239 research outputs found

    The Influence of Online Game on the Learners’ Arabic Vocabulary Achievement

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    Online game is suggested as a medium that can encourage learners' acquisition of Arabic vocabulary. This research aimed to find out the learners’ vocabulary achievement before applying online game to the learners and to describe the usage of online game in improving learners’ vocabulary achievement effectively. This research used Classroom Action Research. There were 30 learners involved. Teaching processes consisted of two-cycle. Interviews, observation, tests, and documentation were the instruments of this research. The results of the tests were analyzed by using SPSS 20; the results of the interview and observation were analyzed qualitatively. The author found that online game improves learners’ vocabulary. The average score in cycle I was better than the average score in cycle II. The Pretest results in cycle I showed the greatest score obtained by the learners was 76. While in the Post test of the cycle I, the greatest score obtained by the learner was 90. Whereas in cycle II, the greatest score obtained by the learners was 100. Based on the observation, the learners were more excited on studying and focus on finishing their task; the learners could understand well the subject was given, and the learners were more enthusiastic in memorizing vocabulary. The author had successfully provided a new experience for learners who always learn conventionally by involving into the appealing and interactive online game-based learning atmosphere. The author hoped this research could be guidance for the effectuality of the next Arabic language learning through the online game in the class

    Scrabble game technique: A game changer for English vocabulary learning

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    Students’ learning outcomes of vocabulary mastery in reading comprehension at junior high schools in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, are relatively low. To tackle the issue, the Scrabble Game Technique (hereafter, SGT) is hoped to be a game-changer. This study aims to investigate EFL students’ learning outcomes through the use of the SGT in learning English vocabulary through narrative texts to seventh-grade students at a junior high school. The aspects assessed for each type of vocabulary included nouns, verbs, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, and conjunctions. The research design was quantitative with pre-experimental research that used a one-group pre-test post-test design to measure the students’ learning outcomes after three treatments with the SGT. A total of 30 seventh-grade students were selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used to collect data was a test, comprising 30 questions in total, with 18 multiple choices, 6 fill-in-the-blanks, and 6 matching-the-word. The tests were further analyzed using the right-hand t-test after the pre-requisite test was met. It was found that the percentage of mastery of nouns and verbs in the post-test was better than the pre-test, with the improvement of nouns at 93%, verbs at 91%, pronouns at 84%, adverbs at 72%, adjectives at 71%, and conjunctions at 71%. Furthermore, the t-count was 19.68 with p = 0.05, dk = 29, and t-table = 1.70. It was concluded that students’ learning outcomes were better after being taught through the SGT


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    ABSTRACTThis article investigates the use of online-based application "WordWall Games" as a vocabulary learning tool. The research aims to observe the participants' ability to enhance pronunciation, memorize vocabulary, and construct words into sentences. This study addresses three research questions: How is the design of WordWall games beneficial for developing students' vocabulary?; How is the application of WordWall games integrated into vocabulary teaching?; How do students acquire new vocabulary after being instructed using WordWall? To collect the data for this study, the researchers conducted direct observations involving ten students studying English Literature in Malang as participants of this study. Six game-based media were utilized, including Random Card Games, Crossword Games, True or False Tasks, Translation Tasks, Construct Word Tasks, and Anagram Tasks. The  research findings indicate that using WordWall games as a learning tool effectively improves students’ pronunciation, memorization, and sentence construction skills.ABSTRAKArtikel ini membahas penggunaan aplikasi berbasis online "WordWall games" sebagai alat pembelajaran kosakata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengobservasi kemampuan partisipan dalam meningkatkan pengucapan, menghafal, dan menyusun kata-kata menjadi kalimat. Artikel ini membahas tiga pertanyaan: 1. Bagaimana desain WordWall games bermanfaat untuk mengembangkan kosakata siswa? 2. Bagaimana penerapan WordWall games dalam pengajaran kosakata? 3. Bagaimana siswa memperoleh kosakata baru setelah diajarkan menggunakan WordWall? Peneliti melakukan observasi langsung yang melibatkan sepuluh mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh pendidikan Sastra Inggris di Malang. Enam media berbasis permainan digunakan, termasuk Random Card Games, Crossword Games, True or False Tasks, Translation Tasks, Construct Word Tasks, dan Anagram Tasks. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan WordWall games sebagai alat pembelajaran efektif dalam meningkatkan pengucapan, penghafalan, dan kemampuan menyusun kalimat.How to Cite: Ilahiyati, N., Rohmah, Z., Hamamah. (2023). The Implementation of Wordwall Games in Vocabulary Learning. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 10(1), 144-159. doi:10.15408/ijee.v10i1.29905

    Developing English Teaching Instruction Based on Islamic Values in Non-Formal Education for The Children of Indonesia

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    One of the primary goals of studying English is to improve one's capacity to communicate in English. Islamic-based English classes for children at a local Mosque are ideal since they are provided with Islamic-based English materials derived from Islamic principles and tailored to the needs of Muslim youngsters while learning a second language. The present study aims to investigate an Islamic-based language learning instruction suitable for children in a non-formal setting. The study employs a qualitative research approach which observes and surveys Indonesian language and religious teachers to develop a suitable model for children in an informal setting. The results of the study revealed a means to enhance knowledge about Islam, while learning English as a tool of communication. The following conclusions can be taken from the stated results and discussions; (1) the planning and implementation of Islamic-based English language instruction in non-formal setting have not been optimally implemented thus far therefore the study provided an Islamic-based language instruction suitable for children, (2) educators require innovation in planning and implementing authentic learning for children since they are characterized by their playful nature and learn best by considering such nature, and (3) the foundations of Islam are best taught in early childhood, hence should be prioritized as the content material of their learning

    Variety in Second Language Instruction: Student Engagement in SLA

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    This portfolio is a collection of works completed by the author during her time as a student in the Master of Second Language Teaching program at Utah State University. It highlights important aspects and experiences of foreign language education that represent the author’s personal journey of learning and teaching. The first section is comprised of the author’s teaching perspectives which are represented through the author’s desired professional environment, her teaching philosophy statement, and the author’s professional development through teaching observations. The second section presents the author’s pedagogical research pertaining to foreign language pragmatics and music integration in the classroom. The final section is an annotated bibliography that highlights current research and implementation strategies of using technology in the foreign language classroom

    Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Practices among Iranian EFL Learners

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    Two hundred and fifty Iranian EFL learners participated in research into their use of mobile devices. Drawing on questionnaire and interview data, the paper examines how far the devices were embedded in the personal and professional lives of these learners, most of whom were aged 25-36. All had experience of online and distance education, and most worked in education or training. The study revealed some innovative uses of mobile devices, a selection of which is reported in this paper. The paper links the findings to wider debates about the changing relationship between learners and educational institutions, and the role of mobile devices in enabling individuals to engage in learning conversations. Data are provided on which devices were used by the learners and for what purposes, and the paper explores the implications of these findings for educators

    Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Practices among Iranian EFL Learners

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    Two hundred and fifty Iranian EFL learners participated in research into their use of mobile devices. Drawing on questionnaire and interview data, the paper examines how far the devices were embedded in the personal and professional lives of these learners, most of whom were aged 25-36. All had experience of online and distance education, and most worked in education or training. The study revealed some innovative uses of mobile devices, a selection of which is reported in this paper. The paper links the findings to wider debates about the changing relationship between learners and educational institutions, and the role of mobile devices in enabling individuals to engage in learning conversations. Data are provided on which devices were used by the learners and for what purposes, and the paper explores the implications of these findings for educators

    Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: Practices among Iranian EFL Learners

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    Two hundred and fifty Iranian EFL learners participated in research into their use of mobile devices. Drawing on questionnaire and interview data, the paper examines how far the devices were embedded in the personal and professional lives of these learners, most of whom were aged 25-36. All had experience of online and distance education, and most worked in education or training. The study revealed some innovative uses of mobile devices, a selection of which is reported in this paper. The paper links the findings to wider debates about the changing relationship between learners and educational institutions, and the role of mobile devices in enabling individuals to engage in learning conversations. Data are provided on which devices were used by the learners and for what purposes, and the paper explores the implications of these findings for educators

    The Implementation of Educational Texting as an Instructional Facilitator in the Iranian EFL Context

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    En aquest estudi, mitjançant un mostreig de conveniència, després de l'administració d'una prova de col·locació d'Oxford (OPT), es van seleccionar 74 participants per a aquest estudi. Es van assignar aleatòriament a un grup experimental i a un grup de control per igual. Per mesurar la capacitat de lectura dels estudiants, la part de lectura de la prova d'anglès preliminar (PET) es va utilitzar com a prova prèvia i més tard com a prova posterior. Per calcular la quantitat d'autonomia entre els alumnes després d'implementar els ítems de vocabulari mitjançant missatges de text, es va distribuir un qüestionari. Es va dur a terme una sessió d'entrevistes semiestructurades entre els participants del grup experimental per comprendre millor les seves percepcions sobre MALL en el context d'aprenentatge de l'anglès. Finalment, per calcular la mida del vocabulari dels alumnes i els seus coneixements de vocabulari, es va realitzar una prova d'associació de paraules (WAT) i una prova de nivell de vocabulari (VLT). El grup experimental va rebre 108 paraules via SMS durant 18 sessions, incloses 6 paraules en context cobertes en 6 frases. El grup control, va rebre la instrucció tradicional, en un entorn presencial, amb els materials preparats de la classe i del professor. Després de realitzar el posttest, els resultats de l'estudi van revelar que el rendiment d'ambdós grups en funció de la seva prova de lectura és similar i el tractament no va tenir un efecte estadísticament significatiu en el grup experimental. El segon estudi va revelar que el tractament va tenir un paper molt important en la millora del nivell de motivació dels alumnes del grup experimental. Les percepcions dels participants del grup experimental van mostrar que els estudiants tenen una actitud positiva cap a l'aprenentatge d'idiomes assistit per mòbil en el context d'aprenentatge de l'EFL. El gènere va demostrar no ser un factor diferencial per al rendiment dels aprenents a la prova d'autonomia. L'aprenentatge de vocabulari mitjançant SMS podria augmentar significativament la mida del vocabulari dels aprenents, les puntuacions dels aprenents en la profunditat del vocabulari no van mostrar diferències estadísticament significatives.En este estudio, a través de un muestreo por conveniencia, después de la administración de un Oxford Placement Test (OPT), se seleccionaron 74 participantes para el propósito de este estudio. Fueron asignados aleatoriamente a un grupo experimental y otro de control por igual. Para medir la capacidad de lectura de los alumnos, se utilizó la parte de lectura del Examen Preliminar de Inglés (PET) como prueba previa y luego como prueba posterior. Para calcular la cantidad de autonomía entre los alumnos después de implementar los elementos de vocabulario a través de mensajes de texto, se distribuyó un cuestionario. Se realizó una sesión de entrevistas semiestructuradas entre los participantes del grupo experimental para comprender mejor sus percepciones sobre MALL en el contexto de aprendizaje de inglés. Finalmente, para calcular el tamaño del vocabulario de los estudiantes y su conocimiento del vocabulario, se realizaron una prueba de asociación de palabras (WAT) y una prueba de nivel de vocabulario (VLT). El grupo experimental recibió 108 palabras a través de SMS durante 18 sesiones, incluidas 6 palabras en contexto cubiertas en 6 oraciones. El grupo control, recibió la instrucción tradicional, en un ambiente presencial, con los materiales preparados por la clase y el docente. Después de realizar la prueba posterior, los hallazgos del estudio revelaron que el desempeño de ambos grupos en base a su prueba de lectura es similar, y el tratamiento no tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo en el grupo experimental. El segundo estudio reveló que el tratamiento desempeñó un papel muy importante en la mejora del nivel de motivación de los alumnos en el grupo experimental. Las percepciones de los participantes en el grupo experimental mostraron que los estudiantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje de idiomas asistido por dispositivos móviles en el contexto de aprendizaje de EFL. El género no mostró ser un factor diferenciable para el desempeño de los aprendices en la prueba de autonomía. El aprendizaje de vocabulario a través de SMS podría aumentar significativamente el tamaño del vocabulario de los alumnos, las puntuaciones de los alumnos en la profundidad del vocabulario no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.In this study, through convenience sampling, after the administration of an Oxford Placement Test (OPT), 74 participants were selected for the purpose of this study. They were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group equally. To measure learners reading ability, the reading part of the Preliminary English Test (PET) was used as a pretest and later as a posttest. To calculate the amount of autonomy among learners after implementing the vocabulary items through texting, a questionnaire was distributed. A semi-structured interview session was conducted among the participants of the experimental group to further grasp their perceptions towards MALL in the English learning context. Finally, to compute the vocabulary size of the students and their vocabulary knowledge, a Word Association Test (WAT) and a Vocabulary Level test (VLT) were conducted. The experimental group received 108 words via SMS during 18 sessions, including 6 words in context covered in 6 sentences. The control group, received the traditional instruction, in a face-to-face environment, with the ready-made materials of the class and the teacher. After conducting the posttest, the findings of the study revealed that the performance of both groups on the basis of their reading test is similar, and the treatment did not have a statistically significant effect on the experimental group. The second study revealed that the treatment played a very important role in improving learners' motivation level in the experimental group. The perceptions of the participants in the experimental group showed that students have a positive attitude towards mobile-assisted language learning in the EFL learning context. Gender showed not to be a distinguishable factor for the performance of the learners in the autonomy test. Learning vocabulary through SMS could significantly increase the size of the learners' vocabulary, learners' scores on the vocabulary depth did not show statistically significant differences

    Mobile Based Bilingual Game

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    English has been pronounced as a second language in Malaysia and been widely used as a communication language all around the world. Knowing that English is important in every aspect, Ministry of Education in Malaysia have make English as a compulsory subject to be learn in Malaysian education and have been introduced in early education stage which is preschool. The current learning approach of learning bilingual provides less mobility and does not really follow the development of technology. Kids nowadays, are attracted to games and technology especially in mobile application. Thus, the involvement of games in learning bilingual believes can gives positive impacts on children learning. The purpose of this project is to research on the various types of games for teaching bilingual and learning styles of the kindergarten children. Besides, to design and developed a mobile-based educational game for preschool and early primary school in learning bilingual and also to conduct user experience testing for mobile-based education game to the target users. The research covers the scope to the targeted group which is preschool and early primary school children in the range of five to eight years old. Besides, the teachers and the children parents are among of the targeted group that is related to this project. The project focused on the research on various types of educational game and existing bilingual games. This project are using prototyping model because it needs to be complete in a short period of time. Analysis and design needs to be conduct concurrently in order to make sure it meets the users’ expectation and requirement. Using the current technology it helps in developing the learning skills as the generation nowadays are really align with the technology and gadgets. In order to complete this project, Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 has been used as the programming tools in developing this courseware. The findings show this project believes to be very helpful in learning foreign language