566 research outputs found

    Sampling-Based Query Re-Optimization

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    Despite of decades of work, query optimizers still make mistakes on "difficult" queries because of bad cardinality estimates, often due to the interaction of multiple predicates and correlations in the data. In this paper, we propose a low-cost post-processing step that can take a plan produced by the optimizer, detect when it is likely to have made such a mistake, and take steps to fix it. Specifically, our solution is a sampling-based iterative procedure that requires almost no changes to the original query optimizer or query evaluation mechanism of the system. We show that this indeed imposes low overhead and catches cases where three widely used optimizers (PostgreSQL and two commercial systems) make large errors.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title and authors that appears in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2016

    Enhancing High-dimensional Bayesian Optimization by Optimizing the Acquisition Function Maximizer Initialization

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    Bayesian optimization (BO) is widely used to optimize black-box functions. It works by first building a surrogate for the objective and quantifying the uncertainty in that surrogate. It then decides where to sample by maximizing an acquisition function defined by the surrogate model. Prior approaches typically use randomly generated raw samples to initialize the acquisition function maximizer. However, this strategy is ill-suited for high-dimensional BO. Given the large regions of high posterior uncertainty in high dimensions, a randomly initialized acquisition function maximizer is likely to focus on areas with high posterior uncertainty, leading to overly exploring areas that offer little gain. This paper provides the first comprehensive empirical study to reveal the importance of the initialization phase of acquisition function maximization. It proposes a better initialization approach by employing multiple heuristic optimizers to leverage the knowledge of already evaluated samples to generate initial points to be explored by an acquisition function maximizer. We evaluate our approach on widely used synthetic test functions and real-world applications. Experimental results show that our techniques, while simple, can significantly enhance the standard BO and outperforms state-of-the-art high-dimensional BO techniques by a large margin in most test cases

    MOODY: An ontology-driven framework for standardizing multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

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    The application of semantic technologies, particularly ontologies, in the realm of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms is overlook despite their effectiveness in knowledge representation. In this paper, we introduce MOODY, an ontology specifically tailored to formalize these kinds of algorithms, encompassing their respective parameters, and multi-objective optimization problems based on a characterization of their search space landscapes. MOODY is designed to be particularly applicable in automatic algorithm configuration, which involves the search of the parameters of an optimization algorithm to optimize its performance. In this context, we observe a notable absence of standardized components, parameters, and related considerations, such as problem characteristics and algorithm configurations. This lack of standardization introduces difficulties in the selection of valid component combinations and in the re-use of algorithmic configurations between different algorithm implementations. MOODY offers a means to infuse semantic annotations into the configurations found by automatic tools, enabling efficient querying of the results and seamless integration across diverse sources through their incorporation into a knowledge graph. We validate our proposal by presenting four case studies.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation via Grant PID2020-112540RB-C41 (AEI/FEDER, UE) and the Andalusian PAIDI program with grant P18-RT-2799. José F. Aldana-Martín is supported by Grant PRE2021-098594 (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities)

    OPT-GAN: Black-Box Global Optimization via Generative Adversarial Nets

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    Black-box optimization (BBO) algorithms are concerned with finding the best solutions for problems with missing analytical details. Most classical methods for such problems are based on strong and fixed a priori assumptions, such as Gaussianity. However, the complex real-world problems, especially when the global optimum is desired, could be very far from the a priori assumptions because of their diversities, causing unexpected obstacles to these methods. In this study, we propose a generative adversarial net-based broad-spectrum global optimizer (OPT-GAN) which estimates the distribution of optimum gradually, with strategies to balance exploration-exploitation trade-off. It has potential to better adapt to the regularity and structure of diversified landscapes than other methods with fixed prior, e.g. Gaussian assumption or separability. Experiments conducted on BBO benchmarking problems and several other benchmarks with diversified landscapes exhibit that OPT-GAN outperforms other traditional and neural net-based BBO algorithms.Comment: M. Lu and S. Ning contribute equally. Submitted to IEEE transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Parallel Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization with Uniform Normalization and Bounded Objectives

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    Machine learning (ML) methods offer a wide range of configurable hyperparameters that have a significant influence on their performance. While accuracy is a commonly used performance objective, in many settings, it is not sufficient. Optimizing the ML models with respect to multiple objectives such as accuracy, confidence, fairness, calibration, privacy, latency, and memory consumption is becoming crucial. To that end, hyperparameter optimization, the approach to systematically optimize the hyperparameters, which is already challenging for a single objective, is even more challenging for multiple objectives. In addition, the differences in objective scales, the failures, and the presence of outlier values in objectives make the problem even harder. We propose a multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MoBO) algorithm that addresses these problems through uniform objective normalization and randomized weights in scalarization. We increase the efficiency of our approach by imposing constraints on the objective to avoid exploring unnecessary configurations (e.g., insufficient accuracy). Finally, we leverage an approach to parallelize the MoBO which results in a 5x speed-up when using 16x more workers.Comment: Preprint with appendice

    B2Opt: Learning to Optimize Black-box Optimization with Little Budget

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    The core challenge of high-dimensional and expensive black-box optimization (BBO) is how to obtain better performance faster with little function evaluation cost. The essence of the problem is how to design an efficient optimization strategy tailored to the target task. This paper designs a powerful optimization framework to automatically learn the optimization strategies from the target or cheap surrogate task without human intervention. However, current methods are weak for this due to poor representation of optimization strategy. To achieve this, 1) drawing on the mechanism of genetic algorithm, we propose a deep neural network framework called B2Opt, which has a stronger representation of optimization strategies based on survival of the fittest; 2) B2Opt can utilize the cheap surrogate functions of the target task to guide the design of the efficient optimization strategies. Compared to the state-of-the-art BBO baselines, B2Opt can achieve multiple orders of magnitude performance improvement with less function evaluation cost. We validate our proposal on high-dimensional synthetic functions and two real-world applications. We also find that deep B2Opt performs better than shallow ones

    Nature Inspired Evolutionary Swarm Optimizers for Biomedical Image and Signal Processing -- A Systematic Review

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    The challenge of finding a global optimum in a solution search space with limited resources and higher accuracy has given rise to several optimization algorithms. Generally, the gradient-based optimizers converge to the global solution very accurately, but they often require a large number of iterations to find the solution. Researchers took inspiration from different natural phenomena and behaviours of many living organisms to develop algorithms that can solve optimization problems much quicker with high accuracy. These algorithms are called nature-inspired meta-heuristic optimization algorithms. These can be used for denoising signals, updating weights in a deep neural network, and many other cases. In the state-of-the-art, there are no systematic reviews available that have discussed the applications of nature-inspired algorithms on biomedical signal processing. The paper solves that gap by discussing the applications of such algorithms in biomedical signal processing and also provides an updated survey of the application of these algorithms in biomedical image processing. The paper reviews 28 latest peer-reviewed relevant articles and 26 nature-inspired algorithms and segregates them into thoroughly explored, lesser explored and unexplored categories intending to help readers understand the reliability and exploration stage of each of these algorithms
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