217 research outputs found

    Open Babel: An open chemical toolbox

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    Background: A frequent problem in computational modeling is the interconversion of chemical structures between different formats. While standard interchange formats exist (for example, Chemical Markup Language) and de facto standards have arisen (for example, SMILES format), the need to interconvert formats is a continuing problem due to the multitude of different application areas for chemistry data, differences in the data stored by different formats (0D versus 3D, for example), and competition between software along with a lack of vendorneutral formats. Results: We discuss, for the first time, Open Babel, an open-source chemical toolbox that speaks the many languages of chemical data. Open Babel version 2.3 interconverts over 110 formats. The need to represent such a wide variety of chemical and molecular data requires a library that implements a wide range of cheminformatics algorithms, from partial charge assignment and aromaticity detection, to bond order perception and canonicalization. We detail the implementation of Open Babel, describe key advances in the 2.3 release, and outline a variety of uses both in terms of software products and scientific research, including applications far beyond simple format interconversion. Conclusions: Open Babel presents a solution to the proliferation of multiple chemical file formats. In addition, it provides a variety of useful utilities from conformer searching and 2D depiction, to filtering, batch conversion, and substructure and similarity searching. For developers, it can be used as a programming library to handle chemical data in areas such as organic chemistry, drug design, materials science, and computational chemistry. It is freely available under an open-source license fro

    11th German Conference on Chemoinformatics (GCC 2015) : Fulda, Germany. 8-10 November 2015.

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    Machine Learning Applications for Drug Repurposing

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    The cost of bringing a drug to market is astounding and the failure rate is intimidating. Drug discovery has been of limited success under the conventional reductionist model of one-drug-one-gene-one-disease paradigm, where a single disease-associated gene is identified and a molecular binder to the specific target is subsequently designed. Under the simplistic paradigm of drug discovery, a drug molecule is assumed to interact only with the intended on-target. However, small molecular drugs often interact with multiple targets, and those off-target interactions are not considered under the conventional paradigm. As a result, drug-induced side effects and adverse reactions are often neglected until a very late stage of the drug discovery, where the discovery of drug-induced side effects and potential drug resistance can decrease the value of the drug and even completely invalidate the use of the drug. Thus, a new paradigm in drug discovery is needed. Structural systems pharmacology is a new paradigm in drug discovery that the drug activities are studied by data-driven large-scale models with considerations of the structures and drugs. Structural systems pharmacology will model, on a genome scale, the energetic and dynamic modifications of protein targets by drug molecules as well as the subsequent collective effects of drug-target interactions on the phenotypic drug responses. To date, however, few experimental and computational methods can determine genome-wide protein-ligand interaction networks and the clinical outcomes mediated by them. As a result, the majority of proteins have not been charted for their small molecular ligands; we have a limited understanding of drug actions. To address the challenge, this dissertation seeks to develop and experimentally validate innovative computational methods to infer genome-wide protein-ligand interactions and multi-scale drug-phenotype associations, including drug-induced side effects. The hypothesis is that the integration of data-driven bioinformatics tools with structure-and-mechanism-based molecular modeling methods will lead to an optimal tool for accurately predicting drug actions and drug associated phenotypic responses, such as side effects. This dissertation starts by reviewing the current status of computational drug discovery for complex diseases in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, we present REMAP, a one-class collaborative filtering method to predict off-target interactions from protein-ligand interaction network. In our later work, REMAP was integrated with structural genomics and statistical machine learning methods to design a dual-indication polypharmacological anticancer therapy. In Chapter 3, we extend REMAP, the core method in Chapter 2, into a multi-ranked collaborative filtering algorithm, WINTF, and present relevant mathematical justifications. Chapter 4 is an application of WINTF to repurpose an FDA-approved drug diazoxide as a potential treatment for triple negative breast cancer, a deadly subtype of breast cancer. In Chapter 5, we present a multilayer extension of REMAP, applied to predict drug-induced side effects and the associated biological pathways. In Chapter 6, we close this dissertation by presenting a deep learning application to learn biochemical features from protein sequence representation using a natural language processing method

    Structure- and Ligand-Based Design of Novel Antimicrobial Agents

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    The use of computer based techniques in the design of novel therapeutic agents is a rapidly emerging field. Although the drug-design techniques utilized by Computational Medicinal Chemists vary greatly, they can roughly be classified into structure-based and ligand-based approaches. Structure-based methods utilize a solved structure of the design target, protein or DNA, usually obtained by X-ray or NMR methods to design or improve compounds with activity against the target. Ligand-based methods use active compounds with known affinity for a target that may yet be unresolved. These methods include Pharmacophore-based searching for novel active compounds or Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) studies. The research presented here utilized both structure and ligand-based methods against two bacterial targets: Bacillus anthracis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The first part of this thesis details our efforts to design novel inhibitors of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase from B. anthracis using crystal structures with known inhibitors bound. The second part describes a QSAR study that was performed using a series of novel nitrofuranyl compounds with known, whole-cell, inhibitory activity against M. tuberculosis. Dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS) catalyzes the addition of p-amino benzoic acid (pABA) to dihydropterin pyrophosphate (DHPP) to form pteroic acid as a key step in bacterial folate biosynthesis. It is the traditional target of the sulfonamide class of antibiotics. Unfortunately, bacterial resistance and adverse effects have limited the clinical utility of the sulfonamide antibiotics. Although six bacterial crystal structures are available, the flexible loop regions that enclose pABA during binding and contain key sulfonamide resistance sites have yet to be visualized in their functional conformation. To gain a new understanding of the structural basis of sulfonamide resistance, the molecular mechanism of DHPS action, and to generate a screening structure for high-throughput virtual screening, molecular dynamics simulations were applied to model the conformations of the unresolved loops in the active site. Several series of molecular dynamics simulations were designed and performed utilizing enzyme substrates and inhibitors, a transition state analog, and a pterin-sulfamethoxazole adduct. The positions of key mutation sites conserved across several bacterial species were closely monitored during these analyses. These residues were shown to interact closely with the sulfonamide binding site. The simulations helped us gain new understanding of the positions of the flexible loops during inhibitor binding that has allowed the development of a DHPS structural model that could be used for high-through put virtual screening (HTVS). Additionally, insights gained on the location and possible function of key mutation sites on the flexible loops will facilitate the design of new, potent inhibitors of DHPS that can bypass resistance mutations that render sulfonamides inactive. Prior to performing high-throughput virtual screening, the docking and scoring functions to be used were validated using established techniques against the B. anthracis DHPS target. In this validation study, five commonly used docking programs, FlexX, Surflex, Glide, GOLD, and DOCK, as well as nine scoring functions, were evaluated for their utility in virtual screening against the novel pterin binding site. Their performance in ligand docking and virtual screening against this target was examined by their ability to reproduce a known inhibitor conformation and to correctly detect known active compounds seeded into three separate decoy sets. Enrichment was demonstrated by calculated enrichment factors at 1% and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. The effectiveness of post-docking relaxation prior to rescoring and consensus scoring were also evaluated. Of the docking and scoring functions evaluated, Surflex with SurflexScore and Glide with GlideScore performed best overall for virtual screening against the DHPS target. The next phase of the DHPS structure-based drug design project involved high-throughput virtual screening against the DHPS structural model previously developed and docking methodology validated against this target. Two general virtual screening methods were employed. First, large, virtual libraries were pre-filtered by 3D pharmacophore and modified Rule-of-Three fragment constraints. Nearly 5 million compounds from the ZINC databases were screened generating 3,104 unique, fragment-like hits that were subsequently docked and ranked by score. Second, fragment docking without pharmacophore filtering was performed on almost 285,000 fragment-like compounds obtained from databases of commercial vendors. Hits from both virtual screens with high predicted affinity for the pterin binding pocket, as determined by docking score, were selected for in vitro testing. Activity and structure-activity relationship of the active fragment compounds have been developed. Several compounds with micromolar activity were identified and taken to crystallographic trials. Finally, in our ligand-based research into M. tuberculosis active agents, a series of nitrofuranylamide and related aromatic compounds displaying potent activity was investigated utilizing 3-Dimensional Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (3D-QSAR) techniques. Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (CoMFA) and Comparative Molecular Similarity Indices Analysis (CoMSIA) methods were used to produce 3D-QSAR models that correlated the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) values against M. tuberculosis with the molecular structures of the active compounds. A training set of 95 active compounds was used to develop the models, which were then evaluated by a series of internal and external cross-validation techniques. A test set of 15 compounds was used for the external validation. Different alignment and ionization rules were investigated as well as the effect of global molecular descriptors including lipophilicity (cLogP, LogD), Polar Surface Area (PSA), and steric bulk (CMR), on model predictivity. Models with greater than 70% predictive ability, as determined by external validation and high internal validity (cross validated r2 \u3e .5) were developed. Incorporation of lipophilicity descriptors into the models had negligible effects on model predictivity. The models developed will be used to predict the activity of proposed new structures and advance the development of next generation nitrofuranyl and related nitroaromatic anti-tuberculosis agents

    Virtual screening of potential bioactive substances using the support vector machine approach

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation stellt eine kumulative Arbeit dar, die in insgesamt acht wissenschaftlichen Publikationen (fünf publiziert, zwei eingerichtet und eine in Vorbereitung) dargelegt ist. In diesem Forschungsprojekt wurden Anwendungen von maschinellem Lernen für das virtuelle Screening von Moleküldatenbanken durchgeführt. Das Ziel war primär die Einführung und Überprüfung des Support-Vector-Machine (SVM) Ansatzes für das virtuelle Screening nach potentiellen Wirkstoffkandidaten. In der Einleitung der Arbeit ist die Rolle des virtuellen Screenings im Wirkstoffdesign beschrieben. Methoden des virtuellen Screenings können fast in jedem Bereich der gesamten pharmazeutischen Forschung angewendet werden. Maschinelles Lernen kann einen Einsatz finden von der Auswahl der ersten Moleküle, der Optimierung der Leitstrukturen bis hin zur Vorhersage von ADMET (Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Toxicity) Eigenschaften. In Abschnitt 4.2 werden möglichen Verfahren dargestellt, die zur Beschreibung von chemischen Strukturen eingesetzt werden können, um diese Strukturen in ein Format zu bringen (Deskriptoren), das man als Eingabe für maschinelle Lernverfahren wie Neuronale Netze oder SVM nutzen kann. Der Fokus ist dabei auf diejenigen Verfahren gerichtet, die in der vorliegenden Arbeit verwendet wurden. Die meisten Methoden berechnen Deskriptoren, die nur auf der zweidimensionalen (2D) Struktur basieren. Standard-Beispiele hierfür sind physikochemische Eigenschaften, Atom- und Bindungsanzahl etc. (Abschnitt 4.2.1). CATS Deskriptoren, ein topologisches Pharmakophorkonzept, sind ebenfalls 2D-basiert (Abschnitt 4.2.2). Ein anderer Typ von Deskriptoren beschreibt Eigenschaften, die aus einem dreidimensionalen (3D) Molekülmodell abgeleitet werden. Der Erfolg dieser Beschreibung hangt sehr stark davon ab, wie repräsentativ die 3D-Konformation ist, die für die Berechnung des Deskriptors angewendet wurde. Eine weitere Beschreibung, die wir in unserer Arbeit eingesetzt haben, waren Fingerprints. In unserem Fall waren die verwendeten Fingerprints ungeeignet zum Trainieren von Neuronale Netzen, da der Fingerprintvektor zu viele Dimensionen (~ 10 hoch 5) hatte. Im Gegensatz dazu hat das Training von SVM mit Fingerprints funktioniert. SVM hat den Vorteil im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden, dass sie in sehr hochdimensionalen Räumen gut klassifizieren kann. Dieser Zusammenhang zwischen SVM und Fingerprints war eine Neuheit, und wurde von uns erstmalig in die Chemieinformatik eingeführt. In Abschnitt 4.3 fokussiere ich mich auf die SVM-Methode. Für fast alle Klassifikationsaufgaben in dieser Arbeit wurde der SVM-Ansatz verwendet. Ein Schwerpunkt der Dissertation lag auf der SVM-Methode. Wegen Platzbeschränkungen wurde in den beigefügten Veröffentlichungen auf eine detaillierte Beschreibung der SVM verzichtet. Aus diesem Grund wird in Abschnitt 4.3 eine vollständige Einführung in SVM gegeben. Darin enthalten ist eine vollständige Diskussion der SVM Theorie: optimale Hyperfläche, Soft-Margin-Hyperfläche, quadratische Programmierung als Technik, um diese optimale Hyperfläche zu finden. Abschnitt 4.3 enthält auch eine Diskussion von Kernel-Funktionen, welche die genaue Form der optimalen Hyperfläche bestimmen. In Abschnitt 4.4 ist eine Einleitung in verschiede Methoden gegeben, die wir für die Auswahl von Deskriptoren genutzt haben. In diesem Abschnitt wird der Unterschied zwischen einer „Filter“- und der „Wrapper“-basierten Auswahl von Deskriptoren herausgearbeitet. In Veröffentlichung 3 (Abschnitt 7.3) haben wir die Vorteile und Nachteile von Filter- und Wrapper-basierten Methoden im virtuellen Screening vergleichend dargestellt. Abschnitt 7 besteht aus den Publikationen, die unsere Forschungsergebnisse enthalten. Unsere erste Publikation (Veröffentlichung 1) war ein Übersichtsartikel (Abschnitt 7.1). In diesem Artikel haben wir einen Gesamtüberblick der Anwendungen von SVM in der Bio- und Chemieinformatik gegeben. Wir diskutieren Anwendungen von SVM für die Gen-Chip-Analyse, die DNASequenzanalyse und die Vorhersage von Proteinstrukturen und Proteininteraktionen. Wir haben auch Beispiele beschrieben, wo SVM für die Vorhersage der Lokalisation von Proteinen in der Zelle genutzt wurden. Es wird dabei deutlich, dass SVM im Bereich des virtuellen Screenings noch nicht verbreitet war. Um den Einsatz von SVM als Hauptmethode unserer Forschung zu begründen, haben wir in unserer nächsten Publikation (Veröffentlichung 2) (Abschnitt 7.2) einen detaillierten Vergleich zwischen SVM und verschiedenen neuronalen Netzen, die sich als eine Standardmethode im virtuellen Screening etabliert haben, durchgeführt. Verglichen wurde die Trennung von wirstoffartigen und nicht-wirkstoffartigen Molekülen („Druglikeness“-Vorhersage). Die SVM konnte 82% aller Moleküle richtig klassifizieren. Die Klassifizierung war zudem robuster als mit dreilagigen feedforward-ANN bei der Verwendung verschiedener Anzahlen an Hidden-Neuronen. In diesem Projekt haben wir verschiedene Deskriptoren zur Beschreibung der Moleküle berechnet: Ghose-Crippen Fragmentdeskriptoren [86], physikochemische Eigenschaften [9] und topologische Pharmacophore (CATS) [10]. Die Entwicklung von weiteren Verfahren, die auf dem SVM-Konzept aufbauen, haben wir in den Publikationen in den Abschnitten 7.3 und 7.8 beschrieben. Veröffentlichung 3 stellt die Entwicklung einer neuen SVM-basierten Methode zur Auswahl von relevanten Deskriptoren für eine bestimmte Aktivität dar. Eingesetzt wurden die gleichen Deskriptoren wie in dem oben beschriebenen Projekt. Als charakteristische Molekülgruppen haben wir verschiedene Untermengen der COBRA Datenbank ausgewählt: 195 Thrombin Inhibitoren, 226 Kinase Inhibitoren und 227 Faktor Xa Inhibitoren. Es ist uns gelungen, die Anzahl der Deskriptoren von ursprünglich 407 auf ungefähr 50 zu verringern ohne signifikant an Klassifizierungsgenauigkeit zu verlieren. Unsere Methode haben wir mit einer Standardmethode für diese Anwendung verglichen, der Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistik. Die SVM-basierte Methode erwies sich hierbei in jedem betrachteten Fall als besser als die Vergleichsmethoden hinsichtlich der Vorhersagegenauigkeit bei der gleichen Anzahl an Deskriptoren. Eine ausführliche Beschreibung ist in Abschnitt 4.4 gegeben. Dort sind auch verschiedene „Wrapper“ für die Deskriptoren-Auswahl beschrieben. Veröffentlichung 8 beschreibt die Anwendung von aktivem Lernen mit SVM. Die Idee des aktiven Lernens liegt in der Auswahl von Molekülen für das Lernverfahren aus dem Bereich an der Grenze der verschiedenen zu unterscheidenden Molekülklassen. Auf diese Weise kann die lokale Klassifikation verbessert werden. Die folgenden Gruppen von Moleküle wurden genutzt: ACE (Angiotensin converting enzyme), COX2 (Cyclooxygenase 2), CRF (Corticotropin releasing factor) Antagonisten, DPP (Dipeptidylpeptidase) IV, HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) protease, Nuclear Receptors, NK (Neurokinin receptors), PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor), Thrombin, GPCR und Matrix Metalloproteinasen. Aktives Lernen konnte die Leistungsfähigkeit des virtuellen Screenings verbessern, wie sich in dieser retrospektiven Studie zeigte. Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich das Verfahren durchsetzen wird, denn trotzt des Gewinns an Vorhersagegenauigkeit ist es aufgrund des mehrfachen SVMTrainings aufwändig. Die Publikationen aus den Abschnitten 7.5, 7.6 und 7.7 (Veröffentlichungen 5-7) zeigen praktische Anwendungen unserer SVM-Methoden im Wirkstoffdesign in Kombination mit anderen Verfahren, wie der Ähnlichkeitssuche und neuronalen Netzen zur Eigenschaftsvorhersage. In zwei Fällen haben wir mit dem Verfahren neuartige Liganden für COX-2 (cyclooxygenase 2) und dopamine D3/D2 Rezeptoren gefunden. Wir konnten somit klar zeigen, dass SVM-Methoden für das virtuelle Screening von Substanzdatensammlungen sinnvoll eingesetzt werden können. Es wurde im Rahmen der Arbeit auch ein schnelles Verfahren zur Erzeugung großer kombinatorischer Molekülbibliotheken entwickelt, welches auf der SMILES Notation aufbaut. Im frühen Stadium des Wirstoffdesigns ist es wichtig, eine möglichst „diverse“ Gruppe von Molekülen zu testen. Es gibt verschiedene etablierte Methoden, die eine solche Untermenge auswählen können. Wir haben eine neue Methode entwickelt, die genauer als die bekannte MaxMin-Methode sein sollte. Als erster Schritt wurde die „Probability Density Estimation“ (PDE) für die verfügbaren Moleküle berechnet. [78] Dafür haben wir jedes Molekül mit Deskriptoren beschrieben und die PDE im N-dimensionalen Deskriptorraum berechnet. Die Moleküle wurde mit dem Metropolis Algorithmus ausgewählt. [87] Die Idee liegt darin, wenige Moleküle aus den Bereichen mit hoher Dichte auszuwählen und mehr Moleküle aus den Bereichen mit niedriger Dichte. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse wiesen jedoch auf zwei Nachteile hin. Erstens wurden Moleküle mit unrealistischen Deskriptorwerten ausgewählt und zweitens war unser Algorithmus zu langsam. Dieser Aspekt der Arbeit wurde daher nicht weiter verfolgt. In Veröffentlichung 6 (Abschnitt 7.6) haben wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der Molecular-Modeling Gruppe von Aventis-Pharma Deutschland (Frankfurt) einen SVM-basierten ADME Filter zur Früherkennung von CYP 2C9 Liganden entwickelt. Dieser nichtlineare SVM-Filter erreichte eine signifikant höhere Vorhersagegenauigkeit (q2 = 0.48) als ein auf den gleichen Daten entwickelten PLS-Modell (q2 = 0.34). Es wurden hierbei Dreipunkt-Pharmakophordeskriptoren eingesetzt, die auf einem dreidimensionalen Molekülmodell aufbauen. Eines der wichtigen Probleme im computerbasierten Wirkstoffdesign ist die Auswahl einer geeigneten Konformation für ein Molekül. Wir haben versucht, SVM auf dieses Problem anzuwenden. Der Trainingdatensatz wurde dazu mit jeweils mehreren Konformationen pro Molekül angereichert und ein SVM Modell gerechnet. Es wurden anschließend die Konformationen mit den am schlechtesten vorhergesagten IC50 Wert aussortiert. Die verbliebenen gemäß dem SVM-Modell bevorzugten Konformationen waren jedoch unrealistisch. Dieses Ergebnis zeigt Grenzen des SVM-Ansatzes auf. Wir glauben jedoch, dass weitere Forschung auf diesem Gebiet zu besseren Ergebnissen führen kann

    Exploring the potential of Spherical Harmonics and PCVM for compounds activity prediction

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    Biologically active chemical compounds may provide remedies for several diseases. Meanwhile, Machine Learning techniques applied to Drug Discovery, which are cheaper and faster than wet-lab experiments, have the capability to more effectively identify molecules with the expected pharmacological activity. Therefore, it is urgent and essential to develop more representative descriptors and reliable classification methods to accurately predict molecular activity. In this paper, we investigate the potential of a novel representation based on Spherical Harmonics fed into Probabilistic Classification Vector Machines classifier, namely SHPCVM, to compound the activity prediction task. We make use of representation learning to acquire the features which describe the molecules as precise as possible. To verify the performance of SHPCVM ten-fold cross-validation tests are performed on twenty-one G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Experimental outcomes (accuracy of 0.86) assessed by the classification accuracy, precision, recall, Matthews’ Correlation Coefficient and Cohen’s kappa reveal that using our Spherical Harmonics-based representation which is relatively short and Probabilistic Classification Vector Machines can achieve very satisfactory performance results for GPCRs

    Virtual screening of GPCRs: An in silico chemogenomics approach

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    International audienceThe G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) superfamily is currently the largest class of therapeutic targets. In silico prediction of interactions between GPCRs and small molecules in the transmembrane ligand-binding site is therefore a crucial step in the drug discovery process, which remains a daunting task due to the difficulty to characterize the 3D structure of most GPCRs, and to the limited amount of known ligands for some members of the superfamily. Chemogenomics, which attempts to characterize interactions between all members of a target class and all small molecules simultaneously, has recently been proposed as an interesting alternative to traditional docking or ligand-based virtual screening strategies

    Convolutional Embedding of Attributed Molecular Graphs for Physical Property Prediction

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    The task of learning an expressive molecular representation is central to developing quantitative structure–activity and property relationships. Traditional approaches rely on group additivity rules, empirical measurements or parameters, or generation of thousands of descriptors. In this paper, we employ a convolutional neural network for this embedding task by treating molecules as undirected graphs with attributed nodes and edges. Simple atom and bond attributes are used to construct atom-specific feature vectors that take into account the local chemical environment using different neighborhood radii. By working directly with the full molecular graph, there is a greater opportunity for models to identify important features relevant to a prediction task. Unlike other graph-based approaches, our atom featurization preserves molecule-level spatial information that significantly enhances model performance. Our models learn to identify important features of atom clusters for the prediction of aqueous solubility, octanol solubility, melting point, and toxicity. Extensions and limitations of this strategy are discussed

    Integrative approaches in fragment-based drug discovery

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    This thesis combines experimental and computational methods to investigate aspects of fragment identification and elaboration in fragment-based ligand design, a promising approach for identifying small molecule drugs, to target the pharmacologically relevant bromodomain PHIP(2). The research covers various aspects of the process, from initial crystallographic fragment screening to validation of follow-up compounds. Chapters 1 and 2 provide an overview of relevant perspectives and methodologies in fragment-based drug discovery. Chapter 3 reports a crystallographic fragment screening against PHIP(2), resolving 47 fragments at the acetylated-lysine binding site, and evaluates the abilities of crowdsourced computational methods to replicate fragment binding and crystallographic poses. This chapter highlights the challenges associated with using computational methods for reproducing crystallographic fragment screening results with submissions performing relatively weakly. Chapter 4 demonstrates the advantages of X-ray crystallographic screening of crude reaction mixtures generated robotically, showcasing reduced time, solvent, and hardware requirements. Soaking crude reaction mixtures maintains crystal integrity which led to the identification of 22 binders, 3 with an alternate pose caused by a single methyl addition to the core fragment and 1 hit in assays. It demonstrates how affordable methods can generate large amounts of crystallographic data of fragment elaborations. Chapter 5 develops an algorithmic approach to extract features associated with crystallographic binding, deriving simple binding scores using data from Chapter 4. The method identifies 26 false negatives with binding scores enriching binders over non-binders. Employing these scores prospectively in a virtual screening demonstrated how binding features can be exploited to select further follow-up compounds leading to low micromolar potencies. Chapter 6 attempts to integrate more computationally intensive methods to identify fragment follow-up compounds with increased potency through virtual screening enhanced with free energy calculations. Only two out of six synthesised follow-up compounds showed weak binding in assays, and none were resolved in crystal structures. This thesis tackles critical challenges in follow-up design, synthesis, and dataset analysis, underlining the limitations of existing methods in advancing fragment-based drug discovery. It emphasises the necessity of integrative approaches for an optimised “design, make, test” cycle in fragment-based drug discovery

    The Chemical Information Ontology: Provenance and Disambiguation for Chemical Data on the Biological Semantic Web

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    Cheminformatics is the application of informatics techniques to solve chemical problems in silico. There are many areas in biology where cheminformatics plays an important role in computational research, including metabolism, proteomics, and systems biology. One critical aspect in the application of cheminformatics in these fields is the accurate exchange of data, which is increasingly accomplished through the use of ontologies. Ontologies are formal representations of objects and their properties using a logic-based ontology language. Many such ontologies are currently being developed to represent objects across all the domains of science. Ontologies enable the definition, classification, and support for querying objects in a particular domain, enabling intelligent computer applications to be built which support the work of scientists both within the domain of interest and across interrelated neighbouring domains. Modern chemical research relies on computational techniques to filter and organise data to maximise research productivity. The objects which are manipulated in these algorithms and procedures, as well as the algorithms and procedures themselves, enjoy a kind of virtual life within computers. We will call these information entities. Here, we describe our work in developing an ontology of chemical information entities, with a primary focus on data-driven research and the integration of calculated properties (descriptors) of chemical entities within a semantic web context. Our ontology distinguishes algorithmic, or procedural information from declarative, or factual information, and renders of particular importance the annotation of provenance to calculated data. The Chemical Information Ontology is being developed as an open collaborative project. More details, together with a downloadable OWL file, are available at http://code.google.com/p/semanticchemistry/ (license: CC-BY-SA)