
Analyze of Classification Accaptence Subsidy Food Using Kernel Discriminant


Subsidy food is government program for social protection to poor households. The aims of this program are to effort households from starve and to decrease poverty. Less precisely target of this program has negative impact. So that to successful program, it’s important to know accuracy classification of admission subsidy food. The variables classification are number of household members, number of household member in work, average expenditure capita, weighted household, and floor area. Discriminant analysis is a multivariate statistical technique which can be used to classify the new observation into a specific group. Kernel discriminant analysis is a non-parametric method which is flexible because it does not have to concern about assumption from certain distribution and equal variance matrices as in parametric discriminant analysis. The classification using the kernel discriminant analysis with the normal kernel function with optimum bandwidth 0.6 gives accurate classification 75.35%

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