11 research outputs found

    Exploring the logic of mobile search

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    After more than a decade of development work and hopes, the usage of mobile Internet has finally taken off. Now, we are witnessing the first signs of evidence of what might become the explosion of mobile content and applications that will be shaping the (mobile) Internet of the future. Similar to the wired Internet, search will become very relevant for the usage of mobile Internet. Current research on mobile search has applied a limited set of methodologies and has also generated a narrow outcome of meaningful results. This article covers new ground, exploring the use and visions of mobile search with a users' interview-based qualitative study. Its main conclusion builds upon the hypothesis that mobile search is sensitive to a mobile logic different than today's one. First, (advanced) users ask for accessing with their mobile devices the entire Internet, rather than subsections of it. Second, success is based on new added-value applications that exploit unique mobile functionalities. The authors interpret that such mobile logic involves fundamentally the use of personalised and context-based services

    Prospects of Mobile Search

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    Search faces (at least) two major challenges. One is to improve efficiency of retrieving relevant content for all digital formats (images, audio, video, 3D shapes, etc). The second is making relevant information retrievable in a range of platforms, particularly in high diffusion ones as mobiles. The two challenges are interrelated but distinct. This report aims at assessing the potential of future Mobile Search. Two broad groups of search-based applications can be identified. The first one is the adaptation and emulation of web search processes and services to the mobile environment. The second one is services exploiting the unique features of the mobile devices and the mobile environments. Examples of these context-aware services include location-based services or interfacing to the internet of things (RFID networks). The report starts by providing an introduction to mobile search. It highlights differences and commonalities with search technologies on other platforms (Chapter 1). Chapter 2 is devoted to the supply side of mobile search markets. It describes mobile markets, presents key figures and gives an outline of main business models and players. Chapter 3 is dedicated to the demand side of the market. It studies users¿ acceptance and demand using the results on a case study in Sweden. Chapter 4 presents emerging trends in technology and markets that could shape mobile search. It is the author's view after discussing with many experts. One input to this discussion was the analysis of on forward-looking scenarios for mobile developed by the authors (Chapter 5). Experts were asked to evaluate these scenarios. Another input was a questionnaire to which 61 experts responded. Drivers, barriers and enablers for mobile search have been synthesised into SWOT analysis. The report concludes with some policy recommendations in view of the likely socio-economic implications of mobile search in Europe.JRC.DG.J.4-Information Societ

    Understanding Mobile Search: A Survey of Smartphone Users' Location, Social Context, Search Activity and Search Motivation

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    The behaviour of mobile phone searchers is changing. Traditionally, mobile phone search has meant on the move, limited time and a high failure rate for finding relevant information. However, due to the fast development of smartphones, improved mobile broadband, low cost mobile internet and the blooming of social networks, smartphones have become a primary device for information access in more stationary and familiar locations, such as at home or at work. This changing behaviour could significantly influence the mobile phone search domain. In order to improve the design of mobile search for mobile phone users, a deeper understanding of mobile information needs, behaviours, underlying motivations and associated interaction challenges is a fundamental task. The aim of this study is to understand the current change in mobile information needs, behaviours and motivations, and their impact for future mobile phone search. We present the results from an online survey involving 256 users over a 4 week period, focusing on when, where, what and how people use the mobile phone search. We discuss these findings to present a picture of how location, social context and current work task impact mobile phone search, and analyses the relationship between search activity, search motivation and key contextual factors

    Internet on mobiles: evolution of usability and user experience

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    The mobile Internet is no longer a new phenomenon; the first mobile devices supporting web access were introduced over 10 years ago. During the past ten years technology and business infrastructure have evolved and the number of mobile Internet users has increased all over the world. Service user interface, technology and business infrastructure have built a framework for service adaptation: they can act as enablers or as barriers. Users evaluate how the new technology adds value to their life based on multiple factors. This dissertation has its focus in the area of human-computer interaction research and practices. The overall goal of my research has been to improve the usability and the user experience of mobile Internet services. My research has sought answers to questions relevant in service development process. Questions have varied during the years, the main question being: How to design and create mobile Internet services that people can use and want to use? I have sought answers mostly from a human factors perspective, but have also taken the elements form technology and business infrastructure into consideration. In order to answer the questions raised in service development projects, we have investigated the mobile Internet services in the laboratory and in the field. My research has been conducted in various countries in 3 continents: Asia, Europe and North America. These studies revealed differences in mobile Internet use in different countries and between user groups. Studies in this dissertation were conducted between years 1998 and 2007 and show how questions and research methods have evolved during the time. Good service creation requires that all three factors: technology, business infrastructure and users are taken in consideration. When using knowledge on users in decision making, it is important to understand that the different phases of the service development cycle require the different kind of information on users. It is not enough to know about the users, the knowledge about users has to be transferred into decisions. The service has to be easy to use so that people can use it. This is related to usability. Usability is a very important factor in service adoption, but it is not enough. The service has to have relevant content from user perspective. The content is the reason why people want to use the service. In addition to the content and the ease of use, people evaluate the goodness of the service based on many other aspects: the cost, the availability and the reliability of the system for example. A good service is worth trying and after the first experience, is it worth using. These aspects are considered to influence the 'user experience' of the system. In this work I use lexical analysis to evaluate how the words "usability" and "user experience" are used in mobile HCI conference papers during the past 10 years. The use of both words has increased during the period and reflects the evolution of research questions and methodology over time

    Design and Evaluation of User Interfaces for Mobile Web Search

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    Mobiili tiedonhaku on jatkuvasti kasvava ja monimuotoistuva osa jokapäiväistä tiedonhankintaa. Aikaisemman tutkimuksen mukaan tarvitaan kuitenkin parempia käyttöliittymäratkaisuja tukemaan mobiililaitteilla tapahtuvaa verkkotiedonhakua. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin kaksi uutta hakukäyttöliittymää, joita arvioitiin käyttäjätutkimuksissa. Ensimmäinen käyttöliittymä perustuu siihen, että hakutulokset luokitellaan ryhmiin niissä esiintyvien avainsanojen perusteella. Käyttäjätutkimusten tulokset osoittavat, että luokittelulla voidaan tukea mobiilikäyttäjien tutkivaa tiedonhakua. Toinen käyttöliittymä antaa hakutulosten yhteydessä yleiskuvan hakulauseen sijaintikohdista tulosdokumenteissa. Vaikkakin menetelmän käyttö vaatii opettelua, käyttäjäarviot osoittavat että se voi auttaa sivuuttamaan huonot hakutulokset, etenkin silloin kun muut hakutulosta kuvaavat tiedot ovat epäselviä. Lisäksi väitöskirjassa tutkittiin aktiivisten mobiili-Internetin käyttäjien tiedontarpeita verkkotiedonhaun käytön ymmärtämiseksi. Tutkimustulosten mukaan hakujen tekeminen ja verkon selaaminen ovat näiden käyttäjien tärkeimpiä tiedonhankintatapoja. Niillä pyritään vastaamaan tiedontarpeisiin heti niiden ilmaantuessa, olipa käyttäjä sitten kotona, liikkeessä tai sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutustilanteessa. Mobiili tiedonhankinta on vahvasti sidoksissa käyttötilanteeseen, mikä tulee huomioida hakukäyttöliittymien suunnittelussa. Tulevaisuuden hakukäyttöliittymät voivat esimerkiksi tukea tiedonhankintaa hyödyntämällä tietoa käyttäjän sijainnista ja aktiviteeteista. Myös epämuodollisten ja tutkivien tiedontarpeiden kasvava rooli asettaa uusia haasteita vuorovaikutuksen suunnittelulle.Mobile Web search is a rapidly growing information seeking activity employed across different locations, situations, and activities. Current mobile search interfaces are based on the ranked result list, dominant in desktop interfaces. Research suggests that new paradigms are needed for better support of mobile searchers. For this dissertation, two such novel search interface techniques were designed, implemented, and evaluated. The first method, a clustering search interface that presents a category- based overview of the results, was studied both in a task-based experiment in a laboratory setting and in a longitudinal field study wherein it was used to address real information needs. The results indicate that clustering can support exploratory search needs when the searcher has trouble defining the information need, requires an overview of the search topic, or is interested in multiple results related to the same topic. The findings informed design guidelines for category-based search interfaces. How and when categorization is presented in the search interface needs to be carefully considered. Categorization methods should be improved, for better response to diverse information needs. Hybrid approaches employing contextually informed clustering, classification, and faceted browsing may offer the best match for user needs. The second presentation method, a visualization of the occurrences of the user s query phrase in a result document, can be incorporated into the ranked result list as an additional, unobtrusive result descriptor. It allows the searcher to see how often the query phrase appears in the result document, enabling the use of various evaluation strategies to assess the relevance of the results. Several iterations of the visualization were studied with users to form an understanding of the potential of this approach. The results suggest that a novel visualization can be useful in ruling out non-relevant results and can assist when the other result descriptors do not provide for a conclusive relevance assessment. However, users familiarity with well-established result descriptors means that users have to learn how to integrate the visualization into their search strategies and reconcile situations in which the visualization is in conflict with other metadata. In addition, the contextual triggers and information behaviors of mobile Internet users were studied, for understanding of the role of Web search as a mobile information seeking activity. The results from this study show that mobile Web search and browsing are important information seeking activities. They are engaged in to resolve emerging information needs as they appear, whether at home, on the go, or in social situations

    Incidental information and mobile search

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    There is much interest in providing effective mobile search tools. Our focus is the value of in-situ sharing of users' mobile search activity. The QnotA prototype displays other people's queries about locations in an attempt to both provide users with an enriched sense of the places they visit, and to accommodate the limited input and output capabilities of many mobile platforms. We present the prototype and user experiences it affords. A study has been performed which allowed us to gather logged usage data and subjective participant information via diary and interview protocols. We report on findings that give insights as to the use and usefulness of the approach