18 research outputs found

    Towards a Decoupled Context-Oriented Programming Language for the Internet of Things

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    Easily programming behaviors is one major issue of a large and reconfigurable deployment in the Internet of Things. Such kind of devices often requires to externalize part of their behavior such as the sensing, the data aggregation or the code offloading. Most existing context-oriented programming languages integrate in the same class or close layers the whole behavior. We propose to abstract and separate the context tracking from the decision process, and to use event-based handlers to interconnect them. We keep a very easy declarative and non-layered programming model. We illustrate by defining an extension to Golo-a JVM-based dynamic language

    A Framework for Evaluating Model-Driven Self-adaptive Software Systems

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    In the last few years, Model Driven Development (MDD), Component-based Software Development (CBSD), and context-oriented software have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and reliability of software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to include the principle of the separation of concerns, and their further integration is a key factor to obtaining high-quality and self-adaptable software systems. Each technology identifies different concerns and deals with them separately in order to specify the design of the self-adaptive applications, and, at the same time, support software with adaptability and context-awareness. This research studies the development methodologies that employ the principles of model-driven development in building self-adaptive software systems. To this aim, this article proposes an evaluation framework for analysing and evaluating the features of model-driven approaches and their ability to support software with self-adaptability and dependability in highly dynamic contextual environment. Such evaluation framework can facilitate the software developers on selecting a development methodology that suits their software requirements and reduces the development effort of building self-adaptive software systems. This study highlights the major drawbacks of the propped model-driven approaches in the related works, and emphasise on considering the volatile aspects of self-adaptive software in the analysis, design and implementation phases of the development methodologies. In addition, we argue that the development methodologies should leave the selection of modelling languages and modelling tools to the software developers.Comment: model-driven architecture, COP, AOP, component composition, self-adaptive application, context oriented software developmen

    A Framework for Evaluating Model-Driven Self-adaptive Software Systems

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    In the last few years, Model Driven Development (MDD), Component-based Software Development (CBSD), and context-oriented software have become interesting alternatives for the design and construction of self-adaptive software systems. In general, the ultimate goal of these technologies is to be able to reduce development costs and effort, while improving the modularity, flexibility, adaptability, and reliability of software systems. An analysis of these technologies shows them all to include the principle of the separation of concerns, and their further integration is a key factor to obtaining high-quality and self-adaptable software systems. Each technology identifies different concerns and deals with them separately in order to specify the design of the self-adaptive applications, and, at the same time, support software with adaptability and context-awareness. This research studies the development methodologies that employ the principles of model-driven development in building self-adaptive software systems. To this aim, this article proposes an evaluation framework for analysing and evaluating the features of model-driven approaches and their ability to support software with self-adaptability and dependability in highly dynamic contextual environment. Such evaluation framework can facilitate the software developers on selecting a development methodology that suits their software requirements and reduces the development effort of building self-adaptive software systems. This study highlights the major drawbacks of the propped model-driven approaches in the related works, and emphasise on considering the volatile aspects of self-adaptive software in the analysis, design and implementation phases of the development methodologies. In addition, we argue that the development methodologies should leave the selection of modelling languages and modelling tools to the software developers

    A comparison of context-oriented programming languages

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    Context Oriented Software Middleware

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    Our middleware approach, Context-Oriented Software Middleware (COSM), supports context-dependent software with self-adaptability and dependability in a mobile computing environment. The COSM-middleware is a generic and platform-independent adaptation engine, which performs a runtime composition of the software's context-dependent behaviours based on the execution contexts. Our middleware distinguishes between the context-dependent and context-independent functionality of software systems. This enables the COSM-middleware to adapt the application behaviour by composing a set of context-oriented components, that implement the context-dependent functionality of the software. Accordingly, the software dependability is achieved by considering the functionality of the COSM-middleware and the adaptation impact/costs. The COSM-middleware uses a dynamic policy-based engine to evaluate the adaptation outputs and verify the fitness of the adaptation output with the application's objectives, goals and the architecture quality attributes. These capabilities are demonstrated through an empirical evaluation of a case study implementation

    Run-time Variability with Roles

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    Adaptability is an intrinsic property of software systems that require adaptation to cope with dynamically changing environments. Achieving adaptability is challenging. Variability is a key solution as it enables a software system to change its behavior which corresponds to a specific need. The abstraction of variability is to manage variants, which are dynamic parts to be composed to the base system. Run-time variability realizes these variant compositions dynamically at run time to enable adaptation. Adaptation, relying on variants specified at build time, is called anticipated adaptation, which allows the system behavior to change with respect to a set of predefined execution environments. This implies the inability to solve practical problems in which the execution environment is not completely fixed and often unknown until run time. Enabling unanticipated adaptation, which allows variants to be dynamically added at run time, alleviates this inability, but it holds several implications yielding system instability such as inconsistency and run-time failures. Adaptation should be performed only when a system reaches a consistent state to avoid inconsistency. Inconsistency is an effect of adaptation happening when the system changes the state and behavior while a series of methods is still invoking. A software bug is another source of system instability. It often appears in a variant composition and is brought to the system during adaptation. The problem is even more critical for unanticipated adaptation as the system has no prior knowledge of the new variants. This dissertation aims to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. In achieving adaptation, the issues of inconsistency and software failures, which may happen as a consequence of run-time adaptation, are evidently addressed as well. Roles encapsulate dynamic behavior used to adapt players representing the base system, which is the rationale to select roles as the software system's variants. Based on the role concept, this dissertation presents three mechanisms to comprehensively address adaptation. First, a dynamic instance binding mechanism is proposed to loosely bind players and roles. Dynamic binding of roles enables anticipated and unanticipated adaptation. Second, an object-level tranquility mechanism is proposed to avoid inconsistency by allowing a player object to adapt only when its consistent state is reached. Last, a rollback recovery mechanism is proposed as a proactive mechanism to embrace and handle failures resulting from a defective composition of variants. A checkpoint of a system configuration is created before adaptation. If a specialized bug sensor detects a failure, the system rolls back to the most recent checkpoint. These mechanisms are integrated into a role-based runtime, called LyRT. LyRT was validated with three case studies to demonstrate the practical feasibility. This validation showed that LyRT is more advanced than the existing variability approaches with respect to adaptation due to its consistency control and failure handling. Besides, several benchmarks were set up to quantify the overhead of LyRT concerning the execution time of adaptation. The results revealed that the overhead introduced to achieve anticipated and unanticipated adaptation to be small enough for practical use in adaptive software systems. Thus, LyRT is suitable for adaptive software systems that frequently require the adaptation of large sets of objects

    Role of Patterns in Automated Task-Driven Grammar Refactoring

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    Grammarware engineering, and grammar-dependent software development has received considerable attention in recent years. Despite of this fact, grammar refactoring as a significant cornerstone of grammarware engineering is still weakly understood and little practiced. In this paper, we address this issue by proposing universal algorithm for automated refactoring of context-free grammars called mARTINICA, and formal specification language for preserving knowledge of grammar engineers called pLERO. Significant advantage of mARTINICA with respect to other automated refactoring approaches is that it performs grammar refactoring on the bases of user-defined refactoring task, rather then operating under some fixed objective of refactoring process. In order to be able to understand unified refactoring process of mARTINICA this paper also provides brief insight in grammar refactoring operators, which in our approach provide universal refactoring transformations for specific context-free grammars. For preserving of knowledge considering refactoring process we propose formalism based on patterns which are well-proven method of knowledge preservation in variety of other domains, such as software architectures

    Run-time Variability with First-class Contexts

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    Software must be regularly updated to keep up with changing requirements. Unfortunately, to install an update, the system must usually be restarted, which is inconvenient and costly. In this dissertation, we aim at overcoming the need for restart by enabling run-time changes at the programming language level. We argue that the best way to achieve this goal is to improve the support for encapsulation, information hiding and late binding by contextualizing behavior. In our approach, behavioral variations are encapsulated into context objects that alter the behavior of other objects locally. We present three contextual language features that demonstrate our approach. First, we present a feature to evolve software by scoping variations to threads. This way, arbitrary objects can be substituted over time without compromising safety. Second, we present a variant of dynamic proxies that operate by delegation instead of forwarding. The proxies can be used as building blocks to implement contextualization mechanisms from within the language. Third, we contextualize the behavior of objects to intercept exchanges of references between objects. This approach scales information hiding from objects to aggregates. The three language features are supported by formalizations and case studies, showing their soundness and practicality. With these three complementary language features, developers can easily design applications that can accommodate run-time changes

    A Reengineering Approach to Reconciling Requirements and Implementation for Context - Aware Web Services Systems

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    In modern software development, the gap between software requirements and implementation is not always conciliated. Typically, for Web services-based context-aware systems, reconciling this gap is even harder. The aim of this research is to explore how software reengineering can facilitate the reconciliation between requirements and implementation for the said systems. The underlying research in this thesis comprises the following three components. Firstly, the requirements recovery framework underpins the requirements elicitation approach on the proposed reengineering framework. This approach consists of three stages: 1) Hypothesis generation, where a list of hypothesis source code information is generated; 2) Segmentation, where the hypothesis list is grouped into segments; 3) Concept binding, where the segments turn into a list of concept bindings linking regions of source code. Secondly, the derived viewpoints-based context-aware service requirements model is proposed to fully discover constraints, and the requirements evolution model is developed to maintain and specify the requirements evolution process for supporting context-aware services evolution. Finally, inspired by context-oriented programming concepts and approaches, ContXFS is implemented as a COP-inspired conceptual library in F#, which enables developers to facilitate dynamic context adaption. This library along with context-aware requirements analyses mitigate the development of the said systems to a great extent, which in turn, achieves reconciliation between requirements and implementation

    Nominal Context-Free Behaviour

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    This thesis investigates and proposes models for programming and verifying adaptive software at different abstraction levels. First, we design the kernel of a programming language, endowed with primitives for programming the adaptation to different working environments. We provide the language with a type and effect system that allows us to statically prove properties of the behaviour of the program when plugged in different execution environments. Then we extend our language to program the use of the resources currently available in the environment. In this case, the identity and the number of resources is unknown a-priori. The previous analysis technique needs to be extended to capture the behaviour of these programs. We exploit nominal techniques in the literature to propose novel automata models that represent the behaviour and the properties of programs that use an unbounded number of unknown resources as (regular and context-free) set of traces. The theoretical properties of these automata are investigated and related with static program verification. We prove that we are able to check regular properties of the usage patterns of the resources when resource reuse is inhibited