158 research outputs found

    Ensemble Feature Learning-Based Event Classification for Cyber-Physical Security of the Smart Grid

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    The power grids are transforming into the cyber-physical smart grid with increasing two-way communications and abundant data flows. Despite the efficiency and reliability promised by this transformation, the growing threats and incidences of cyber attacks targeting the physical power systems have exposed severe vulnerabilities. To tackle such vulnerabilities, intrusion detection systems (IDS) are proposed to monitor threats for the cyber-physical security of electrical power and energy systems in the smart grid with increasing machine-to-machine communication. However, the multi-sourced, correlated, and often noise-contained data, which record various concurring cyber and physical events, are posing significant challenges to the accurate distinction by IDS among events of inadvertent and malignant natures. Hence, in this research, an ensemble learning-based feature learning and classification for cyber-physical smart grid are designed and implemented. The contribution of this research are (i) the design, implementation and evaluation of an ensemble learning-based attack classifier using extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) to effectively detect and identify attack threats from the heterogeneous cyber-physical information in the smart grid; (ii) the design, implementation and evaluation of stacked denoising autoencoder (SDAE) to extract highlyrepresentative feature space that allow reconstruction of a noise-free input from noise-corrupted perturbations; (iii) the design, implementation and evaluation of a novel ensemble learning-based feature extractors that combine multiple autoencoder (AE) feature extractors and random forest base classifiers, so as to enable accurate reconstruction of each feature and reliable classification against malicious events. The simulation results validate the usefulness of ensemble learning approach in detecting malicious events in the cyber-physical smart grid

    Network Threat Detection Using Machine/Deep Learning in SDN-Based Platforms: A Comprehensive Analysis of State-of-the-Art Solutions, Discussion, Challenges, and Future Research Direction

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    A revolution in network technology has been ushered in by software defined networking (SDN), which makes it possible to control the network from a central location and provides an overview of the network’s security. Despite this, SDN has a single point of failure that increases the risk of potential threats. Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) prevent intrusions into a network and preserve the network’s integrity, availability, and confidentiality. Much work has been done on NIDS but there are still improvements needed in reducing false alarms and increasing threat detection accuracy. Recently advanced approaches such as deep learning (DL) and machine learning (ML) have been implemented in SDN-based NIDS to overcome the security issues within a network. In the first part of this survey paper, we offer an introduction to the NIDS theory, as well as recent research that has been conducted on the topic. After that, we conduct a thorough analysis of the most recent ML- and DL-based NIDS approaches to ensure reliable identification of potential security risks. Finally, we focus on the opportunities and difficulties that lie ahead for future research on SDN-based ML and DL for NIDS.publishedVersio

    Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Net for Enhancing Ensemble Classifiers in Sepsis Diagnosis

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    Antibiotic-resistant bacteria have proliferated at an alarming rate as a result of the extensive use of antibiotics and the paucity of new medication research. The possibility that an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection would progress to sepsis is one of the major collateral problems affecting people with this condition. 31,000 lives were lost due to sepsis in England with costs about two billion pounds annually. This research aims to develop and evaluate several classification approaches to improve predicting sepsis and reduce the tendency of underdiagnosis in computer-aided predictive tools. This research employs medical data sets for patients diagnosed with sepsis, it analyses the efficacy of ensemble machine learning techniques compared to non ensemble machine learning techniques and the significance of data balancing and Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Nets for data augmentation in producing reliable diagnosis. The average F Score obtained by the non-ensemble models trained in this paper is 0.83 compared to the ensemble techniques average of 0.94. Nonensemble techniques, such as Decision Tree, achieved an F score of 0.90, an AUC of 0.90 and an accuracy of 90%. Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Classification Tree achieved an F score of 0.96, an AUC of 0.96 and an accuracy of 95%, surpassing the other models tested. Additionally, when compared to the current state of the art sepsis prediction models, the models developed in this study demonstrated higher average performance in all metrics, indicating reduced bias and improved robustness through data balancing and Conditional Tabular Generative Adversarial Nets for data augmentation. The study revealed that data balancing and augmentation on the ensemble machine learning algorithms boost the efficacy of clinical predictive models and can help clinics decide which data types are most important when examining patients and diagnosing sepsis early through intelligent human-machine interface

    Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms and Their Ensembles for Botnet Detection

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    A Botnet is a network of compromised devices controlled by a botmaster often for nefarious purposes. Analyzing network traffc to detect Botnet traffc has historically been an effective approach for systems monitoring for network intrusion. Although such system have been applying various machine learning techniques, little investigation into a comparison of machine algorithms and their ensembles has been undertaken. In this study, three popular classifcation machine learning algorithms – Naive Bayes, Decision tree, and Neural network – as well as the ensemble methods known to strengthen said classifers are evaluated for enhanced results related to Botnet detection. This evaluation is conducted with the CTU-13 public dataset, measuring the training time and accuracy scores of each classifer

    A survey of multiple classifier systems as hybrid systems

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    A current focus of intense research in pattern classification is the combination of several classifier systems, which can be built following either the same or different models and/or datasets building approaches. These systems perform information fusion of classification decisions at different levels overcoming limitations of traditional approaches based on single classifiers. This paper presents an up-to-date survey on multiple classifier system (MCS) from the point of view of Hybrid Intelligent Systems. The article discusses major issues, such as diversity and decision fusion methods, providing a vision of the spectrum of applications that are currently being developed

    AI-based algorithm for intrusion detection on a real Dataset

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    [Abstract]: In this Project, Novel Machine Learning proposals are given to produce a Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS). For this, a state of the art Dataset for Cyclo Stationary NIDS has been used, together with a previously proposed standard methodology to compare the results of different models over the same Dataset. An extensive research has been done for this Project about the different Datasets available for NIDS, as has been done to expose the evolution and functioning of IDSs. Finally, experiments have been made with Outlier Detectors, Ensemble Methods, Deep Learning and Conventional Classifiers to compare with previously published results over the same Dataset and with the same methodology. The findings reveal that the Ensemble Methods have been capable to improve the results from prior research being the best approach the Extreme Gradient Boosting method.[Resumen]: En este Proyecto, se presentan novedosas propuestas de Aprendizaje Automático para producir un Sistema de Detección de Intrusos en Red (NIDS). Para ello, se ha utilizado un Dataset de última generación para NIDS Cicloestacionarios, junto con una metodología estándar previamente propuesta para comparar los resultados de diferentes modelos sobre el mismo Dataset. Para este Proyecto se ha realizado una extensa investigación sobre los diferentes conjuntos de datos disponibles para NIDS, así como se ha expuesto la evolución y funcionamiento de los IDSs. Por último, se han realizado experimentos con Detectores de Anomalias, Métodos de Conjunto, Aprendizaje Profundo y Clasificadores Convencionales para comparar con resultados previamente publicados sobre el mismo Dataset y con la misma metodología. Los resultados revelan que los Métodos de Conjunto han sido capaces de mejorar los resultados de investigaciones previas siendo el mejor enfoque el método de Extreme Gradient Boosting.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FIC). Enxeñaría Informática. Curso 2022/202

    Intrusion Detection: Embedded Software Machine Learning and Hardware Rules Based Co-Designs

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    Security of innovative technologies in future generation networks such as (Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Wi-Fi has become a critical universal issue for individuals, economy, enterprises, organizations and governments. The rate of cyber-attacks has increased dramatically, and the tactics used by the attackers are continuing to evolve and have become ingenious during the attacks. Intrusion Detection is one of the solutions against these attacks. One approach in designing an intrusion detection system (IDS) is software-based machine learning. Such approach can predict and detect threats before they result in major security incidents. Moreover, despite the considerable research in machine learning based designs, there is still a relatively small body of literature that is concerned with imbalanced class distributions from the intrusion detection system perspective. In addition, it is necessary to have an effective performance metric that can compare multiple multi-class as well as binary-class systems with respect to class distribution. Furthermore, the expectant detection techniques must have the ability to identify real attacks from random defects, ingrained defects in the design, misconfigurations of the system devices, system faults, human errors, and software implementation errors. Moreover, a lightweight IDS that is small, real-time, flexible and reconfigurable enough to be used as permanent elements of the system's security infrastructure is essential. The main goal of the current study is to design an effective and accurate intrusion detection framework with minimum features that are more discriminative and representative. Three publicly available datasets representing variant networking environments are adopted which also reflect realistic imbalanced class distributions as well as updated attack patterns. The presented intrusion detection framework is composed of three main modules: feature selection and dimensionality reduction, handling imbalanced class distributions, and classification. The feature selection mechanism utilizes searching algorithms and correlation based subset evaluation techniques, whereas the feature dimensionality reduction part utilizes principal component analysis and auto-encoder as an instance of deep learning. Various classifiers, including eight single-learning classifiers, four ensemble classifiers, one stacked classifier, and five imbalanced class handling approaches are evaluated to identify the most efficient and accurate one(s) for the proposed intrusion detection framework. A hardware-based approach to detect malicious behaviors of sensors and actuators embedded in medical devices, in which the safety of the patient is critical and of utmost importance, is additionally proposed. The idea is based on a methodology that transforms a device's behavior rules into a state machine to build a Behavior Specification Rules Monitoring (BSRM) tool for four medical devices. Simulation and synthesis results demonstrate that the BSRM tool can effectively identify the expected normal behavior of the device and detect any deviation from its normal behavior. The performance of the BSRM approach has also been compared with a machine learning based approach for the same problem. The FPGA module of the BSRM can be embedded in medical devices as an IDS and can be further integrated with the machine learning based approach. The reconfigurable nature of the FPGA chip adds an extra advantage to the designed model in which the behavior rules can be easily updated and tailored according to the requirements of the device, patient, treatment algorithm, and/or pervasive healthcare application

    Imbalanced data classification and its application in cyber security

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    Cyber security, also known as information technology security or simply as information security, aims to protect government organizations, companies and individuals by defending their computers, servers, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. With the advancement of client-side on the fly web content generation techniques, it becomes easier for attackers to modify the content of a website dynamically and gain access to valuable information. The impact of cybercrime to the global economy is now more than ever, and it is growing day by day. Among various types of cybercrimes, financial attacks are widely spread and the financial sector is among most targeted. Both corporations and individuals are losing a huge amount of money each year. The majority portion of financial attacks is carried out by banking malware and web-based attacks. The end users are not always skilled enough to differentiate between injected content and actual contents of a webpage. Designing a real-time security system for ensuring a safe browsing experience is a challenging task. Some of the existing solutions are designed for client side and all the users have to install it in their system, which is very difficult to implement. In addition, various platforms and tools are used by organizations and individuals, therefore, different solutions are needed to be designed. The existing server-side solution often focuses on sanitizing and filtering the inputs. It will fail to detect obfuscated and hidden scripts. This is a realtime security system and any significant delay will hamper user experience. Therefore, finding the most optimized and efficient solution is very important. To ensure an easy installation and integration capabilities of any solution with the existing system is also a critical factor to consider. If the solution is efficient but difficult to integrate, then it may not be a feasible solution for practical use. Unsupervised and supervised data classification techniques have been widely applied to design algorithms for solving cyber security problems. The performance of these algorithms varies depending on types of cyber security problems and size of datasets. To date, existing algorithms do not achieve high accuracy in detecting malware activities. Datasets in cyber security and, especially those from financial sectors, are predominantly imbalanced datasets as the number of malware activities is significantly less than the number of normal activities. This means that classifiers for imbalanced datasets can be used to develop supervised data classification algorithms to detect malware activities. Development of classifiers for imbalanced data sets has been subject of research over the last decade. Most of these classifiers are based on oversampling and undersampling techniques and are not efficient in many situations as such techniques are applied globally. In this thesis, we develop two new algorithms for solving supervised data classification problems in imbalanced datasets and then apply them to solve malware detection problems. The first algorithm is designed using the piecewise linear classifiers by formulating this problem as an optimization problem and by applying the penalty function method. More specifically, we add more penalty to the objective function for misclassified points from minority classes. The second method is based on the combination of the supervised and unsupervised (clustering) algorithms. Such an approach allows one to identify areas in the input space where minority classes are located and to apply local oversampling or undersampling. This approach leads to the design of more efficient and accurate classifiers. The proposed algorithms are tested using real-world datasets. Results clearly demonstrate superiority of newly introduced algorithms. Then we apply these algorithms to design classifiers to detect malwares.Doctor of Philosoph

    A critical review of intrusion detection systems in the internet of things : techniques, deployment strategy, validation strategy, attacks, public datasets and challenges

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has been rapidly evolving towards making a greater impact on everyday life to large industrial systems. Unfortunately, this has attracted the attention of cybercriminals who made IoT a target of malicious activities, opening the door to a possible attack on the end nodes. To this end, Numerous IoT intrusion detection Systems (IDS) have been proposed in the literature to tackle attacks on the IoT ecosystem, which can be broadly classified based on detection technique, validation strategy, and deployment strategy. This survey paper presents a comprehensive review of contemporary IoT IDS and an overview of techniques, deployment Strategy, validation strategy and datasets that are commonly applied for building IDS. We also review how existing IoT IDS detect intrusive attacks and secure communications on the IoT. It also presents the classification of IoT attacks and discusses future research challenges to counter such IoT attacks to make IoT more secure. These purposes help IoT security researchers by uniting, contrasting, and compiling scattered research efforts. Consequently, we provide a unique IoT IDS taxonomy, which sheds light on IoT IDS techniques, their advantages and disadvantages, IoT attacks that exploit IoT communication systems, corresponding advanced IDS and detection capabilities to detect IoT attacks. © 2021, The Author(s)
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