10 research outputs found

    A Framework for Hyper-Heuristic Optimisation of Conceptual Aircraft Structural Designs

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    Conceptual aircraft structural design concerns the generation of an airframe that will provide sufficient strength under the loads encountered during the operation of the aircraft. In providing such strength, the airframe greatly contributes to the mass of the vehicle, where an excessively heavy design can penalise the performance and cost of the aircraft. Structural mass optimisation aims to minimise the airframe weight whilst maintaining adequate resistance to load. The traditional approach to such optimisation applies a single optimisation technique within a static process, which prevents adaptation of the optimisation process to react to changes in the problem. Hyper-heuristic optimisation is an evolving field of research wherein the optimisation process is evaluated and modified in an attempt to improve its performance, and thus the quality of solutions generated. Due to its relative infancy, hyper-heuristics have not been applied to the problem of aircraft structural design optimisation. It is the thesis of this research that hyper-heuristics can be employed within a framework to improve the quality of airframe designs generated without incurring additional computational cost. A framework has been developed to perform hyper-heuristic structural optimisation of a conceptual aircraft design. Four aspects of hyper-heuristics are included within the framework to promote improved process performance and subsequent solution quality. These aspects select multiple optimisation techniques to apply to the problem, analyse the solution space neighbouring good designs and adapt the process based on its performance. The framework has been evaluated through its implementation as a purpose-built computational tool called AStrO. The results of this evaluation have shown that significantly lighter airframe designs can be generated using hyper-heuristics than are obtainable by traditional optimisation approaches. Moreover, this is possible without penalising airframe strength or necessarily increasing computational costs. Furthermore, improvements are possible over the existing aircraft designs currently in production and operation

    Réagir et s’adapter à son environnement: Concevoir des méthodes autonomes pour l’optimisation combinatoire à plusieurs objectifs

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    Large-scale optimisation problems are usually hard to solve optimally. Approximation algorithms such as metaheuristics, able to quickly find sub-optimal solutions, are often preferred. This thesis focuses on multi-objective local search (MOLS) algorithms, metaheuristics able to deal with the simultaneous optimisation of multiple criteria. As many algorithms, metaheuristics expose many parameters that significantly impact their performance. These parameters can be either predicted and set before the execution of the algorithm, or dynamically modified during the execution itself.While in the last decade many advances have been made on the automatic design of algorithms, the great majority of them only deal with single-objective algorithms and the optimisation of a single performance indicator such as the algorithm running time or the final solution quality. In this thesis, we investigate the relations between automatic algorithm design and multi-objective optimisation, with an application on MOLS algorithms.We first review possible MOLS strategies ans parameters and present a general, highly configurable, MOLS framework. We also propose MO-ParamILS, an automatic configurator specifically designed to deal with multiple performance indicators. Then, we conduct several studies on the automatic offline design of MOLS algorithms on multiple combinatorial bi-objective problems. Finally, we discuss two online extensions of classical algorithm configuration: first the integration of parameter control mechanisms, to benefit from having multiple configuration predictions; then the use of configuration schedules, to sequentially use multiple configurations.Les problèmes d’optimisation à grande échelle sont généralement difficiles à résoudre de façon optimale. Des algorithmes d’approximation tels que les métaheuristiques, capables de trouver rapidement des solutions sous-optimales, sont souvent préférés. Cette thèse porte sur les algorithmes de recherche locale multi-objectif (MOLS), des métaheuristiques capables de traiter l’optimisation simultanée de plusieurs critères. Comme de nombreux algorithmes, les MOLS exposent de nombreux paramètres qui ont un impact important sur leurs performances. Ces paramètres peuvent être soit prédits et définis avant l’exécution de l’algorithme, soit ensuite modifiés dynamiquement.Alors que de nombreux progrès ont récemment été réalisés pour la conception automatique d’algorithmes, la grande majorité d’entre eux ne traitent que d’algorithmes mono-objectif et l’optimisation d’un unique indicateur de performance. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions les relations entre la conception automatique d’algorithmes et l’optimisation multi-objective.Nous passons d’abord en revue les stratégies MOLS possibles et présentons un framework MOLS général et hautement configurable. Nous proposons également MO-ParamILS, un configurateur automatique spécialement conçu pour gérer plusieurs indicateurs de performance. Nous menons ensuite plusieurs études sur la conception automatique de MOLS sur de multiples problèmes combinatoires bi-objectifs. Enfin, nous discutons deux extensions de la configuration d’algorithme classique : d’abord l’intégration des mécanismes de contrôle de paramètres, pour bénéficier de multiples prédictions de configuration; puis l’utilisation séquentielle de plusieurs configurations

    Heuristics and metaheuristics in the design of sound-absorbing porous materials

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    Inexact optimisation techniques such as heuristics and metaheuristics that quickly find near-optimal solutions are widely used to solve hard problems. While metaheuristics are well studied on specific problem domains such as travelling salesman, timetabling, vehicle routing etc., their extension to engineering domains is largely unexplored due to the requirement of domain expertise. In this thesis, we address a specific engineering domain: the design of sound-absorbing porous materials. Porous materials are foams, fibrous materials, woven and non-woven textiles, etc., that are widely used in automotive, aerospace and household applications to isolate and absorb noise to prevent equipment damage, protect hearing or ensure comfort. These materials constitute a significant amount of dead weight in aircraft and space applications, and choosing sub-optimal designs would lead to inefficiency and increased costs. By carefully choosing the material properties and shapes of these materials, favourable resonances can be created making it possible to improve absorption while also reducing weight. The optimisation problem structure is yet to be well-explored and not many comparison studies are available in this domain. This thesis aims to address the knowledge gap by analysing the performance of existing and novel heuristic and metaheuristic methods. Initially, the problem structure is explored by considering a one-dimensional layered sound package problem. Then, the challenging two-dimensional foam shape and topology optimisation is addressed. Topology optimisation involves optimally distributing a given volume of material in a design region such that a performance measure is maximised. Although extensive studies exist for the compliance minimisation problem domain, studies and comparisons on porous material problems are relatively rare. Firstly, a single objective absorption maximisation problem with a constraint on the weight is considered. Then a multi-objective problem of simultaneously maximising absorption and minimising weight is considered. The unique nature of the topology optimisation problem allows it to be solved using combinatorial or continuous, gradient or non-gradient methods. In this work, several optimisation methods are studied, including solid isotropic material with penalisation (SIMP), hill climbing, constructive heuristics, genetic algorithms, tabu search, co-variance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES), differential evolution, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and hybrid strategies. These approaches are tested on a benchmark of seven acoustics problem instances. The results are used to extract domain-specific insights. The findings highlight that the problem domain is rich with unique varieties of solutions, and by using domain-specific insights, one can design hybrid gradient and non-gradient methods that consistently outperform state-of-the-art ones

    Evolutionary Computation

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    This book presents several recent advances on Evolutionary Computation, specially evolution-based optimization methods and hybrid algorithms for several applications, from optimization and learning to pattern recognition and bioinformatics. This book also presents new algorithms based on several analogies and metafores, where one of them is based on philosophy, specifically on the philosophy of praxis and dialectics. In this book it is also presented interesting applications on bioinformatics, specially the use of particle swarms to discover gene expression patterns in DNA microarrays. Therefore, this book features representative work on the field of evolutionary computation and applied sciences. The intended audience is graduate, undergraduate, researchers, and anyone who wishes to become familiar with the latest research work on this field

    Heuristics and metaheuristics in the design of sound-absorbing porous materials

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    Inexact optimisation techniques such as heuristics and metaheuristics that quickly find near-optimal solutions are widely used to solve hard problems. While metaheuristics are well studied on specific problem domains such as travelling salesman, timetabling, vehicle routing etc., their extension to engineering domains is largely unexplored due to the requirement of domain expertise. In this thesis, we address a specific engineering domain: the design of sound-absorbing porous materials. Porous materials are foams, fibrous materials, woven and non-woven textiles, etc., that are widely used in automotive, aerospace and household applications to isolate and absorb noise to prevent equipment damage, protect hearing or ensure comfort. These materials constitute a significant amount of dead weight in aircraft and space applications, and choosing sub-optimal designs would lead to inefficiency and increased costs. By carefully choosing the material properties and shapes of these materials, favourable resonances can be created making it possible to improve absorption while also reducing weight. The optimisation problem structure is yet to be well-explored and not many comparison studies are available in this domain. This thesis aims to address the knowledge gap by analysing the performance of existing and novel heuristic and metaheuristic methods. Initially, the problem structure is explored by considering a one-dimensional layered sound package problem. Then, the challenging two-dimensional foam shape and topology optimisation is addressed. Topology optimisation involves optimally distributing a given volume of material in a design region such that a performance measure is maximised. Although extensive studies exist for the compliance minimisation problem domain, studies and comparisons on porous material problems are relatively rare. Firstly, a single objective absorption maximisation problem with a constraint on the weight is considered. Then a multi-objective problem of simultaneously maximising absorption and minimising weight is considered. The unique nature of the topology optimisation problem allows it to be solved using combinatorial or continuous, gradient or non-gradient methods. In this work, several optimisation methods are studied, including solid isotropic material with penalisation (SIMP), hill climbing, constructive heuristics, genetic algorithms, tabu search, co-variance matrix adaptation evolution strategy (CMA-ES), differential evolution, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) and hybrid strategies. These approaches are tested on a benchmark of seven acoustics problem instances. The results are used to extract domain-specific insights. The findings highlight that the problem domain is rich with unique varieties of solutions, and by using domain-specific insights, one can design hybrid gradient and non-gradient methods that consistently outperform state-of-the-art ones

    Module reallocation problem in the context of multi-campus university course timetabling

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    Scalarized Preferences in Multi-objective Optimization

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    Multikriterielle Optimierungsprobleme verfügen über keine Lösung, die optimal in jeder Zielfunktion ist. Die Schwierigkeit solcher Probleme liegt darin eine Kompromisslösung zu finden, die den Präferenzen des Entscheiders genügen, der den Kompromiss implementiert. Skalarisierung – die Abbildung des Vektors der Zielfunktionswerte auf eine reelle Zahl – identifiziert eine einzige Lösung als globales Präferenzenoptimum um diese Probleme zu lösen. Allerdings generieren Skalarisierungsmethoden keine zusätzlichen Informationen über andere Kompromisslösungen, die die Präferenzen des Entscheiders bezüglich des globalen Optimums verändern könnten. Um dieses Problem anzugehen stellt diese Dissertation eine theoretische und algorithmische Analyse skalarisierter Präferenzen bereit. Die theoretische Analyse besteht aus der Entwicklung eines Ordnungsrahmens, der Präferenzen als Problemtransformationen charakterisiert, die präferierte Untermengen der Paretofront definieren. Skalarisierung wird als Transformation der Zielmenge in diesem Ordnungsrahmen dargestellt. Des Weiteren werden Axiome vorgeschlagen, die wünschenswerte Eigenschaften von Skalarisierungsfunktionen darstellen. Es wird gezeigt unter welchen Bedingungen existierende Skalarisierungsfunktionen diese Axiome erfüllen. Die algorithmische Analyse kennzeichnet Präferenzen anhand des Resultats, das ein Optimierungsalgorithmus generiert. Zwei neue Paradigmen werden innerhalb dieser Analyse identifiziert. Für beide Paradigmen werden Algorithmen entworfen, die skalarisierte Präferenzeninformationen verwenden: Präferenzen-verzerrte Paretofrontapproximationen verteilen Punkte über die gesamte Paretofront, fokussieren aber mehr Punkte in Regionen mit besseren Skalarisierungswerten; multimodale Präferenzenoptima sind Punkte, die lokale Skalarisierungsoptima im Zielraum darstellen. Ein Drei-Stufen-Algorith\-mus wird entwickelt, der lokale Skalarisierungsoptima approximiert und verschiedene Methoden werden für die unterschiedlichen Stufen evaluiert. Zwei Realweltprobleme werden vorgestellt, die die Nützlichkeit der beiden Algorithmen illustrieren. Das erste Problem besteht darin Fahrpläne für ein Blockheizkraftwerk zu finden, die die erzeugte Elektrizität und Wärme maximieren und den Kraftstoffverbrauch minimiert. Präferenzen-verzerrte Approximationen generieren mehr Energie-effiziente Lösungen, unter denen der Entscheider seine favorisierte Lösung auswählen kann, indem er die Konflikte zwischen den drei Zielen abwägt. Das zweite Problem beschäftigt sich mit der Erstellung von Fahrplänen für Geräte in einem Wohngebäude, so dass Energiekosten, Kohlenstoffdioxidemissionen und thermisches Unbehagen minimiert werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass lokale Skalarisierungsoptima Fahrpläne darstellen, die eine gute Balance zwischen den drei Zielen bieten. Die Analyse und die Experimente, die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt werden, ermöglichen es Entscheidern bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen indem Methoden angewendet werden, die mehr Optionen generieren, die mit den Präferenzen der Entscheider übereinstimmen

    XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación - CACIC 2017 : Libro de actas

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    Trabajos presentados en el XXIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACIC), celebrado en la ciudad de La Plata los días 9 al 13 de octubre de 2017, organizado por la Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI) y la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI