176 research outputs found

    Implicit Representation of GRAPPA Kernels for Fast MRI Reconstruction

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    MRI data is acquired in Fourier space/k-space. Data acquisition is typically performed on a Cartesian grid in this space to enable the use of a fast Fourier transform algorithm to achieve fast and efficient reconstruction. However, it has been shown that for multiple applications, non-Cartesian data acquisition can improve the performance of MR imaging by providing fast and more efficient data acquisition, and improving motion robustness. Nonetheless, the image reconstruction process of non-Cartesian data is more involved and can be time-consuming, even through the use of efficient algorithms such as non-uniform FFT (NUFFT). Reconstruction complexity is further exacerbated when imaging in the presence of field imperfections. This work (implicit GROG) provides an efficient approach to transform the field corrupted non-Cartesian data into clean Cartesian data, to achieve simpler and faster reconstruction which should help enable non-Cartesian data sampling to be performed more widely in MRI

    Physics-informed Deep Diffusion MRI Reconstruction with Synthetic Data: Break Training Data Bottleneck in Artificial Intelligence

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    Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the only imaging modality for non-invasive movement detection of in vivo water molecules, with significant clinical and research applications. Diffusion MRI (DWI) acquired by multi-shot techniques can achieve higher resolution, better signal-to-noise ratio, and lower geometric distortion than single-shot, but suffers from inter-shot motion-induced artifacts. These artifacts cannot be removed prospectively, leading to the absence of artifact-free training labels. Thus, the potential of deep learning in multi-shot DWI reconstruction remains largely untapped. To break the training data bottleneck, here, we propose a Physics-Informed Deep DWI reconstruction method (PIDD) to synthesize high-quality paired training data by leveraging the physical diffusion model (magnitude synthesis) and inter-shot motion-induced phase model (motion phase synthesis). The network is trained only once with 100,000 synthetic samples, achieving encouraging results on multiple realistic in vivo data reconstructions. Advantages over conventional methods include: (a) Better motion artifact suppression and reconstruction stability; (b) Outstanding generalization to multi-scenario reconstructions, including multi-resolution, multi-b-value, multi-undersampling, multi-vendor, and multi-center; (c) Excellent clinical adaptability to patients with verifications by seven experienced doctors (p<0.001). In conclusion, PIDD presents a novel deep learning framework by exploiting the power of MRI physics, providing a cost-effective and explainable way to break the data bottleneck in deep learning medical imaging.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figure

    Optimizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Image-Guided Radiotherapy

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is playing an increasingly important role in image-guided radiotherapy. MRI provides excellent soft tissue contrast, and is flexible in characterizing various tissue properties including relaxation, diffusion and perfusion. This thesis aims at developing new image analysis and reconstruction algorithms to optimize MRI in support of treatment planning, target delineation and treatment response assessment for radiotherapy. First, unlike Computed Tomography (CT) images, MRI cannot provide electron density information necessary for radiation dose calculation. To address this, we developed a synthetic CT generation algorithm that generates pseudo CT images from MRI, based on tissue classification results on MRI for female pelvic patients. To improve tissue classification accuracy, we learnt a pelvic bone shape model from a training dataset, and integrated the shape model into an intensity-based fuzzy c-menas classification scheme. The shape-regularized tissue classification algorithm is capable of differentiating tissues that have significant overlap in MRI intensity distributions. Treatment planning dose calculations using synthetic CT image volumes generated from the tissue classification results show acceptably small variations as compared to CT volumes. As MRI artifacts, such as B1 filed inhomogeneity (bias field) may negatively impact the tissue classification accuracy, we also developed an algorithm that integrates the correction of bias field into the tissue classification scheme. We modified the fuzzy c-means classification by modeling the image intensity as the true intensity corrupted by the multiplicative bias field. A regularization term further ensures the smoothness of the bias field. We solved the optimization problem using a linearized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method, which is more computational efficient over existing methods. The second part of this thesis looks at a special MR imaging technique, diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI). By acquiring a series of DWI images with a wide range of b-values, high order diffusion analysis can be performed using the DWI image series and new biomarkers for tumor grading, delineation and treatment response evaluation may be extracted. However, DWI suffers from low signal-to-noise ratio at high b-values, and the multi-b-value acquisition makes the total scan time impractical for clinical use. In this thesis, we proposed an accelerated DWI scheme, that sparsely samples k-space and reconstructs images using a model-based algorithm. Specifically, we built a 3D block-Hankel tensor from k-space samples, and modeled both local and global correlations of the high dimensional k-space data as a low-rank property of the tensor. We also added a phase constraint to account for large phase variations across different b-values, and to allow reconstruction from partial Fourier acquisition, which further accelerates the image acquisition. We proposed an ADMM algorithm to solve the constrained image reconstruction problem. Image reconstructions using both simulated and patient data show improved signal-to-noise ratio. As compared to clinically used parallel imaging scheme which achieves a 4-fold acceleration, our method achieves an 8-fold acceleration. Reconstructed images show reduced reconstruction errors as proved on simulated data and similar diffusion parameter mapping results on patient data.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143919/1/llliu_1.pd

    Quantitative diffusion MRI with application to multiple sclerosis

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a uniquely non-invasive probe of biological tissue properties, increasingly able to provide access to ever more intricate structural and microstructural tissue information. Imaging biomarkers that reveal pathological alterations can help advance our knowledge of complex neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis (MS), but depend on both high quality image data and robust post-processing pipelines. The overarching aim of this thesis was to develop methods to improve the characterisation of brain tissue structure and microstructure using dMRI. Two distinct avenues were explored. In the first approach, network science and graph theory were used to identify core human brain networks with improved sensitivity to subtle pathological damage. A novel consensus subnetwork was derived using graph partitioning techniques to select nodes based on independent measures of centrality, and was better able to explain cognitive impairment in relapsing-remitting MS patients than either full brain or default mode networks. The influence of edge weighting scheme on graph characteristics was explored in a separate study, which contributes to the connectomics field by demonstrating how study outcomes can be affected by an aspect of network design often overlooked. The second avenue investigated the influence of image artefacts and noise on the accuracy and precision of microstructural tissue parameters. Correction methods for the echo planar imaging (EPI) Nyquist ghost artefact were systematically evaluated for the first time in high b-value dMRI, and the outcomes were used to develop a new 2D phase-corrected reconstruction framework with simultaneous channel-wise noise reduction appropriate for dMRI. The technique was demonstrated to alleviate biases associated with Nyquist ghosting and image noise in dMRI biomarkers, but has broader applications in other imaging protocols that utilise the EPI readout. I truly hope the research in this thesis will influence and inspire future work in the wider MR community

    Development of radiofrequency pulses for fast and motion-robust brain MRI

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    This thesis is based on three projects and the three scientific articles that were the result of each project. Each project deals with various kinds of technical software development in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The projects are in many ways very different, encompassing several acquisition and reconstruction strategies. However, there are at least two common denominators. The first is the projects shared the same goal of producing fast and motion robust methods. The second common denominator is that all the projects were carried out with a particular focus on the radiofrequency (RF) pulses used. The first project combined the acceleration method simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) with the acquisition method called PROPELLER. This combination was utilized to acquire motion-corrected thin-sliced reformattable T2-weighted and T1-FLAIR image volumes, thereby producing a motion robust alternative to 3D sequences. The second project analyzed the effect of the excitation RF pulse on T1-weighted images acquired with 3D echo planar imaging (EPI). It turned out that an RF pulse that reduced magnetization transfer (MT) effects significantly increased the gray/white matter contrast. The 3D EPI sequence was then used to rapidly image tumor patients after gadolinium enhancement. The third project combined PROPELLER’s retrospective motion correction with the prospective motion correction of an intelligent marker (the WRAD). With this combination, sharp T1-FLAIR images were acquired during large continuous head movements

    Simultaneous adaptive smoothing of relaxometry and quantitative magnetization transfer mapping

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    Attempts for in-vivo histology require a high spatial resolution that comes with the price of a decreased signal-to-noise ratio. We present a novel iterative and multi-scale smoothing method for quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data that yield proton density, apparent transverse and longitudinal relaxation, and magnetization transfer maps. The method is based on the propagation-separation approach. The adaptivity of the procedure avoids the inherent bias from blurring subtle features in the calculated maps that is common for non-adaptive smoothing approaches. The characteristics of the methods were evaluated on a high-resolution data set (500 ÎĽ isotropic) from a single subject and quantified on data from a multi-subject study. The results show that the adaptive method is able to increase the signal-to-noise ratio in the calculated quantitative maps while largely avoiding the bias that is otherwise introduced by spatially blurring values across tissue borders. As a consequence, it preserves the intensity contrast between white and gray matter and the thin cortical ribbon

    Development of novel magnetic resonance methods for advanced parametric mapping of the right ventricle

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    The detection of diffuse fibrosis is of particular interest in congenital heart disease patients, including repaired Tetralogy of Fallot (rTOF), as clinical outcome is linked to the accurate identification of diffuse fibrosis. In the Left Ventricular (LV) myocardium native T1 mapping and Diffusion Tensor Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (DT-CMR) are promising approaches for detection of diffuse fibrosis. In the Right Ventricle (RV) current techniques are limited due to the thinner, mobile and complex shaped compact myocardium. This thesis describes technical development of RV tissue characterisation methods. An interleaved variable density spiral DT-CMR method was implemented on a clinical 3T scanner allowing both ex and in vivo imaging. A range of artefact corrections were implemented and tested (gradient timing delays, off-resonance and T2* corrections). The off- resonance and T2* corrections were evaluated using computational simulation demonstrating that for in vivo acquisitions, off-resonance correction is essential. For the first-time high-resolution Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM) DT-CMR data was acquired in both healthy and rTOF ex-vivo hearts using an interleaved spiral trajectory and was shown to outperform single-shot EPI methods. In vivo the first DT-CMR data was shown from the RV using both an EPI and an interleaved spiral sequence. Both sequences provided were reproducible in healthy volunteers. Results suggest that the RV conformation of cardiomyocytes differs from the known structure in the LV. A novel STEAM-SAturation-recovery Single-sHot Acquisition (SASHA) sequence allowed the acquisition of native T1 data in the RV. The excellent blood and fat suppression provided by STEAM is leveraged to eliminate partial fat and blood signal more effectively than Modified Look-Locker Imaging (MOLLI) sequences. STEAM-SASHA T1 was validated in a phantom showing more accurate results in the native myocardial T1 range than MOLLI. STEAM-SASHA demonstrated good reproducibility in healthy volunteers and initial promising results in a single rTOF patient.Open Acces

    Fusion in diffusion MRI for improved fibre orientation estimation: an application to the 3T and 7T data of the Human Connectome Project

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    Determining the acquisition parameters in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is governed by a series of trade-offs. Images of lower resolution have less spatial specificity but higher signal to noise ratio (SNR). At the same time higher angular contrast, important for resolving complex fibre patterns, also yields lower SNR. Considering these trade-offs, the Human Connectome Project (HCP) acquires high quality dMRI data for the same subjects at different field strengths (3T and 7T), which are publically released. Due to differences in the signal behavior and in the underlying scanner hardware, the HCP 3T and 7T data have complementary features in k- and q-space. The 3T dMRI has higher angular contrast and resolution, while the 7T dMRI has higher spatial resolution. Given the availability of these datasets, we explore the idea of fusing them together with the aim of combining their benefits. We extend a previously proposed data-fusion framework and apply it to integrate both datasets from the same subject into a single joint analysis. We use a generative model for performing parametric spherical deconvolution and estimate fibre orientations by simultaneously using data acquired under different protocols. We illustrate unique features from each dataset and how they are retained after fusion. We further show that this allows us to complement benefits and improve brain connectivity analysis compared to analyzing each of the datasets individually

    Adaptive smoothing of multi-shell diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data by msPOAS

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    In this article we present a noise reduction method (msPOAS) for multi-shell diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance data. To our knowledge, this is the first smoothing method which allows simultaneous smoothing of all q-shells. It is applied directly to the diffusion weighted data and consequently allows subsequent analysis by any model. Due to its adaptivity, the procedure avoids blurring of the inherent structures and preserves discontinuities. MsPOAS extends the recently developed position-orientation adaptive smoothing (POAS) procedure to multi-shell experiments. At the same time it considerably simplifies and accelerates the calculations. The behavior of the algorithm msPOAS is evaluated on diffusion-weighted data measured on a single shell and on multiple shells
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