133 research outputs found

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    An analysis of total correctness refinement models for partial relation semantics I

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    This is the first of a series of papers devoted to the thorough investigation of (total correctness) refinement based on an underlying partial relational model. In this paper we restrict attention to operation refinement. We explore four theories of refinement based on an underlying partial relation model for specifications, and we show that they are all equivalent. This, in particular, sheds some light on the relational completion operator (lifted-totalisation) due to Wookcock which underlines data refinement in, for example, the specification language Z. It further leads to two simple alternative models which are also equivalent to the others

    A Backward Analysis for Constraint Logic Programs

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    One recurring problem in program development is that of understanding how to re-use code developed by a third party. In the context of (constraint) logic programming, part of this problem reduces to figuring out how to query a program. If the logic program does not come with any documentation, then the programmer is forced to either experiment with queries in an ad hoc fashion or trace the control-flow of the program (backward) to infer the modes in which a predicate must be called so as to avoid an instantiation error. This paper presents an abstract interpretation scheme that automates the latter technique. The analysis presented in this paper can infer moding properties which if satisfied by the initial query, come with the guarantee that the program and query can never generate any moding or instantiation errors. Other applications of the analysis are discussed. The paper explains how abstract domains with certain computational properties (they condense) can be used to trace control-flow backward (right-to-left) to infer useful properties of initial queries. A correctness argument is presented and an implementation is reported.Comment: 32 page

    Mechanizing Abstract Interpretation

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    It is important when developing software to verify the absence of undesirable behavior such as crashes, bugs and security vulnerabilities. Some settings require high assurance in verification results, e.g., for embedded software in automobiles or airplanes. To achieve high assurance in these verification results, formal methods are used to automatically construct or check proofs of their correctness. However, achieving high assurance for program analysis results is challenging, and current methods are ill suited for both complex critical domains and mainstream use. To verify the correctness of software we consider program analyzers---automated tools which detect software defects---and to achieve high assurance in verification results we consider mechanized verification---a rigorous process for establishing the correctness of program analyzers via computer-checked proofs. The key challenges to designing verified program analyzers are: (1) achieving an analyzer design for a given programming language and correctness property; (2) achieving an implementation for the design; and (3) achieving a mechanized verification that the implementation is correct w.r.t. the design. The state of the art in (1) and (2) is to use abstract interpretation: a guiding mathematical framework for systematically constructing analyzers directly from programming language semantics. However, achieving (3) in the presence of abstract interpretation has remained an open problem since the late 1990's. Furthermore, even the state-of-the art which achieves (3) in the absence of abstract interpretation suffers from the inability to be reused in the presence of new analyzer designs or programming language features. First, we solve the open problem which has prevented the combination of abstract interpretation (and in particular, calculational abstract interpretation) with mechanized verification, which advances the state of the art in designing, implementing, and verifying analyzers for critical software. We do this through a new mathematical framework Constructive Galois Connections which supports synthesizing specifications for program analyzers, calculating implementations from these induced specifications, and is amenable to mechanized verification. Finally, we introduce reusable components for implementing analyzers for a wide range of designs and semantics. We do this though two new frameworks Galois Transformers and Definitional Abstract Interpreters. These frameworks tightly couple analyzer design decisions, implementation fragments, and verification properties into compositional components which are (target) programming-language independent and amenable to mechanized verification. Variations in the analysis design are then recovered by simply re-assembling the combination of components. Using this framework, sophisticated program analyzers can be assembled by non-experts, and the result are guaranteed to be verified by construction

    Design of abstract domains using first-order logic

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    In this paper we propose a simple framework based on first-order logic, for the design and decomposition of abstract domains for static analysis. An assertion language is chosen that specifies the properties of interest, and abstract domains are defined to be suitably chosen sets of assertions. Composition and decomposition of abstract domains is facilitated by their logical specification in first-order logic. In particular, the operations of reduced product and disjunctive completion are formalized in this framework. Moreover, the notion of (conjunctive) factorization of sets of assertions is introduced, that allows one to decompose domains in `disjoint' parts. We illustrate the use of this framework by studying typical abstract domains for ground-dependency and aliasing analysis in logic programming

    Closure Hyperdoctrines

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    (Pre)closure spaces are a generalization of topological spaces covering also the notion of neighbourhood in discrete structures, widely used to model and reason about spatial aspects of distributed systems. In this paper we present an abstract theoretical framework for the systematic investigation of the logical aspects of closure spaces. To this end, we introduce the notion of closure (hyper)doctrines, i.e. doctrines endowed with inflationary operators (and subject to suitable conditions). The generality and effectiveness of this concept is witnessed by many examples arising naturally from topological spaces, fuzzy sets, algebraic structures, coalgebras, and covering at once also known cases such as Kripke frames and probabilistic frames (i.e., Markov chains). By leveraging general categorical constructions, we provide axiomatisations and sound and complete semantics for various fragments of logics for closure operators. Hence, closure hyperdoctrines are useful both for refining and improving the theory of existing spatial logics, and for the definition of new spatial logics for new applications

    How Fitting is Your Abstract Domain?

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    Abstract interpretation offers sound and decidable approxi- mations for undecidable queries related to program behavior. The effec- tiveness of an abstract domain is entirely reliant on the abstract domain itself, and the worst-case scenario is when the abstract interpreter pro- vides a response of “don’t know”, indicating that anything could happen during runtime. Conversely, a desirable outcome is when the abstract in- terpreter provides information that exceeds a specified level of precision, resulting in a more precise answer. The concept of completeness relates to the level of precision that is forfeited when performing computations within the abstract domain. Our focus is on the domain’s ability to ex- press program behaviour, which we refer to as adequacy. In this paper, we present a domain refinement strategy towards adequacy and a sim- ple sound proof system for adequacy, designed to determine whether an abstract domain is capable of providing satisfactory responses to spec- ified program queries. Notably, this proof system is both language and domain agnostic, and can be readily incorporated to support static pro- gram analysis
