the focus of researchers in recent years with very good results. However, one aspect within fall detection that has not been investigated much is direction and severity aware fall detection. Since a fall detection system aims to detect falls in people and notify medical personnel, it could be of added value to health professionals tending to a patient suffering from a fall to know the nature of the accident. In this regard, as a case study for smart health, four different experiments have been conducted for the task of fall detection with direction and severity consideration on two publicly available datasets. These four experiments not only tackle the problem on an increasingly complicated level (the first one considers a fall only scenario and the other two a combined activity of daily living and fall scenario) but also present methodologies which outperform the state of the art techniques as discussed. Lastly, future recommendations have also been provided for researchers

    A Survey on Intelligent Internet of Things: Applications, Security, Privacy, and Future Directions

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    peer reviewedThe rapid advances in the Internet of Things (IoT) have promoted a revolution in communication technology and offered various customer services. Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques have been exploited to facilitate IoT operations and maximize their potential in modern application scenarios. In particular, the convergence of IoT and AI has led to a new networking paradigm called Intelligent IoT (IIoT), which has the potential to significantly transform businesses and industrial domains. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of IIoT by investigating its significant applications in mobile networks, as well as its associated security and privacy issues. Specifically, we explore and discuss the roles of IIoT in a wide range of key application domains, from smart healthcare and smart cities to smart transportation and smart industries. Through such extensive discussions, we investigate important security issues in IIoT networks, where network attacks, confidentiality, integrity, and intrusion are analyzed, along with a discussion of potential countermeasures. Privacy issues in IIoT networks were also surveyed and discussed, including data, location, and model privacy leakage. Finally, we outline several key challenges and highlight potential research directions in this important area

    Mobility-aware Software-Defined Service-Centric Networking for Service Provisioning in Urban Environments

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    Disruptive applications for mobile devices, such as the Internet of Things, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Immersive Media, and others, have requirements that the current Cloud Computing paradigm cannot meet. These unmet requirements bring the necessity to deploy geographically distributed computing architectures, such as Fog and Mobile Edge Computing. However, bringing computing close to users has its costs. One example of cost is the complexity introduced by the management of the mobility of the devices at the edge. This mobility may lead to issues, such as interruption of the communication with service instances hosted at the edge or an increase in communication latency during mobility events, e.g., handover. These issues, caused by the lack of mobility-aware service management solutions, result in degradation in service provisioning. The present thesis proposes a series of protocols and algorithms to handle user and service mobility at the edge of the network. User mobility is characterized when user change access points of wireless networks, while service mobility happens when services have to be provisioned from different hosts. It assembles them in a solution for mobility-aware service orchestration based on Information-Centric Networking (ICN) and runs on top of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). This solution addresses three issues related to handling user mobility at the edge: (i) proactive support for user mobility events, (ii) service instance addressing management, and (iii) distributed application state data management. For (i), we propose a proactive SDN-based handover scheme. For (ii), we propose an ICN addressing strategy to remove the necessity of updating addresses after service mobility events. For (iii), we propose a graph-based framework for state data placement in the network nodes that accounts for user mobility and latency requirements. The protocols and algorithms proposed in this thesis were compared with different approaches from the literature through simulation. Our results show that the proposed solution can reduce service interruption and latency in the presence of user and service mobility events while maintaining reasonable overhead costs regarding control messages sent in the network by the SDN controller

    A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies: Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements, and Future Directions

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    Security has become the primary concern in many telecommunications industries today as risks can have high consequences. Especially, as the core and enable technologies will be associated with 5G network, the confidential information will move at all layers in future wireless systems. Several incidents revealed that the hazard encountered by an infected wireless network, not only affects the security and privacy concerns, but also impedes the complex dynamics of the communications ecosystem. Consequently, the complexity and strength of security attacks have increased in the recent past making the detection or prevention of sabotage a global challenge. From the security and privacy perspectives, this paper presents a comprehensive detail on the core and enabling technologies, which are used to build the 5G security model; network softwarization security, PHY (Physical) layer security and 5G privacy concerns, among others. Additionally, the paper includes discussion on security monitoring and management of 5G networks. This paper also evaluates the related security measures and standards of core 5G technologies by resorting to different standardization bodies and provide a brief overview of 5G standardization security forces. Furthermore, the key projects of international significance, in line with the security concerns of 5G and beyond are also presented. Finally, a future directions and open challenges section has included to encourage future research.European CommissionNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityUpdate citation details during checkdate report - A

    Selected Papers from the 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications

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    This Special Issue comprises selected papers from the proceedings of the 5th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, held on 15–30 November 2018, on sciforum.net, an online platform for hosting scholarly e-conferences and discussion groups. In this 5th edition of the electronic conference, contributors were invited to provide papers and presentations from the field of sensors and applications at large, resulting in a wide variety of excellent submissions and topic areas. Papers which attracted the most interest on the web or that provided a particularly innovative contribution were selected for publication in this collection. These peer-reviewed papers are published with the aim of rapid and wide dissemination of research results, developments, and applications. We hope this conference series will grow rapidly in the future and become recognized as a new way and venue by which to (electronically) present new developments related to the field of sensors and their applications

    A Fog Computing Approach for Cognitive, Reliable and Trusted Distributed Systems

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    In the Internet of Things era, a big volume of data is generated/gathered every second from billions of connected devices. The current network paradigm, which relies on centralised data centres (a.k.a. Cloud computing), becomes an impractical solution for IoT data storing and processing due to the long distance between the data source (e.g., sensors) and designated data centres. It worth noting that the long distance in this context refers to the physical path and time interval of when data is generated and when it get processed. To explain more, by the time the data reaches a far data centre, the importance of the data can be depreciated. Therefore, the network topologies have evolved to permit data processing and storage at the edge of the network, introducing what so-called fog Computing. The later will obviously lead to improvements in quality of service via processing and responding quickly and efficiently to varieties of data processing requests. Although fog computing is recognized as a promising computing paradigm, it suffers from challenging issues that involve: i) concrete adoption and management of fogs for decentralized data processing. ii) resources allocation in both cloud and fog layers. iii) having a sustainable performance since fog have a limited capacity in comparison with cloud. iv) having a secure and trusted networking environment for fogs to share resources and exchange data securely and efficiently. Hence, the thesis focus is on having a stable performance for fog nodes by enhancing resources management and allocation, along with safety procedures, to aid the IoT-services delivery and cloud computing in the ever growing industry of smart things. The main aspects related to the performance stability of fog computing involves the development of cognitive fog nodes that aim at provide fast and reliable services, efficient resources managements, and trusted networking, and hence ensure the best Quality of Experience, Quality of Service and Quality of Protection to end-users. Therefore the contribution of this thesis in brief is a novel Fog Resource manAgeMEnt Scheme (FRAMES) which has been proposed to crystallise fog distribution and resource management with an appropriate service's loads distribution and allocation based on the Fog-2-Fog coordination. Also, a novel COMputIng Trust manageMENT (COMITMENT) which is a software-based approach that is responsible for providing a secure and trusted environment for fog nodes to share their resources and exchange data packets. Both FRAMES and COMITMENT are encapsulated in the proposed Cognitive Fog (CF) computing which aims at making fog able to not only act on the data but also interpret the gathered data in a way that mimics the process of cognition in the human mind. Hence, FRAMES provide CF with elastic resource managements for load balancing and resolving congestion, while the COMITMENT employ trust and recommendations models to avoid malicious fog nodes in the Fog-2-Fog coordination environment. The proposed algorithms for FRAMES and COMITMENT have outperformed the competitive benchmark algorithms, namely Random Walks Offloading (RWO) and Nearest Fog Offloading (NFO) in the experiments to verify the validity and performance. The experiments were conducted on the performance (in terms of latency), load balancing among fog nodes and fogs trustworthiness along with detecting malicious events and attacks in the Fog-2-Fog environment. The performance of the proposed FRAMES's offloading algorithms has the lowest run-time (i.e., latency) against the benchmark algorithms (RWO and NFO) for processing equal-number of packets. Also, COMITMENT's algorithms were able to detect the collaboration requests whether they are secure, malicious or anonymous. The proposed work shows potential in achieving a sustainable fog networking paradigm and highlights significant benefits of fog computing in the computing ecosystem

    Edge/Fog Computing Technologies for IoT Infrastructure

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    The prevalence of smart devices and cloud computing has led to an explosion in the amount of data generated by IoT devices. Moreover, emerging IoT applications, such as augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR), intelligent transportation systems, and smart factories require ultra-low latency for data communication and processing. Fog/edge computing is a new computing paradigm where fully distributed fog/edge nodes located nearby end devices provide computing resources. By analyzing, filtering, and processing at local fog/edge resources instead of transferring tremendous data to the centralized cloud servers, fog/edge computing can reduce the processing delay and network traffic significantly. With these advantages, fog/edge computing is expected to be one of the key enabling technologies for building the IoT infrastructure. Aiming to explore the recent research and development on fog/edge computing technologies for building an IoT infrastructure, this book collected 10 articles. The selected articles cover diverse topics such as resource management, service provisioning, task offloading and scheduling, container orchestration, and security on edge/fog computing infrastructure, which can help to grasp recent trends, as well as state-of-the-art algorithms of fog/edge computing technologies

    Remote Sensing

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    This dual conception of remote sensing brought us to the idea of preparing two different books; in addition to the first book which displays recent advances in remote sensing applications, this book is devoted to new techniques for data processing, sensors and platforms. We do not intend this book to cover all aspects of remote sensing techniques and platforms, since it would be an impossible task for a single volume. Instead, we have collected a number of high-quality, original and representative contributions in those areas

    Autonomous Vehicles

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    This edited volume, Autonomous Vehicles, is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of vehicle autonomy. The book comprises nine chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field of study. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims to provide a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors, open new possible research paths for further novel developments, and to inspire the younger generations into pursuing relevant academic studies and professional careers within the autonomous vehicle field

    An Embryonics Inspired Architecture for Resilient Decentralised Cloud Service Delivery

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    Data-driven artificial intelligence applications arising from Internet of Things technologies can have profound wide-reaching societal benefits at the cross-section of the cyber and physical domains. Usecases are expanding rapidly. For example, smart-homes and smart-buildings provide intelligent monitoring, resource optimisation, safety, and security for their inhabitants. Smart cities can manage transport, waste, energy, and crime on large scales. Whilst smart-manufacturing can autonomously produce goods through the self-management of factories and logistics. As these use-cases expand further, the requirement to ensure data is processed accurately and timely is ever crucial, as many of these applications are safety critical. Where loss off life and economic damage is a likely possibility in the event of system failure. While the typical service delivery paradigm, cloud computing, is strong due to operating upon economies of scale, their physical proximity to these applications creates network latency which is incompatible with these safety critical applications. To complicate matters further, the environments they operate in are becoming increasingly hostile. With resource-constrained and mobile wireless networking, commonplace. These issues drive the need for new service delivery architectures which operate closer to, or even upon, the network devices, sensors and actuators which compose these IoT applications at the network edge. These hostile and resource constrained environments require adaptation of traditional cloud service delivery models to these decentralised mobile and wireless environments. Such architectures need to provide persistent service delivery within the face of a variety of internal and external changes or: resilient decentralised cloud service delivery. While the current state of the art proposes numerous techniques to enhance the resilience of services in this manner, none provide an architecture which is capable of providing data processing services in a cloud manner which is inherently resilient. Adopting techniques from autonomic computing, whose characteristics are resilient by nature, this thesis presents a biologically-inspired platform modelled on embryonics. Embryonic systems have an ability to self-heal and self-organise whilst showing capacity to support decentralised data processing. An initial model for embryonics-inspired resilient decentralised cloud service delivery is derived according to both the decentralised cloud, and resilience requirements given for this work. Next, this model is simulated using cellular automata, which illustrate the embryonic concept’s ability to provide self-healing service delivery under varying system component loss. This highlights optimisation techniques, including: application complexity bounds, differentiation optimisation, self-healing aggression, and varying system starting conditions. All attributes of which can be adjusted to vary the resilience performance of the system depending upon different resource capabilities and environmental hostilities. Next, a proof-of-concept implementation is developed and validated which illustrates the efficacy of the solution. This proof-of-concept is evaluated on a larger scale where batches of tests highlighted the different performance criteria and constraints of the system. One key finding was the considerable quantity of redundant messages produced under successful scenarios which were helpful in terms of enabling resilience yet could increase network contention. Therefore balancing these attributes are important according to use-case. Finally, graph-based resilience algorithms were executed across all tests to understand the structural resilience of the system and whether this enabled suitable measurements or prediction of the application’s resilience. Interestingly this study highlighted that although the system was not considered to be structurally resilient, the applications were still being executed in the face of many continued component failures. This highlighted that the autonomic embryonic functionality developed was succeeding in executing applications resiliently. Illustrating that structural and application resilience do not necessarily coincide. Additionally, one graph metric, assortativity, was highlighted as being predictive of application resilience, although not structural resilience
