2,340 research outputs found

    Game Theory Models for Multi-Robot Patrolling of Infraestructures

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    Abstract This work is focused on the problem of performing multi‐robot patrolling for infrastructure security applications in order to protect a known environment at critical facilities. Thus, given a set of robots and a set of points of interest, the patrolling task consists of constantly visiting these points at irregular time intervals for security purposes. Current existing solutions for these types of applications are predictable and inflexible. Moreover, most of the previous centralized and deterministic solutions and only few efforts have been made to integrate dynamic methods. Therefore, the development of new dynamic and decentralized collaborative approaches in order to solve the aforementioned problem by implementing learning models from Game Theory. The model selected in this work that includes belief‐based and reinforcement models as special cases is called Experience‐Weighted Attraction. The problem has been defined using concepts of Graph Theory to represent the environment in order to work with such Game Theory techniques. Finally, the proposed methods have been evaluated experimentally by using a patrolling simulator. The results obtained have been compared with previous availabl

    CPC: Crime, Policing and Citizenship - Intelligent Policing and Big Data

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    Crime, Policing and Citizenship (CPC) – Space-Time Interactions of Dynamic Networks has been a major UK EPSRC-funded research project. It has been a multidisciplinary collaboration of geoinformatics, crime science, computer science and geography within University College London (UCL), in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS). The aim of the project has been to develop new methods and applications in space-time analytics and emergent network complexity, in order to uncover patterning and interactions in crime, policing and citizen perceptions. The work carried out throughout the project will help inform policing at a range of scales, from the local to the city-wide, with the goal of reducing both crime and the fear of crime. The CPC project is timely given the tremendous challenging facing policing in big cities nationally and globally, as consequences of changes in society, population structure and economic well-being. It addresses these issues through an intelligent approach to data-driven policing, using daily reported crime statistics, GPS traces of foot and vehicular patrols, surveys of public attitudes and geo-temporal demographic data of changing community structure. The analytic focus takes a spatio-temporal perspective, reflecting the strong spatial and temporal integration of criminal, policing and citizen activities. Street networks are used throughout as a basis for analysis, reflecting their role as a key determinant of urban structure and the substrate on which crime and policing take place. The project has presented a manifesto for ‘intelligent policing’ which embodies the key issues arising in the transition from Big Data into actionable insights. Police intelligence should go beyond current practice, incorporating not only the prediction of events, but also how to respond to them, and how to evaluate the actions taken. Cutting-edge network-based crime prediction methods have been developed to accurately predict crime risks at street segment level, helping police forces to focus resources in the right places at the right times. Methods and tools have been implemented to support senior offices in strategic planning, and to provide guidance to frontline officers in daily patrolling. To evaluate police performance, models and tools have been developed to aid identification of areas requiring greater attention, and to analyse the patrolling behaviours of officers. Methods to understand and model confidence in policing have also been explored, suggesting strategies by which confidence in the police can be improved in different population segments and neighbourhood areas. A number of tools have been developed during the course of the project include data-driven methods for crime prediction and for performance evaluation. We anticipate that these will ultimately be adopted in daily policing practice and will play an important role in the modernisation of policing. Furthermore, we believe that the approaches to the building of public trust and confidence that we suggest will contribute to the transformation and improvement of the relationship between the public and police

    Safe navigation and human-robot interaction in assistant robotic applications

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    On the evolution of homogeneous two-robot teams: clonal versus aclonal approaches

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    This study compares two different evolutionary approaches (clonal and aclonal) to the design of homogeneous two-robot teams (i.e. teams of morphologically identical agents with identical controllers) in a task that requires the agents to specialise to different roles. The two approaches differ mainly in the way teams are formed during evolution. In the clonal approach, a team is formed from a single genotype within one population of genotypes. In the aclonal approach, a team is formed from multiple genotypes within one population of genotypes. In both cases, the goal is the synthesis of individual generalist controllers capable of integrating role execution and role allocation mechanisms for a team of homogeneous robots. Our results diverge from those illustrated in a similar comparative study, which supports the superiority of the aclonal versus the clonal approach. We question this result and its theoretical underpinning, and we bring new empirical evidence showing that the clonal outperforms the aclonal approach in generating homogeneous teams required to dynamically specialise for the benefit of the team. The results of our study suggest that task-specific elements influence the evolutionary dynamics more than the genetic relatedness of the team members. We conclude that the appropriateness of the clonal approach for role allocation scenarios is mainly determined by the specificity of the collective task, including the evaluation function, rather than by the way in which the solutions are evaluated during evolution

    Developing Police Patrol Strategies Based on the Urban Street Network

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    In urban areas, crime and disorder have been long-lasting problems that spoil the economic and emotional well-being of residents. A significant way to deter crime, and maintain public safety is through police patrolling. So far, the deployment of police forces in patrolling has relied mainly on expert knowledge, and is usually based on two-dimensional spatial units, giving insufficient consideration to the underlying urban structure and collaboration among patrol officers. This approach has led to impractical and inefficient police patrol strategies, as well as a workload imbalance among officers. Therefore, it is of essential importance to devise advanced police patrol strategies that incorporate urban structure, the collaboration of the patrol officers, and a workload balance. This study aims to develop police patrol strategies that would make intelligent use of the street network layout in urban areas. The street network is a key component in urban structure and is the domain in which crime and policing take place. By explicitly considering street network configurations in their operations, police forces are enabled to provide timely responses to emergency calls and essential coverage to crime hotspots. Although some models have considered street networks in patrolling to some extent, challenges remain. First, most existing methods for the design of police districts use two-dimensional units, such as grid cells, as basic units, but using streets as basic units would lead to districts that are more accessible and usable. Second, the routing problem in police patrolling has several unique characteristics, such as patrollers potentially starting from different stations, but most existing routing strategies have failed to consider these. Third, police patrolling strategies should be validated using real-world scenarios, whilst most existing strategies in the literature have only been tested in small hypothetical instances without realistic settings. In this thesis, a framework for developing police patrol strategies based on the urban street network is proposed, to effectively cover crime hotspots, as well as the rest of the territory. This framework consists of three strategies, including a districting model, a patrol routing strategy for repeated coverage, and a patrol routing strategy for infrequent coverage. Various relevant factors have been considered in the strategy design, including the underlying structure of the street network and the collaboration among patrollers belonging to different stations. Moreover, these strategies have been validated by the patrolling scenarios in London. The results demonstrate that these strategies outperform the current corresponding benchmark strategies, which indicates that they may have considerable potential in future police operations

    Patrolling security games: Definition and algorithms for solving largeinstances with single patroller and single intruder

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    Security games are gaining significant interest in artificial intelligence. They are characterized by two players (a defender and an attacker) and by a set of targets the defender tries to protect from the attacker\u2bcs intrusions by committing to a strategy. To reach their goals, players use resources such as patrollers and intruders. Security games are Stackelberg games where the appropriate solution concept is the leader\u2013follower equilibrium. Current algorithms for solving these games are applicable when the underlying game is in normal form (i.e., each player has a single decision node). In this paper, we define and study security games with an extensive-form infinite-horizon underlying game, where decision nodes are potentially infinite. We introduce a novel scenario where the attacker can undertake actions during the execution of the defender\u2bcs strategy. We call this new game class patrolling security games (PSGs), since its most prominent application is patrolling environments against intruders. We show that PSGs cannot be reduced to security games studied so far and we highlight their generality in tackling adversarial patrolling on arbitrary graphs. We then design algorithms to solve large instances with single patroller and single intruder

    Robots learn to behave: improving human-robot collaboration in flexible manufacturing applications

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    L'abstract è presente nell'allegato / the abstract is in the attachmen