78,172 research outputs found

    Incremental Confined Types Analysis

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    Research related to alias protection and related concepts, such as, confined types and ownership types has a long tradition and is a promising concept for the design and implementation of more reliable and secure software. Unfortunately, the use of these concepts is not widespread as most implementations are proofs of concept and fall short with respect to the integration with standard software development tools and processes. In this paper, we discuss an implementation of confined types based on Java 5 annotations. The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we discuss the incrementalization of the confined types analysis and second, we present the integration of the analysis into Eclipse using the static analysis platform Magellan

    An overview on the application of FRP composites in piling system

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    Traditional pile materials such as steel, concrete and timber have limited service life when used in harsh marine environment. Problems coupled with these piles include deterioration of wood, corrosion of steel and degradation of reinforced concrete. To offset this problem, a relatively new trend in deep foundation industry is to use a fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials as a substitute in piling system. The fundamental advantages of FRP composites compared to other pile materials include lightweight, high strength and possess resistance against corrosion. However, composite materials face hurdle because they do not have a long track record of use in civil engineering application particularly in piling system. To partly address this obstacle, this paper presents an overview in testing, design, and practice of composite piles. Importance is given to history, material types and properties, structural behaviour, geotechnical performance, and durability of composite piles

    Inferring diffusion in single live cells at the single molecule level

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    The movement of molecules inside living cells is a fundamental feature of biological processes. The ability to both observe and analyse the details of molecular diffusion in vivo at the single molecule and single cell level can add significant insight into understanding molecular architectures of diffusing molecules and the nanoscale environment in which the molecules diffuse. The tool of choice for monitoring dynamic molecular localization in live cells is fluorescence microscopy, especially so combining total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) with the use of fluorescent protein (FP) reporters in offering exceptional imaging contrast for dynamic processes in the cell membrane under relatively physiological conditions compared to competing single molecule techniques. There exist several different complex modes of diffusion, and discriminating these from each other is challenging at the molecular level due to underlying stochastic behaviour. Analysis is traditionally performed using mean square displacements of tracked particles, however, this generally requires more data points than is typical for single FP tracks due to photophysical instability. Presented here is a novel approach allowing robust Bayesian ranking of diffusion processes (BARD) to discriminate multiple complex modes probabilistically. It is a computational approach which biologists can use to understand single molecule features in live cells.Comment: combined ms (1-37 pages, 8 figures) and SI (38-55, 3 figures

    The effect of masonry infill walls on the reinforced concrete frames behavior under lateral load

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    The reinforced concrete structures with masonry infill walls are widely used to construct buildings in Algeria, as in many parts of the world. According to earthquake analysis, this type of construction can undergo serious damage under seismic load. The interaction between the infill wall and the surrounding reinforced concrete structure is considered a key parameter, which could trigger damage and even collapse in self-stable frame buildings. To study the behavior of this type of structures and the wall–frame interaction, four half-scale single-storey, single-bay reinforced concrete unfilled and unfilled frames were constructed and tested under in-plane lateral load. Furthermore, the experimental results were analyzed using the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique giving a detailed analysis of displacement and strain fields. The wall–frame interaction was evaluated in terms of displacement field evolution and interface slip in the contact contour. The masonry infill wall demonstrated a significant influence on the in-plane lateral response of this type of structure. The analysis of the results of the experiment are discussed in this paper

    Introducing a genetically modified banana in Uganda: Social benefits, costs, and consumer perceptions

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    "Banana is a staple crop consumed by Ugandan households. The Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization has implemented conventional and biotechnology programs that seek improving bananas and address the crop's most important pest and disease problems. A major thrust is the development of genetically modified (GM) bananas. The purpose of this paper is to examine potential social welfare impacts of adopting a GM banana in Uganda. The study has three objectives. First, suggest and apply an approach to calculate reversible and irreversible benefits and costs of introducing a GM banana. The study applies a real option approach to estimate, ex ante, the maximum incremental social tolerable irreversible costs (MISTICs) that would justify immediate introduction of the technology. Second, suggest an approach for assessing producer/consumer preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for introducing a GM banana. Finally, the paper discusses main implications for biosafety decision making for GM crops in Uganda. Results of MISTICs estimation for different scenarios indicate that in delaying the approval of a GM banana, Uganda foregoes potential annual benefits ranging approximately from US179milliontoUS179 million to US365 million. Average annual MISTICs per household vary between US34andUS34 and US 69. Results indicate that only if the average household is willing to give up at least US$38 per year to avoid introduction of a GM banana, should postponing an immediate release be considered. Results imply that although GM bananas promise vast benefits, realization of those benefits depends on consumers' perceptions and attitudes and the willingness to pay for the GM technology." from Author's AbstractGM banana, Real option, Choice experiment, Biosafety, MISTICs,

    Remarks on explicit strong ellipticity conditions for anisotropic or pre-stressed incompressible solids

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    We present a set of explicit conditions, involving the components of the elastic stiffness tensor, which are necessary and sufficient to ensure the strong ellipticity of an orthorhombic incompressible medium. The derivation is based on the procedure developed by Zee & Sternberg (Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal., 83, 53-90 (1983)) and, consequently, is also applicable to the case of the homogeneously pre-stressed incompressible isotropic solids. This allows us to reformulate the results by Zee & Sternberg in terms of components of the incremental stiffness tensor. In addition, the resulting conditions are specialized to higher symmetry classes and compared with strong ellipticity conditions for plane strain, commonly used in the literature.The first author’s work and the second author’s visit to Brunel University were partly supported by Brunel University’s ‘BRIEF’ award scheme

    Growth-induced axial buckling of a slender elastic filament embedded in an isotropic elastic matrix

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    We investigate the problem of an axially-loaded, isotropic, slender cylinder embedded in a soft, isotropic, outer elastic matrix. The cylinder undergoes uniform axial growth, whilst both the cylinder and surrounding elastic matrix are confined between two rigid plates, so that this growth results in axial compression of the cylinder. We use two different modelling approaches to estimate the critical axial growth (that is, the amount of axial growth the cylinder is able to sustain before it buckles) and buckling wavelength of the cylinder. The first approach treats the filament and surrounding matrix as a single 3-dimensional elastic body undergoing large deformations, whilst the second approach treats the filament as a planar, elastic rod embedded in an infinite elastic foundation. By comparing the results of these two approaches, we obtain an estimate of the foundation modulus parameter, which characterises the strength of the foundation, in terms of the geometric and material properties of the system

    The Impact of Corporatisation and National Competition Policy: An Exploratory Study of Organisational Change and Leadership Style

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    Category Research Paper Purpose This study surveys managers of an Australian government owned enterprise undergoing organisational change as a result of public sector reform, specifically, National Competition Policy and Corporatisation. The purpose of the study is to examine the extent/type of organisational change and leadership style adopted to implement this change. Approach To understand the effect of reforms, the researcher explored the extent of change and leadership style through the use of an intraorganisational survey in a government owned Electricity Supply Corporation in Queensland, Australia. The instrument also included qualitatitive components to enable the researcher to qualify the statistical results. Findings Within the public sector, there is an uneasy tension between the need for a revolution of outdated bureaucracies in order to enhance flexibility and innovation on the one hand, and the desire to maintain the standards and procedures that are necessary for quality civic service for a broad range of stakeholders on the other. The results of this study indicate that there was significant organisational change and, according to responses, a change of leadership style indicative of this dilemma. Research limitations/implications The implications for reform setters, managers and politicians suggest the consideration of embedded factors whilst determining the processes and directions of change. Furthermore, it is necessary to choose a leadership style that is indicative of the type of change to be implemented. Additionally, greater participation by organisational members can increase the success of organisational change. The limitations of the study include the measurement of organisational change and leadership style. This instrument was originally used in structured interviews, however, measures were taken validate the instrument in its altered setting. Further, the study is confined to a single electricity organisation. Fertile fields for future research projects could include a larger quantitative study conducted with multiple States or nation wide electricity distribution companies. Originality/Value The study provides empirical evidence of the extent of change as a result of public sector reform. In doing so the study utilises organisational change and leadership style models within a public sector environment

    An incremental approach to genetic algorithms based classification

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    Incremental learning has been widely addressed in the machine learning literature to cope with learning tasks where the learning environment is ever changing or training samples become available over time. However, most research work explores incremental learning with statistical algorithms or neural networks, rather than evolutionary algorithms. The work in this paper employs genetic algorithms (GAs) as basic learning algorithms for incremental learning within one or more classifier agents in a multi-agent environment. Four new approaches with different initialization schemes are proposed. They keep the old solutions and use an “integration” operation to integrate them with new elements to accommodate new attributes, while biased mutation and crossover operations are adopted to further evolve a reinforced solution. The simulation results on benchmark classification data sets show that the proposed approaches can deal with the arrival of new input attributes and integrate them with the original input space. It is also shown that the proposed approaches can be successfully used for incremental learning and improve classification rates as compared to the retraining GA. Possible applications for continuous incremental training and feature selection are also discussed