13 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Similarity Digest Algorithms for Binary Code Similarity in Memory Forensic Analysis

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    Hoy en dı́a, cualquier organización que esté conectada a Internet es susceptible de sufrir incidentes de ciberseguridad y por tanto, debe contar con un plan de respuesta a incidentes. Este plan ayuda a prevenir, detectar, priorizar y gestionar los incidentes de ciberseguridad. Uno de los pasos para gestionar estos incidentes es la fase de eliminación, que se encarga de neutralizar la persistencia de los ataques, evaluar el alcance de los mismos e identificar el grado de compromiso. Uno de los puntos clave de esta fase es la identicación mediante triaje de la información que es relevante en el incidente. Esto suele hacerse comparando los elementos disponibles con información conocida, centrándose ası́ en aquellos elementos que tienen relevancia para la investigación (llamados evidencias).Este objetivo puede alcanzarse estudiando dos fuentes de información. Por un lado, mediante el análisis de los datos persistentes, como los datos de los discos duros o los dispositivos USB. Por otro lado, mediante el análisis de los datos volátiles, como los datos de la memoria RAM. A diferencia del análisis de datos persistentes, el análisis de datos volátiles permite determinar el alcance de algunos tipos de ataque que no guardan su código en dispositivos de persistencia o cuando los archivos ejecutables almacenados en el disco están cifrados; cuyo código sólo se muestra cuando está en la memoria y se está ejecutado.Existe una limitación en el uso de hashes criptográficos, comúnmente utilizados en el caso de identificación de evidencias en datos persistentes, para identificar evidencias de memoria. Esta limitación se debe a que las evidencias nunca serán idénticas porque la ejecución modifica el contenido de la memoria constantemente. Además, es imposible adquirir la memoria más de una vez con todos los programas en el mismo punto de ejecución. Por lo tanto, los hashes son un método de identificación inválido para el triaje de memoria. Como solución a este problema, en esta tesis se propone el uso de algoritmos de similitud de digest, que miden la similitud entre dos entradas de manera aproximada.Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son tres. En primer lugar, se realiza un estudio del dominio del problema en el que se evalúa la gestión de la memoria y la modificación de la misma en ejecución. A continuación, se estudian los algoritmos de similitud de digest, desarrollando una clasificación de sus fases y de los ataques contra estos algoritmos, correlacionando las caracterı́sticas de la primera clasificación con los ataques identificados. Por último, se proponen dos métodos de preprocesamiento del contenido de volcados de memoria para mejorar la identificación de los elementos de interés para el análisis.Como conclusión, en esta tesis se muestra que la modificación de bytes dispersos afecta negativamente a los cálculos de similitud entre evidencias de memoria. Esta modificación se produce principalmente por el gestor de memoria del sistema operativo. Además, se muestra que las técnicas propuestas para preprocesar el contenido de volcados de memoria permiten mejorar el proceso de identificación de evidencias en memoria.<br /

    Analysis and study on text representation to improve the accuracy of the Normalized Compression Distance

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    The huge amount of information stored in text form makes methods that deal with texts really interesting. This thesis focuses on dealing with texts using compression distances. More specifically, the thesis takes a small step towards understanding both the nature of texts and the nature of compression distances. Broadly speaking, the way in which this is done is exploring the effects that several distortion techniques have on one of the most successful distances in the family of compression distances, the Normalized Compression Distance -NCD-.Comment: PhD Thesis; 202 page

    SimuBoost: Scalable Parallelization of Functional System Simulation

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    Für das Sammeln detaillierter Laufzeitinformationen, wie Speicherzugriffsmustern, wird in der Betriebssystem- und Sicherheitsforschung häufig auf die funktionale Systemsimulation zurückgegriffen. Der Simulator führt dabei die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast in einer virtuellen Maschine (VM) aus, indem er schrittweise Instruktionen interpretiert oder derart übersetzt, sodass diese auf dem Zustand der VM arbeiten. Dieser Prozess ermöglicht es, eine umfangreiche Instrumentierung durchzuführen und so an Informationen zum Laufzeitverhalten zu gelangen, die auf einer physischen Maschine nicht zugänglich sind. Obwohl die funktionale Systemsimulation als mächtiges Werkzeug gilt, stellt die durch die Interpretation oder Übersetzung resultierende immense Ausführungsverlangsamung eine substanzielle Einschränkung des Verfahrens dar. Im Vergleich zu einer nativen Ausführung messen wir für QEMU eine 30-fache Verlangsamung, wobei die Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen diesen Faktor verdoppelt. Mit Simulatoren, die umfangreichere Instrumentierungsmöglichkeiten mitbringen als QEMU, kann die Verlangsamung um eine Größenordnung höher ausfallen. Dies macht die funktionale Simulation für lang laufende, vernetzte oder interaktive Arbeitslasten uninteressant. Darüber hinaus erzeugt die Verlangsamung ein unrealistisches Zeitverhalten, sobald Aktivitäten außerhalb der VM (z. B. Ein-/Ausgabe) involviert sind. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir SimuBoost vor, eine Methode zur drastischen Beschleunigung funktionaler Systemsimulation. SimuBoost führt die zu untersuchende Arbeitslast zunächst in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten virtuellen Maschine aus. Dies ermöglicht volle Interaktivität mit Benutzern und Netzwerkgeräten. Während der Ausführung erstellt SimuBoost periodisch Abbilder der VM (engl. Checkpoints). Diese dienen als Ausgangspunkt für eine parallele Simulation, bei der jedes Intervall unabhängig simuliert und analysiert wird. Eine heterogene deterministische Wiederholung (engl. heterogeneous deterministic Replay) garantiert, dass in dieser Phase die vorherige hardwaregestützte Ausführung jedes Intervalls exakt reproduziert wird, einschließlich Interaktionen und realistischem Zeitverhalten. Unser Prototyp ist in der Lage, die Laufzeit einer funktionalen Systemsimulation deutlich zu reduzieren. Während mit herkömmlichen Verfahren für die Simulation des Bauprozesses eines modernen Linux über 5 Stunden benötigt werden, schließt SimuBoost die Simulation in nur 15 Minuten ab. Dies sind lediglich 16% mehr Zeit, als der Bau in einer schnellen hardwaregestützten VM in Anspruch nimmt. SimuBoost ist imstande, diese Geschwindigkeit auch bei voller Instrumentierung zur Aufzeichnung von Speicherzugriffen beizubehalten. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist das erste Projekt, welches das Konzept der Partitionierung und Parallelisierung der Ausführungszeit auf die interaktive Systemvirtualisierung in einer Weise anwendet, die eine sofortige parallele funktionale Simulation gestattet. Wir ergänzen die praktische Umsetzung mit einem mathematischen Modell zur formalen Beschreibung der Beschleunigungseigenschaften. Dies erlaubt es, für ein gegebenes Szenario die voraussichtliche parallele Simulationszeit zu prognostizieren und gibt eine Orientierung zur Wahl der optimalen Intervalllänge. Im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Arbeiten legt SimuBoost einen starken Fokus auf die Skalierbarkeit über die Grenzen eines einzelnen physischen Systems hinaus. Ein zentraler Schlüssel hierzu ist der Einsatz moderner Checkpointing-Technologien. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir zwei neuartige Methoden zur effizienten und effektiven Kompression von periodischen Systemabbildern

    PyScribe–Learning to describe python code

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    peer reviewedCode comment generation, which attempts to summarize the functionality of source code in textual descriptions, plays an important role in automatic software development research. Currently, several structural neural networks have been exploited to preserve the syntax structure of source code based on abstract syntax trees (ASTs). However, they can not well capture both the long-distance and local relations between nodes while retaining the overall structural information of AST. To mitigate this problem, we present a prototype tool titled PyScribe, which extends the Transformer model to a new encoder-decoder-based framework. Particularly, the triplet position is designed and integrated into the node-level and edge-level structural features of AST for producing Python code comments automatically. This paper, to the best of our knowledge, makes the first effort to model the edges of AST as an explicit component for improved code representation. By specifying triplet positions for each node and edge, the overall structural information can be well preserved in the learning process. Moreover, the captured node and edge features go through a two-stage decoding process to yield higher qualified comments. To evaluate the effectiveness of PyScribe, we resort to a large dataset of code-comment pairs by mining Jupyter Notebooks from GitHub, for which we have made it publicly available to support further studies. The experimental results reveal that PyScribe is indeed effective, outperforming the state-ofthe-art by achieving an average BLEU score (i.e., av-BLEU) of (Formula presented.) 0.28

    Smart Grid Metering Networks: A Survey on Security, Privacy and Open Research Issues

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    Smart grid (SG) networks are newly upgraded networks of connected objects that greatly improve reliability, efficiency and sustainability of the traditional energy infrastructure. In this respect, the smart metering infrastructure (SMI) plays an important role in controlling, monitoring and managing multiple domains in the SG. Despite the salient features of SMI, security and privacy issues have been under debate because of the large number of heterogeneous devices that are anticipated to be coordinated through public communication networks. This survey paper shows a brief overview of real cyber attack incidents in traditional energy networks and those targeting the smart metering network. Specifically, we present a threat taxonomy considering: (i) threats in system-level security, (ii) threats and/or theft of services, and (iii) threats to privacy. Based on the presented threats, we derive a set of security and privacy requirements for SG metering networks. Furthermore, we discuss various schemes that have been proposed to address these threats, considering the pros and cons of each. Finally, we investigate the open research issues to shed new light on future research directions in smart grid metering networks

    Forensic analysis of large capacity digital storage devices

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    Digital forensic laboratories are failing to cope with the volume of digital evidence required to be analysed. The ever increasing capacity of digital storage devices only serves to compound the problem. In many law enforcement agencies a form of administrative triage takes place by simply dropping perceived low priority cases without reference to the data itself. Security agencies may also need days or weeks to analyse devices in order to detect and quantify encrypted data on the device.The current methodology often involves agencies creating a hash database of files where each known contraband file is hashed using a forensic hashing algorithm. Each file on a suspect device is similarly hashed and the hash compared against the contraband hash database. Accessing files via the file system in this way is a slow process. In addition deleted files or files on deleted or hidden partitions would not be found since their existence is not recorded in the file system.This thesis investigates the introduction of a system of triage whereby digital storage devices of arbitrary capacity can be quickly scanned to identify contraband and encrypted content with a high probability of detection with a known and controllable margin of error in a reasonable time. Such a system could classify devices as being worthy of further investigation or not and thus limit the number of devices being presented to digital forensic laboratories for examination.A system of triage is designed which bypasses the file system and uses the fundamental storage unit of digital storage devices, normally a 4 KiB block, rather than complete files. This allows fast sampling of the storage device. Samples can be chosen to give a controllable margin of error. In addition the sample is drawn from the whole address space of the device and so deleted files and partitions are also sampled. Since only a sample is being examined this is much faster than the traditional digital forensic analysis process.In order to achieve this, methods are devised that allow firstly the identification of 4 KiB blocks as belonging to a contraband file and secondly the classification of the block as encrypted or not. These methods minimise both memory and CPU loads so that the system may run on legacy equipment that may be in a suspect’s possession. A potential problem with the existence of blocks that are common to many files is quantified and a mitigation strategy developed.The system is tested using publically available corpora by seeding devices with contraband and measuring the detection rate during triage. Results from testing are positive, achieving a 99% probability of detecting 4 MiB of contraband on a 1 TB device within the time normally assigned for the interview of the device owner. Initial testing on live devices in a law enforcement environment has shown that sufficient evidence can be collected in under four minutes from a 1TB device to allow the equipment to be seized and the suspect to be charged.This research will lead to a significant reduction in the backlog of cases in digital forensic laboratories since it can be used for triage within the laboratory as well as at the scene of crime

    Protecting Systems From Exploits Using Language-Theoretic Security

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    Any computer program processing input from the user or network must validate the input. Input-handling vulnerabilities occur in programs when the software component responsible for filtering malicious input---the parser---does not perform validation adequately. Consequently, parsers are among the most targeted components since they defend the rest of the program from malicious input. This thesis adopts the Language-Theoretic Security (LangSec) principle to understand what tools and research are needed to prevent exploits that target parsers. LangSec proposes specifying the syntactic structure of the input format as a formal grammar. We then build a recognizer for this formal grammar to validate any input before the rest of the program acts on it. To ensure that these recognizers represent the data format, programmers often rely on parser generators or parser combinators tools to build the parsers. This thesis propels several sub-fields in LangSec by proposing new techniques to find bugs in implementations, novel categorizations of vulnerabilities, and new parsing algorithms and tools to handle practical data formats. To this end, this thesis comprises five parts that tackle various tenets of LangSec. First, I categorize various input-handling vulnerabilities and exploits using two frameworks. First, I use the mismorphisms framework to reason about vulnerabilities. This framework helps us reason about the root causes leading to various vulnerabilities. Next, we built a categorization framework using various LangSec anti-patterns, such as parser differentials and insufficient input validation. Finally, we built a catalog of more than 30 popular vulnerabilities to demonstrate the categorization frameworks. Second, I built parsers for various Internet of Things and power grid network protocols and the iccMAX file format using parser combinator libraries. The parsers I built for power grid protocols were deployed and tested on power grid substation networks as an intrusion detection tool. The parser I built for the iccMAX file format led to several corrections and modifications to the iccMAX specifications and reference implementations. Third, I present SPARTA, a novel tool I built that generates Rust code that type checks Portable Data Format (PDF) files. The type checker I helped build strictly enforces the constraints in the PDF specification to find deviations. Our checker has contributed to at least four significant clarifications and corrections to the PDF 2.0 specification and various open-source PDF tools. In addition to our checker, we also built a practical tool, PDFFixer, to dynamically patch type errors in PDF files. Fourth, I present ParseSmith, a tool to build verified parsers for real-world data formats. Most parsing tools available for data formats are insufficient to handle practical formats or have not been verified for their correctness. I built a verified parsing tool in Dafny that builds on ideas from attribute grammars, data-dependent grammars, and parsing expression grammars to tackle various constructs commonly seen in network formats. I prove that our parsers run in linear time and always terminate for well-formed grammars. Finally, I provide the earliest systematic comparison of various data description languages (DDLs) and their parser generation tools. DDLs are used to describe and parse commonly used data formats, such as image formats. Next, I conducted an expert elicitation qualitative study to derive various metrics that I use to compare the DDLs. I also systematically compare these DDLs based on sample data descriptions available with the DDLs---checking for correctness and resilience

    Practical Control-Flow Integrity

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    Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is effective at defending against prevalent control-flow hijacking attacks. CFI extracts a control-flow graph (CFG) for a given program and instruments the program to respect the CFG. Specifically, checks are inserted before indirect branch instructions. Before these instructions are executed during runtime, the checks consult the CFG to ensure that the indirect branch is allowed to reach the intended target. Hence, any sort of control-flow hijacking would be prevented.However, CFI traditionally suffered from several problems that thwarted its practicality. The first problem is about precise CFG generation. CFI’s security squarely relies on the CFG, therefore the more precise the CFG is, the more security CFI improves, but precise CFG generation was considered hard. The second problem is modularity, or support for dynamic linking. When two CFI modules are linked together dynamically, their CFGs also need to be merged. However, the merge process has to be thread-safe to avoid concurrency issues. The third problem is efficiency. CFI instrumentation adds extra instructions to programs, so it is critical to minimize the performance impact of the CFI checks. Fourth, interoperability is required for CFI solutions to enable gradual adoption in practice, which means that CFI-instrumented modules can be linked with uninstrumented modules without breaking the program.In this dissertation, we propose several practical solutions to the above problems. To generate a precise CFG, we compile the program being protected using a modified compilation toolchain, which can propagate source-level information such as type information to the binary level. At runtime, such information is gathered to generate a relatively precise CFG. On top of this CFG, we further instrument the code so that only if a function’s address is dynamically taken can it be reachable. This approach results in lazily computed per-input CFGs, which provide better precision. To address modularity, we design a lightweight Software Transactional Memory (STM) algorithm to synchronize accesses to the CFG’s data structure at runtime. To minimize the performance overhead, we optimize the CFG representation and access operations so that no heavy buslockinginstructions are needed. For interoperability, we consider addresses in uninstrumented modules as special targets and make the CFI instrumentation aware of them. Finally, we propose a new architecture for Just-In-Time compilers to adopt our proposed CFI schemes

    The Murray Ledger and Times, February 7-8, 2015

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    Design of a secure architecture for the exchange of biomedical information in m-Health scenarios

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    El paradigma de m-Salud (salud móvil) aboga por la integración masiva de las más avanzadas tecnologías de comunicación, red móvil y sensores en aplicaciones y sistemas de salud, para fomentar el despliegue de un nuevo modelo de atención clínica centrada en el usuario/paciente. Este modelo tiene por objetivos el empoderamiento de los usuarios en la gestión de su propia salud (p.ej. aumentando sus conocimientos, promocionando estilos de vida saludable y previniendo enfermedades), la prestación de una mejor tele-asistencia sanitaria en el hogar para ancianos y pacientes crónicos y una notable disminución del gasto de los Sistemas de Salud gracias a la reducción del número y la duración de las hospitalizaciones. No obstante, estas ventajas, atribuidas a las aplicaciones de m-Salud, suelen venir acompañadas del requisito de un alto grado de disponibilidad de la información biomédica de sus usuarios para garantizar una alta calidad de servicio, p.ej. fusionar varias señales de un usuario para obtener un diagnóstico más preciso. La consecuencia negativa de cumplir esta demanda es el aumento directo de las superficies potencialmente vulnerables a ataques, lo que sitúa a la seguridad (y a la privacidad) del modelo de m-Salud como factor crítico para su éxito. Como requisito no funcional de las aplicaciones de m-Salud, la seguridad ha recibido menos atención que otros requisitos técnicos que eran más urgentes en etapas de desarrollo previas, tales como la robustez, la eficiencia, la interoperabilidad o la usabilidad. Otro factor importante que ha contribuido a retrasar la implementación de políticas de seguridad sólidas es que garantizar un determinado nivel de seguridad implica unos costes que pueden ser muy relevantes en varias dimensiones, en especial en la económica (p.ej. sobrecostes por la inclusión de hardware extra para la autenticación de usuarios), en el rendimiento (p.ej. reducción de la eficiencia y de la interoperabilidad debido a la integración de elementos de seguridad) y en la usabilidad (p.ej. configuración más complicada de dispositivos y aplicaciones de salud debido a las nuevas opciones de seguridad). Por tanto, las soluciones de seguridad que persigan satisfacer a todos los actores del contexto de m-Salud (usuarios, pacientes, personal médico, personal técnico, legisladores, fabricantes de dispositivos y equipos, etc.) deben ser robustas y al mismo tiempo minimizar sus costes asociados. Esta Tesis detalla una propuesta de seguridad, compuesta por cuatro grandes bloques interconectados, para dotar de seguridad a las arquitecturas de m-Salud con unos costes reducidos. El primer bloque define un esquema global que proporciona unos niveles de seguridad e interoperabilidad acordes con las características de las distintas aplicaciones de m-Salud. Este esquema está compuesto por tres capas diferenciadas, diseñadas a la medidas de los dominios de m-Salud y de sus restricciones, incluyendo medidas de seguridad adecuadas para la defensa contra las amenazas asociadas a sus aplicaciones de m-Salud. El segundo bloque establece la extensión de seguridad de aquellos protocolos estándar que permiten la adquisición, el intercambio y/o la administración de información biomédica -- por tanto, usados por muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud -- pero no reúnen los niveles de seguridad detallados en el esquema previo. Estas extensiones se concretan para los estándares biomédicos ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD y SCP-ECG. El tercer bloque propone nuevas formas de fortalecer la seguridad de los tests biomédicos, que constituyen el elemento esencial de muchas aplicaciones de m-Salud de carácter clínico, mediante codificaciones novedosas. Finalmente el cuarto bloque, que se sitúa en paralelo a los anteriores, selecciona herramientas genéricas de seguridad (elementos de autenticación y criptográficos) cuya integración en los otros bloques resulta idónea, y desarrolla nuevas herramientas de seguridad, basadas en señal -- embedding y keytagging --, para reforzar la protección de los test biomédicos.The paradigm of m-Health (mobile health) advocates for the massive integration of advanced mobile communications, network and sensor technologies in healthcare applications and systems to foster the deployment of a new, user/patient-centered healthcare model enabling the empowerment of users in the management of their health (e.g. by increasing their health literacy, promoting healthy lifestyles and the prevention of diseases), a better home-based healthcare delivery for elderly and chronic patients and important savings for healthcare systems due to the reduction of hospitalizations in number and duration. It is a fact that many m-Health applications demand high availability of biomedical information from their users (for further accurate analysis, e.g. by fusion of various signals) to guarantee high quality of service, which on the other hand entails increasing the potential surfaces for attacks. Therefore, it is not surprising that security (and privacy) is commonly included among the most important barriers for the success of m-Health. As a non-functional requirement for m-Health applications, security has received less attention than other technical issues that were more pressing at earlier development stages, such as reliability, eficiency, interoperability or usability. Another fact that has contributed to delaying the enforcement of robust security policies is that guaranteeing a certain security level implies costs that can be very relevant and that span along diferent dimensions. These include budgeting (e.g. the demand of extra hardware for user authentication), performance (e.g. lower eficiency and interoperability due to the addition of security elements) and usability (e.g. cumbersome configuration of devices and applications due to security options). Therefore, security solutions that aim to satisfy all the stakeholders in the m-Health context (users/patients, medical staff, technical staff, systems and devices manufacturers, regulators, etc.) shall be robust and, at the same time, minimize their associated costs. This Thesis details a proposal, composed of four interrelated blocks, to integrate appropriate levels of security in m-Health architectures in a cost-efcient manner. The first block designes a global scheme that provides different security and interoperability levels accordingto how critical are the m-Health applications to be implemented. This consists ofthree layers tailored to the m-Health domains and their constraints, whose security countermeasures defend against the threats of their associated m-Health applications. Next, the second block addresses the security extension of those standard protocols that enable the acquisition, exchange and/or management of biomedical information | thus, used by many m-Health applications | but do not meet the security levels described in the former scheme. These extensions are materialized for the biomedical standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG. Then, the third block proposes new ways of enhancing the security of biomedical standards, which are the centerpiece of many clinical m-Health applications, by means of novel codings. Finally the fourth block, with is parallel to the others, selects generic security methods (for user authentication and cryptographic protection) whose integration in the other blocks results optimal, and also develops novel signal-based methods (embedding and keytagging) for strengthening the security of biomedical tests. The layer-based extensions of the standards ISO/IEEE 11073 PHD and SCP-ECG can be considered as robust, cost-eficient and respectful with their original features and contents. The former adds no attributes to its data information model, four new frames to the service model |and extends four with new sub-frames|, and only one new sub-state to the communication model. Furthermore, a lightweight architecture consisting of a personal health device mounting a 9 MHz processor and an aggregator mounting a 1 GHz processor is enough to transmit a 3-lead electrocardiogram in real-time implementing the top security layer. The extra requirements associated to this extension are an initial configuration of the health device and the aggregator, tokens for identification/authentication of users if these devices are to be shared and the implementation of certain IHE profiles in the aggregator to enable the integration of measurements in healthcare systems. As regards to the extension of SCP-ECG, it only adds a new section with selected security elements and syntax in order to protect the rest of file contents and provide proper role-based access control. The overhead introduced in the protected SCP-ECG is typically 2{13 % of the regular file size, and the extra delays to protect a newly generated SCP-ECG file and to access it for interpretation are respectively a 2{10 % and a 5 % of the regular delays. As regards to the signal-based security techniques developed, the embedding method is the basis for the proposal of a generic coding for tests composed of biomedical signals, periodic measurements and contextual information. This has been adjusted and evaluated with electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram-based tests, proving the objective clinical quality of the coded tests, the capacity of the coding-access system to operate in real-time (overall delays of 2 s for electrocardiograms and 3.3 s for electroencephalograms) and its high usability. Despite of the embedding of security and metadata to enable m-Health services, the compression ratios obtained by this coding range from ' 3 in real-time transmission to ' 5 in offline operation. Complementarily, keytagging permits associating information to images (and other signals) by means of keys in a secure and non-distorting fashion, which has been availed to implement security measures such as image authentication, integrity control and location of tampered areas, private captioning with role-based access control, traceability and copyright protection. The tests conducted indicate a remarkable robustness-capacity tradeoff that permits implementing all this measures simultaneously, and the compatibility of keytagging with JPEG2000 compression, maintaining this tradeoff while setting the overall keytagging delay in only ' 120 ms for any image size | evidencing the scalability of this technique. As a general conclusion, it has been demonstrated and illustrated with examples that there are various, complementary and structured manners to contribute in the implementation of suitable security levels for m-Health architectures with a moderate cost in budget, performance, interoperability and usability. The m-Health landscape is evolving permanently along all their dimensions, and this Thesis aims to do so with its security. Furthermore, the lessons learned herein may offer further guidance for the elaboration of more comprehensive and updated security schemes, for the extension of other biomedical standards featuring low emphasis on security or privacy, and for the improvement of the state of the art regarding signal-based protection methods and applications