14 research outputs found

    Colouring random graphs and maximising local diversity

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    We study a variation of the graph colouring problem on random graphs of finite average connectivity. Given the number of colours, we aim to maximise the number of different colours at neighbouring vertices (i.e. one edge distance) of any vertex. Two efficient algorithms, belief propagation and Walksat are adapted to carry out this task. We present experimental results based on two types of random graphs for different system sizes and identify the critical value of the connectivity for the algorithms to find a perfect solution. The problem and the suggested algorithms have practical relevance since various applications, such as distributed storage, can be mapped onto this problem.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    An exact dynamic programming approach to segmented isotonic regression

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    This paper proposes a polynomial-time algorithm to construct the monotone stepwise curve that minimizes the sum of squared errors with respect to a given cloud of data points. The fitted curve is also constrained on the maximum number of steps it can be composed of and on the minimum step length. Our algorithm relies on dynamic programming and is built on the basis that said curve-fitting task can be tackled as a shortest-path type of problem. Numerical results on synthetic and realistic data sets reveal that our algorithm is able to provide the globally optimal monotone stepwise curve fit for samples with thousands of data points in less than a few hours. Furthermore, the algorithm gives a certificate on the optimality gap of any incumbent solution it generates. From a practical standpoint, this piece of research is motivated by the roll-out of smart grids and the increasing role played by the small flexible consumption of electricity in the large-scale integration of renewable energy sources into current power systems. Within this context, our algorithm constitutes an useful tool to generate bidding curves for a pool of small flexible consumers to partake in wholesale electricity markets.This research has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union鈥檚 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 755705). This work was also supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through project ENE2017-83775-P. Martine Labb茅 has been partially supported by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS under Grant(s) no PDR T0098.18

    Exploiting graph structure in Active SLAM

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    Aplicando an谩lisis provenientes de la teor铆a de grafos, la teor铆a espectral de grafos, la exploraci贸n de grafos en l铆nea, generamos un sistema de SLAM activo que incluye la planificaci贸n de rutas bajo incertidumbre, extracci贸n de grafos topol贸gicos de entornos y SLAM activo \'optimo.En la planificaci贸n de trayectorias bajo incertidumbre, incluimos el an谩lisis de la probabilidad de asociaci贸n correcta de datos. Reconociendo la naturaleza estoc谩stica de la incertidumbre, demostramos que planificar para minimizar su valor esperado es m谩s fiable que los actuales algoritmos de planificaci贸n de trayectorias con incertidumbre.Considerando el entorno como un conjunto de regiones convexas conectadas podemos tratar la exploraci贸n rob贸tica como una exploraci贸n de grafos en l铆nea. Se garantiza una cobertura total si el robot visita cada regi贸n. La mayor铆a de los m茅todos para segmentar el entorno est谩n basados en p铆xeles y no garantizan que las regiones resultantes sean convexas, adem谩s pocos son algoritmos incrementales. En base a esto, modificamos un algoritmo basado en contornos en el que el entorno se representa como un conjunto de pol铆gonos que debe segmentarse en un conjunto de pol铆gonos pseudo convexos. El resultado es un algoritmo de segmentaci贸n que produjo regiones pseudo-convexas, robustas al ruido, estables y que obtienen un gran rendimiento en los conjuntos de datos de pruebas.La calidad de un algoritmo se puede medir en t茅rminos de cuan cercano al 贸ptimo est谩 su rendimiento. Con esta motivaci贸n definimos la esencia de la tarea de exploraci贸n en SLAM activo donde las 煤nicas variables son la distancia recorrida y la calidad de la reconstrucci贸n. Restringiendo el dominio al grafo que representa el entorno y probando la relaci贸n entre la matriz asociada a la exploraci贸n y la asociada al grafo subyacente, podemos calcular la ruta de exploraci贸n 贸ptima.A diferencia de la mayor铆a de la literatura en SLAM activo, proponemos que la heur铆stica para la exploraci贸n de grafos consiste en atravesar cada arco una vez. Demostramos que el tipo de grafos resultantes tiene un gran rendimiento con respecto a la trayectoria \'optima, con resultados superiores al 97 \% del \'optimo en algunas medidas de calidad.El algoritmo de SLAM activo TIGRE integra el algoritmo de extracci贸n de grafos propuesto con nuestra versi贸n del algoritmo de exploraci贸n incremental que atraviesa cada arco una vez. Nuestro algoritmo se basa en una modificaci贸n del algoritmo cl谩sico de Tarry para la b煤squeda en laberintos que logra el l\'imite inferior en la aproximaci贸n para un algoritmo incremental. Probamos nuestro sistema incremental en un escenario de exploraci贸n t铆pico y demostramos que logra un rendimiento similar a los m茅todos fuera de l铆nea y tambi茅n demostramos que incluso el m茅todo \'optimo que visita todos los nodos calculado fuera de l铆nea tiene un peor rendimiento que el nuestro.<br /

    Navigability and synchronization in complex networks: a computational approach

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    Les xarxes complexes han demostrat ser una eina molt valuosa per estudiar sistemes reals, en part, gr脿cies a la creixent capacitat de computaci贸. En aquesta tesi abordem computacionalment diversos problemes dividits en dos blocs. El primer bloc est脿 motivat pels problemes que planteja la r脿pida evoluci贸 de la Internet. D鈥檜na banda, el creixement exponencial de la xarxa est脿 comprometent la seva escalabilitat per les depend猫ncies a les taules d鈥檈nrutament globals. Al Cap铆tol 4 proposem un esquema d鈥檈nrutament descentralitzat que fa servir la projecci贸 TSVD de l鈥檈structura mesosc貌pica de la xarxa com a mapa. Els resultats mostren que fent servir informaci贸 local podem guiar amb 猫xit en l鈥檈nrutament. Al Cap铆tol 3 tamb茅 avaluem la fiabilitat d鈥檃questa projecci贸 davant el creixement de la xarxa. Els resultats indiquen que aquest mapa 茅s robust i no necessita actualitzacions cont铆nues. D鈥檃ltra banda, la creixent demanda d鈥檃mple de banda 茅s un factor potencial per produir congesti贸. Al Cap铆tol 5 estenem un esquema d鈥檈nrutament din脿mic en el context de les xarxes multiplex, i l鈥檃nalitzem amb xarxes sint猫tiques amb diferents assortativitats d鈥檃coblament. Els resultats mostren que tenir en compte el volum de tr脿nsit en l鈥檈nrutament retarda l鈥檌nici de la congesti贸. Tot i aix貌, la distribuci贸 uniforme del tr脿nsit produeix una transici贸 de fase abrupta. Amb tot, l鈥檃coblament assortatiu es presenta com la millor opci贸 per a dissenys de xarxes 貌ptimes. El segon bloc ve motivat per l鈥檃ctual crisi financera mundial. Al Cap铆tol 6 proposem estudiar la propagaci贸 de les crisis econ貌miques utilitzant un model simple de xarxa formada per oscil路ladors integrate-and-fire, i caracteritzar la seva sincronitzaci贸 durant l鈥檈voluci贸 de la xarxa de comer莽. Els resultats mostren l鈥檃parici贸 d鈥檜n proc茅s de globalitzaci贸 que dilueix les fronteres topol貌giques i accelera la propagaci贸 de les crisis financeres.Las redes complejas han demostrado ser una herramienta muy valiosa para estudiar sistemas reales, en parte, gracias a la creciente capacidad de computaci贸n. En esta tesis abordamos computacionalmente varios problemas divididos en dos bloques. El primer bloque est谩 motivado por los problemas que plantea la r谩pida evoluci贸n de Internet. Por un lado, el crecimiento exponencial de la red est谩 comprometiendo su escalabilidad por las dependencias a las tablas de enrutado globales. En el Cap铆tulo 4 proponemos un esquema de enrutamiento descentralizado que utiliza la proyecci贸n TSVD de la estructura mesosc贸pica de la red como mapa. Los resultados muestran que utilizando informaci贸n local podemos guiar con 茅xito el enrutado. En el Cal铆tulo 3 tambi茅n evaluamos la fiabilidad de esta proyecci贸n bajo cambios en la topolog铆a de la red. Los resultados indican que este mapa es robusto y no necesita actualizaciones continuas. Por otra parte, la creciente demanda de ancho de banda es un factor potencial de congesti贸n. En el Cap铆tulo 5 extendemos un esquema de enrutamiento din谩mico en el marco de las redes multiplex, y lo analizamos en redes sint茅ticas con distintas asortatividades de acoplamiento. Los resultados muestran que tener en cuenta el volumen de tr谩fico en el enrutado retrasa la congesti贸n. Sin embargo, la distribuci贸n uniforme del tr谩fico produce una transici贸n de fase abrupta. Adem谩s, el acoplamiento asortativo se presenta como la mejor opci贸n para dise帽os de redes 贸ptimas. El segundo bloque viene motivado por la actual crisis financiera mundial. En el Cap铆tulo 6 proponemos estudiar la propagaci贸n de las crisis econ贸micas utilizando un modelo simple de red formada por osciladores integrate-and-fire, y caracterizar su sincronizaci贸n durante la evoluci贸n de la red de comercio. Los resultados muestran la aparici贸n de un proceso de globalizaci贸n que diluye las fronteras topol贸gicas y acelera la propagaci贸n de las crisis financieras.Complex networks are a powerful tool to study many real systems, partly thanks to the increasing capacity of computational resources. In this dissertation we address computationally a broad scope of problems that are framed in two parts. The first part is motivated by the issues posed by the rapid evolution of the Internet. On one side, the exponential growth of the network is compromising its scalability due to dependencies on global routing tables. In Chapter 4 we propose a decentralized routing scheme that exploits the TSVD projection of the mesoscopic structure of the network as a map. The results show that, using only local information, we can achieve good success rates in the routing process. Additionally, Chapter 3 evaluates the reliability of this projection when network topology changes. The results indicate that this map is very robust and does not need continual updates. On the other side, the increasing bandwidth demand is a potential trigger for congestion episodes. In Chapter 5 we extend a dynamic traffic-aware routing scheme to the context of multiplex networks, and we conduct the analysis on synthetic networks with different coupling assortativity. The results show that considering the traffic load in the transmission process delays the congestion onset. However, the uniform distribution of traffic produces an abrupt phase transition from free-flow to congested state. Withal, assortative coupling is depicted as the best consideration for optimal network designs. The second part is motivated by the current global financial crises. Chapter 6 presents a study on the spreading of economic crises using a simple model of networked integrate-and-fire oscillators and we characterize synchronization process on the evolving trade network. The results show the emergence of a globalization process that dilutes the topological borders and accelerates the spreading of financial crashes

    Angular resolution improvement of slumped thin glass optics for x-ray telescopes.

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    Current X-ray telescopes such as Chandra and XMM were designed and built to privilege the angular resolution or the collecting area respectively, but using two different manufacturing techniques, and these two key aspects could not be optimised at the same time. The result is that the high-redshift X-ray Universe is still too unresolved to provide us with the understanding of the time evolution of the universe as we see it nowadays. Now the ATHENA mission, approved for the L2 slot in the Cosmic Vision program, is required to have an effective area of 2 m2 at 1 keV and an angular resolution better than 5 arcsec Half-Energy Width (HEW). At this regard, in addition to the baseline solution based on Silicon Pore Optics (SPO), thin glass foils are considered a viable alternative. Slumped glass foils are also considered as substrates for X-ray optics being developed in other projects; for example, the X-ray Surveyor mission being developed at SAO/CfA in USA, and the AXYOM project being developed in Italy. They both foresee the use of piezo-electric actuators to correct the shape errors of the mirrors. The Brera Astronomical Observatory (INAF-OAB, Merate - Italy) has been working, from 2009 till 2013, under ESA contract aimed to develop in Europe a Slumped Glass Optics (SGO) technology, alternative to the one based on silicon pores, and based on the slumping of thin glass foils, in parallel to the work being carried out at NASA/GSFC and other institutes. The INAFOAB innovation is the use of pressure in the hot slumping process to replicate the mould figure. This technology is coupled with an integration process able to damp low frequency errors. My Ph.D. activity, carried out at the INAF-OAB, is devoted to the advancement in the hot slumping technology assisted by pressure, for the production of glass mirrors for future X-ray telescopes. As a preliminary work, I have developed a new method to precisely characterise the mid frequency errors of the glass foils. An existing model, developed by Jimenez-Garate in 2003 to account for the relaxation of ripples in the slumped glass foil when in contact with the slumping mould, was modified to include the application of pressure, and the model was compared to the experimental results. The pressure was found to be essential, also from the the theory viewpoint, to reduce mid-frequency errors in the profile of slumped glass foils, which crucially degrade the performances of the optics. As for the slumping process, I have introduced a new glass material (Corning Eagle XG) combined with the Schott Zerodur K20, already chosen at earlier times as slumping mould material for its anti-sticking properties. I have developed cleaning protocols, used different thermal cycles and different pressures conditions, and reconditioned the pressure control system. I have also optimised the mould height with experiments based on Finite Element Analysis, and reduced the thermal gradients inside the mould and the glass foils. The final result obtained in this research are slumped glass foils with angular resolution improved from the initial 7 arcsec to 2.2\ub10.3 arcsec in single reflection, as expected from metrology at 1 keV X-ray energy and 0.7 incidence angle, and computed by simulating a perfect integration. This result has to be compared with 2 arcsec defined as the error budget allocated for the slumped glass foils. About 1 arcsec is due to replication of the mid-frequency errors in the slumping mould which, owing to the improved result in the slumping, are now a limiting factor in the quality of the slumped glass foils. From the roughness point of view, the contribution to the HEW is guaranteed to be less then 1 arcsec at 1 keV, with an rms improvement from 21 to 11 \uc5 throughout my Ph.D. Moreover, the last tests carried out proved that the roughness of the slumped glass foils can be further reduced to _ 7 \uc5, making the technology attractive also for higher X-ray energies and higher incidence angles. The glass foils slumped during this Ph.D. have been used for the production of two SGO Proof Of Concept prototypes (POC) for the ATHENA mission: the POC#3, (with 2 glass foils assembled) is characterised by HEW value of 5.5 arcsec at 0.27 keV in the best portion of the module, as tested at the PANTER facility; the POC#4 (with 8 glass foils) has expected HEW of about 15 arcsec from metrological data, but the result in X-ray was much higher because of accidental problems during the integration. The next prototype, the POC#5 (with the best eight glass foils produced during my Ph.D. activity), will soon be integrated and tested in X-rays, to assess the improvement already proven by metrology and simulations. Some of the produced slumped glass foils have also been used for studies of active profile corrections with piezoelectric elements, both for the AXYOM project and X-ray Surveyor mission. Alternative materials and techniques have been used in this research to further improve the result. To reduce the surface micro-roughness of the slumped glass foils, I have proven that the slumping technique with pressure application can also be suited in the indirect slumping, in which the optical surface of the glass is not in contact with the mould, thus preserving its initial surface smoothness. Moreover, the dip coating technique was studied to fill the micro-pores present on the surface of the glass foils slumped with the direct technique. Alternative materials for the slumping mould were tested, defining Si3N4 as a very promising candidate, owing to its higher rigidity with respect to Zerodur K20 and therefore preferable to avoid mould deformations with the slumping, as experienced with K20. The Gorilla glass (normally used for smartphones and tablets), was proven to preserve the surface quality of the glass foils, once slumped and chemically tempered to increase the mirror endurance against the vibrations experienced at launch. Finally, I have also studied the scattering and the reflectivity properties of multilayer coatings for X-ray optics. I have upgraded an IDL code to simulate the roughness growth in the multilayer deposition process, extending the computations from periodic to the more general case of graded multilayers. I have also contributed to the X-ray measurements at the BEAR beamline of the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, on multilayers deposited on glass, silicon and electroformed nickel, for the polarimetric LAMP projec