509 research outputs found

    A Survey on Auto Live Migration Mechanism in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud Computing has recently emerged as a compelling paradigm for delivering computing services to users as utilities in a pay-as-you-go manner over the internet. Virtualization is a key concept in cloud computing. Virtualization technology refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real hardware with an operating system. Live migration is the task of moving a virtual machine from one physical hardware environment to another without disconnecting the client. Its facilities for efficient utilization of resources (CPU, memory, Storage) to manage load imbalance problem and also useful for reduction in energy consumption and fault management. For live migration of the virtual machine cloud provider needs to monitor the resources of all hosts continuously. So there are techniques for automation of this live migration when required. This method is called auto live migration techniques. This paper presents a detailed survey on Auto Live Migration of Virtual machines (VM) in cloud computing

    CloudBench: an integrated evaluation of VM placement algorithms in clouds

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    A complex and important task in the cloud resource management is the efficient allocation of virtual machines (VMs), or containers, in physical machines (PMs). The evaluation of VM placement techniques in real-world clouds can be tedious, complex and time-consuming. This situation has motivated an increasing use of cloud simulators that facilitate this type of evaluations. However, most of the reported VM placement techniques based on simulations have been evaluated taking into account one specific cloud resource (e.g., CPU), whereas values often unrealistic are assumed for other resources (e.g., RAM, awaiting times, application workloads, etc.). This situation generates uncertainty, discouraging their implementations in real-world clouds. This paper introduces CloudBench, a methodology to facilitate the evaluation and deployment of VM placement strategies in private clouds. CloudBench considers the integration of a cloud simulator with a real-world private cloud. Two main tools were developed to support this methodology, a specialized multi-resource cloud simulator (CloudBalanSim), which is in charge of evaluating VM placement techniques, and a distributed resource manager (Balancer), which deploys and tests in a real-world private cloud the best VM placement configurations that satisfied user requirements defined in the simulator. Both tools generate feedback information, from the evaluation scenarios and their obtained results, which is used as a learning asset to carry out intelligent and faster evaluations. The experiments implemented with the CloudBench methodology showed encouraging results as a new strategy to evaluate and deploy VM placement algorithms in the cloud.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under the Grant TIN2016-79637-P “Towards Unifcation of HPC and Big Data Paradigms” and by the Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) through a Ph.D. Grant (No. 212677)

    Energy efficiency of dynamic management of virtual cluster with heterogeneous hardware

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    Cloud computing is an essential part of today's computing world. Continuously increasing amount of computation with varying resource requirements is placed in large data centers. The variation among computing tasks, both in their resource requirements and time of processing, makes it possible to optimize the usage of physical hardware by applying cloud technologies. In this work, we develop a prototype system for load-based management of virtual machines in an OpenStack computing cluster. Our prototype is based on an idea of 'packing' idle virtual machines into special park servers optimized for this purpose. We evaluate the method by running real high-energy physics analysis software in an OpenStack test cluster and by simulating the same principle using the Cloudsim simulator software. The results show a clear improvement, 9-48 %, in the total energy efficiency when using our method together with resource overbooking and heterogeneous hardware.Peer reviewe

    Algorithms for advance bandwidth reservation in media production networks

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    Media production generally requires many geographically distributed actors (e.g., production houses, broadcasters, advertisers) to exchange huge amounts of raw video and audio data. Traditional distribution techniques, such as dedicated point-to-point optical links, are highly inefficient in terms of installation time and cost. To improve efficiency, shared media production networks that connect all involved actors over a large geographical area, are currently being deployed. The traffic in such networks is often predictable, as the timing and bandwidth requirements of data transfers are generally known hours or even days in advance. As such, the use of advance bandwidth reservation (AR) can greatly increase resource utilization and cost efficiency. In this paper, we propose an Integer Linear Programming formulation of the bandwidth scheduling problem, which takes into account the specific characteristics of media production networks, is presented. Two novel optimization algorithms based on this model are thoroughly evaluated and compared by means of in-depth simulation results

    Power Consumption and Carbon Emission Equivalent for Virtualized Resources – An Analysis: Virtual Machine and Container Analysis for Greener Data Center

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    The International Energy Agency (IEA) revealed that the worldwide energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) situation has hit a historic high of 33.1 Giga tonnes (Gt) of CO2. 85% of the rise in emissions was due to China, India, and the United States. The increase in emissions in India was 4.8%, or 105 Mega tonnes (Mt) of CO2, with the increase in emissions being evenly distributed across the transportation and industrial sectors, according to Beloglazov et al (2011). Environmental contamination brought on by carbon emissions is harmful to the environment. As a result, there is an urgent need for the IT sectors to develop effective and efficient technology to eliminate such carbon emissions. The primary focus is on lowering carbon emissions due to widespread awareness of the issue

    Cloud Workload Allocation Approaches for Quality of Service Guarantee and Cybersecurity Risk Management

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    It has become a dominant trend in industry to adopt cloud computing --thanks to its unique advantages in flexibility, scalability, elasticity and cost efficiency -- for providing online cloud services over the Internet using large-scale data centers. In the meantime, the relentless increase in demand for affordable and high-quality cloud-based services, for individuals and businesses, has led to tremendously high power consumption and operating expense and thus has posed pressing challenges on cloud service providers in finding efficient resource allocation policies. Allowing several services or Virtual Machines (VMs) to commonly share the cloud\u27s infrastructure enables cloud providers to optimize resource usage, power consumption, and operating expense. However, servers sharing among users and VMs causes performance degradation and results in cybersecurity risks. Consequently, how to develop efficient and effective resource management policies to make the appropriate decisions to optimize the trade-offs among resource usage, service quality, and cybersecurity loss plays a vital role in the sustainable future of cloud computing. In this dissertation, we focus on cloud workload allocation problems for resource optimization subject to Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee and cybersecurity risk constraints. To facilitate our research, we first develop a cloud computing prototype that we utilize to empirically validate the performance of different proposed cloud resource management schemes under a close to practical, but also isolated and well-controlled, environment. We then focus our research on the resource management policies for real-time cloud services with QoS guarantee. Based on queuing model with reneging, we establish and formally prove a series of fundamental principles, between service timing characteristics and their resource demands, and based on which we develop several novel resource management algorithms that statically guarantee the QoS requirements for cloud users. We then study the problem of mitigating cybersecurity risk and loss in cloud data centers via cloud resource management. We employ game theory to model the VM-to-VM interdependent cybersecurity risks in cloud clusters. We then conduct a thorough analysis based on our game-theory-based model and develop several algorithms for cybersecurity risk management. Specifically, we start our cybersecurity research from a simple case with only two types of VMs and next extend it to a more general case with an arbitrary number of VM types. Our intensive numerical and experimental results show that our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the existing methodologies for large-scale cloud data centers in terms of resource usage, cybersecurity loss, and computational effectiveness

    SDN-based Virtual Machine Management for Cloud Data Centers

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm to logically centralize the network control plane and automate the configuration of individual network elements. At the same time, in Cloud Data Centers (DCs), although network and server resources are collocated and managed by a single administrative entity, disjoint control mechanisms are used for their respective management. In this article, we propose a unified server-network resource management for such converged Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environments. We present a SDN-based orchestration framework for live Virtual Machine (VM) management that exploits temporal network information to migrate VMs and minimize the network-wide communication cost of the resulting traffic dynamics. A prototype implementation is presented, and a Cloud DC testbed is used to evaluate the impact of diverse orchestration algorithms. Our live VM management has been shown to reduce the network-wide communication cost, especially for the high-cost and congestionprone core and aggregation layers of the DC. Our results show an increase in network-wide throughput by over 6 times, as well as over 70% communication cost reduction by migrating less than 50% of the VMs
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