2,486 research outputs found

    Made-up minds : a constructivist approach to artificial intelligence

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1989.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 211-214).by Gary L. Drescher.Ph.D

    Motivation and constraints of illocution in the lexical constructional model: the case of the Aux NP construction

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    This article addresses the motivation and constraints of illocutionary meaning production. Within the framework of the Lexical Constructional Model (LCM), I explore how our knowledge of illocution is understood in terms of high-level situational models which are activated to produce speech act meaning and the way such operations motivate the conventionalized value of linguistic expressions. In so doing, I analyze the realization procedures of the Aux NP construction in relation to their potential to exploit the semantic base of requestive acts. I will study the most conventional linguistic realizations of the construction and explore the way in which such realizations are used to produce a requestive meaning. The resulting account provides a comprehensive understanding of the constructional nature of illocutionary meaning on the basis of naturally occurring data

    An Efficient and Flexible Implementation of Aspect-Oriented Languages

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    Compilers for modern object-oriented programming languages generate code in a platform independent intermediate language preserving the concepts of the source language; for example, classes, fields, methods, and virtual or static dispatch can be directly identified within the intermediate code. To execute this intermediate code, state-of-the-art implementations of virtual machines perform just-in-time (JIT) compilation of the intermediate language; i.e., the virtual instructions in the intermediate code are compiled to native machine code at runtime. In this step, a declarative representation of source language concepts in the intermediate language facilitates highly efficient adaptive and speculative optimization of the running program which may not be possible otherwise. In contrast, constructs of aspect-oriented languages - which improve the separation of concerns - are commonly realized by compiling them to conventional intermediate language instructions or by driving transformations of the intermediate code, which is called weaving. This way the aspect-oriented constructs' semantics is not preserved in a declarative manner at the intermediate language level. This representational gap between aspect-oriented concepts in the source code and in the intermediate code hinders high performance optimizations and weakens features of software engineering processes like debugging support or the continuity property of incremental compilation: modifying an aspect in the source code potentially requires re-weaving multiple other modules. To leverage language implementation techniques for aspect-oriented languages, this thesis proposes the Aspect-Language Implementation Architecture (ALIA) which prescribes - amongst others - the existence of an intermediate representation preserving the aspect-oriented constructs of the source program. A central component of this architecture is an extensible and flexible meta-model of aspect-oriented concepts which acts as an interface between front-ends (usually a compiler) and back-ends (usually a virtual machine) of aspect-oriented language implementations. The architecture and the meta-model are embodied for Java-based aspect-oriented languages in the Framework for Implementing Aspect Languages (FIAL) respectively the Language-Independent Aspect Meta-Model (LIAM) which is part of the framework. FIAL generically implements the work flows required from an execution environment when executing aspects provided in terms of LIAM. In addition to the first-class intermediate representation of aspect-oriented concepts, ALIA - and the FIAL framework as its incarnation - treat the points of interaction between aspects and other modules - so-called join points - as being late-bound to an implementation. In analogy to the object-oriented terminology for late-bound methods, the join points are called virtual in ALIA. Together, the first-class representation of aspect-oriented concepts in the intermediate representation as well as treating join points as being virtual facilitate the implementation of new and effective optimizations for aspect-oriented programs. Three different instantiations of the FIAL framework are presented in this thesis, showcasing the feasibility of integrating language back-ends with different characteristics with the framework. One integration supports static aspect deployment and produces results similar to conventional aspect weavers; the woven code is executable on any standard Java virtual machine. Two instantiations are fully dynamic, where one is realized as a portable plug-in for standard Java virtual machines and the other one, called Steamloom^ALIA , is realized as a deep integration into a specific virtual machine, the Jikes Research Virtual Machine Alpern2005. While the latter instantiation is not portable, it exhibits an outstanding performance. Virtual join point dispatch is a generalization of virtual method dispatch. Thus, well established and elaborate optimization techniques from the field of virtual method dispatch are re-used with slight adaptations in Steamloom^ALIA . These optimizations for aspect-oriented concepts go beyond the generation of optimal bytecode. Especially strikingly, the power of such optimizations is shown in this thesis by the examples of the cflow dynamic property, which may be necessary to evaluate during virtual join point dispatch, and dynamic aspect deployment - i.e., the selective modification of specific join points' dispatch. In order to evaluate the optimization techniques developed in this thesis, a means for benchmarking has been developed in terms of macro-benchmarks; i.e., real-world applications are executed. These benchmarks show that for both concepts the implementation presented here is at least circa twice as fast as state-of-the-art implementations performing static optimizations of the generated bytecode; in many cases this thesis's optimizations even reach a speed-up of two orders of magnitude for the cflow implementation and even four orders of magnitude for the dynamic deployment. The intermediate representation in terms of LIAM models is general enough to express the constructs of multiple aspect-oriented languages. Therefore, optimizations of features common to different languages are available to applications written in all of them. To proof that the abstractions provided by LIAM are sufficient to act as intermediate language for multiple aspect-oriented source languages, an automated translation from source code to LIAM models has been realized for three very different and popular aspect-oriented languages: AspectJ, JAsCo and Compose*. In addition, the feasibility of translating from CaesarJ to LIAM models is shown by discussion. The use of an extensible meta-model as intermediate representation furthermore simplifies the definition of new aspect-oriented language concepts as is shown in terms of a tutorial-style example of designing a domain specific extension to the Java language in this thesis

    Toward Representing Research Contributions in Scholarly Knowledge Graphs Using Knowledge Graph Cells

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    There is currently a gap between the natural language expression of scholarly publications and their structured semantic content modeling to enable intelligent content search. With the volume of research growing exponentially every year, a search feature operating over semantically structured content is compelling. Toward this end, in this work, we propose a novel semantic data model for modeling the contribution of scientific investigations. Our model, i.e. the Research Contribution Model (RCM), includes a schema of pertinent concepts highlighting six core information units, viz. Objective, Method, Activity, Agent, Material, and Result, on which the contribution hinges. It comprises bottom-up design considerations made from three scientific domains, viz. Medicine, Computer Science, and Agriculture, which we highlight as case studies. For its implementation in a knowledge graph application we introduce the idea of building blocks called Knowledge Graph Cells (KGC), which provide the following characteristics: (1) they limit the expressibility of ontologies to what is relevant in a knowledge graph regarding specific concepts on the theme of research contributions; (2) they are expressible via ABox and TBox expressions; (3) they enforce a certain level of data consistency by ensuring that a uniform modeling scheme is followed through rules and input controls; (4) they organize the knowledge graph into named graphs; (5) they provide information for the front end for displaying the knowledge graph in a human-readable form such as HTML pages; and (6) they can be seamlessly integrated into any existing publishing process thatsupports form-based input abstracting its semantic technicalities including RDF semantification from the user. Thus RCM joins the trend of existing work toward enhanced digitalization of scholarly publication enabled by an RDF semantification as a knowledge graph fostering the evolution of the scholarly publications beyond written text

    Nomic-Role Nonreductionism: Identifying Properties by Total Nomic Roles

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    I introduce "nomic-role nonreductionism" as an alternative to traditional causal-role functionalism in the philosophy of mind. Rather than identify mental properties by a theory that describes their intra-level causal roles via types of inputs, internal states, and outputs, I suggest that one identify mental properties by a more comprehensive theory that also describes inter-level realization roles via types of lower-level engineering, internal mental states, and still higher-level states generated by them. I defend this position on grounds that mental properties should be understood by our best scientific theories, which at present include informatioin about mental engineering. I further defend this claim by a "parity of reasons" argument. Causal-role functionalists are justified to include sensory stimuli in their theory of mind as opposed to, say, the remote causes of sensory stimuli because the former but not the latter are items of direct mental production. But ditto for the system's physical realizations. They too directly produce mental states, only not by "causing" them but by "realizing" them. Engineering realizations and their input triggering conditions work in tandem. In addition, I tell a related but more general metaphysical story about property identity, namely, that the traditional causal theory should be replaced by a more comprehensive nomic theory that individuates properties by their intra-level causal powers as well as their inter-level realization capacities

    End-user storytelling with a CIDOC CRM - based semantic wiki

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    International audienceThis paper presents the current state of an experiment intended to use the CIDOC CRM as a knowledge representation language. STEM freshers freely constitute groups of 2 to 4 members and choose a theme; groups have to model, structure, write and present a story within a web-hosted semantic wiki. The main part of the CIDOC CRM is used as an ontological core where students are hanging up classes and properties of the domain related to the story. The hypothesis is made that once the entry ticket has been paid, the CRM guides the end-user in a fairly natural manner for reading - and writing - the story. The intermediary assessment of the wikis allowed us to detect confusion between immaterial work and (physical) realisation of the work; and difficulty in having event-centred modelling. Final assessment results are satisfactory but may be improved. Some groups did not acquire modelling abilities - although this is a central issue in a semantic web course. Results also indicate that the scope of the course (semantic web) is somewhat too ambitious. This experience was performed in order to attract students to computer science studies but it did not produce the expected results. It did however succeed in arousing student interest, and it may contribute to the dissemination of ontologies and to making CIDOC CRM widespread

    Data description and manipulation in persistent programming languages

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