23 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Algoritma Word Matching dan Naive Bayes untuk Klasifikasi Sentimen Analisis Komentar Instagram

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    Analisis sentimen telah menunjukkan bahwa otomatisasi dan pengenalan komputasi terhadap sentimen adalah mungkin dan berkembang seiring berjalannya waktu, karena faktor munculnya tren teknologi baru dan keadaan yang semakin dinamis dari bahasa manusia sebagai bentuk komunikasi. Dengan adanya media sosial semakin banyak pula teks-teks berupa data informal, menyebabkan proses ekstraksi dan penguraian informasi yang relevan menjadi masalah. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini penulis mengusulkan dua metode klasifikasi yang kemudian akan melakukan perbandingan hasil dari kedua metode tersebut

    Sarcasm Detection on Indonesian Twitter Feeds

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    In social media, some people use positive words to express negative opinion on a topic which is known as sarcasm. The existence of sarcasm becomes special because it is hard to be detected using simple sentiment analysis technique. Research on sarcasm detection in Indonesia is still very limited. Therefore, this research proposes a technique in detecting sarcasm in Indonesian Twitter feeds particularly on several critical issues such as politics, public figure and tourism. Our proposed technique uses two feature extraction methods namely interjection and punctuation. These methods are later used in two different weighting and classification algorithms. The empirical results demonstrate that combination of feature extraction methods, tf-idf, k-Nearest Neighbor yields the best performance in detecting sarcasm

    Sarcasm Detection on Indonesian Twitter Feeds

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    In social media, some people use positive words to express negative opinion on a topic which is known as sarcasm. The existence of sarcasm becomes special because it is hard to be detected using simple sentiment analysis technique. Research on sarcasm detection in Indonesia is still very limited. Therefore, this research proposes a technique in detecting sarcasm in Indonesian Twitter feeds particularly on several critical issues such as politics, public figure and tourism. Our proposed technique uses two feature extraction methods namely interjection and punctuation. These methods are later used in two different weighting and classification algorithms. The empirical results demonstrate that combination of feature extraction methods, tf-idf, k-Nearest Neighbor yields the best performance in detecting sarcasm

    Sarcasm Detection For Sentiment Analysis in Indonesian Tweets

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    Twitter is one of the social medias that are widely used at the moment. Tweet conversations can be classified according to their sentiments. The existence of sarcasm contained in a tweet sometimes causes incorrect determination of the tweet’s sentiment because sarcasm is difficult to analyze automatically, even by humans. Hence, sarcasm detection needs to be conducted, which is expected to improve the results of sentiment analysis. The effect of sarcasm detection on sentiment analysis can be seen in terms of accuracy, precision and recall. In this paper, detection of sarcasm is applied to Indonesian tweets. The feature extraction of sarcasm detection uses unigram and 4 Boazizi feature sets which consist of sentiment-relate features, punctuation-relate features, lexical and syntactic features, and top word features. Detection of sarcasm uses the Random Forest algorithm. The feature extraction of sentiment analysis uses TF-IDF, while the classification uses Naïve Bayes algorithm. The evaluation shows that sentiment analysis with sarcasm detection improves the  accuracy of sentiment analysis about 5.49%. The accuracy of the model is 80.4%, while the precision is 83.2%, and the recall is 91.3%

    Cluster Analysis for SME Risk Analysis Documents Based on Pillar K-Means

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    In Small Medium Enterprise’s (SME) financing risk analysis, the implementation of qualitative model by giving opinion regarding business risk is to overcome the subjectivity in quantitative model. However, there is another problem that the decision makers have difficulity to quantify the risk’s weight that delivered through those opinions. Thus, we focused on three objectives to overcome the problems that oftenly occur in qualitative model implementation. First, we modelled risk clusters using K-Means clustering, optimized by Pillar Algorithm to get the optimum number of clusters. Secondly, we performed risk measurement by calculating term-importance scores using TF-IDF combined with term-sentiment scores based on SentiWordNet 3.0 for Bahasa Indonesia. Eventually, we summarized the result by correlating the featured terms in each cluster with the 5Cs Credit Criteria. The result shows that the model is effective to group and measure the level of the risk and can be used as a basis for the decision makers in approving the loan proposal.


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    High internet usage in Indonesia brings a number of data user opinions. Useropinion data can be processed into information that is useful for decision making, datasearching and researching for production and marketing strategies. This researchconducted a survey on some Indonesian Sentiment Analysis research articles. Some of thesestudies have different topics and data sources, butuse Sentiwordnet as a lexical database.The results of this survey show the performance of Sentiwordnet can improve classificationaccuracy in the Sentiment analysis system for Indonesian text

    Sarcasm in Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Text: A Literature Review

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    Social media, blogs and online groups become a forum that makes is easy for the Indonesian people to express their opinions, suggestions, complaints and even criticisms of a subject liberally. Sentiment analysis is a method for classifying positive, neutral, and negative polarity of the opinions that expressed by the internet users. Sarcasm is one of the challenges to classsifying the sentiments of an opinion. This research is a literature review to examine several studies to find out the methods for detecting sarcasm and to know the effect of sarcasm on the sentiment classification accuracy. The result of this literature review can be used as a reference for developing the sarcasm detection methods

    Challenges of Sarcasm Detection for Social Network : A Literature Review

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    Nowadays, sarcasm recognition and detection simplified with various domains knowledge, among others, computer science, social science, psychology, mathematics, and many more. This article aims to explain trends in sentiment analysis especially sarcasm detection in the last ten years and its direction in the future. We review journals with the title’s keyword “sarcasm” and published from the year 2008 until 2018. The articles were classified based on the most frequently discussed topics among others: the dataset, pre-processing, annotations, approaches, features, context, and methods used. The significant increase in the number of articles on “sarcasm” in recent years indicates that research in this area still has enormous opportunities. The research about “sarcasm” also became very interesting because only a few researchers offer solutions for unstructured language. Some hybrid approaches using classification and feature extraction are used to identify the sarcasm sentence using deep learning models. This article will provide a further explanation of the most widely used algorithms for sarcasm detection with object social media. At the end of this article also shown that the critical aspect of research on sarcasm sentence that could be done in the future is dataset usage with various languages that cover unstructured data problem with contextual information will effectively detect sarcasm sentence and will improve the existing performance