232 research outputs found

    Passive round-trip-time positioning in dense ieee 802.11 networks

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    The search for a unique and globally available location solution has attracted researchers for a long time. However, a solution for indoor scenarios, where high accuracy is needed, and Global Positioning System (GPS) is not available, has not been found yet. Despite the number of proposals in the literature, some require too long a calibration time for constructing the fingerprinting map, some rely on the periodic broadcast of positioning information that may downgrade the data communication channel, while others require specific hardware components that are not expected to be carried on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) wireless devices. The scalability of the location solution is another key parameter for next-generation internet of things (IoT) and 5G scenarios. A passive solution for indoor positioning of WiFi devices is first introduced here, which merges a time-difference of arrival (TDOA) algorithm with the novel fine time measurements (FTM) introduced in IEEE 802.11mc. A proof of concept of the WiFi passive TDOA algorithm is detailed in this paper, together with a thorough discussion on the requirements of the proposed algorithmThis work was funded by the Spanish Government and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) under Project PGC2018-099945-B-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Robust navigation for industrial service robots

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    Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de CatalunyaRobust, reliable and safe navigation is one of the fundamental problems of robotics. Throughout the present thesis, we tackle the problem of navigation for robotic industrial mobile-bases. We identify its components and analyze their respective challenges in order to address them. The research work presented here ultimately aims at improving the overall quality of the navigation stack of a commercially available industrial mobile-base. To introduce and survey the overall problem we first break down the navigation framework into clearly identified smaller problems. We examine the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem, recalling its mathematical grounding and exploring the state of the art. We then review the problem of planning the trajectory of a mobile-base toward a desired goal in the generated environment representation. Finally we investigate and clarify the use of the subset of the Lie theory that is useful in robotics. The first problem tackled is the recognition of place for closing loops in SLAM. Loop closure refers to the ability of a robot to recognize a previously visited location and infer geometrical information between its current and past locations. Using only a 2D laser range finder sensor, we address the problem using a technique borrowed from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which has been successfully applied to image-based place recognition, namely the Bag-of-Words. We further improve the method with two proposals inspired from NLP. Firstly, the comparison of places is strengthened by considering the natural relative order of features in each individual sensor reading. Secondly, topological correspondences between places in a corpus of visited places are established in order to promote together instances that are ‘close’ to one another. We then tackle the problem of motion model calibration for odometry estimation. Given a mobile-base embedding an exteroceptive sensor able to observe ego-motion, we propose a novel formulation for estimating the intrinsic parameters of an odometry motion model. Resorting to an adaptation of the pre-integration theory initially developed for inertial motion sensors, we employ iterative nonlinear on-manifold optimization to estimate the wheel radii and wheel separation. The method is further extended to jointly estimate both the intrinsic parameters of the odometry model together with the extrinsic parameters of the embedded sensor. The method is shown to accommodate to variation in model parameters quickly when the vehicle is subject to physical changes during operation. Following the generation of a map in which the robot is localized, we address the problem of estimating trajectories for motion planning. We devise a new method for estimating a sequence of robot poses forming a smooth trajectory. Regardless of the Lie group considered, the trajectory is seen as a collection of states lying on a spline with non-vanishing n-th derivatives at each point. Formulated as a multi-objective nonlinear optimization problem, it allows for the addition of cost functions such as velocity and acceleration limits, collision avoidance and more. The proposed method is evaluated for two different motion planning tasks, the planning of trajectories for a mobile-base evolving in the SE(2) manifold, and the planning of the motion of a multi-link robotic arm whose end-effector evolves in the SE(3) manifold. From our study of Lie theory, we developed a new, ready to use, programming library called `manif’. The library is open source, publicly available and is developed following good software programming practices. It is designed so that it is easy to integrate and manipulate, and allows for flexible use while facilitating the possibility to extend it beyond the already implemented Lie groups.La navegación autónoma es uno de los problemas fundamentales de la robótica, y sus diferentes desafíos se han estudiado durante décadas. El desarrollo de métodos de navegación robusta, confiable y segura es un factor clave para la creación de funcionalidades de nivel superior en robots diseñados para operar en entornos con humanos. A lo largo de la presente tesis, abordamos el problema de navegación para bases robóticas móviles industriales; identificamos los elementos de un sistema de navegación; y analizamos y tratamos sus desafíos. El trabajo de investigación presentado aquí tiene como último objetivo mejorar la calidad general del sistema completo de navegación de una base móvil industrial disponible comercialmente. Para estudiar el problema de navegación, primero lo desglosamos en problemas menores claramente identificados. Examinamos el subproblema de mapeo del entorno y localización del robot simultáneamente (SLAM por sus siglas en ingles) y estudiamos el estado del arte del mismo. Al hacerlo, recordamos y detallamos la base matemática del problema de SLAM. Luego revisamos el subproblema de planificación de trayectorias hacia una meta deseada en la representación del entorno generada. Además, como una herramienta para las soluciones que se presentarán más adelante en el desarrollo de la tesis, investigamos y aclaramos el uso de teoría de Lie, centrándonos en el subconjunto de la teoría que es útil para la estimación de estados en robótica. Como primer elemento identificado para mejoras, abordamos el problema de reconocimiento de lugares para cerrar lazos en SLAM. El cierre de lazos se refiere a la capacidad de un robot para reconocer una ubicación visitada previamente e inferí información geométrica entre la ubicación actual del robot y aquellas reconocidas. Usando solo un sensor láser 2D, la tarea es desafiante ya que la percepción del entorno que proporciona el sensor es escasa y limitada. Abordamos el problema utilizando 'bolsas de palabras', una técnica prestada del campo de procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP) que se ha aplicado con éxito anteriormente al reconocimiento de lugares basado en imágenes. Nuestro método incluye dos nuevas propuestas inspiradas también en NLP. Primero, la comparación entre lugares candidatos se fortalece teniendo en cuenta el orden relativo natural de las características en cada lectura individual del sensor; y segundo, se establece un corpus de lugares visitados para promover juntos instancias que están "cerca" la una de la otra desde un punto de vista topológico. Evaluamos nuestras propuestas por separado y conjuntamente en varios conjuntos de datos, con y sin ruido, demostrando mejora en la detección de cierres de lazo para sensores láser 2D, con respecto al estado del arte. Luego abordamos el problema de la calibración del modelo de movimiento para la estimación de la edometría. Dado que nuestra base móvil incluye un sensor exteroceptivo capaz de observar el movimiento de la plataforma, proponemos una nueva formulación que permite estimar los parámetros intrínsecos del modelo cinemático de la plataforma durante el cómputo de la edometría del vehículo. Hemos recurrido a una adaptación de la teoría de reintegración inicialmente desarrollado para unidades inerciales de medida, y aplicado la técnica a nuestro modelo cinemático. El método nos permite, mediante optimización iterativa no lineal, la estimación del valor del radio de las ruedas de forma independiente y de la separación entre las mismas. El método se amplía posteriormente par idéntica de forma simultánea, estos parámetros intrínsecos junto con los parámetros extrínsecos que ubican el sensor láser con respecto al sistema de referencia de la base móvil. El método se valida en simulación y en un entorno real y se muestra que converge hacia los verdaderos valores de los parámetros. El método permite la adaptación de los parámetros intrínsecos del modelo cinemático de la plataforma derivados de cambios físicos durante la operación, tales como el impacto que el cambio de carga sobre la plataforma tiene sobre el diámetro de las ruedas. Como tercer subproblema de navegación, abordamos el reto de planificar trayectorias de movimiento de forma suave. Desarrollamos un método para planificar la trayectoria como una secuencia de configuraciones sobre una spline con n-ésimas derivadas en todos los puntos, independientemente del grupo de Lie considerado. Al ser formulado como un problema de optimización no lineal con múltiples objetivos, es posible agregar funciones de coste al problema de optimización que permitan añadir límites de velocidad o aceleración, evasión de colisiones, etc. El método propuesto es evaluado en dos tareas de planificación de movimiento diferentes, la planificación de trayectorias para una base móvil que evoluciona en la variedad SE(2), y la planificación del movimiento de un brazo robótico cuyo efector final evoluciona en la variedad SE(3). Además, cada tarea se evalúa en escenarios con complejidad de forma incremental, y se muestra un rendimiento comparable o mejor que el estado del arte mientras produce resultados más consistentes. Desde nuestro estudio de la teoría de Lie, desarrollamos una nueva biblioteca de programación llamada “manif”. La biblioteca es de código abierto, está disponible públicamente y se desarrolla siguiendo las buenas prácticas de programación de software. Esta diseñado para que sea fácil de integrar y manipular, y permite flexibilidad de uso mientras se facilita la posibilidad de extenderla más allá de los grupos de Lie inicialmente implementados. Además, la biblioteca se muestra eficiente en comparación con otras soluciones existentes. Por fin, llegamos a la conclusión del estudio de doctorado. Examinamos el trabajo de investigación y trazamos líneas para futuras investigaciones. También echamos un vistazo en los últimos años y compartimos una visión personal y experiencia del desarrollo de un doctorado industrial.Postprint (published version

    Neural Radiance Fields: Past, Present, and Future

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    The various aspects like modeling and interpreting 3D environments and surroundings have enticed humans to progress their research in 3D Computer Vision, Computer Graphics, and Machine Learning. An attempt made by Mildenhall et al in their paper about NeRFs (Neural Radiance Fields) led to a boom in Computer Graphics, Robotics, Computer Vision, and the possible scope of High-Resolution Low Storage Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality-based 3D models have gained traction from res with more than 1000 preprints related to NeRFs published. This paper serves as a bridge for people starting to study these fields by building on the basics of Mathematics, Geometry, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics to the difficulties encountered in Implicit Representations at the intersection of all these disciplines. This survey provides the history of rendering, Implicit Learning, and NeRFs, the progression of research on NeRFs, and the potential applications and implications of NeRFs in today's world. In doing so, this survey categorizes all the NeRF-related research in terms of the datasets used, objective functions, applications solved, and evaluation criteria for these applications.Comment: 413 pages, 9 figures, 277 citation

    A Multi-Sensor Fusion-Based Underwater Slam System

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    This dissertation addresses the problem of real-time Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) in challenging environments. SLAM is one of the key enabling technologies for autonomous robots to navigate in unknown environments by processing information on their on-board computational units. In particular, we study the exploration of challenging GPS-denied underwater environments to enable a wide range of robotic applications, including historical studies, health monitoring of coral reefs, underwater infrastructure inspection e.g., bridges, hydroelectric dams, water supply systems, and oil rigs. Mapping underwater structures is important in several fields, such as marine archaeology, Search and Rescue (SaR), resource management, hydrogeology, and speleology. However, due to the highly unstructured nature of such environments, navigation by human divers could be extremely dangerous, tedious, and labor intensive. Hence, employing an underwater robot is an excellent fit to build the map of the environment while simultaneously localizing itself in the map. The main contribution of this dissertation is the design and development of a real-time robust SLAM algorithm for small and large scale underwater environments. SVIn – a novel tightly-coupled keyframe-based non-linear optimization framework fusing Sonar, Visual, Inertial and water depth information with robust initialization, loop-closing, and relocalization capabilities has been presented. Introducing acoustic range information to aid the visual data, shows improved reconstruction and localization. The availability of depth information from water pressure enables a robust initialization and refines the scale factor, as well as assists to reduce the drift for the tightly-coupled integration. The complementary characteristics of these sensing v modalities provide accurate and robust localization in unstructured environments with low visibility and low visual features – as such make them the ideal choice for underwater navigation. The proposed system has been successfully tested and validated in both benchmark datasets and numerous real world scenarios. It has also been used for planning for underwater robot in the presence of obstacles. Experimental results on datasets collected with a custom-made underwater sensor suite and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Aqua2 in challenging underwater environments with poor visibility, demonstrate performance never achieved before in terms of accuracy and robustness. To aid the sparse reconstruction, a contour-based reconstruction approach utilizing the well defined edges between the well lit area and darkness has been developed. In particular, low lighting conditions, or even complete absence of natural light inside caves, results in strong lighting variations, e.g., the cone of the artificial video light intersecting underwater structures and the shadow contours. The proposed method utilizes these contours to provide additional features, resulting into a denser 3D point cloud than the usual point clouds from a visual odometry system. Experimental results in an underwater cave demonstrate the performance of our system. This enables more robust navigation of autonomous underwater vehicles using the denser 3D point cloud to detect obstacles and achieve higher resolution reconstructions

    Pattern Recognition

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    A wealth of advanced pattern recognition algorithms are emerging from the interdiscipline between technologies of effective visual features and the human-brain cognition process. Effective visual features are made possible through the rapid developments in appropriate sensor equipments, novel filter designs, and viable information processing architectures. While the understanding of human-brain cognition process broadens the way in which the computer can perform pattern recognition tasks. The present book is intended to collect representative researches around the globe focusing on low-level vision, filter design, features and image descriptors, data mining and analysis, and biologically inspired algorithms. The 27 chapters coved in this book disclose recent advances and new ideas in promoting the techniques, technology and applications of pattern recognition

    D5.1 SHM digital twin requirements for residential, industrial buildings and bridges

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    This deliverable presents a report of the needs for structural control on buildings (initial imperfections, deflections at service, stability, rheology) and on bridges (vibrations, modal shapes, deflections, stresses) based on state-of-the-art image-based and sensor-based techniques. To this end, the deliverable identifies and describes strategies that encompass state-of-the-art instrumentation and control for infrastructures (SHM technologies).Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::8 - Treball Decent i Creixement EconòmicObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i InfraestructuraPreprin