45 research outputs found

    Advanced constellation and demapper schemes for next generation digital terrestrial television broadcasting systems

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    206 p.Esta tesis presenta un nuevo tipo de constelaciones llamadas no uniformes. Estos esquemas presentan una eficacia de hasta 1,8 dB superior a las utilizadas en los últimos sistemas de comunicaciones de televisión digital terrestre y son extrapolables a cualquier otro sistema de comunicaciones (satélite, móvil, cable¿). Además, este trabajo contribuye al diseño de constelaciones con una nueva metodología que reduce el tiempo de optimización de días/horas (metodologías actuales) a horas/minutos con la misma eficiencia. Todas las constelaciones diseñadas se testean bajo una plataforma creada en esta tesis que simula el estándar de radiodifusión terrestre más avanzado hasta la fecha (ATSC 3.0) bajo condiciones reales de funcionamiento.Por otro lado, para disminuir la latencia de decodificación de estas constelaciones esta tesis propone dos técnicas de detección/demapeo. Una es para constelaciones no uniformes de dos dimensiones la cual disminuye hasta en un 99,7% la complejidad del demapeo sin empeorar el funcionamiento del sistema. La segunda técnica de detección se centra en las constelaciones no uniformes de una dimensión y presenta hasta un 87,5% de reducción de la complejidad del receptor sin pérdidas en el rendimiento.Por último, este trabajo expone un completo estado del arte sobre tipos de constelaciones, modelos de sistema, y diseño/demapeo de constelaciones. Este estudio es el primero realizado en este campo

    Constellation design for future communication systems: a comprehensive survey

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    [EN] The choice of modulation schemes is a fundamental building block of wireless communication systems. As a key component of physical layer design, they critically impact the expected communication capacity and wireless signal robustness. Their design is also critical for the successful roll-out of wireless standards that require a compromise between performance, efficiency, latency, and hardware requirements. This paper presents a survey of constellation design strategies and associated outcomes for wireless communication systems. The survey discusses their performance and complexity to address the need for some desirable properties, including consistency, channel capacity, system performance, required demapping architecture, flexibility, and independence. Existing approaches for constellation designs are investigated using appropriate metrics and categorized based on their theoretical algorithm design. Next, their application to different communication standards is analyzed in context, aiming at distilling general guidelines applicable to the wireless building block design. Finally, the survey provides a discussion on design directions for future communication system standardization processes.This work was supported in part by the Basque Government under Grant IT1234-19, in part by the PREDOC under Program PRE_2020_2_0105, and in part by the Spanish Government through the Project PHANTOM (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) under Gran

    Probabilistic Shaping for Finite Blocklengths: Distribution Matching and Sphere Shaping

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    In this paper, we provide for the first time a systematic comparison of distribution matching (DM) and sphere shaping (SpSh) algorithms for short blocklength probabilistic amplitude shaping. For asymptotically large blocklengths, constant composition distribution matching (CCDM) is known to generate the target capacity-achieving distribution. As the blocklength decreases, however, the resulting rate loss diminishes the efficiency of CCDM. We claim that for such short blocklengths and over the additive white Gaussian channel (AWGN), the objective of shaping should be reformulated as obtaining the most energy-efficient signal space for a given rate (rather than matching distributions). In light of this interpretation, multiset-partition DM (MPDM), enumerative sphere shaping (ESS) and shell mapping (SM), are reviewed as energy-efficient shaping techniques. Numerical results show that MPDM and SpSh have smaller rate losses than CCDM. SpSh--whose sole objective is to maximize the energy efficiency--is shown to have the minimum rate loss amongst all. We provide simulation results of the end-to-end decoding performance showing that up to 1 dB improvement in power efficiency over uniform signaling can be obtained with MPDM and SpSh at blocklengths around 200. Finally, we present a discussion on the complexity of these algorithms from the perspective of latency, storage and computations.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Optimization of a Coded-Modulation System with Shaped Constellation

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    Conventional communication systems transmit signals that are selected from a signal constellation with uniform probability. However, information-theoretic results suggest that performance may be improved by shaping the constellation such that lower-energy signals are selected more frequently than higher-energy signals. This dissertation presents an energy efficient approach for shaping the constellations used by coded-modulation systems. The focus is on designing shaping techniques for systems that use a combination of amplitude phase shift keying (APSK) and low-density parity check (LDPC) coding. Such a combination is typical of modern satellite communications, such as the system used by the DVB-S2 standard.;The system implementation requires that a subset of the bits at the output of the LDPC encoder are passed through a nonlinear shaping encoder whose output bits are more likely to be a zero than a one. The constellation is partitioned into a plurality of sub-constellations, each with a different average signal energy, and the shaping bits are used to select the sub-constellation. An iterative receiver exchanges soft information among the demodulator, LDPC decoder, and shaping decoder. Parameters associated with the modulation and shaping code are optimized with respect to information rate, while the design of the LDPC code is optimized for the shaped modulation with the assistance of extrinsic-information transfer (EXIT) charts. The rule for labeling the constellation with bits is optimized using a novel hybrid cost function and a binary switching algorithm.;Simulation results show that the combination of constellation shaping, LDPC code optimization, and optimized bit labeling can achieve a gain in excess of 1 dB in an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel at a rate of 3 bits/symbol compared with a system that adheres directly to the DVB-S2 standard

    Transmit and Receive Signal Processing for MIMO Terrestrial Broadcast Systems

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    [EN] Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) technology in Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) networks has the potential to increase the spectral efficiency and improve network coverage to cope with the competition of limited spectrum use (e.g., assignment of digital dividend and spectrum demands of mobile broadband), the appearance of new high data rate services (e.g., ultra-high definition TV - UHDTV), and the ubiquity of the content (e.g., fixed, portable, and mobile). It is widely recognised that MIMO can provide multiple benefits such as additional receive power due to array gain, higher resilience against signal outages due to spatial diversity, and higher data rates due to the spatial multiplexing gain of the MIMO channel. These benefits can be achieved without additional transmit power nor additional bandwidth, but normally come at the expense of a higher system complexity at the transmitter and receiver ends. The final system performance gains due to the use of MIMO directly depend on physical characteristics of the propagation environment such as spatial correlation, antenna orientation, and/or power imbalances experienced at the transmit aerials. Additionally, due to complexity constraints and finite-precision arithmetic at the receivers, it is crucial for the overall system performance to carefully design specific signal processing algorithms. This dissertation focuses on transmit and received signal processing for DTT systems using MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) without feedback channel to the transmitter from the receiver terminals. At the transmitter side, this thesis presents investigations on MIMO precoding in DTT systems to overcome system degradations due to different channel conditions. At the receiver side, the focus is given on design and evaluation of practical MIMO-BICM receivers based on quantized information and its impact in both the in-chip memory size and system performance. These investigations are carried within the standardization process of DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld) the handheld evolution of DVB-T2 (Terrestrial - Second Generation), and ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Committee - Third Generation), which incorporate MIMO-BICM as key technology to overcome the Shannon limit of single antenna communications. Nonetheless, this dissertation employs a generic approach in the design, analysis and evaluations, hence, the results and ideas can be applied to other wireless broadcast communication systems using MIMO-BICM.[ES] La tecnología de múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas (MIMO) en redes de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) tiene el potencial de incrementar la eficiencia espectral y mejorar la cobertura de red para afrontar las demandas de uso del escaso espectro electromagnético (e.g., designación del dividendo digital y la demanda de espectro por parte de las redes de comunicaciones móviles), la aparición de nuevos contenidos de alta tasa de datos (e.g., ultra-high definition TV - UHDTV) y la ubicuidad del contenido (e.g., fijo, portable y móvil). Es ampliamente reconocido que MIMO puede proporcionar múltiples beneficios como: potencia recibida adicional gracias a las ganancias de array, mayor robustez contra desvanecimientos de la señal gracias a la diversidad espacial y mayores tasas de transmisión gracias a la ganancia por multiplexado del canal MIMO. Estos beneficios se pueden conseguir sin incrementar la potencia transmitida ni el ancho de banda, pero normalmente se obtienen a expensas de una mayor complejidad del sistema tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor. Las ganancias de rendimiento finales debido al uso de MIMO dependen directamente de las características físicas del entorno de propagación como: la correlación entre los canales espaciales, la orientación de las antenas y/o los desbalances de potencia sufridos en las antenas transmisoras. Adicionalmente, debido a restricciones en la complejidad y aritmética de precisión finita en los receptores, es fundamental para el rendimiento global del sistema un diseño cuidadoso de algoritmos específicos de procesado de señal. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el procesado de señal, tanto en el transmisor como en el receptor, para sistemas TDT que implementan MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) sin canal de retorno hacia el transmisor desde los receptores. En el transmisor esta tesis presenta investigaciones en precoding MIMO en sistemas TDT para superar las degradaciones del sistema debidas a diferentes condiciones del canal. En el receptor se presta especial atención al diseño y evaluación de receptores prácticos MIMO-BICM basados en información cuantificada y a su impacto tanto en la memoria del chip como en el rendimiento del sistema. Estas investigaciones se llevan a cabo en el contexto de estandarización de DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld), la evolución portátil de DVB-T2 (Second Generation Terrestrial), y ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Commitee - Third Generation) que incorporan MIMO-BICM como clave tecnológica para superar el límite de Shannon para comunicaciones con una única antena. No obstante, esta tesis doctoral emplea un método genérico tanto para el diseño, análisis y evaluación, por lo que los resultados e ideas pueden ser aplicados a otros sistemas de comunicación inalámbricos que empleen MIMO-BICM.[CA] La tecnologia de múltiples entrades i múltiples eixides (MIMO) en xarxes de Televisió Digital Terrestre (TDT) té el potencial d'incrementar l'eficiència espectral i millorar la cobertura de xarxa per a afrontar les demandes d'ús de l'escàs espectre electromagnètic (e.g., designació del dividend digital i la demanda d'espectre per part de les xarxes de comunicacions mòbils), l'aparició de nous continguts d'alta taxa de dades (e.g., ultra-high deffinition TV - UHDTV) i la ubiqüitat del contingut (e.g., fix, portàtil i mòbil). És àmpliament reconegut que MIMO pot proporcionar múltiples beneficis com: potència rebuda addicional gràcies als guanys de array, major robustesa contra esvaïments del senyal gràcies a la diversitat espacial i majors taxes de transmissió gràcies al guany per multiplexat del canal MIMO. Aquests beneficis es poden aconseguir sense incrementar la potència transmesa ni l'ample de banda, però normalment s'obtenen a costa d'una major complexitat del sistema tant en el transmissor com en el receptor. Els guanys de rendiment finals a causa de l'ús de MIMO depenen directament de les característiques físiques de l'entorn de propagació com: la correlació entre els canals espacials, l'orientació de les antenes, i/o els desequilibris de potència patits en les antenes transmissores. Addicionalment, a causa de restriccions en la complexitat i aritmètica de precisió finita en els receptors, és fonamental per al rendiment global del sistema un disseny acurat d'algorismes específics de processament de senyal. Aquesta tesi doctoral se centra en el processament de senyal tant en el transmissor com en el receptor per a sistemes TDT que implementen MIMO-BICM (Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation) sense canal de tornada cap al transmissor des dels receptors. En el transmissor aquesta tesi presenta recerques en precoding MIMO en sistemes TDT per a superar les degradacions del sistema degudes a diferents condicions del canal. En el receptor es presta especial atenció al disseny i avaluació de receptors pràctics MIMO-BICM basats en informació quantificada i al seu impacte tant en la memòria del xip com en el rendiment del sistema. Aquestes recerques es duen a terme en el context d'estandardització de DVB-NGH (Digital Video Broadcasting - Next Generation Handheld), l'evolució portàtil de DVB-T2 (Second Generation Terrestrial), i ATSC 3.0 (Advanced Television Systems Commitee - Third Generation) que incorporen MIMO-BICM com a clau tecnològica per a superar el límit de Shannon per a comunicacions amb una única antena. No obstant açò, aquesta tesi doctoral empra un mètode genèric tant per al disseny, anàlisi i avaluació, per la qual cosa els resultats i idees poden ser aplicats a altres sistemes de comunicació sense fils que empren MIMO-BICM.Vargas Paredero, DE. (2016). Transmit and Receive Signal Processing for MIMO Terrestrial Broadcast Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/66081TESISPremiad

    Forward Error Correction for High Capacity Transmission Systems

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    Αυτή η μελέτη διερευνά την αλληλεπίδραση μεταξύ FEC διόρθωσης σφαλμάτων προώθησης και ψηφιακού αντιστάθμιση μη γραμμικότητας DBP σε ένα κανάλι ινών μεγάλων αποστάσεων. Πρώτον, α Η προσέγγιση που βασίζεται στην έρευνα χρησιμοποιείται για τον προσδιορισμό των τεχνολογιών αιχμής στο FEC για το κανάλι ινών και προσαρμόστε τα στο τελικό σχέδιο. Οι σχεδιαστικές επιλογές περιλαμβάνουν το χρήση τετριμμένων bit κωδικοποιημένης διαμόρφωσης αρχιτεκτονικής T-BICM με συνενωμένη σχήμα κώδικα που χρησιμοποιεί έναν επαναληπτικό soft αποκωδικοποιητή. Η απαίτηση για συνενωμένη Η εφαρμογή FEC οδήγησε σε μια άλλη έρευνα για έναν κώδικα καλής απόδοσης συνδυασμός. Το ακανόνιστο LDPC και το οιονεί κυκλικό QC-LDPC, που υιοθετήθηκαν από το DVB-S2 και Τα πρότυπα IEEE 802.11, αντίστοιχα, συνδυάστηκαν με τον κώδικα σκάλας και σύγκριση με βάση τις επιτευχθείσες επιδόσεις. Αποδεικνύουμε ότι αυξάνοντας τις ίνες απόσταση μετάδοσης κατά 1/3, από 300km έως 400km, διατηρώντας παράλληλα την η ίδια απόδοση και η χρήση των ίδιων γενικών εξόδων, δηλαδή 27,5% είναι εφικτό όταν υλοποίηση του DBP με 2 βήματα/περιοχή ή 3 βήματα/περιοχή, ανάλογα με το αν το Οι επαναλήψεις αποκωδικοποίησης είναι 10 ή 5. Αυτή η μελέτη καταλήγει με την εύνοια του LDPC από το DVB-S2 πάνω από το QC-LDPC του IEEE 802.11 για κανάλι ινών μεγάλων αποστάσεων. Το συμπέρασμα βγαίνει με βάση σχετικά με την καλύτερη απόδοση για το LDPC-DVB, λόγω των μεγάλων μηκών κωδικών του και του υποστήριξη για υψηλούς ρυθμούς κωδικοποίησης με αποτέλεσμα χαμηλές γενικές απαιτήσειςThis study investigates the interplay between forward error correction FEC and digital back-propagation DBP nonlinearity compensation on a long-haul fibre channel. First, a research-based approach is used to identify the state-of-the-art technologies in FEC for the fibre channel and adapt them to the final design. The design choices includes the usage of trivial bit interleaved coded modulation T-BICM architecture with a concatenated code scheme that uses an iterative soft decoder. The requirement for a concatenated FEC implementation motivated another investigation of a well-performing code combination. The Irregular LDPC and quasi-cyclic QC-LDPC, adopted from DVB-S2 and IEEE 802.11 standards, respectively, were each concatenated with staircase code and compared based on the attained performance. We prove that increasing the fibre transmission distance by a factor of 1/3, from 300km to 400km, while maintaining the same performance and using the same overhead, i.e. 27.5\% is achievable when implementing DBP with 2 steps/span or 3 steps/span, depending on whether the decoding iterations are 10 or 5. This study concludes with favouring LDPC from DVB-S2 over IEEE 802.11's QC-LDPC for long haul fibre channel. The conclusion is made based on the better attained performance for LDPC-DVB, due to its long code lengths, and its support for high coding rates resulting low overhead requirement

    Spectrally Efficient FDM over Satellite Systems with Advanced Interference Cancellation

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    For high data rates satellite systems, where multiple carriers are frequency division multiplexed with a slight overlap, the overall spectral efficiency is limited. This work applies highly overlapped carriers for satellite broadcast and broadband scenarios to achieve higher spectral efficiency. Spectrally efficient frequency division multiplexing (SEFDM) compresses subcarrier spacing to increase the spectral efficiency at the expense of orthogonality violation. SEFDM systems performance degrades compared to orthogonal signals, unless efficient interference cancellation is used. Turbo equalisation with interference cancellation is implemented to improve receiver performance for variable coding, compression and modulation/constellation proposals that may be applied in satellite communications settings. Such parameters may be set to satisfy pre-defined spectral efficiency values for a given quality index (QI) or associated application. Assuming LDPC coded data, the work proposes two approaches to receiver design; a simple matched filter approach and an approach utilising an iterative interference cancellation structure specially designed for SEFDM. Mathematical models and simulations studies are presented indicating promising gains to be achieved for SEFDM transmission with advanced transceiver architectures at the cost of increased complexity at the receiver

    Replacing the Soft FEC Limit Paradigm in the Design of Optical Communication Systems

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    The FEC limit paradigm is the prevalent practice for designing optical communication systems to attain a certain bit-error rate (BER) without forward error correction (FEC). This practice assumes that there is an FEC code that will reduce the BER after decoding to the desired level. In this paper, we challenge this practice and show that the concept of a channel-independent FEC limit is invalid for soft-decision bit-wise decoding. It is shown that for low code rates and high order modulation formats, the use of the soft FEC limit paradigm can underestimate the spectral efficiencies by up to 20%. A better predictor for the BER after decoding is the generalized mutual information, which is shown to give consistent post-FEC BER predictions across different channel conditions and modulation formats. Extensive optical full-field simulations and experiments are carried out in both the linear and nonlinear transmission regimes to confirm the theoretical analysis

    The efficient interleaving of digital-video-broadcasting-satellite 2nd generations system

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    The DVB-S2 system is designed as a toolbox to permit the execution of the satellite programs. Interleaver is an essential part of the DVB-S2 system. The current general block interleaver in DVB-S2 is not best, which leads to high BER and maybe not satisfy the requirements of the system. The purpose of this paper is to study the several interleaver types and comparative analyses are done between them to find which of these give better performance. Simulations results obtained prove that the 2D interleavers minimize BER more than other interleavers of DVB-S2. Further, the performance of 2D interleaver is better on a system that required a low SNR