193,987 research outputs found

    On Multiple Metonymies Within Indirect Speech Acts

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    Indirect speech acts are frequently structured by more than a single metonymy. The metonymies are related not only to the illocutionary force of the utterances, but also function within the individual lexemes being their parts. An indirect speech act can thus involve not only multiple, but also multi-levelled operation of conceptual metonymy

    Direct and Indirect Speech Acts in Literary Works as Language Learning Media

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    This paper described the types and function of direct and indirect speech acts found in the novel On the Far Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George. Several theories, including Yule, Stewart, Vaillette, and Akmajian were utilized to analyze the utterances of the novel's characters. This paper was written using a descriptive qualitative methodology. The utterances spoken in the novel On the Far Side of the Mountain is the source of the data examined in this article. According to the analysis results, the novel On the Far Side of the Mountain utilized both direct and indirect speech acts when performing the dialogue. The direct speech acts were divided into five categories: direct speech acts in declarative sentences Type as an Assertion (435 utterances), direct speech acts in Imperative sentences Type as a Request (127 utterances), direct speech acts in Interrogative Type as a question (167 utterances), direct speech acts in Declarative Type as a Threat (5 utterances), and direct speech acts in Declarative sentences Type as a Promise (2 utterances). Meanwhile, indirect speech acts are in Declarative Type as an Assertion (2 utterances), indirect speech acts are in Declarative sentences Type as a Request (20 utterances) and Indirect speech acts are in Declarative sentences Type as a question (9 utterances). Direct speech acts in imperative sentence type as a request is the most dominant speech acts found in the novel

    An Analysis of Speech Acts in the Conversation Between Habibie and Ainun in the Film Entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012

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    Kata Kunci : Speech Acts, Analysis, Habibie Ainun This study aimed to analyze the types of speech acts and the classification of illocutionary speech acts occurred in the conversation of Habibie and Ainun in the film entitled Habibie and Ainun 2012. This study was a descriptive qualitative done on naturalistic inquiry on social phenomenon. The data were analyzed based on the theory of direct and indirect speech acts proposed by Yule (1996) and the analysis of the classification of illocutionary speech acts proposed by Searle (1977) consists of representative, directive commissive, expressive and declaration. Findings of this study showed there were 196 utterances of type of speech acts where the type of direct speech acts were 129 utterances (66%), meanwhile the type of indirect speech acts were 67 utterances (34%). There were totally 158 utterances analyzed as illocution where representatives were 90 utterances (51%), commisives were 39 utterances (25%), directive were 24 utterances (15%), expressive were 15 utterances (9%), and there was no declaration (0%). This study showed that the direct speech acts were the most dominant type of speech acts rather than the type of indirect speech act. In the types of illocutionary speech acts, representatives were the most dominant rather that the others types of illocutions


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    The research entitled “Indirect Speech Acts of Questioning in Gone Girl Movie Script: A Study of Pragmatics†analyses kinds of speech acts that is used to convey question. However, this research only focuses on indirect speech acts that speaker used to convey their question. In the research, the writer uses the theory of Speech acts and speech event in Pragmatics and The Study of Language written by George Yule (1996, 2010). Yule reveals that based on the relationship between grammatical structure and the communicative function, sentence can be direct and indirect. Moreover, it also influences by context where the conversation takes place. The research uses descriptive method. The writer collected the data found in Gone Girl movie script and then analyzed the sentences that has a function to make question. After doing the analyses, it can be concluded that to convey their questions, people do not only use interrogative sentence, but also declarative sentence. This is called as indirect speech acts. Indirect speech acts happens when there is an indirect relationship between grammatical structure and its communicative function

    Tindak Tutur Langsung dan Tidak Langsung dalam Jual Beli di Pasar Kedungsukun dan Implikasinya terhadap Pembelajaran di SMA

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    The purpose of this study is to describe: 1) direct speech acts in buying and selling transactions at the Kedungsukun Market, 2) indirect speech acts contained in buying and selling transactions at the Kedungsukun Market, 3) to describe the implications of research results on learning in high school. The approach in this study uses a qualitative approach, the source of the data used is in the form of speech quotes spoken by buyers to traders or vice versa. The data collection technique used in this research uses observation techniques, interview techniques, recording techniques, and listening and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique in this study is direct and indirect speech from the object of research. The results showed: 1) the types of direct and indirect speech acts contained in buying and selling transactions at the Kedungukun Market include: 1) direct and indirect speech acts with news sentences (declarative), direct and indirect speech acts with interrogaive sentences (interrogative). , direct and indirect speech acts with imperative sentences, 2) implications of learning Indonesian in SMA class X in KD. 3.1 Understand the structure and rules of negotiating texts both orally and in writing. At KD. 3.1.1 Analyzing the structure and rules of the negotiation text both orally and in writing

    Directive Speech Acts Found in “5cm” Movie

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    Keywords: Speech Acts, Direct and Indirect directive, 5cm MovieSpeech acts is the study of intended meaning the utterances speaker or writer. Speech acts include locutionary acts, illocutionary force, and perlocutionary effect. Illocutionary force have many kinds of types such as declaration, representative, commisive, directive, and expressive. The theories can be applied into media entertainments. The Example of media entertainment is movie. This study examines directive speech acts in a movie. The focus of analysis of this research is on illocutionary force, that is directive speech act. There are two problems of this study, they are: (1) What direct directive speechacts are produced by the main characters in 5cm movie (2) What indirect directive acts are used by main characters of 5cm movie and the purpose of using indirect forms.Research method which was used is qualitative. Type of study is a document analysis. The writer watches 5cm movie and download the scripts to classify utterances into direct and indirect directive speech acts. Then the writer make the tables and do analysis.The result shows that 39 utterances are direct directive speech acts. 16 utterances are indirect directive speech acts. 17 utterances are advising-directive, 15 utteraces are asking-directive, 3 utterances are requiring, instructing is 5 utterances, 4 utterances are urging, one utterance of begging, 5 utterances are requesting, one utterance is admonishing, 2 utterances are permitting. The most types of directive utterances is advice directive since 5cm movie give advise for the main characters and audience in form of direct or indirect speech acts about reaching dreams always be spirit make wishes become true. The most frequent is direct directive speech acts. The main characters often express their feeling in direct. Generally, most movie is made for easy understanding for audience to know what the movie wants to extend some of messages.The writer wants to give suggestions for the future writers. The data of the research are limited in one of types illocutionary force. It is suggested the nextwriters investigate in another entertainment media


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    This study aims to investigate a three-year-old Indonesian boy’s response to indirect speech acts. It focuses on the perlocutionary acts to indirect speech acts given by the subject based on the response performed by the subject in relation to rank of imposition (Rx), proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) as well as kinds of perlocutionary acts which appear mostly. The data were collected by recording the conversations with the subject, and taking notes. This study reveals that the subject responds to indirect speech acts by accepting and rejecting, both verbally and nonverbally. The most commonly used response was nonverbal response by following directions given by the interlocutors. There are four types of verbal acceptance performed by the subject, namely giving advice, inviting, expressing wants, and asking permission. Meanwhile, in accepting nonverbally, the subject followed his interlocutor’s direction. In addition to acceptance, the subject used three strategies in rejecting verbally, namely suggesting alternatives, direct refusal, and expressing wants; while persisting actions was performed to reject the indirect speech acts nonverbally. However, the subject sometimes mixed verbal and nonverbal responses, and there was also a response showing that the subject did not understand the indirect speech act performed by the interlocutor. The result of this study also found that ranking of imposition is the most influential factor that influences response to indirect speech acts performed by the subject. In heavy ranking of imposition, orders and prohibitions were rejected. However, the interlocutor’s permission was allowed. Meanwhile, in light ranking of imposition, orders and prohibitions were accepted. The findings of this study suggests that at the age of three, this Indonesian boy has been able to respond to indirect speech acts given by his interlocutors in various speech situations as well as of different ranking of impositions. The subject seems to have mastered a certain level of pragmatic competence required to perform a given speech act

    Косвенные речевые акты в речи персонажей “Повести временных лет”

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    The article states that communication in Old Russian as well as in modern Russian discourse is characterized by the use of mono-functional and poly-functional indirect speech acts. Moreover, the important aspect that helps to specify the illocutive functions of indirect speech acts in Old Russian is their verifiability: the verbal or non-verbal response of the interlocutor as well as the frame constructions, which introduce direct speech (preposition). These constructions are also used in the middle of the utterance (interposition) or at the end of the utterance (postposition). The author of the chronicles observes the communicative purposes of both the speaker and the interlocutor, indicating that the given utterance should be regarded as an indirect speech act. By analyzing the use of mono-functional indirect speech acts in the original dialogue fragments of the Tale of Bygone Years, the author works out their typology. The groups of interrogative and non-interrogative indirect speech acts have been singled out, each of them having certain typical characteristics. The semantics of non-interrogative utterances in most cases is connected with the expression of indirect meanings of time and aspect of verbal forms. The use of interrogative utterances as indirect speech acts is mostly connected with the changes not only in the illocutive function, but also in the propositional meaning of the predicative unit: interrogative utterances with negations should be interpreted as affirmative non-interrogative utterances and vice versa. The author comes to the conclusion that the use of modern mono-functional indirect speech acts is traditional, since it is identical to their functioning in Old Russian