102 research outputs found

    DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability

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    The DeSyRe project builds on-demand adaptive and reliable Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). As fabrication technology scales down, chips are becoming less reliable, thereby incurring increased power and performance costs for fault tolerance. To make matters worse, power density is becoming a significant limiting factor in SoC design, in general. In the face of such changes in the technological landscape, current solutions for fault tolerance are expected to introduce excessive overheads in future systems. Moreover, attempting to design and manufacture a totally defect and fault-free system, would impact heavily, even prohibitively, the design, manufacturing, and testing costs, as well as the system performance and power consumption. In this context, DeSyRe delivers a new generation of systems that are reliable by design at well-balanced power, performance, and design costs. In our attempt to reduce the overheads of fault-tolerance, only a small fraction of the chip is built to be fault-free. This fault-free part is then employed to manage the remaining fault-prone resources of the SoC. The DeSyRe framework is applied to two medical systems with high safety requirements (measured using the IEC 61508 functional safety standard) and tight power and performance constraints

    Operating System Support for Redundant Multithreading

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    Failing hardware is a fact and trends in microprocessor design indicate that the fraction of hardware suffering from permanent and transient faults will continue to increase in future chip generations. Researchers proposed various solutions to this issue with different downsides: Specialized hardware components make hardware more expensive in production and consume additional energy at runtime. Fault-tolerant algorithms and libraries enforce specific programming models on the developer. Compiler-based fault tolerance requires the source code for all applications to be available for recompilation. In this thesis I present ASTEROID, an operating system architecture that integrates applications with different reliability needs. ASTEROID is built on top of the L4/Fiasco.OC microkernel and extends the system with Romain, an operating system service that transparently replicates user applications. Romain supports single- and multi-threaded applications without requiring access to the application's source code. Romain replicates applications and their resources completely and thereby does not rely on hardware extensions, such as ECC-protected memory. In my thesis I describe how to efficiently implement replication as a form of redundant multithreading in software. I develop mechanisms to manage replica resources and to make multi-threaded programs behave deterministically for replication. I furthermore present an approach to handle applications that use shared-memory channels with other programs. My evaluation shows that Romain provides 100% error detection and more than 99.6% error correction for single-bit flips in memory and general-purpose registers. At the same time, Romain's execution time overhead is below 14% for single-threaded applications running in triple-modular redundant mode. The last part of my thesis acknowledges that software-implemented fault tolerance methods often rely on the correct functioning of a certain set of hardware and software components, the Reliable Computing Base (RCB). I introduce the concept of the RCB and discuss what constitutes the RCB of the ASTEROID system and other fault tolerance mechanisms. Thereafter I show three case studies that evaluate approaches to protecting RCB components and thereby aim to achieve a software stack that is fully protected against hardware errors


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    DeSyRe: On-demand system reliability

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    The DeSyRe project builds on-demand adaptive and reliable Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). As fabrication technology scales down, chips are becoming less reliable, thereby incurring increased power and performance costs for fault tolerance. To make matters worse, power density is becoming a significant limiting factor in SoC design, in general. In the face of such changes in the technological landscape, current solutions for fault tolerance are expected to introduce excessive overheads in future systems. Moreover, attempting to design and manufacture a totally defect-/fault-free system, would impact heavily, even prohibitively, the design, manufacturing, and testing costs, as well as the system performance and power consumption. In this context, DeSyRe delivers a new generation of systems that are reliable by design at well-balanced power, performance, and design costs. In our attempt to reduce the overheads of fault-tolerance, only a small fraction of the chip is built to be fault-free. This fault-free part is then employed to manage the remaining fault-prone resources of the SoC. The DeSyRe framework is applied to two medical systems with high safety requirements (measured using the IEC 61508 functional safety standard) and tight power and performance constraints. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Self-adaptivity of applications on network on chip multiprocessors: the case of fault-tolerant Kahn process networks

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    Technology scaling accompanied with higher operating frequencies and the ability to integrate more functionality in the same chip has been the driving force behind delivering higher performance computing systems at lower costs. Embedded computing systems, which have been riding the same wave of success, have evolved into complex architectures encompassing a high number of cores interconnected by an on-chip network (usually identified as Multiprocessor System-on-Chip). However these trends are hindered by issues that arise as technology scaling continues towards deep submicron scales. Firstly, growing complexity of these systems and the variability introduced by process technologies make it ever harder to perform a thorough optimization of the system at design time. Secondly, designers are faced with a reliability wall that emerges as age-related degradation reduces the lifetime of transistors, and as the probability of defects escaping post-manufacturing testing is increased. In this thesis, we take on these challenges within the context of streaming applications running in network-on-chip based parallel (not necessarily homogeneous) systems-on-chip that adopt the no-remote memory access model. In particular, this thesis tackles two main problems: (1) fault-aware online task remapping, (2) application-level self-adaptation for quality management. For the former, by viewing fault tolerance as a self-adaptation aspect, we adopt a cross-layer approach that aims at graceful performance degradation by addressing permanent faults in processing elements mostly at system-level, in particular by exploiting redundancy available in multi-core platforms. We propose an optimal solution based on an integer linear programming formulation (suitable for design time adoption) as well as heuristic-based solutions to be used at run-time. We assess the impact of our approach on the lifetime reliability. We propose two recovery schemes based on a checkpoint-and-rollback and a rollforward technique. For the latter, we propose two variants of a monitor-controller- adapter loop that adapts application-level parameters to meet performance goals. We demonstrate not only that fault tolerance and self-adaptivity can be achieved in embedded platforms, but also that it can be done without incurring large overheads. In addressing these problems, we present techniques which have been realized (depending on their characteristics) in the form of a design tool, a run-time library or a hardware core to be added to the basic architecture

    Resilience of an embedded architecture using hardware redundancy

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    In the last decade the dominance of the general computing systems market has being replaced by embedded systems with billions of units manufactured every year. Embedded systems appear in contexts where continuous operation is of utmost importance and failure can be profound. Nowadays, radiation poses a serious threat to the reliable operation of safety-critical systems. Fault avoidance techniques, such as radiation hardening, have been commonly used in space applications. However, these components are expensive, lag behind commercial components with regards to performance and do not provide 100% fault elimination. Without fault tolerant mechanisms, many of these faults can become errors at the application or system level, which in turn, can result in catastrophic failures. In this work we study the concepts of fault tolerance and dependability and extend these concepts providing our own definition of resilience. We analyse the physics of radiation-induced faults, the damage mechanisms of particles and the process that leads to computing failures. We provide extensive taxonomies of 1) existing fault tolerant techniques and of 2) the effects of radiation in state-of-the-art electronics, analysing and comparing their characteristics. We propose a detailed model of faults and provide a classification of the different types of faults at various levels. We introduce an algorithm of fault tolerance and define the system states and actions necessary to implement it. We introduce novel hardware and system software techniques that provide a more efficient combination of reliability, performance and power consumption than existing techniques. We propose a new element of the system called syndrome that is the core of a resilient architecture whose software and hardware can adapt to reliable and unreliable environments. We implement a software simulator and disassembler and introduce a testing framework in combination with ERA’s assembler and commercial hardware simulators

    Applying Hypervisor-Based Fault Tolerance Techniques to Safety-Critical Embedded Systems

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    This document details the work conducted through the development of this thesis, and it is structured as follows: • Chapter 1, Introduction, has briefly presented the motivation, objectives, and contributions of this thesis. • Chapter 2, Fundamentals, exposes a series of concepts that are necessary to correctly understand the information presented in the rest of the thesis, such as the concepts of virtualization, hypervisors, or software-based fault tolerance. In addition, this chapter includes an exhaustive review and comparison between the different hypervisors used in scientific studies dealing with safety-critical systems, and a brief review of some works that try to improve fault tolerance in the hypervisor itself, an area of research that is outside the scope of this work, but that complements the mechanism presented and could be established as a line of future work. • Chapter 3, Problem Statement and Related Work, explains the main reasons why the concept of Hypervisor-Based Fault Tolerance was born and reviews the main articles and research papers on the subject. This review includes both papers related to safety-critical embedded systems (such as the research carried out in this thesis) and papers related to cloud servers and cluster computing that, although not directly applicable to embedded systems, may raise useful concepts that make our solution more complete or allow us to establish future lines of work. • Chapter 4, Proposed Solution, begins with a brief comparison of the work presented in Chapter 3 to establish the requirements that our solution must meet in order to be as complete and innovative as possible. It then sets out the architecture of the proposed solution and explains in detail the two main elements of the solution: the Voter and the Health Monitoring partition. • Chapter 5, Prototype, explains in detail the prototyping of the proposed solution, including the choice of the hypervisor, the processing board, and the critical functionality to be redundant. With respect to the voter, it includes prototypes for both the software version (the voter is implemented in a virtual machine) and the hardware version (the voter is implemented as IP cores on the FPGA). • Chapter 6, Evaluation, includes the evaluation of the prototype developed in Chapter 5. As a preliminary step and given that there is no evidence in this regard, an exercise is carried out to measure the overhead involved in using the XtratuM hypervisor versus not using it. Subsequently, qualitative tests are carried out to check that Health Monitoring is working as expected and a fault injection campaign is carried out to check the error detection and correction rate of our solution. Finally, a comparison is made between the performance of the hardware and software versions of Voter. • Chapter 7, Conclusions and Future Work, is dedicated to collect the conclusions obtained and the contributions made during the research (in the form of articles in journals, conferences and contributions to projects and proposals in the industry). In addition, it establishes some lines of future work that could complete and extend the research carried out during this doctoral thesis.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Katzalin Olcoz Herrero.- Secretario: Félix García Carballeira.- Vocal: Santiago Rodríguez de la Fuent

    Exploiting task-based programming models for resilience

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    Hardware errors become more common as silicon technologies shrink and become more vulnerable, especially in memory cells, which are the most exposed to errors. Permanent and intermittent faults are caused by manufacturing variability and circuits ageing. While these can be mitigated once they are identified, their continuous rate of appearance throughout the lifetime of memory devices will always cause unexpected errors. In addition, transient faults are caused by effects such as radiation or small voltage/frequency margins, and there is no efficient way to shield against these events. Other constraints related to the diminishing sizes of transistors, such as power consumption and memory latency have caused the microprocessor industry to turn to increasingly complex processor architectures. To solve the difficulties arising from programming such architectures, programming models have emerged that rely on runtime systems. These systems form a new intermediate layer on the hardware-software abstraction stack, that performs tasks such as distributing work across computing resources: processor cores, accelerators, etc. These runtime systems dispose of a lot of information, both from the hardware and the applications, and offer thus many possibilities for optimisations. This thesis proposes solutions to the increasing fault rates in memory, across multiple resilience disciplines, from algorithm-based fault tolerance to hardware error correcting codes, through OS reliability strategies. These solutions rely for their efficiency on the opportunities presented by runtime systems. The first contribution of this thesis is an algorithmic-based resilience technique, allowing to tolerate detected errors in memory. This technique allows to recover data that is lost by performing computations that rely on simple redundancy relations identified in the program. The recovery is demonstrated for a family of iterative solvers, the Krylov subspace methods, and evaluated for the conjugate gradient solver. The runtime can transparently overlap the recovery with the computations of the algorithm, which allows to mask the already low overheads of this technique. The second part of this thesis proposes a metric to characterise the impact of faults in memory, which outperforms state-of-the-art metrics in precision and assurances on the error rate. This metric reveals a key insight into data that is not relevant to the program, and we propose an OS-level strategy to ignore errors in such data, by delaying the reporting of detected errors. This allows to reduce failure rates of running programs, by ignoring errors that have no impact. The architectural-level contribution of this thesis is a dynamically adaptable Error Correcting Code (ECC) scheme, that can increase protection of memory regions where the impact of errors is highest. A runtime methodology is presented to estimate the fault rate at runtime using our metric, through performance monitoring tools of current commodity processors. Guiding the dynamic ECC scheme online using the methodology's vulnerability estimates allows to decrease error rates of programs at a fraction of the redundancy cost required for a uniformly stronger ECC. This provides a useful and wide range of trade-offs between redundancy and error rates. The work presented in this thesis demonstrates that runtime systems allow to make the most of redundancy stored in memory, to help tackle increasing error rates in DRAM. This exploited redundancy can be an inherent part of algorithms that allows to tolerate higher fault rates, or in the form of dead data stored in memory. Redundancy can also be added to a program, in the form of ECC. In all cases, the runtime allows to decrease failure rates efficiently, by diminishing recovery costs, identifying redundant data, or targeting critical data. It is thus a very valuable tool for the future computing systems, as it can perform optimisations across different layers of abstractions.Los errores en memoria se vuelven más comunes a medida que las tecnologías de silicio reducen su tamaño. La variabilidad de fabricación y el envejecimiento de los circuitos causan fallos permanentes e intermitentes. Aunque se pueden mitigar una vez identificados, su continua tasa de aparición siempre causa errores inesperados. Además, la memoria también sufre de fallos transitorios contra los cuales no se puede proteger eficientemente. Estos fallos están causados por efectos como la radiación o los reducidos márgenes de voltaje y frecuencia. Otras restricciones coetáneas, como el consumo de energía y la latencia de la memoria, obligaron a las arquitecturas de computadores a volverse cada vez más complejas. Para programar tales procesadores, se desarrollaron modelos de programación basados en entornos de ejecución. Estos sistemas forman una nueva abstracción entre hardware y software, realizando tareas como la distribución del trabajo entre recursos informáticos: núcleos de procesadores, aceleradores, etc. Estos entornos de ejecución disponen de mucha información tanto sobre el hardware como sobre las aplicaciones, y ofrecen así muchas posibilidades de optimización. Esta tesis propone soluciones a los fallos en memoria entre múltiples disciplinas de resiliencia, desde la tolerancia a fallos basada en algoritmos, hasta los códigos de corrección de errores en hardware, incluyendo estrategias de resiliencia del sistema operativo. La eficiencia de estas soluciones depende de las oportunidades que presentan los entornos de ejecución. La primera contribución de esta tesis es una técnica a nivel algorítmico que permite corregir fallos encontrados mientras el programa su ejecuta. Para corregir fallos se han identificado redundancias simples en los datos del programa para toda una clase de algoritmos, los métodos del subespacio de Krylov (gradiente conjugado, GMRES, etc). La estrategia de recuperación de datos desarrollada permite corregir errores sin tener que reinicializar el algoritmo, y aprovecha el modelo de programación para superponer las computaciones del algoritmo y de la recuperación de datos. La segunda parte de esta tesis propone una métrica para caracterizar el impacto de los fallos en la memoria. Esta métrica supera en precisión a las métricas de vanguardia y permite identificar datos que son menos relevantes para el programa. Se propone una estrategia a nivel del sistema operativo retrasando la notificación de los errores detectados, que permite ignorar fallos en estos datos y reducir la tasa de fracaso del programa. Por último, la contribución a nivel arquitectónico de esta tesis es un esquema de Código de Corrección de Errores (ECC por sus siglas en inglés) adaptable dinámicamente. Este esquema puede aumentar la protección de las regiones de memoria donde el impacto de los errores es mayor. Se presenta una metodología para estimar el riesgo de fallo en tiempo de ejecución utilizando nuestra métrica, a través de las herramientas de monitorización del rendimiento disponibles en los procesadores actuales. El esquema de ECC guiado dinámicamente con estas estimaciones de vulnerabilidad permite disminuir la tasa de fracaso de los programas a una fracción del coste de redundancia requerido para un ECC uniformemente más fuerte. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis demuestra que los entornos de ejecución permiten aprovechar al máximo la redundancia contenida en la memoria, para contener el aumento de los errores en ella. Esta redundancia explotada puede ser una parte inherente de los algoritmos que permite tolerar más fallos, en forma de datos inutilizados almacenados en la memoria, o agregada a la memoria de un programa en forma de ECC. En todos los casos, el entorno de ejecución permite disminuir los efectos de los fallos de manera eficiente, disminuyendo los costes de recuperación, identificando datos redundantes, o focalizando esfuerzos de protección en los datos críticos.Postprint (published version

    Architectures for dependable modern microprocessors

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    Η εξέλιξη των ολοκληρωμένων κυκλωμάτων σε συνδυασμό με τους αυστηρούς χρονικούς περιορισμούς καθιστούν την επαλήθευση της ορθής λειτουργίας των επεξεργαστών μία εξαιρετικά απαιτητική διαδικασία. Με κριτήριο το στάδιο του κύκλου ζωής ενός επεξεργαστή, από την στιγμή κατασκευής των πρωτοτύπων και έπειτα, οι τεχνικές ελέγχου ορθής λειτουργίας διακρίνονται στις ακόλουθες κατηγορίες: (1) Silicon Debug: Τα πρωτότυπα ολοκληρωμένα κυκλώματα ελέγχονται εξονυχιστικά, (2) Manufacturing Testing: ο τελικό ποιοτικός έλεγχος και (3) In-field verification: Περιλαμβάνει τεχνικές, οι οποίες διασφαλίζουν την λειτουργία του επεξεργαστή σύμφωνα με τις προδιαγραφές του. Η διδακτορική διατριβή προτείνει τα ακόλουθα: (1) Silicon Debug: Η εργασία αποσκοπεί στην επιτάχυνση της διαδικασίας ανίχνευσης σφαλμάτων και στον αυτόματο εντοπισμό τυχαίων προγραμμάτων που δεν περιέχουν νέα -χρήσιμη- πληροφορία σχετικά με την αίτια ενός σφάλματος. Η κεντρική ιδέα αυτής της μεθόδου έγκειται στην αξιοποίηση της έμφυτης ποικιλομορφίας των αρχιτεκτονικών συνόλου εντολών και στην δυνατότητα από-διαμόρφωσης τμημάτων του κυκλώματος, (2) Manufacturing Testing: προτείνεται μία μέθοδο για την βελτιστοποίηση του έλεγχου ορθής λειτουργίας των πολυνηματικών και πολυπύρηνων επεξεργαστών μέσω της χρήση λογισμικού αυτοδοκιμής, (3) Ιn-field verification: Αναλύθηκε σε βάθος η επίδραση που έχουν τα μόνιμα σφάλματα σε μηχανισμούς αύξησης της απόδοσης. Επιπρόσθετα, προτάθηκαν τεχνικές για την ανίχνευση και ανοχή μόνιμων σφαλμάτων υλικού σε μηχανισμούς πρόβλεψης διακλάδωσης.Technology scaling, extreme chip integration and the compelling requirement to diminish the time-to-market window, has rendered microprocessors more prone to design bugs and hardware faults. Microprocessor validation is grouped into the following categories, based on where they intervene in a microprocessor’s lifecycle: (a) Silicon debug: the first hardware prototypes are exhaustively validated, (b) Μanufacturing testing: the final quality control during massive production, and (c) In-field verification: runtime error detection techniques to guarantee correct operation. The contributions of this thesis are the following: (1) Silicon debug: We propose the employment of deconfigurable microprocessor architectures along with a technique to generate self-checking random test programs to avoid the simulation step and triage the redundant debug sessions, (2) Manufacturing testing: We propose a self-test optimization strategy for multithreaded, multicore microprocessors to speedup test program execution time and enhance the fault coverage of hard errors; and (3) In-field verification: We measure the effect of permanent faults performance components. Then, we propose a set of low-cost mechanisms for the detection, diagnosis and performance recovery in the front-end speculative structures. This thesis introduces various novel methodologies to address the validation challenges posed throughout the life-cycle of a chip

    Simulador para arquitecturas multiprocesador utilizadas en el sector espacial para apoyar el desarrollo de mecanismos software de tolerancia a fallos

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    La colonización de la Luna y Marte o la minería espacial son ideas que la humanidad ha ido desarrollando durante décadas pero que hoy en día parecen estar al alcance de la mano gracias al avance tecnológico, la nueva carrera espacial en la que China es cada vez más relevante, y al aumento de interés por parte de gobiernos, agencias y empresas. Parte de estos avances tecnológicos radican en el uso de hardware y software espacial cada vez más potente y versátil. En cualquier misión espacial, el software es un componente fundamental que permite configurar de distintas maneras al sistema y manejar las situaciones excepcionales que se puedan dar. Además, en el entorno espacial tanto el hardware como el software necesitan satisfacer unos requisitos de tolerancia a fallos para evitar en mayor medida los errores producidos por la radiación. La verificación de estos requisitos en sistemas críticos consume cada vez una mayor cantidad de recursos dedicados al desarrollo de los sistemas, sobre todo en sistemas multinúcleo. En este contexto es necesario el uso de nuevas herramientas para el desarrollo y verificación tempranos del software empotrado. Entre estas herramientas se puede incluir la propuesta de este trabajo de tesis, que afronta el problema mediante el uso de técnicas de simulación e inyección de fallos. Dadas las restricciones temporales en el desarrollo de los sistemas embarcados y los estrictos requisitos de robustez del software espacial, es necesario realizar esta verificación en etapas muy tempranas del desarrollo. En un caso ideal, estas tareas serian desempeñadas de forma paralela al desarrollo hardware, permitiendo anticipar discrepancias y problemas en la especificación del sistema. Cabe resaltar que la verificación de los mecanismos de tolerancia a fallos software puede ser difícil o imposible de realizar en el hardware, dado que las técnicas de inyección de fallos hardware limitan la reproducibilidad de escenarios concretos asi como que los escenarios sean observables y con inyección de fallos controlable y transparente. En esta tesis se describe la investigación, desarrollo y uso de la plataforma virtual ``LeonViP-MC'', con capacidad de inyección de fallos y que utiliza traducción dinámica binaria (Dynamic Binary Translation) mediante LLVM y corrutinas para la simulación de sistemas multinúcleo. Gracias a esta plataforma se puede ejecutar el mismo binario a ejecutar en el hardware real, pero en un entorno controlado y determinista. Esto ha permitido la realización de distintas campanas de inyección de fallos que no serían viables de otra manera. Su utilización ha permitido demostrar la fiabilidad de las técnicas de tolerancia a fallos implementadas tanto en el software de arranque de la Unidad de Control del Instrumento (ICU) del Detector de Partículas Energéticas (EPD) embarcado en Solar Orbiter asi como de una aplicación basada en un canal de comunicaciones ARINC 653 que forma parte del desarrollo de un futuro hipervisor para el sistema multinúcleo GR740