65 research outputs found

    Localisation and tracking of people using distributed UWB sensors

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    In vielen Überwachungs- und Rettungsszenarien ist die Lokalisierung und Verfolgung von Personen in Innenräumen auf nichtkooperative Weise erforderlich. Für die Erkennung von Objekten durch Wände in kurzer bis mittlerer Entfernung, ist die Ultrabreitband (UWB) Radartechnologie aufgrund ihrer hohen zeitlichen Auflösung und Durchdringungsfähigkeit Erfolg versprechend. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Prozess vorgestellt, mit dem Personen in Innenräumen mittels UWB-Sensoren lokalisiert werden können. Er umfasst neben der Erfassung von Messdaten, Abstandschätzungen und dem Erkennen von Mehrfachzielen auch deren Ortung und Verfolgung. Aufgrund der schwachen Reflektion von Personen im Vergleich zum Rest der Umgebung, wird zur Personenerkennung zuerst eine Hintergrundsubtraktionsmethode verwendet. Danach wird eine konstante Falschalarmrate Methode zur Detektion und Abstandschätzung von Personen angewendet. Für Mehrfachziellokalisierung mit einem UWB-Sensor wird eine Assoziationsmethode entwickelt, um die Schätzungen des Zielabstandes den richtigen Zielen zuzuordnen. In Szenarien mit mehreren Zielen kann es vorkommen, dass ein näher zum Sensor positioniertes Ziel ein anderes abschattet. Ein Konzept für ein verteiltes UWB-Sensornetzwerk wird vorgestellt, in dem sich das Sichtfeld des Systems durch die Verwendung mehrerer Sensoren mit unterschiedlichen Blickfeldern erweitert lässt. Hierbei wurde ein Prototyp entwickelt, der durch Fusion von Sensordaten die Verfolgung von Mehrfachzielen in Echtzeit ermöglicht. Dabei spielen insbesondere auch Synchronisierungs- und Kooperationsaspekte eine entscheidende Rolle. Sensordaten können durch Zeitversatz und systematische Fehler gestört sein. Falschmessungen und Rauschen in den Messungen beeinflussen die Genauigkeit der Schätzergebnisse. Weitere Erkenntnisse über die Zielzustände können durch die Nutzung zeitlicher Informationen gewonnen werden. Ein Mehrfachzielverfolgungssystem wird auf der Grundlage des Wahrscheinlichkeitshypothesenfilters (Probability Hypothesis Density Filter) entwickelt, und die Unterschiede in der Systemleistung werden bezüglich der von den Sensoren ausgegebene Informationen, d.h. die Fusion von Ortungsinformationen und die Fusion von Abstandsinformationen, untersucht. Die Information, dass ein Ziel detektiert werden sollte, wenn es aufgrund von Abschattungen durch andere Ziele im Szenario nicht erkannt wurde, wird als dynamische Überdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit beschrieben. Die dynamische Überdeckungswahrscheinlichkeit wird in das Verfolgungssystem integriert, wodurch weniger Sensoren verwendet werden können, während gleichzeitig die Performanz des Schätzers in diesem Szenario verbessert wird. Bei der Methodenauswahl und -entwicklung wurde die Anforderung einer Echtzeitanwendung bei unbekannten Szenarien berücksichtigt. Jeder untersuchte Aspekt der Mehrpersonenlokalisierung wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe von Simulationen und Messungen in einer realistischen Umgebung mit UWB Sensoren verifiziert.Indoor localisation and tracking of people in non-cooperative manner is important in many surveillance and rescue applications. Ultra wideband (UWB) radar technology is promising for through-wall detection of objects in short to medium distances due to its high temporal resolution and penetration capability. This thesis tackles the problem of localisation of people in indoor scenarios using UWB sensors. It follows the process from measurement acquisition, multiple target detection and range estimation to multiple target localisation and tracking. Due to the weak reflection of people compared to the rest of the environment, a background subtraction method is initially used for the detection of people. Subsequently, a constant false alarm rate method is applied for detection and range estimation of multiple persons. For multiple target localisation using a single UWB sensor, an association method is developed to assign target range estimates to the correct targets. In the presence of multiple targets it can happen that targets closer to the sensor induce shadowing over the environment hindering the detection of other targets. A concept for a distributed UWB sensor network is presented aiming at extending the field of view of the system by using several sensors with different fields of view. A real-time operational prototype has been developed taking into consideration sensor cooperation and synchronisation aspects, as well as fusion of the information provided by all sensors. Sensor data may be erroneous due to sensor bias and time offset. Incorrect measurements and measurement noise influence the accuracy of the estimation results. Additional insight of the targets states can be gained by exploiting temporal information. A multiple person tracking framework is developed based on the probability hypothesis density filter, and the differences in system performance are highlighted with respect to the information provided by the sensors i.e. location information fusion vs range information fusion. The information that a target should have been detected when it is not due to shadowing induced by other targets is described as dynamic occlusion probability. The dynamic occlusion probability is incorporated into the tracking framework, allowing fewer sensors to be used while improving the tracker performance in the scenario. The method selection and development has taken into consideration real-time application requirements for unknown scenarios at every step. Each investigated aspect of multiple person localization within the scope of this thesis has been verified using simulations and measurements in a realistic environment using M-sequence UWB sensors

    UWB in 3D Indoor Positioning and Base Station Calibration

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    There are several technologies available for object locating and tracking in outdoor and indoor environments but performance requirements are getting tighter and precise object tracking is still largely an open challenge for researchers. Ultra wideband technology (UWB) has been identified as one of the most promising techniques to enhance a mobile node with accurate ranging and tracking capabilities. For indoor applications almost all positioning technologies require physical installation of fixed infrastructure. This infrastructure is usually expensive to deploy and maintain. The aim of this thesis is to improve the accessibility of the RF-positioning systems by lowering the configuration cost. Real time localisation and tracking systems (RTLS) based on RF technologies pose challenges especially for the deployment of positioning system over large areas or throughout buildings within a number of rooms. If calibration is done manually by providing information about the exact position of the base stations, the initial set-up is particularly time consuming and laborious. In this thesis a method for estimating the position and orientation (x, y, z, yaw, pitch and roll) of a base station of a real time localization system is presented. The algorithm uses two-dimensional Angle of Arrival information (i.e. azimuth and elevation measurements). This allows more inaccurate manual initial survey of the base stations and improves the final accuracy of the positioning. The thesis presents an implementation of the algorithm, simulations and empirical results. In the experiments, hardware and software procured from Ubisense was used. The Ubisense RTLS bases on UWB technology and utilises Angle of Arrival and Time Difference of Arrival techniques. Performance and functionality of the Ubisense RTLS were measured in various radio environments as well as the implementation of the calibration algorithm. Simulations and experiment studies showed that camera calibration method can be successfully adapted to position systems based on UWB technology and that the base stations can be calibrated in a sufficient accuracy. Because of more flexible calibration, the final positioning accuracy of the Ubisense system was as whole in average better.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    A State-of-the-Art Survey of Indoor Positioning and Navigation Systems and Technologies

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    The research and use of positioning and navigation technologies outdoors has seen a steady and exponential growth. Based on this success, there have been attempts to implement these technologies indoors, leading to numerous studies. Most of the algorithms, techniques and technologies used have been implemented outdoors. However, how they fare indoors is different altogether. Thus, several technologies have been proposed and implemented to improve positioning and navigation indoors. Among them are Infrared (IR), Ultrasound, Audible Sound, Magnetic, Optical and Vision, Radio Frequency (RF), Visible Light, Pedestrian Dead Reckoning (PDR)/Inertial Navigation System (INS) and Hybrid. The RF technologies include Bluetooth, Ultra-wideband (UWB), Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC). In addition, positioning techniques applied in indoor positioning systems include the signal properties and positioning algorithms. The prevalent signal properties are Angle of Arrival (AOA), Time of Arrival (TOA), Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) and Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI), while the positioning algorithms are Triangulation, Trilateration, Proximity and Scene Analysis/ Fingerprinting. This paper presents a state-of-the-art survey of indoor positioning and navigation systems and technologies, and their use in various scenarios. It analyses distinct positioning technology metrics such as accuracy, complexity, cost, privacy, scalability and usability. This paper has profound implications for future studies of positioning and navigation

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Sensory fusion of UBW-TOF-based location systems for mobile robotics

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    With the increasing need for mobile robots in industrial applications, real-time location systems, which is a crucial point in these applications, has attracted attention from many researchers around the world. Thus, robot location is the process of determining the robot position and orientation in its environment. Location systems using Ultra-WideBand (UWB) have been widely used in complex urban and indoor environments. Consequently, a moving UWB tag can be located by measuring the distances to fixed UWB anchors whose positions are known in advance. The difficulty of this approach remains in the fact that the measurements are not perfect. There will always be some noise in the measurements, and because of this, position determination could contain some errors that may result in decreased accuracy. In this work, the Pozyx performance, a low-cost Ultra-WideBand (UWB) Time-of-flight (TOF) technology solution, is studied and implemented on a mobile robot, through a beacon-based location scheme. In order to reduce the impact of measurement noise and system disturbances, the readings of odometry, Pozyx measures and the information of the lines of a known navigation path are fused to improve the estimated location of the mobile robot. Therefore, the goal of this integration is to improve the accuracy of location for indoor autonomous robots. Firstly, was studied the characterisation of the Pozyx measurement error among several test conditions. Then, an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) algorithm is implemented using two heuristics that allow the release of the filter so that it converges to the correct robot pose after it has started to diverge. Consequently, the results obtained from the different location tests performed are presented and compared, to present the precision achieved and proving the several advantages of using heuristics. Overall, this work with Pozyx system showed that it is a proper and effective tool to improve the robot location in a challenging indoor environment given its good cost/accuracy trade-off