1,534 research outputs found

    Joint Modeling of Received Power, Mean Delay, and Delay Spread for Wideband Radio Channels

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    We propose a multivariate log-normal distribution to jointly model received power, mean delay, and root mean square (rms) delay spread of wideband radio channels, referred to as the standardized temporal moments. The model is validated using experimental data collected from five different measurement campaigns (four indoor and one outdoor scenario). We observe that the received power, mean delay and rms delay spread are correlated random variables and, therefore, should be simulated jointly. Joint models are able to capture the structure of the underlying process, unlike the independent models considered in the literature. The proposed model of the multivariate log-normal distribution is found to be a good fit for a large number of wideband data-sets

    Joint Estimation of the Time Delay and the Clock Drift and Offset Using UWB signals

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    We consider two transceivers, the first with perfect clock and the second with imperfect clock. We investigate the joint estimation of the delay between the transceivers and the offset and the drift of the imperfect clock. We propose a protocol for the synchronization of the clocks. We derive some empirical estimators for the delay, the offset and the drift, and compute the Cramer-Rao lower bounds and the joint maximum likelihood estimator of the delay and the drift. We study the impact of the protocol parameters and the time-of-arrival estimation variance on the achieved performances. We validate some theoretical results by simulation.Comment: Accepted and published in the IEEE ICC 2014 conferenc

    Implementation Aspects of a Transmitted-Reference UWB Receiver

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    In this paper, we discuss the design issues of an ultra wide band (UWB) receiver targeting a single-chip CMOS implementation for low data-rate applications like ad hoc wireless sensor networks. A non-coherent transmitted reference (TR) receiver is chosen because of its small complexity compared to other architectures. After a brief recapitulation of the UWB fundamentals and a short discussion on the major differences between coherent and non-coherent receivers, we discuss issues, challenges and possible design solutions. Several simulation results obtained by means of a behavioral model are presented, together with an analysis of the trade-off between performance and complexity in an integrated circuit implementation

    D-SLATS: Distributed Simultaneous Localization and Time Synchronization

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    Through the last decade, we have witnessed a surge of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and with that a greater need to choreograph their actions across both time and space. Although these two problems, namely time synchronization and localization, share many aspects in common, they are traditionally treated separately or combined on centralized approaches that results in an ineffcient use of resources, or in solutions that are not scalable in terms of the number of IoT devices. Therefore, we propose D-SLATS, a framework comprised of three different and independent algorithms to jointly solve time synchronization and localization problems in a distributed fashion. The First two algorithms are based mainly on the distributed Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) whereas the third one uses optimization techniques. No fusion center is required, and the devices only communicate with their neighbors. The proposed methods are evaluated on custom Ultra-Wideband communication Testbed and a quadrotor, representing a network of both static and mobile nodes. Our algorithms achieve up to three microseconds time synchronization accuracy and 30 cm localization error

    Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio Systems with Multiple Pulse Types

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    In an ultra wideband (UWB) impulse radio (IR) system, a number of pulses, each transmitted in an interval called a "frame", is employed to represent one information symbol. Conventionally, a single type of UWB pulse is used in all frames of all users. In this paper, IR systems with multiple types of UWB pulses are considered, where different types of pulses can be used in different frames by different users. Both stored-reference (SR) and transmitted-reference (TR) systems are considered. First, the spectral properties of a multi-pulse IR system with polarity randomization is investigated. It is shown that the average power spectral density is the average of the spectral contents of different pulse shapes. Then, approximate closed-form expressions for the bit error probability of a multi-pulse SR-IR system are derived for RAKE receivers in asynchronous multiuser environments. The effects of both inter-frame interference (IFI) and multiple-access interference (MAI) are analyzed. The theoretical and simulation results indicate that SR-IR systems that are more robust against IFI and MAI than a "conventional" SR-IR system can be designed with multiple types of ultra-wideband pulses. Finally, extensions to multi-pulse TR-IR systems are briefly described.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications - Special Issue on Ultrawideband Wireless Communications: Theory and Application

    Target Tracking in Confined Environments with Uncertain Sensor Positions

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    To ensure safety in confined environments such as mines or subway tunnels, a (wireless) sensor network can be deployed to monitor various environmental conditions. One of its most important applications is to track personnel, mobile equipment and vehicles. However, the state-of-the-art algorithms assume that the positions of the sensors are perfectly known, which is not necessarily true due to imprecise placement and/or dropping of sensors. Therefore, we propose an automatic approach for simultaneous refinement of sensors' positions and target tracking. We divide the considered area in a finite number of cells, define dynamic and measurement models, and apply a discrete variant of belief propagation which can efficiently solve this high-dimensional problem, and handle all non-Gaussian uncertainties expected in this kind of environments. Finally, we use ray-tracing simulation to generate an artificial mine-like environment and generate synthetic measurement data. According to our extensive simulation study, the proposed approach performs significantly better than standard Bayesian target tracking and localization algorithms, and provides robustness against outliers.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 201
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