1,191 research outputs found

    Analyze of Classification Accaptence Subsidy Food Using Kernel Discriminant

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    Subsidy food is government program for social protection to poor households. The aims of this program are to effort households from starve and to decrease poverty. Less precisely target of this program has negative impact. So that to successful program, it’s important to know accuracy classification of admission subsidy food. The variables classification are number of household members, number of household member in work, average expenditure capita, weighted household, and floor area. Discriminant analysis is a multivariate statistical technique which can be used to classify the new observation into a specific group. Kernel discriminant analysis is a non-parametric method which is flexible because it does not have to concern about assumption from certain distribution and equal variance matrices as in parametric discriminant analysis. The classification using the kernel discriminant analysis with the normal kernel function with optimum bandwidth 0.6 gives accurate classification 75.35%

    A Review of Kernel Methods for Feature Extraction in Nonlinear Process Monitoring

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    Kernel methods are a class of learning machines for the fast recognition of nonlinear patterns in any data set. In this paper, the applications of kernel methods for feature extraction in industrial process monitoring are systematically reviewed. First, we describe the reasons for using kernel methods and contextualize them among other machine learning tools. Second, by reviewing a total of 230 papers, this work has identified 12 major issues surrounding the use of kernel methods for nonlinear feature extraction. Each issue was discussed as to why they are important and how they were addressed through the years by many researchers. We also present a breakdown of the commonly used kernel functions, parameter selection routes, and case studies. Lastly, this review provides an outlook into the future of kernel-based process monitoring, which can hopefully instigate more advanced yet practical solutions in the process industries

    Unknown Health States Recognition With Collective Decision Based Deep Learning Networks In Predictive Maintenance Applications

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    At present, decision making solutions developed based on deep learning (DL) models have received extensive attention in predictive maintenance (PM) applications along with the rapid improvement of computing power. Relying on the superior properties of shared weights and spatial pooling, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) can learn effective representations of health states from industrial data. Many developed CNN-based schemes, such as advanced CNNs that introduce residual learning and multi-scale learning, have shown good performance in health state recognition tasks under the assumption that all the classes are known. However, these schemes have no ability to deal with new abnormal samples that belong to state classes not part of the training set. In this paper, a collective decision framework for different CNNs is proposed. It is based on a One-vs-Rest network (OVRN) to simultaneously achieve classification of known and unknown health states. OVRN learn state-specific discriminative features and enhance the ability to reject new abnormal samples incorporated to different CNNs. According to the validation results on the public dataset of Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP), the proposed CNN-based decision schemes incorporating OVRN have outstanding recognition ability for samples of unknown heath states, while maintaining satisfactory accuracy on known states. The results show that the new DL framework outperforms conventional CNNs, and the one based on residual and multi-scale learning has the best overall performance

    Statistics local fisher discriminant analysis for industrial process fault classification

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    In order to effectively identify industrial process faults, an improved Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA) method, referred to as the statistics local Fisher discriminant analysis (SLFDA), is proposed for fault classification. For mining statistics information hidden in process data, statistics pattern analysis is firstly applied to transform the original measured variables into the corresponding statistics, including second-order and higher-order ones. Furthermore, considering the local structure characteristics of fault data, local FDA (LFDA) is performed which computes the discriminant vectors by modifying the optimization objective with local weighting factor. Simulation results on the benchmark Tennessee Eastman process show that the proposed SLFDA has a better fault classification performance than the FDA and LFDA methods

    Fault diagnosis of main engine journal bearing based on vibration analysis using Fisher linear discriminant, K-nearest neighbor and support vector machine

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    Vibration technique in a machine condition monitoring provides useful reliable information, bringing significant cost benefits to industry. By comparing the signals of a machine running in normal and faulty conditions, detection of defected journal bearings is possible. This paper presents fault diagnosis of a journal bearing based on vibration analysis using three classifiers: Fisher Linear Discriminant (FLD), K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The frequency-domain vibration signals of an internal combustion engine with intact and defective main journal bearings were obtained. 30 features were extracted by using statistical and vibration parameters. These features were used as inputs to the classifiers. Two different solution methods - variable K value and RBF kernel width (σ) were applied for FLD, KNN and SVM, respectively, in order to achieve the best accuracy. Finally, performance of the three classifiers was calculated in journal bearing fault diagnosis. The results demonstrated that the performance of SVM was significantly better in comparison to FLD and KNN. Also the results confirmed the potential of this procedure in fault diagnosis of journal bearings

    Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis Based on a Regularized Method for Multiclassification and Application in Lithological Identification

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    This study aimed to construct a kernel Fisher discriminant analysis (KFDA) method from well logs for lithology identification purposes. KFDA, via the use of a kernel trick, greatly improves the multiclassification accuracy compared with Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA). The optimal kernel Fisher projection of KFDA can be expressed as a generalized characteristic equation. However, it is difficult to solve the characteristic equation; therefore, a regularized method is used for it. In the absence of a method to determine the value of the regularized parameter, it is often determined based on expert human experience or is specified by tests. In this paper, it is proposed to use an improved KFDA (IKFDA) to obtain the optimal regularized parameter by means of a numerical method. The approach exploits the optimal regularized parameter selection ability of KFDA to obtain improved classification results. The method is simple and not computationally complex. The IKFDA was applied to the Iris data sets for training and testing purposes and subsequently to lithology data sets. The experimental results illustrated that it is possible to successfully separate data that is nonlinearly separable, thereby confirming that the method is effective

    Data-Driven Fault Detection and Reasoning for Industrial Monitoring

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    This open access book assesses the potential of data-driven methods in industrial process monitoring engineering. The process modeling, fault detection, classification, isolation, and reasoning are studied in detail. These methods can be used to improve the safety and reliability of industrial processes. Fault diagnosis, including fault detection and reasoning, has attracted engineers and scientists from various fields such as control, machinery, mathematics, and automation engineering. Combining the diagnosis algorithms and application cases, this book establishes a basic framework for this topic and implements various statistical analysis methods for process monitoring. This book is intended for senior undergraduate and graduate students who are interested in fault diagnosis technology, researchers investigating automation and industrial security, professional practitioners and engineers working on engineering modeling and data processing applications. This is an open access book

    Multivariate Analysis for Fault Diagnosis System

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    Many multivariate techniques have been applied to diagnose faults such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher’s Discriminant Analysis (FDA), and Discriminant Partial Least Squares (DPLS). However, it has been shown that FDA and DPLS are more proficient than PCA for diagnosing faults. And recently applying kernel on FDA which is called KFDA (Kernel FDA) has showed outperformance than linear FDA based method. We propose in this research work an advanced KFDA for faults classification with Building knowledge base for faults structure using FSN. A case study is done on a chemical G-Plant process, constructed and experimental runs are done in Okayama University, Japan. The results are showing improving performance of fault detection rate for the new model over FDA
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