2,012 research outputs found

    Infrastructure for Semantic Annotation in the Genomics Domain

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    We describe a novel super-infrastructure for biomedical text mining which incorporates an end-to-end pipeline for the collection, annotation, storage, retrieval and analysis of biomedical and life sciences literature, combining NLP and corpus linguistics methods. The infrastructure permits extreme-scale research on the open access PubMed Central archive. It combines an updatable Gene Ontology Semantic Tagger (GOST) for entity identification and semantic markup in the literature, with a NLP pipeline scheduler (Buster) to collect and process the corpus, and a bespoke columnar corpus database (LexiDB) for indexing. The corpus database is distributed to permit fast indexing, and provides a simple web front-end with corpus linguistics methods for sub-corpus comparison and retrieval. GOST is also connected as a service in the Language Application (LAPPS) Grid, in which context it is interoperable with other NLP tools and data in the Grid and can be combined with them in more complex workflows. In a literature based discovery setting, we have created an annotated corpus of 9,776 papers with 5,481,543 words

    A FAIR approach to genomics

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    The aim of this thesis was to increase our understanding on how genome information leads to function and phenotype. To address these questions, I developed a semantic systems biology framework capable of extracting knowledge, biological concepts and emergent system properties, from a vast array of publicly available genome information. In chapter 2, Empusa is described as an infrastructure that bridges the gap between the intended and actual content of a database. This infrastructure was used in chapters 3 and 4 to develop the framework. Chapter 3 describes the development of the Genome Biology Ontology Language and the GBOL stack of supporting tools enforcing consistency within and between the GBOL definitions in the ontology (OWL) and the Shape Expressions (ShEx) language describing the graph structure. A practical implementation of a semantic systems biology framework for FAIR (de novo) genome annotation is provided in chapter 4. The semantic framework and genome annotation tool described in this chapter has been used throughout this thesis to consistently, structurally and functionally annotate and mine microbial genomes used in chapter 5-10. In chapter 5, we introduced how the concept of protein domains and corresponding architectures can be used in comparative functional genomics to provide for a fast, efficient and scalable alternative to sequence-based methods. This allowed us to effectively compare and identify functional variations between hundreds to thousands of genomes. In chapter 6, we used 432 available complete Pseudomonas genomes to study the relationship between domain essentiality and persistence. In this chapter the focus was mainly on domains involved in metabolic functions. The metabolic domain space was explored for domain essentiality and persistence through the integration of heterogeneous data sources including six published metabolic models, a vast gene expression repository and transposon data. In chapter 7, the correlation between the expected and observed genotypes was explored using 16S-rRNA phylogeny and protein domain class content as input. In this chapter it was shown that domain class content yields a higher resolution in comparison to 16S-rRNA when analysing evolutionary distances. Using protein domain classes, we also were able to identify signifying domains, which may have important roles in shaping a species. To demonstrate the use of semantic systems biology workflows in a biotechnological setting we expanded the resource with more than 80.000 bacterial genomes. The genomic information of this resource was mined using a top down approach to identify strains having the trait for 1,3-propanediol production. This resulted in the molecular identification of 49 new species. In addition, we also experimentally verified that 4 species were capable of producing 1,3-propanediol. As discussed in chapter 10, the here developed semantic systems biology workflows were successfully applied in the discovery of key elements in symbiotic relationships, to improve functional genome annotation and in comparative genomics studies. Wet/dry-lab collaboration was often at the basis of the obtained results. The success of the collaboration between the wet and dry field, prompted me to develop an undergraduate course in which the concept of the “Moist” workflow was introduced (Chapter 9).</p

    XML in Motion from Genome to Drug

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    Information technology (IT) has emerged as a central to the solution of contemporary genomics and drug discovery problems. Researchers involved in genomics, proteomics, transcriptional profiling, high throughput structure determination, and in other sub-disciplines of bioinformatics have direct impact on this IT revolution. As the full genome sequences of many species, data from structural genomics, micro-arrays, and proteomics became available, integration of these data to a common platform require sophisticated bioinformatics tools. Organizing these data into knowledgeable databases and developing appropriate software tools for analyzing the same are going to be major challenges. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) forms the backbone of biological data representation and exchange over the internet, enabling researchers to aggregate data from various heterogeneous data resources. The present article covers a comprehensive idea of the integration of XML on particular type of biological databases mainly dealing with sequence-structure-function relationship and its application towards drug discovery. This e-medical science approach should be applied to other scientific domains and the latest trend in semantic web applications is also highlighted

    Integration and mining of malaria molecular, functional and pharmacological data: how far are we from a chemogenomic knowledge space?

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    The organization and mining of malaria genomic and post-genomic data is highly motivated by the necessity to predict and characterize new biological targets and new drugs. Biological targets are sought in a biological space designed from the genomic data from Plasmodium falciparum, but using also the millions of genomic data from other species. Drug candidates are sought in a chemical space containing the millions of small molecules stored in public and private chemolibraries. Data management should therefore be as reliable and versatile as possible. In this context, we examined five aspects of the organization and mining of malaria genomic and post-genomic data: 1) the comparison of protein sequences including compositionally atypical malaria sequences, 2) the high throughput reconstruction of molecular phylogenies, 3) the representation of biological processes particularly metabolic pathways, 4) the versatile methods to integrate genomic data, biological representations and functional profiling obtained from X-omic experiments after drug treatments and 5) the determination and prediction of protein structures and their molecular docking with drug candidate structures. Progresses toward a grid-enabled chemogenomic knowledge space are discussed.Comment: 43 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Malaria Journa

    Semantic text mining support for lignocellulose research

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    Biofuels produced from biomass are considered to be promising sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. The conversion of lignocellulose into fermentable sugars for biofuels production requires the use of enzyme cocktails that can efficiently and economically hydrolyze lignocellulosic biomass. As many fungi naturally break down lignocellulose, the identification and characterization of the enzymes involved is a key challenge in the research and development of biomass-derived products and fuels. One approach to meeting this challenge is to mine the rapidly-expanding repertoire of microbial genomes for enzymes with the appropriate catalytic properties. Semantic technologies, including natural language processing, ontologies, semantic Web services and Web-based collaboration tools, promise to support users in handling complex data, thereby facilitating knowledge-intensive tasks. An ongoing challenge is to select the appropriate technologies and combine them in a coherent system that brings measurable improvements to the users. We present our ongoing development of a semantic infrastructure in support of genomics-based lignocellulose research. Part of this effort is the automated curation of knowledge from information on fungal enzymes that is available in the literature and genome resources. Working closely with fungal biology researchers who manually curate the existing literature, we developed ontological natural language processing pipelines integrated in a Web-based interface to assist them in two main tasks: mining the literature for relevant knowledge, and at the same time providing rich and semantically linked information

    Interface analysis between GSVML and HL7 version 3

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    AbstractIn order to realize gene-based medicine, a number of key challenges must be overcome. Construction of infrastructure capable of integrating genetic and clinical information is one of those challenges. The Genomic Sequence Variation Markup Language (GSVML) and the Health Level Seven Version 3 (HL7v3) are important electronic data exchange standards for clinical genome infrastructure, and compatibility between these two standards will promote the above integration. In this study, we analyzed the interface between GSVML and HL7v3, primarily for the Clinical Genomics Domain, from a view of the GSVML, and were able to create a blueprint for a functional interface between GSVML and HL7v3. We expect that these analytical results will help accelerate the realization of gene-based medicine

    BioCloud Search EnGene: Surfing Biological Data on the Cloud

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    The massive production and spread of biomedical data around the web introduces new challenges related to identify computational approaches for providing quality search and browsing of web resources. This papers presents BioCloud Search EnGene (BSE), a cloud application that facilitates searching and integration of the many layers of biological information offered by public large-scale genomic repositories. Grounding on the concept of dataspace, BSE is built on top of a cloud platform that severely curtails issues associated with scalability and performance. Like popular online gene portals, BSE adopts a gene-centric approach: researchers can find their information of interest by means of a simple “Google-like” query interface that accepts standard gene identification as keywords. We present BSE architecture and functionality and discuss how our strategies contribute to successfully tackle big data problems in querying gene-based web resources. BSE is publically available at: http://biocloud-unica.appspot.com/

    From Questions to Effective Answers: On the Utility of Knowledge-Driven Querying Systems for Life Sciences Data

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    We compare two distinct approaches for querying data in the context of the life sciences. The first approach utilizes conventional databases to store the data and intuitive form-based interfaces to facilitate easy querying of the data. These interfaces could be seen as implementing a set of "pre-canned" queries commonly used by the life science researchers that we study. The second approach is based on semantic Web technologies and is knowledge (model) driven. It utilizes a large OWL ontology and same datasets as before but associated as RDF instances of the ontology concepts. An intuitive interface is provided that allows the formulation of RDF triples-based queries. Both these approaches are being used in parallel by a team of cell biologists in their daily research activities, with the objective of gradually replacing the conventional approach with the knowledge-driven one. This provides us with a valuable opportunity to compare and qualitatively evaluate the two approaches. We describe several benefits of the knowledge-driven approach in comparison to the traditional way of accessing data, and highlight a few limitations as well. We believe that our analysis not only explicitly highlights the specific benefits and limitations of semantic Web technologies in our context but also contributes toward effective ways of translating a question in a researcher's mind into precise computational queries with the intent of obtaining effective answers from the data. While researchers often assume the benefits of semantic Web technologies, we explicitly illustrate these in practice
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