163 research outputs found

    Imputation reliability on DNA biallelic markers for drug metabolism studies

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    Imputation is a statistical process used to predict genotypes of loci not directly assayed in a sample of individuals. Our goal is to measure the performance of imputation in predicting the genotype of the best known gene polymorphisms involved in drug metabolism using a common SNP array genotyping platform generally exploited in genome wide association studies.METHODS:Thirty-nine (39) individuals were genotyped with both Affymetrix Genome Wide Human SNP 6.0 (AFFY) and Affymetrix DMET Plus (DMET) platforms. AFFY and DMET contain nearly 900000 and 1931 markers respectively. We used a 1000 Genomes Pilot + HapMap 3 reference panel. Imputation was performed using the computer program Impute, version 2. SNPs contained in DMET, but not imputed, were analysed studying markers around their chromosome regions. The efficacy of the imputation was measured evaluating the number of successfully imputed SNPs (SSNPs).RESULTS:The imputation predicted the genotypes of 654 SNPs not present in the AFFY array, but contained in the DMET array. Approximately 1000 SNPs were not annotated in the reference panel and therefore they could not be directly imputed. After testing three different imputed genotype calling threshold (IGCT), we observed that imputation performs at its best for IGCT value equal to 50%, with rate of SSNPs (MAF > 0.05) equal to 85%.CONCLUSIONS:Most of the genes involved in drug metabolism can be imputed with high efficacy using standard genome-wide genotyping platforms and imputing procedures

    Integrating Human Population Genetics And Genomics To Elucidate The Etiology Of Brain Disorders

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    Brain disorders present a significant burden on affected individuals, their families and society at large. Existing diagnostic tests suffer from a lack of genetic biomarkers, particularly for substance use disorders, such as alcohol dependence (AD). Numerous studies have demonstrated that AD has a genetic heritability of 40-60%. The existing genetics literature of AD has primarily focused on linkage analyses in small family cohorts and more recently on genome-wide association analyses (GWAS) in large case-control cohorts, fueled by rapid advances in next generation sequencing (NGS). Numerous AD-associated genomic variations are present at a common frequency in the general population, making these variants of public health significance. However, known AD-associated variants explain only a fraction of the expected heritability. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that systems biology applications that integrate evolutionary genomics, rare variants and structural variation can dissect the genetic architecture of AD and elucidate its heritability. We identified several complex human diseases, including AD and other brain disorders, as potential targets of natural selection forces in diverse world populations. Further evidence of natural selection forces affecting AD was revealed when we identified an association between eye color, a trait under strong selection, and AD. These findings provide strong support for conducting GWAS on brain disorder phenotypes. However, with the ever-increasing abundance of rare genomic variants and large cohorts of multi-ethnic samples, population stratification becomes a serious confounding factor for GWAS. To address this problem, we designed a novel approach to identify ancestry informative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for population stratification adjustment in association analyses. Furthermore, to leverage untyped variants from genotyping arrays – particularly rare variants – for GWAS and meta-analysis through rapid imputation, we designed a tool that converts genotype definitions across various array platforms. To further elucidate the genetic heritability of brain disorders, we designed approaches aimed at identifying Copy Number Variations (CNVs) and viral insertions into the human genome. We conducted the first CNV-based whole genome meta-analysis for AD. We also designed an integrated approach to estimate the sensitivity of NGS-based methods of viral insertion detection. For the first time in the literature, we identified herpesvirus in NGS data from an Alzheimer’s disease brain sample. The work in this dissertation represents a three-faceted advance in our understanding of brain disease etiology: 1) evolutionary genomic insights, 2) novel resources and tools to leverage rare variants, and 3) the discovery of disease-associated structural genomic aberrations. Our findings have broad implications on the genetics of complex human disease and hold promise for delivering clinically useful knowledge and resources

    Genomic Contributors to Individual Differences in Reward-Related Neural Activity

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    Aberrant reward-related behavior, including impulsive and risk-taking behaviors, is a common feature of externalizing psychopathology (e.g., attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, antisocial personality disorder, and substance-use disorders). Through imaging studies, these behaviors have been linked to dysregulated reactivity within a diffuse reward-related corticostriatal neural network, including the striatum, frontal regions (namely orbital, ventromedial, and dorsolateral cortices), the insula, and the hippocampus. Because variability in risk-taking behavior and related psychopathology is moderately-to-largely heritable (i.e., with estimates ranging from 40 – 80%), a genetically-informed approach is well-positioned to provide valuable insight into the etiology of reward-related neural and behavioral phenotypes that characterize externalizing psychopathology. Using summary statistics from a recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) of risk tolerance among 939,908 individuals, we generated polygenic risk scores (PRS) for a European-ancestry subsample (usable data ranging from n=457 to n=518; see Table 2) of the Duke Neurogenetics Study (DNS; a large community sample) and examined associations between genomic liability and risk-taking phenotypes (i.e., self-reported impulsivity and alcohol use, and behavioral delay discounting), as well as BOLD activation of the ventral striatum. Contrary to our hypotheses, GWAS-based PRS were not consistently significantly associated with risk-related behavior or with activation of the ventral striatum. In order to increase biological informativeness, we also used PrediXcan analyses to identify genes with differential expression based on the risk-related genomic liability; however, PRS of these differentially-expressed variants were also not significantly associated with risk-related behavioral or neural-activation phenotypes in the DNS. Though these null findings may reflect a true lack of association between risk-related genetic liability and behavior/neural externalizing phenotypes, we discuss possible alternative explanations regarding imprecise phenotyping in the discovery GWAS, inadequate statistical power, and questionable reliability of task-based fMRI measurements

    A broad overview of genotype imputation: Standard guidelines, approaches, and future investigations in genomic association studies

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    The advent of genomic big data and the statistical need for reaching significant results have led genome-wide association studies to be ravenous of a huge number of genetic markers scattered along the whole genome. Since its very beginning, the so-called genotype imputation served this purpose; this statistical and inferential procedure based on a known reference panel opened the theoretical possibility to extend association analyses to a greater number of polymorphic sites which have not been previously assayed by the used technology. In this review, we present a broad overview of the genotype imputation process, showing the most known methods and presenting the main areas of interest, with a closer look to the most up-to-date approaches and a deeper understanding of its usage in the present-day genomic landscape, shedding a light on its future developments and investigation areas

    Deciphering causal genetic determinants of red blood cell traits

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    Les études d’association pan-génomiques ont révélé plusieurs variants génétiques associés à des traits complexes. Les mesures érythrocytaires ont souvent fait l’objet de ce genre d’études, étant mesurées de façon routinière et précise. Comprendre comment les variations génétiques influencent ces phénotypes est primordial étant donné leur importance comme marqueurs cliniques et leur influence sur la sévérité de plusieurs maladies. En particulier, des niveaux élevés d’hémoglobine fœtal chez les patients atteints d’anémie falciforme est associé à une réduction des complications et une augmentation de l’espérance de vie. Néanmoins, la majorité des variants génétiques identifiés par ces études tombent à l’intérieur de régions génétiques non-codantes, augmentant la difficulté d’identifier des gènes causaux. L’objectif premier de ce projet est l’identification et la caractérisation de gènes influençant les traits complexes, et tout particulièrement les traits sanguins. Pour y arriver, j’ai tout d’abord développé une méthode permettant d’identifier et de tester l’effet de gènes knockouts sur les traits anthropométriques. Malgré un échantillon de grande taille, cette approche n’a révélé aucune association. Ensuite, j’ai caractérisé le méthylome et le transcriptome d’érythroblastes différentiés à partir de cellules souches hématopoïétiques et identifié plusieurs gènes potentiellement impliqués dans les programmes érythroïdes fœtaux et adultes. Par ailleurs, j’ai identifié plusieurs micro-ARNs montrant des motifs d’expression spécifiques entre les stages fœtaux et adultes et qui sont enrichis pour des cibles exprimées de façon opposée. Finalement, j’ai identifié plusieurs variants génétiques associés à l’expression de gènes dans les érythroblastes (eQTL). Cette étude a permis d’identifier des variants associés à l’expression du gène ATP2B4, qui encode le principal transporteur de calcium des érythrocytes. Ces variants, qui sont également associés à des traits sanguins et à la susceptibilité à la malaria, tombent dans un élément d’ADN spécifique aux cellules érythroïdes. La délétion de cet élément par le système CRISPR/Cas9 induit une forte diminution de l’expression du gène et une augmentation des niveaux de calcium intracellulaires. En conclusion, des échantillons de génotypages exhaustifs seront nécessaires pour étudier l’effet de gènes knockouts sur les traits complexes. Les érythroblastes montrent de grandes différences au niveau de leur méthylome et transcriptome entre les différents stages développementaux. Ces différences influencent potentiellement la régulation de l’hémoglobine fœtale et impliquent de nombreux micro-ARNs et régions régulatrices non-codantes. Finalement, l’exemple d’ATP2B4 montre qu’intégrer des études épigénomiques, transcriptomiques et des expériences d’édition de génome est une approche puissante pour caractériser des variants génétiques non-codants. Par ailleurs, ces résultats impliquent ATP2B4 dans l’hydratation des érythroblastes, qui est associé à la susceptibilité à la malaria et la sévérité de l’anémie falciforme. Cibler ATP2B4 de façon thérapeutique pourrait avoir un impact majeur sur ces maladies qui affectent des millions d’individus à travers le monde.Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed several genetic variants associated with complex phenotypes. This is the case for red blood cell (RBC) traits, which are particularly amenable to GWAS as they are routinely and accurately measured. Understanding RBC trait variation is important given their significance as clinical markers and modifiers of disease severity. Notably, increased fetal hemoglobin (HbF) production in sickle cell disease (SCD) patients is associated with a higher life expectancy and decreased morbidity. Nonetheless, most variants identified through GWAS fall in non-coding regions of the human genome, increasing the difficulty of identifying causal links. The main goal of this project was to identify and characterize genes influencing complex traits, and in particular RBC phenotypes. First, I developed an approach to identify and test potential gene knockouts affecting anthropometric traits in a large sample from the general population, which did not yield significant associations. Then, I characterized the DNA methylome and transcriptome of erythroblasts differentiated ex vivo from hematopoietic progenitor stem cells (HPSC), and identified several genes potentially implicated in fetal and adult-stage erythroid programs. I also identified microRNAs (miRNA) that show specific developmental expression patterns and that are enriched in inversely expressed targets. Finally, I mapped expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) in erythroblasts, and identify erythroid-specific eQTLs for ATP2B4, the main calcium ATPase of RBCs. These genetic variants are associated with RBC traits and malaria susceptibly, and overlap an erythroid-specific enhancer of ATP2B4. Deletion of this regulatory element using CRISPR/Cas9 experiments in human erythroid cells minimized ATP2B4 expression and increased intracellular calcium levels. In conclusion, large and comprehensive genotyping datasets will be necessary to test the role of rare gene knockouts on complex phenotypes. The transcriptomes and DNA methylomes of erythroblasts show substantial differences correlating with their developmental stages and that may be implicated in HbF production. These results also suggest a strong implication of erythroid enhancers and miRNAs in developmental stage specificity. Finally, characterizing the erythroid-specific enhancer of ATP2B4 suggest that integrating epigenomic, transcriptomic and gene editing experiments can be a powerful approach to characterize non-coding genetic variants. These results implicate ATP2B4 in erythroid cell hydration, which is associated with malaria susceptibility and SCD severity, suggesting that therapies targeting this gene could impact diseases affecting millions of individuals worldwide

    Genome-wide association study for detecting autoimmune-disease-associated genetic pattern differences in specific HLA type carriers

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    The HLA locus variants are one of the strongest genetic predictors for most, if not all, human autoimmune diseases. The HLA locus genes include the antigen-presenting cell surface peptide encoding genes, which form an essential component in the maturation of the T-cell population in the thymus, and their subsequent activation in the periphery. Leveraging the modern population-wide genotype information that capture even the most polymorphic loci, this work sets the aim to design a case-control genome-wide association study (GWAS), that would result in the detection of non-HLA genetic variants that have a statistically different effect on an autoimmune disease in the carriers of certain HLA types, in comparison to the non-carriers. For the purpose of this aim, study groups are assembled based on specific HLA allele doses, so that for 42 HLA allele typesselected for this study there are 42 HLA-specific groups where every individual is a carrier of at least one copy of the HLA allele type. The effect sizes from the summary statistics of the HLA-specific GWASs are compared to a general population GWAS (which is done on all the participants of the Estonian Biobank in this case). The variants are considered relevant to this aim if their effect size is statisticallt different in the HLA-specific groups than they are in the general population GWAS

    Pharmacogenetics: data, concepts and tools to improve drug discovery and drug treatment

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    Variation in the human genome is a most important cause of variable response to drugs and other xenobiotics. Susceptibility to almost all diseases is determined to some extent by genetic variation. Driven by the advances in molecular biology, pharmacogenetics has evolved within the past 40 years from a niche discipline to a major driving force of clinical pharmacology, and it is currently one of the most actively pursued disciplines in applied biomedical research in general. Nowadays we can assess more than 1,000,000 polymorphisms or the expression of more than 25,000 genes in each participant of a clinical study – at affordable costs. This has not yet significantly changed common therapeutic practices, but a number of physicians are starting to consider polymorphisms, such as those in CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP2D6, TPMT and VKORC1, in daily medical practice. More obviously, pharmacogenetics has changed the practices and requirements in preclinical and clinical drug research; large clinical trials without a pharmacogenomic add-on appear to have become the minority. This review is about how the discipline of pharmacogenetics has evolved from the analysis of single proteins to current approaches involving the broad analyses of the entire genome and of all mRNA species or all metabolites and other approaches aimed at trying to understand the entire biological system. Pharmacogenetics and genomics are becoming substantially integrated fields of the profession of clinical pharmacology, and education in the relevant methods, knowledge and concepts form an indispensable part of the clinical pharmacology curriculum and the professional life of pharmacologists from early drug discovery to pharmacovigilance

    The genomics of visuospatial neurocognition in obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary GWAS

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    Background: The study of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) genomics has primarily been tackled by Genome-wide association studies (GWAS), which have encountered troubles in identifying replicable single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Endophenotypes have emerged as a promising avenue of study in trying to elucidate the genomic bases of complex traits such as OCD.Methods: We analyzed the association of SNPs across the whole genome with the construction of visuospatial information and executive performance through four neurocognitive variables assessed by the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCFT) in a sample of 133 OCD probands. Analyses were performed at SNP- and genelevel.Results: No SNP reached genome-wide significance, although there was one SNP almost reaching significant association with copy organization (rs60360940; P = 9.98E-08). Suggestive signals were found for the four variables at both SNP- (P < 1E-05) and gene-levels (P < 1E-04). Most of the suggestive signals pointed to genes and genomic regions previously associated with neurological function and neuropsychological traits. Limitations: Our main limitations were the sample size, which was limited to identify associated signals at a genome-wide level, and the composition of the sample, more representative of rather severe OCD cases than a population-based OCD sample with a broad severity spectrum.Conclusions: Our results suggest that studying neurocognitive variables in GWAS would be more informative on the genetic basis of OCD than the classical case/control GWAS, facilitating the genetic characterization of OCD and its different clinical profiles, the development of individualized treatment approaches, and the improvement of prognosis and treatment response

    A modeling platform to predict cancer survival and therapy outcomes using tumor tissue derived metabolomics data.

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    Cancer is a complex and broad disease that is challenging to treat, partially due to the vast molecular heterogeneity among patients even within the same subtype. Currently, no reliable method exists to determine which potential first-line therapy would be most effective for a specific patient, as randomized clinical trials have concluded that no single regimen may be significantly more effective than others. One ongoing challenge in the field of oncology is the search for personalization of cancer treatment based on patient data. With an interdisciplinary approach, we show that tumor-tissue derived metabolomics data is capable of predicting clinical response to systemic therapy classified as disease control vs. progressive disease and pathological stage classified as stage I/II/III vs. stage IV via data analysis with machine-learning techniques (AUROC = 0.970; AUROC=0.902). Patient survival was also analyzed via statistical methods and machine-learning, both of which show that tumor-tissue derived metabolomics data is capable of risk stratifying patients in terms of long vs. short survival (OS AUROC = 0.940TEST; PFS AUROC = 0.875TEST). A set of key metabolites as potential biomarkers and associated metabolic pathways were also found for each outcome, which may lead to insight into biological mechanisms. Additionally, we developed a methodology to calibrate tumor growth related parameters in a well-established mathematical model of cancer to help predict the potential nuances of chemotherapeutic response. The proposed methodology shows results consistent with clinical observations in predicting individual patient response to systemic therapy and helps lay the foundation for further investigation into the calibration of mathematical models of cancer with patient-tissue derived molecular data. Chapters 6 and 8 were published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering. Chapters 2, 3, and 7 were published in Metabolomics, Lung Cancer, and Pharmaceutical Research, respectively. Chapters 4 has been accepted for publication at the journal Metabolomics (in press) and Chapter 5 is in review at the journal Metabolomics. Chapter 9 is currently undergoing preparation for submission