3,130 research outputs found

    A reflective view of pedagogical teaching framework focused on experiential learning:achieving university teaching and learning enhancement strategy and graduate attributes

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    Within teacher education reflection has been shown to be of beneficial use for improving practice across all stages of education. This article is reflective of individual teaching practice within Higher Education at Abertay University, specifically to the field of Sport and Exercise Science. Efforts to reflect on current practice in comparison to experiential learning are made. These are then compared to the ‘Abertay Attributes’ in order to determine the validity of including experiential learning within this field at the University. There are also comparisons made between classes where experiential learning is encouraged and the ‘traditional’ academic style of delivery, the lecture. It is strongly suggested that experiential learning enhances the learning experience of the student. There are also direct links with the aims of the teaching and learning enhancement strategy as well as the ‘Abertay Attributes’, most significantly the ‘Intellectual’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Active Citizen’ attributes.Keywords: Experiential Learning, Teaching, University, Sport, Reflection. <br/

    University of applied sciences students’ perceptions on engagement and spoken interaction in blended learning language studies

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    The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to gain a deeper understanding on the aspects that contribute to higher education students’ social and academic engagement when language studies are implemented with the blended learning approach. Another aim is to discover the elements to enhance spoken interaction in the foreign language in blended learning language courses. Based on the results of sub-studies I-III, I argue that students’ academic and social engagement are intertwined, alternating, and nurturing one another during the learning process. Similarly, teacher engagement and student engagement are reciprocal phenomena nourishing one another and depending on each other. In addition, I argue that university of applied sciences students’ foreign language spoken interaction can be activated and enhanced in blended learning courses given the learning material, learning activities and digital tools are meaningful, relevant, timely and aligned with the learning objectives. This dissertation comprises three original studies; they focus on one language course each in the context of universities of applied sciences. Each sub-study experiments various opportunities that digital technology provides for language learning: social networking sites, gamification, telecollaboration and multimodality. Regardless of the course design all courses are based on the ecological language learning approach and the notion of engagement. In addition, authentic learning and students’ collaboration are in the focus; the target is that the students are producers rather than consumers of digital media and they act as active learners within authentic learning activities. All three courses were implemented with the blended learning approach. Sub-study I investigated first-year health care students’ (n=23) perspectives on a gamified professional English course regarding particularly engagement, enjoyability and language learning. The course was a three-credit, field-specific English course which duration was 10 weeks, including five face-to-face sessions. The course aimed to prepare students for communicating in multi-professional and intercultural situations within the health care sector. The course implementation was based on gamification with a background storyline. The students' reflective learning diaries and a post-course questionnaire formed the data which were analysed via content analysis method. The results indicate that gamification and appropriate digital applications augmented student engagement, enhanced language learning, and provided enjoyable learning experiences for the students. Further, students’ collaboration and a tolerant stress-free course atmosphere had a positive impact on learning and engagement according to the students’ self-reflections. Sub-study II explored the opportunities a telecollaboration project provided for online collaboration, language learning and student engagement. The participants were 26 higher education German language students, 12 in Finland and 14 in New Zealand. The students used a closed Facebook group for posting on given topics. The required five posts combined videos, photos, audio, and text. The duration of the project was six weeks, and it formed a part of the German course in both countries. The course design was informed by social networking sites in language learning and telecollaboration. A mixed method approach was used to collect quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative data were analysed by content analysis method, and they included pre- and post-project questionnaires, interviews, and Facebook-logs. The results suggest that the students regarded Facebook as an appropriate tool for community building. In addition, collaboration, the use of communication tools, authenticity, enjoyment, and teachers’ support fostered student engagement and had a positive impact on students’ language learning and intercultural competence. Sub-study III discovered the impact multimodality and regular in-pairs conducted video calls had to spoken interaction in the target language and to student engagement. The research was conducted, and the data were collected in a 5-credit Business English course for 1st-year business administration students (n= 22) in a university of applied sciences. The course was divided into 16 weeks and 8 topics; during the course there were 5 face-to-face sessions. The students deployed various digital tools and particular attention was given to spoken interaction; hence the students were instructed to complete spoken discussions using an online video call system once a week according to the week’s topic using English in authentic, business-related situations. The data included students’ learning diaries and a post-course online questionnaire mapping students' perception. The data were analysed according to the content analysis method. The findings indicate that students’ academic and social engagement were fostered by course design with authentic assignments and study material as well as students’ activity and collaboration with peers. Further, collaboration, students’ own activities and digital technology contributed the most to spoken interaction. To conclude, the three sub-studies reflect universities of applied sciences students’ perception on the aspects that enhance engagement in digital learning environments and the methods to activate their spoken interaction in the foreign language. On the bases of the sub-studies, it became apparent that teacher role is paramount prior, during and after the course. Besides timely knowledge on digital tools, teachers need to master the traditional teacher competences such as subject content, pedagogy, guidance, facilitating and interaction. In addition, students’ own activities contribute immensely on their engagement and learning. Regarding spoken interaction, the data indicate that with relevant peer and teacher support and regular interaction students’ self-compassion and error-tolerance in terms of their own competences grow which leads to enjoying the regular spoken activities in the target language, and finally contributes positively to spoken interaction. Similarly, students’ self-reflection ability increases which enables targeted rehearsal of the language skill which in turn activates and enhances spoken interaction. Digitalisation offers myriad opportunities for individual and flexible learning paths regardless of time and place but does not decrease students’ nor teachers’ role. On contrary, students need to be active learners and teachers need wider range of competences in creating optimal learning experiences for their students. ________________________________________ Keywords: student engagement, blended learning, multimodality, social networking sites in learning, telecollaboration, spoken interaction, English for specific purposes, German as a foreign language, higher educationVĂ€itöstutkimukseni tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ, mitkĂ€ seikat ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden mielestĂ€ tehostavat heidĂ€n akateemista ja sosiaalista kiinnittymistÀÀn kieliopintoihin, sekĂ€ edistĂ€vĂ€t suullisen vuorovaikutuksen harjoittelemista monimuoto-opinnoissa. VĂ€itöskirjani osatutkimusten tuloksiin perustuen vĂ€itĂ€n, ettĂ€ akateeminen ja sosiaalinen kiinnittyminen kietoutuvat toisiinsa, vuorottelevat ja kasvattavat toisiaan oppimisprosessin aikana. Samoin opettajien ja oppilaiden kiinnittyminen on vastavuoroista, jolloin ne ovat riippuvaisia toisistaan ja ruokkivat molemminpuolisesti toisiaan. LisĂ€ksi vĂ€itĂ€n, ettĂ€ ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijoiden vieraan kielen suullinen vuorovaikutus aktivoituu ja vahvistuu monimuoto-opinnoissa edellyttĂ€en, ettĂ€ oppimisaktiviteetit ja –materiaalit ovat kiinnostavia, alakohtaisia ja linjassa oppimistavoitteiden kanssa. LisĂ€ksi digitaalisten sovellusten tĂ€ytyy olla relevantteja, ajanmukaisia ja sopivia kyseisiin tehtĂ€viin. TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöstutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta; jokainen niistĂ€ kohdistuu yhteen kieli- ja viestintĂ€opintojaksoon ammattikorkeakoulussa. Osatutkimukset tutkivat digitaalisen teknologian tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia kieltenopetukselle kuten pelillistĂ€minen, sosiaalinen media opetuksessa, etĂ€yhteistyö ja monikanavaisuus. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenĂ€ on ekologinen kieltenoppiminen ja opiskelijoiden kiinnittyminen. Opintojaksojen suunnittelussa kiinnitettiin erityistĂ€ huomiota opiskelijoiden yhteisölliseen ja autenttiseen oppimiseen. Tavoitteena oli, ettĂ€ opiskelijat eivĂ€t pelkĂ€stÀÀn ole digitaalisten vĂ€lineiden kĂ€yttĂ€jiĂ€, vaan pikemminkin he itse tuottavat materiaalia toimien aktiivisina oppijoina. KyseessĂ€ olevat opintojaksot toteutettiin monimuoto-opintoina. Osatutkimuksessa I tutkittiin ensimmĂ€isen vuoden terveysalan opiskelijoiden (n=23) kokemuksia pelillistetystĂ€ ammatillisen englannin opintojaksosta etenkin kiinnittymisen, viihdyttĂ€vyyden ja kielenoppimisen kannalta. KyseessĂ€ oli kolmen opintopisteen alakohtainen ammatillinen englannin opintojakso, jonka kokonaiskesto oli kymmenen viikkoa sisĂ€ltĂ€en viisi lĂ€hiopetusjaksoa. Osaamistavoitteena oli terveysalan viestintĂ€osaaminen moniammatillisissa ja monikulttuurisissa tilanteissa. Opintojakson toteutus perustui pelillistĂ€miseen ja kehyskertomukseen, jossa suomalainen vaihto-opiskeija toteuttaa opintoihin kuuluvan työssĂ€oppimisjakson Espanjassa. Tutkimusaineisto koostui opiskelijoiden oppimispĂ€ivĂ€kirjoista ja opintojakson jĂ€lkeen tĂ€ytetystĂ€ kyselystĂ€. Laadullinen aineisto analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysin avulla. Tulokset osittavat, ettĂ€ pellistĂ€minen ja sopivat digitaaliset sovellukset tehostivat opiskelijoiden sitoutumista ja kielenoppimista sekĂ€ tarjosivat miellyttĂ€viĂ€ oppimiskokemuksia. Yhteisöllinen oppiminen sekĂ€ opiskelijoita arvostava ja rento oppimisilmapiiri vaikuttivat positiivisesti oppimiseen ja opiskelijoiden kiinnittymiseen. Osatutkimuksessa II tarkasteltiin, miten etĂ€yhteistyöprojekti (telecollaboration project) vahvisti opiskelijoiden yhteisöllistĂ€ kielenoppimista ja kiinnittymistĂ€ opintoihin. Tutkimuksen osallistujat olivat korkeakouluopiskelijoita Uudessa Seelannissa (n=14) ja Suomessa (n=12) ja he opiskelivat saksaa vapaasti valittavina kieliopintona. Opiskelijoille luotiin suljettu Facebook-ryhmĂ€, jonne he lĂ€hettivĂ€t viestejĂ€ annetuista viidestĂ€ aiheesta monikanavaisesti kĂ€yttĂ€en valokuvia, videoita, ÀÀnitteitĂ€ ja kirjoitettua tekstiĂ€. Projektin kesto oli kuusi viikkoa ja se muodosti osan opiskelijoiden saksan opintojaksosta kummassakin maassa. Opintojakson suunnitelma perustui sosiaalisen median kĂ€yttöön kieltenopetuksessa ja etĂ€yhteistyön viitekehykseen. MonimenetelmĂ€inen aineisto koostui kyselylomakkeiden vastauksista, Facebook-kĂ€yttölogista sekĂ€ opiskelijahaastatteluista. Tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ opiskelijoiden mielestĂ€ Facebook soveltuu hyvin oppimisyhteisönrakentamiseen. LisĂ€ksi yhteistyö, autenttinen oppiminen, opintojen viihdyttĂ€vyys sekĂ€ opettajien tuki vahvistivat opiskelijoiden sitoutumista ja ne vaikuttivat positiivisesti kielenoppimiseen ja kansainvĂ€lisyystaitojen kehittymiseen. Osatutkimuksessa III selvitettiin monikanavaisuuden ja sÀÀnnöllisten parin kanssa tehtyjen videopuheluiden vaikutusta vieraan kielen suulliseen vuorovaikutukseen ja opiskelijoiden kiinnittymiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin ja aineisto kerĂ€ttiin ensimmĂ€isen vuoden liiketalouden opiskelijoiden (n=22) ammatillisen englannin opintojaksolla. Opintojakson pituus oli 16 viikkoa, ja siinĂ€ oli viisi kasvokkain tapahtuvaa opetuskertaa; opintojakso oli jaettu kahdeksaan teemaan. Opiskelijat kĂ€yttivĂ€t erilaisia digitaalisia sovelluksia ja erityistĂ€ huomiota kiinnitettiin suullisen vuorovaikutuksen aktivoimiseen. Koko opintojakson ajan opiskelijat keskustelivat parin kanssa kerran viikossa videopuhelun vĂ€lityksellĂ€ liiketalouteen ja työelĂ€mÀÀn liittyvistĂ€ autenttisista aiheista ja tehtĂ€vistĂ€. Tutkimusaineisto koostui opiskelijoiden oppimispĂ€ivĂ€kirjoista sekĂ€ opintojakson jĂ€lkeen kerĂ€tystĂ€ kyselylomakevastauksista. Laadullinen aineisto analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysin keinoin. Opiskelijat kokivat, ettĂ€ autenttiset tehtĂ€vĂ€t ja opintomateriaali, opiskelijoiden oma aktiivisuus ja yhteistyö vertaisten kanssa sekĂ€ opettajan panostus paransivat akateemista ja sosiaalista kiinnittymistĂ€. Samoin opiskelijoiden vĂ€linen yhteistyö, digitaalinen teknologia sekĂ€ opiskelijoiden oma panostus edistivĂ€t suullisen vuorovaikutuksen harjoittelemista. Yhteenvetona voin todeta, ettĂ€ osatutkimuksien tulokset kuvaavat seikkoja, jotka ammattikorkeakouluopiskelijat kokivat vahvistavan heidĂ€n kiinnittymistÀÀn kieliopintoihin monimuoto-opinnoissa, sekĂ€ metodeja, jotka opiskelijat kokivat edistĂ€vĂ€n vieraan kielen suullisen vuorovaikutuksen harjoittamista. Osatutkimukset osoittivat, ettĂ€ opettajan rooli on tĂ€rkeĂ€ niin ennen ja jĂ€lkeen kuin opintojakson aikanakin. Sen lisĂ€ksi, ettĂ€ opettajalla on hallussaan traditionaaliset opettajan taidot, kuten aineenhallinta, pedagogia, ohjaaminen, fasilitointi ja vuorovaikutustaidot, hĂ€nellĂ€ tĂ€ytyy olla kattava osaaminen digitaalisuuden oikeanlaisesta pedagogisesta kĂ€ytöstĂ€, sekĂ€ ajankohtainen tieto digitaalisista sovelluksista. LisĂ€ksi opiskelijan oma rooli on merkittĂ€vĂ€ kiinnittymisen kannalta. Suullisen vuorovaikutuksen osalta tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ sÀÀnnöllisellĂ€ vertaistuella ja vuorovaikutuksella opiskelijoiden itsemyötĂ€tunto ja virheidensietokyky kasvaa, mikĂ€ puolestaan lisÀÀ innokkuutta tehdĂ€ suullisia harjoituksia vieraalla kielellĂ€. LisÀÀntynyt kielen kĂ€yttö puolestaan luo varmuutta suulliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Samoin opiskelijoiden itsereflektiotaito kasvaa, minkĂ€ perusteella opiskelijat osaavat harjoitella tiettyĂ€ suullisen kielitaidon osa-aluetta, esimerkiksi ÀÀntĂ€mistĂ€. Digitalisaatio tarjoaa runsaasti mahdollisuuksia yksilöllisille ja joustaville, ajasta ja paikasta riippumattomille oppimispoluille. Kuitenkaan digitaalisuuden valjastaminen opetuskĂ€yttöön ei vĂ€hennĂ€ opettajan ja opiskelijan roolia – pikemminkin pĂ€invastoin. On tĂ€rkeÀÀ tukea opiskelijoiden aktiivisen oppijan roolin rakentumista ja vastuun ottamista omasta oppimisprosessista. Opettajien pedagogiseen osaamiseen sisĂ€ltyy useita osa-alueita, joita he tarvitsevat luodessaan opiskelijoilleen optimaalisia oppimiskokemuksia. ________________________________________ Asiasanat: opiskelijoiden kiinnittyminen, monimuoto-opetus, monikanavaisuus, sosiaalinen media opetuksessa, etĂ€yhteistyö, suullinen vuorovaikutus, erikoisalojen englannin opetus, saksa vieraana kielenĂ€, ammattikorkeakouluopetu

    Virtual Reality Training Application for the Condition-Based Maintenance of Induction Motors

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    The incorporation of new technologies as training methods, such as virtual reality (VR), facilitates instruction when compared to traditional approaches, which have shown strong limitations in their ability to engage young students who have grown up in the smartphone culture of continuous entertainment. Moreover, not all educational centers or organizations are able to incorporate specialized labs or equipment for training and instruction. Using VR applications, it is possible to reproduce training programs with a high rate of similarity to real programs, filling the gap in traditional training. In addition, it reduces unnecessary investment and prevents economic losses, avoiding unnecessary damage to laboratory equipment. The contribution of this work focuses on the development of a VR-based teaching and training application for the condition-based maintenance of induction motors. The novelty of this research relies mainly on the use of natural interactions with the VR environment and the design’s optimization of the VR application in terms of the proposed teaching topics. The application is comprised of two training modules. The first module is focused on the main components of induction motors, the assembly of workbenches and familiarization with induction motor components. The second module employs motor current signature analysis (MCSA) to detect induction motor failures, such as broken rotor bars, misalignments, unbalances, and gradual wear on gear case teeth. Finally, the usability of this VR tool has been validated with both graduate and undergraduate students, assuring the suitability of this tool for: (1) learning basic knowledge and (2) training in practical skills related to the condition-based maintenance of induction motors.This research has been partially supported by Banco Santander under the scholarship program Santander IberoamĂ©rica Research 2019/20. This investigation was partially supported by the ACIS project (Reference Number INVESTUN/21/BU/0002) of the Consejeria de Empleo of the Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn (Spain)
