65 research outputs found

    Learning to Truncate Ranked Lists for Information Retrieval

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    Ranked list truncation is of critical importance in a variety of professional information retrieval applications such as patent search or legal search. The goal is to dynamically determine the number of returned documents according to some user-defined objectives, in order to reach a balance between the overall utility of the results and user efforts. Existing methods formulate this task as a sequential decision problem and take some pre-defined loss as a proxy objective, which suffers from the limitation of local decision and non-direct optimization. In this work, we propose a global decision based truncation model named AttnCut, which directly optimizes user-defined objectives for the ranked list truncation. Specifically, we take the successful transformer architecture to capture the global dependency within the ranked list for truncation decision, and employ the reward augmented maximum likelihood (RAML) for direct optimization. We consider two types of user-defined objectives which are of practical usage. One is the widely adopted metric such as F1 which acts as a balanced objective, and the other is the best F1 under some minimal recall constraint which represents a typical objective in professional search. Empirical results over the Robust04 and MQ2007 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach as compared with the state-of-the-art baselines

    Filtrado de spam mediante ajuste lineal por cuadrados mínimos

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    Fil: Vega, Daniel Mario. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Computación; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez Alonso, Pablo Alejandro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Sistema de Bibliotecas y de Informacion; ArgentinaUn problema creciente en las comunicaciones mediante correo electrónico es la práctica de utilizar este medio para el envío de mensajes publicitarios masivos no solicitados, mejor conocidos como "Spam". Distintas soluciones han sido propuestas para atacar este problema, como ser la utilización de técnicas de aprendizaje automático. En este trabajo de tesis, analizaremos un método de clasificación y filtrado basado en ajuste lineal por cuadrados mínimos (LLSF) (YAN/94) en la tarea de filtrado de Spam. Analizaremos distintas variantes y mejoras sobre el algoritmo básico. Entre ellas presentaremos una nueva fórmula de selección de atributos, nuevas alternativas en la representación de los mensajes, un método matemático de determinación del umbral. Finalmente comparemos los resultados con los obtenidos en trabajos anteriores, los cuales utilizaron el algoritmo de Naïve-Bayes (AND/00b)

    Adversarial machine learning for cyber security

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    This master thesis aims to take advantage of state of the art and tools that have been developed in Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) and related research branches to strengthen Machine Learning (ML) models used in cyber security. First, it seeks to collect, organize and summarize the most recent and potential state-of-the-art techniques in AML, considering that it is a research branch in an unstable state with a great diversity of difficult to contrast proposals, which rapidly evolve but are quickly replaced by attacks or defenses with greater potential. This summary is important considering that the AML literature is far from being able to create defensive techniques that effectively protect a ML model from all possible attacks, and it is relevant to analyze them both in detail and with criteria in order to apply them in practice. It is also useful to find biases in state-of-the-art to be considered regarding the measurement of the attack or defense effectiveness, which can be addressed by proposing methodologies and metrics to mitigate them. Additionally, it is considered inappropriate to analyze AML in isolation, considering that the robustness of a ML model to adversarial attacks is totally related to its generalization capacity to in-distribution cases, to its robustness to out-of-distribution cases, and to the possibility of overinterpretation, using spurious (but statistically valid) patterns in the model that may give a false sense of high performance. Therefore, this thesis proposes a methodology to previously evaluate the exposure of a model to these considerations, focusing on improving it in progressive order of priorities in each of its stages, and to guarantee satisfactory overall robustness. Based on this methodology, two interesting case studies are chosen to be explored in greater depth to evaluate their robustness to adversarial attacks, perform attacks to gain insights about their strengths and weaknesses, and finally propose improvements. In this process, all kinds of approaches are used depending on the type of problem evaluated and its assumptions, performing exploratory analysis, applying AML attacks and detailing their implications, proposing improvements and implementation of defenses such as Adversarial Training, and finally creating and proposing a methodology to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of a defense avoiding the biases of the state of the art. For each of the case studies, it is possible to create efficient adversarial attacks, analyze the strengths of each model, and in the case of the second case study, it is possible to increase the adversarial robustness of a Classification Convolutional Neural Network using Adversarial Training. This leads to other positive effects on the model, such as a better representation of the data, easier implementation of techniques to detect adversarial cases through anomaly analysis, and insights concerning its performance to reinforce the model from other viewp

    Knowledge-based incremental induction of clinical algorithms

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    The current approaches for the induction of medical procedural knowledge suffer from several drawbacks: the structures produced may not be explicit medical structures, they are only based on statistical measures that do not necessarily respect medical criteria which can be essential to guarantee medical correct structures, or they are not prepared to deal with the incremental arrival of new data. In this thesis we propose a methodology to automatically induce medically correct clinical algorithms (CAs) from hospital databases. These CAs are represented according to the SDA knowledge model. The methodology considers relevant background knowledge and it is able to work in an incremental way. The methodology has been tested in the domains of hypertension, diabetes mellitus and the comborbidity of both diseases. As a result, we propose a repository of background knowledge for these pathologies and provide the SDA diagrams obtained. Later analyses show that the results are medically correct and comprehensible when validated with health care professionals

    Compare statistical significance tests for information retrieval evaluation

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    Preprint of our Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST) paper[Abstract] Statistical significance tests can provide evidence that the observed difference in performance between two methods is not due to chance. In Information Retrieval, some studies have examined the validity and suitability of such tests for comparing search systems.We argue here that current methods for assessing the reliability of statistical tests suffer from some methodological weaknesses, and we propose a novel way to study significance tests for retrieval evaluation. Using Score Distributions, we model the output of multiple search systems, produce simulated search results from such models, and compare them using various significance tests. A key strength of this approach is that we assess statistical tests under perfect knowledge about the truth or falseness of the null hypothesis. This new method for studying the power of significance tests in Information Retrieval evaluation is formal and innovative. Following this type of analysis, we found that both the sign test and Wilcoxon signed test have more power than the permutation test and the t-test. The sign test and Wilcoxon signed test also have a good behavior in terms of type I errors. The bootstrap test shows few type I errors, but it has less power than the other methods tested.Ministerio de Econom´ıa y Competitividad; TIN2015-64282-RXunta de Galicia; GPC 2016/035Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    Colombus: providing personalized recommendations for drifting user interests

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    The query formulationg process if often a problematic activity due to the cognitive load that it imposes to users. This issue is further amplified by the uncertainty of searchers with regards to their searching needs and their lack of training on effective searching techniques. Also, given the tremendous growth of the world wide web, the amount of imformation users find during their daily search episodes is often overwhelming. Unfortunatelly, web search engines do not follow the trends and advancements in this area, while real personalization features have yet to appear. As a result, keeping up-to-date with recent information about our personal interests is a time-consuming task. Also, often these information requirements change by sliding into new topics. In this case, the rate of change can be sudden and abrupt, or more gradual. Taking into account all these aspects, we believe that an information assistant, a profile-aware tool capable of adapting to users’ evolving needs and aiding them to keep track of their personal data, can greatly help them in this endeavor. Information gathering from a combination of explicit and implicit feedback could allow such systems to detect their search requirements and present additional information, with the least possible effort from them. In this paper, we describe the design, development and evaluation of Colombus, a system aiming to meet individual needs of the searchers. The system’s goal is to pro-actively fetch and present relevant, high quality documents on regular basis. Based entirely on implicit feedback gathering, our system concentrates on detecting drifts in user interests and accomodate them effectively in their profiles with no additional interaction from their side. Current methodologies in information retrieval do not support the evaluation of such systems and techniques. Lab-based experiments can be carried out in large batches but their accuracy often questione. On the other hand, user studies are much more accurate, but setting up a user base for large-scale experiments is often not feasible. We have designed a hybrid evaluation methodology that combines large sets of lab experiments based on searcher simulations together with user experiments, where fifteen searchers used the system regularly for 15 days. At the first stage, the simulation experiments were aiming attuning Colombus, while the various component evaluation and results gathering was carried out at the second stage, throughout the user study. A baseline system was also employed in order to make a direct comparison of Colombus against a current web search engine. The evaluation results illustrate that the Personalized Information Assistant is effective in capturing and satisfying users’ evolving information needs and providing additional information on their behalf

    Unsupervised learning on social data

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