52 research outputs found

    Optimization of Skus\u27 Locations in Warehouse

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    Many companies, which deal with warehousing, optimize their warehouses. The main business of these companies is to offer to customers the warehousing services. It is possible to note that these companies are specialized in warehousing. On the other hand, we can find companies, which have as the main business the selling of goods to customers. These companies use the warehouses too but in a little bit different way. The arrangement of their warehouses can be very unsuitable and convenient for optimization. Our paper is focused on optimization of stored goods’ locations based on market basket analysis. The solution of this task is known as well but not so many authors deal with it. A common problem for many companies is to find sets of products that are sold together. As the source of these information the history of sales transactions is used. The process of the data preparation is mentioned in this paper. The steps described in this paper are applied on real retail store


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    RESUMEN ANALÍTICOEl alistamiento de pedidos es un proceso cuyo desempeño con altos estándares de efciencia puede ser una ventaja competitiva para las organizaciones. Se compone de actividades operativas que inciden en aspectos como los costos logísticos y las cargas de trabajo. Pero en su operar cotidiano, subyacen desafíos estratégicos de las organizaciones, como responder a los niveles de servicio demandados por los clientes, afrontar cambios en el mercado y características de los pedidos, o lograr mayor calidad en las entregas. Por su importancia operativa y estratégica, es un proceso que debe ser examinado, pero mejorar su efciencia no es una tarea sencilla. Las políticas de almacenamiento, de conformación de lotes y de ruteo, son las tres decisiones más estudiadas para disminuir los tiempos de alistamiento. Debido a que están bajo el control de las organizaciones, redefnir estas políticas tiene un alto grado de fexibilidad respecto otros factores que inciden en el proceso (por ejemplo, cambios en el layout del almacén) y no demanda altas inversiones en capital de trabajo. Estas políticas y otros aspectos de interés mencionados en la literatura que tiene como objetivo el estudio del alistamiento de pedidos se explican en este artículo. Además, se destaca brevemente, el distanciamiento entre la academia y la práctica al estudiar el proceso de alistamiento de pedidos, pues es importante destacar que el aprendizaje que dio como resultado esta revisión de literatura ha sido insumo para continuar con un trabajo de investigación que se está desarrollando para mejorar el desempeño logístico de una empresa colombiana del sector textil.PALABRAS CLAVES: Alistamiento de pedidos, Almacén, Conformación de lotes, Políticas de ruteo, Políticas de almacenamiento. FUNDAMENTAL DECISIONS TO STUDY PICKING PROCESS: LITERATURE REVIEWANALYTICAL SUMMARYPicking process performance with high effciency levels can be an organizations competitive advantage. It is composed by operative activities that infuence issues like logistics costs or workload. But in process daily operation, underlie strategic challenges of organizations, such as attending level services demanded for customers, deal with market changes and orders characteristics, or deliveries quality. For its operational and strategic importance, is a process that must be examined, but improving its effciency is not a simple task. Storage, batching and routing policies are the three most studied decisions to reduce the picking process time. Because they are under control of organizations, redefne these policies have a high degree of fexibility respect to other factors that infuence the process (for example, changes in the warehouse layout) and does not require high investments in working capital. These policies and other interests facts mentioned in the literature about picking process are explained in this article. Furthermore, briefy highlights the gap between academia and practice to study the picking process, so it is important to note that the resulting learning from this literature review has been input to continue a research project that is being developed for improve logistics performance of a Colombian organization from textile sector.KEYWORDS: Picking process, Warehouse, Batching, Routing, Storage

    Warehouse Specification Proposition for Urbanis (Urban Farming Company) Using Discrete Event Simulation Method

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    Two percent of the world's surface use for cities, yet it consumes 75 percent of its resources. Urban farming is an emerging alternative food network that could supply some of the food needs in cities with less emission, healthier food, and the environment. Urbanis is a company that likes to contribute to the acceleration of urban farming, especially in Indonesia, by utilizing vacant land and labor. In 2021, Urbanis plans to scale up the production capacity to 10 tonnes per month or 400 kg per day. It requires us to have a warehouse to store the food product that has not been absorbed by the market. The purpose of this study is to find warehouse specifications for Urbanis and the amount of labor and rack inside the warehouse alongside capital and operational expenditure. This research uses a layout with an area of 5x14 meters for experimental design. The model then translated into a discrete-event simulation model named Anylogic. The results show, for each amount of arrival, the number of labor that utilizes effectively are two labors with a maximum number of rack 50. Given these results, the author conducted operational and capital expenditure, which consist of variable analysis and additional variables such as a table, fan, and chair. The result is Urbanis need Rp 50.738.000 for capital expenditure while Rp 10.871.337 for operational expenditure

    Analisis Tata Letak Penyimpanan Material Pada Gudang PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Banten Selatan

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    The warehouse is an important part of the distribution process, where warehouse operations such as receiving, storing, and shipping goods are performed in the warehouse. PT. PLN (Persero) UP3 Banten Selatan is a company specializing in public services, especially in the field of power distribution, which customers need to ensure adequate power supply and auxiliary materials. Thus, warehouse layout planning is very important to optimize the use of storage space in order to ensure that adequate support materials are provided more efficiently. From observations made in the field, it can be seen that the warehousing of materials is carried out unevenly, that is, goods are placed where they are loaded, despite the fact that there are already standard provisions. To optimize the storage of materials in a warehouse, the layout of materials can be calculated using the allocated storage method by placing specific addresses or storage locations for each stored item, where the storage location is assigned to a specific material storage product / goods. According to the results of calculations using the dedicated storage method, it was found that the total mileage decreased by 71.57 meters, or 2.91% less than the mileage of the existing structure

    Warehouse Safety in Order Picking

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    Safety in warehouse becomes one of the important factors in manual order picking process. Workplace accidents can be caused by a variety of things, including the use of incorrect tools, a lack of work processes, inadequate equipment and safety equipment, and pickers' negligence. Picker safety must come first because any workplace accidents will affect the warehouse's productivity and the time it takes to complete the picking order. Safety aims to prevent, reduce and even eliminate the risk of work accidents (zero accident). Application of safety in the order picking system will certainly increase warehouse efficiency that impact to pickers productivity. Many businesses believe that implementing safety measures is simply a waste of money, but when all the risk variables are taken into account, safety is seen as a long-term investment that will pay off for the business, which will lower costs associated with workplace accidents and improve order fulfillment accuracy, both of which have an effect on consumer satisfaction

    A multi-scenario analysis to improve layout efficiency

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    Logistics costs represent a large portion of overall costs. Companies in peripheral countries need to be additionally careful in streamlining them if they want to maintain their competitivity. This research is focussed on a plant belonging to an aerospace component supplier, and its purpose is to reduce the layout costs in one of its warehouses. Data was collected using documentation, archival records, informal interviews, and direct and participant observation. From 66 initial scenarios based on layout decisions, storage assignment policies and alternative picking routes, 44 were compared as these are the ones that fit the company reality. Findings showed that travelling distance could be reduced when the allocation of items in shelves follow their picking frequency and when Class-based storage with return routing policies is used. In parallel, it does not impact in a relevant way process time and the quality of the picking.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Bi-objective Assignment Model for Lean Order Picking in a Warehouse

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    With the introduction of Lean Warehousing, we are committed to using lean principles for more efficient warehousing operations, which are performed with quality and safety. Manual order picking, on which the paper is focused, is currently considered the most unfriendly to humans because, in the long run, it contributes to the appearance of musculoskeletal disorders. We record not only the increase in the average age of employees in warehouses but also in the number and duration of sick leave due to back and muscle pain. This paper explores the possibility of productive work while preventing order pickers from Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. Using a laboratory experiment, we determine retrieval times for units with different characteristics and study required postures by guidelines of Revised NIOSH Lifting Equation. The final goal is to create a bi-objective assignment model

    Methodology for sizing warehouse based estimating demand for cosmetic industry

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    A pesar de la importancia, que se tiene al definir la capacidad o el tamaño del almacén en una compañía, no existe claridad en el uso de metodologías para dimensionar el espacio con relación al producto. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una propuesta orientada al dimensionamiento de los almacenes para el sector cosméticos, presenta inicialmente en el marco teórico una revisión general de la literatura existen frente a este tema, indicándose las diferencias que se van presentando en el estado del arte. Continúa con una breve explicación de los métodos de pronósticos de la demanda y por último con el perfil de producto. Finalmente, se hace un análisis de los resultados y la propuesta de la metodología.Karen Velosa MorenoDespite the importance to define the capacity or size of the warehouse in a company, there is no clarity on the use of methodologies for sizing space relative to the product. This article aims to present a forward-sizing warehouse for cosmetics industry proposal, initially it is presented, in the theoretical framework, a general review of the literature existed regarding this issue, indicating the differences that present themselves in the art. It continues with a brief explanation of the methods of demand forecasting and finally the product profile. Finally l there is an analysis of the results and the proposed methodology


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    The order-picking process in a warehouse is critical in managing customer orders, especially in retail stores. It is expensive because fulfilling online orders takes up to 70% of all warehouse activities. Procedures in order picking, including different route selection schemes, can significantly increase yield and reduce costs. The research shows that a suitable routing method can reduce the travel time of the order picker to fulfill the order. However, the number of orders may vary. This paper presented a dynamic simulation analysis based on a real scenario of a various number of orders in an integrated car manufacturing warehouse. The simulation reduced the travel time of the voters by about 44.89%. This simulation model helps to visualize the potential reduction in customer waiting times, leading to increased customer satisfaction