147 research outputs found

    Manifold Learning in MR spectroscopy using nonlinear dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering

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    Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion Purpose To investigate whether nonlinear dimensionality reduction improves unsupervised classification of 1H MRS brain tumor data compared with a linear method. Methods In vivo single-voxel 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (55 patients) and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) (29 patients) data were acquired from histopathologically diagnosed gliomas. Data reduction using Laplacian eigenmaps (LE) or independent component analysis (ICA) was followed by k-means clustering or agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) for unsupervised learning to assess tumor grade and for tissue type segmentation of MRSI data. Results An accuracy of 93% in classification of glioma grade II and grade IV, with 100% accuracy in distinguishing tumor and normal spectra, was obtained by LE with unsupervised clustering, but not with the combination of k-means and ICA. With 1H MRSI data, LE provided a more linear distribution of data for cluster analysis and better cluster stability than ICA. LE combined with k-means or AHC provided 91% accuracy for classifying tumor grade and 100% accuracy for identifying normal tissue voxels. Color-coded visualization of normal brain, tumor core, and infiltration regions was achieved with LE combined with AHC. Conclusion The LE method is promising for unsupervised clustering to separate brain and tumor tissue with automated color-coding for visualization of 1H MRSI data after cluster analysis

    Towards On-line Domain-Independent Big Data Learning: Novel Theories and Applications

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    Feature extraction is an extremely important pre-processing step to pattern recognition, and machine learning problems. This thesis highlights how one can best extract features from the data in an exhaustively online and purely adaptive manner. The solution to this problem is given for both labeled and unlabeled datasets, by presenting a number of novel on-line learning approaches. Specifically, the differential equation method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem is used to derive a number of novel machine learning and feature extraction algorithms. The incremental eigen-solution method is used to derive a novel incremental extension of linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Further the proposed incremental version is combined with extreme learning machine (ELM) in which the ELM is used as a preprocessor before learning. In this first key contribution, the dynamic random expansion characteristic of ELM is combined with the proposed incremental LDA technique, and shown to offer a significant improvement in maximizing the discrimination between points in two different classes, while minimizing the distance within each class, in comparison with other standard state-of-the-art incremental and batch techniques. In the second contribution, the differential equation method for solving the generalized eigenvalue problem is used to derive a novel state-of-the-art purely incremental version of slow feature analysis (SLA) algorithm, termed the generalized eigenvalue based slow feature analysis (GENEIGSFA) technique. Further the time series expansion of echo state network (ESN) and radial basis functions (EBF) are used as a pre-processor before learning. In addition, the higher order derivatives are used as a smoothing constraint in the output signal. Finally, an online extension of the generalized eigenvalue problem, derived from James Stone’s criterion, is tested, evaluated and compared with the standard batch version of the slow feature analysis technique, to demonstrate its comparative effectiveness. In the third contribution, light-weight extensions of the statistical technique known as canonical correlation analysis (CCA) for both twinned and multiple data streams, are derived by using the same existing method of solving the generalized eigenvalue problem. Further the proposed method is enhanced by maximizing the covariance between data streams while simultaneously maximizing the rate of change of variances within each data stream. A recurrent set of connections used by ESN are used as a pre-processor between the inputs and the canonical projections in order to capture shared temporal information in two or more data streams. A solution to the problem of identifying a low dimensional manifold on a high dimensional dataspace is then presented in an incremental and adaptive manner. Finally, an online locally optimized extension of Laplacian Eigenmaps is derived termed the generalized incremental laplacian eigenmaps technique (GENILE). Apart from exploiting the benefit of the incremental nature of the proposed manifold based dimensionality reduction technique, most of the time the projections produced by this method are shown to produce a better classification accuracy in comparison with standard batch versions of these techniques - on both artificial and real datasets

    Metric Learning for Clustering in Streaming Large-Scale Data

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    Given enormous amount of data produced each day it would be immensely useful if we could use it to learn hidden patterns in the data without the need for explicit labels. Clustering is one of the most popular approaches to label-less or unsupervised learning where the goal is to group together data points (for example, images, objects, web articles etc) into meaningful sub-classes called clusters. Although clustering is a well studied problem in machine learning but being unguided in nature, it may result in uninteresting patterns or trends. In general clustering is considered to be an ill-posed problem and any type of user input will help in guiding clustering towards a useful solution. For specific problems supervised learning is a conventional alternative, but in the real world it is costly to manually label the data and a supervised approach is no longer an option

    Graph Summarization

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    The continuous and rapid growth of highly interconnected datasets, which are both voluminous and complex, calls for the development of adequate processing and analytical techniques. One method for condensing and simplifying such datasets is graph summarization. It denotes a series of application-specific algorithms designed to transform graphs into more compact representations while preserving structural patterns, query answers, or specific property distributions. As this problem is common to several areas studying graph topologies, different approaches, such as clustering, compression, sampling, or influence detection, have been proposed, primarily based on statistical and optimization methods. The focus of our chapter is to pinpoint the main graph summarization methods, but especially to focus on the most recent approaches and novel research trends on this topic, not yet covered by previous surveys.Comment: To appear in the Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologie

    A Detailed Investigation into Low-Level Feature Detection in Spectrogram Images

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    Being the first stage of analysis within an image, low-level feature detection is a crucial step in the image analysis process and, as such, deserves suitable attention. This paper presents a systematic investigation into low-level feature detection in spectrogram images. The result of which is the identification of frequency tracks. Analysis of the literature identifies different strategies for accomplishing low-level feature detection. Nevertheless, the advantages and disadvantages of each are not explicitly investigated. Three model-based detection strategies are outlined, each extracting an increasing amount of information from the spectrogram, and, through ROC analysis, it is shown that at increasing levels of extraction the detection rates increase. Nevertheless, further investigation suggests that model-based detection has a limitation—it is not computationally feasible to fully evaluate the model of even a simple sinusoidal track. Therefore, alternative approaches, such as dimensionality reduction, are investigated to reduce the complex search space. It is shown that, if carefully selected, these techniques can approach the detection rates of model-based strategies that perform the same level of information extraction. The implementations used to derive the results presented within this paper are available online from http://stdetect.googlecode.com

    Flexible unsupervised feature extraction for image classification

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    Dimensionality reduction is one of the fundamental and important topics in the fields of pattern recognition and machine learning. However, most existing dimensionality reduction methods aim to seek a projection matrix W such that the projection W T x is exactly equal to the true low-dimensional representation. In practice, this constraint is too rigid to well capture the geometric structure of data. To tackle this problem, we relax this constraint but use an elastic one on the projection with the aim to reveal the geometric structure of data. Based on this context, we propose an unsupervised dimensionality reduction model named flexible unsupervised feature extraction (FUFE) for image classification. Moreover, we theoretically prove that PCA and LPP, which are two of the most representative unsupervised dimensionality reduction models, are special cases of FUFE, and propose a non-iterative algorithm to solve it. Experiments on five real-world image databases show the effectiveness of the proposed model