790 research outputs found

    Thread partitioning and value prediction for exploiting speculative thread-level parallelism

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    Speculative thread-level parallelism has been recently proposed as a source of parallelism to improve the performance in applications where parallel threads are hard to find. However, the efficiency of this execution model strongly depends on the performance of the control and data speculation techniques. Several hardware-based schemes for partitioning the program into speculative threads are analyzed and evaluated. In general, we find that spawning threads associated to loop iterations is the most effective technique. We also show that value prediction is critical for the performance of all of the spawning policies. Thus, a new value predictor, the increment predictor, is proposed. This predictor is specially oriented for this kind of architecture and clearly outperforms the adapted versions of conventional value predictors such as the last value, the stride, and the context-based, especially for small-sized history tables.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A Survey on Thread-Level Speculation Techniques

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    Producción CientíficaThread-Level Speculation (TLS) is a promising technique that allows the parallel execution of sequential code without relying on a prior, compile-time-dependence analysis. In this work, we introduce the technique, present a taxonomy of TLS solutions, and summarize and put into perspective the most relevant advances in this field.MICINN (Spain) and ERDF program of the European Union: HomProg-HetSys project (TIN2014-58876-P), CAPAP-H5 network (TIN2014-53522-REDT), and COST Program Action IC1305: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing (NESUS)

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application.Postprint (published version

    Mitosis based speculative multithreaded architectures

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    In the last decade, industry made a right-hand turn and shifted towards multi-core processor designs, also known as Chip-Multi-Processors (CMPs), in order to provide further performance improvements under a reasonable power budget, design complexity, and validation cost. Over the years, several processor vendors have come out with multi-core chips in their product lines and they have become mainstream, with the number of cores increasing in each processor generation. Multi-core processors improve the performance of applications by exploiting Thread Level Parallelism (TLP) while the Instruction Level Parallelism (ILP) exploited by each individual core is limited. These architectures are very efficient when multiple threads are available for execution. However, single-thread sections of code (single-thread applications and serial sections of parallel applications) pose important constraints on the benefits achieved by parallel execution, as pointed out by Amdahl’s law. Parallel programming, even with the help of recently proposed techniques like transactional memory, has proven to be a very challenging task. On the other hand, automatically partitioning applications into threads may be a straightforward task in regular applications, but becomes much harder for irregular programs, where compilers usually fail to discover sufficient TLP. In this scenario, two main directions have been followed in the research community to take benefit of multi-core platforms: Speculative Multithreading (SpMT) and Non-Speculative Clustered architectures. The former splits a sequential application into speculative threads, while the later partitions the instructions among the cores based on data-dependences but avoid large degree of speculation. Despite the large amount of research on both these approaches, the proposed techniques so far have shown marginal performance improvements. In this thesis we propose novel schemes to speed-up sequential or lightly threaded applications in multi-core processors that effectively address the main unresolved challenges of previous approaches. In particular, we propose a SpMT architecture, called Mitosis, that leverages a powerful software value prediction technique to manage inter-thread dependences, based on pre-computation slices (p-slices). Thanks to the accuracy and low cost of this technique, Mitosis is able to effectively parallelize applications even in the presence of frequent dependences among threads. We also propose a novel architecture, called Anaphase, that combines the best of SpMT schemes and clustered architectures. Anaphase effectively exploits ILP, TLP and Memory Level Parallelism (MLP), thanks to its unique finegrain thread decomposition algorithm that adapts to the available parallelism in the application

    An integrated soft- and hard-programmable multithreaded architecture

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    Software-Based Side Channel Attacks and the Future of Hardened Microarchitecture

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    Side channel attack vectors found in microarchitecture of computing devices expose systems to potentially system-level breaches. This thesis consists of a comprehensive report on current exploits of this nature, describing their fundamental basis and usage, paving the way to further research into hardware mitigations that may be utilized to combat these and future vulnerabilities. It will discuss several modern software-based side channel attacks, describing the mechanisms they utilize to gain access to privileged information. Attack vectors will be exemplified, along with applicability to various architectures utilized in modern computing. Finally, discussion of how future architectural changes must successfully harden chips against attacks of this type will occur, ending with a reinforced call for development of these integral architectural revisions to resolve the threat

    On-the-fly tracing for data-centric computing : parallelization, workflow and applications

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    As data-centric computing becomes the trend in science and engineering, more and more hardware systems, as well as middleware frameworks, are emerging to handle the intensive computations associated with big data. At the programming level, it is crucial to have corresponding programming paradigms for dealing with big data. Although MapReduce is now a known programming model for data-centric computing where parallelization is completely replaced by partitioning the computing task through data, not all programs particularly those using statistical computing and data mining algorithms with interdependence can be re-factorized in such a fashion. On the other hand, many traditional automatic parallelization methods put an emphasis on formalism and may not achieve optimal performance with the given limited computing resources. In this work we propose a cross-platform programming paradigm, called on-the-fly data tracing , to provide source-to-source transformation where the same framework also provides the functionality of workflow optimization on larger applications. Using a big-data approximation computations related to large-scale data input are identified in the code and workflow and a simplified core dependence graph is built based on the computational load taking in to account big data. The code can then be partitioned into sections for efficient parallelization; and at the workflow level, optimization can be performed by adjusting the scheduling for big-data considerations, including the I/O performance of the machine. Regarding each unit in both source code and workflow as a model, this framework enables model-based parallel programming that matches the available computing resources. The techniques used in model-based parallel programming as well as the design of the software framework for both parallelization and workflow optimization as well as its implementations with multiple programming languages are presented in the dissertation. Then, the following experiments are performed to validate the framework: i) the benchmarking of parallelization speed-up using typical examples in data analysis and machine learning (e.g. naive Bayes, k-means) and ii) three real-world applications in data-centric computing with the framework are also described to illustrate the efficiency: pattern detection from hurricane and storm surge simulations, road traffic flow prediction and text mining from social media data. In the applications, it illustrates how to build scalable workflows with the framework along with performance enhancements

    Load sharing for optimistic parallel simulations on multicore machines

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    Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) is based on the partitioning of the simulation model into distinct Logical Processes (LPs), each one modeling a portion of the entire system, which are allowed to execute simulation events concurrently. This allows exploiting parallel computing architectures to speedup model execution, and to make very large models tractable. In this article we cope with the optimistic approach to PDES, where LPs are allowed to concurrently process their events in a speculative fashion, and rollback/ recovery techniques are used to guarantee state consistency in case of causality violations along the speculative execution path. Particularly, we present an innovative load sharing approach targeted at optimizing resource usage for fruitful simulation work when running an optimistic PDES environment on top of multi-processor/multi-core machines. Beyond providing the load sharing model, we also define a load sharing oriented architectural scheme, based on a symmetric multi-threaded organization of the simulation platform. Finally, we present a real implementation of the load sharing architecture within the open source ROme OpTimistic Simulator (ROOT-Sim) package. Experimental data for an assessment of both viability and effectiveness of our proposal are presented as well. Copyright is held by author/owner(s)