161 research outputs found

    Implementation of Compulsory Study 12 Year Policy to Increase Education Quality in Kudus Regency

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    Education is an important instrument in improving the human resources quality. Kudus Regency has implemented compulsory study since 2010 through Kudus Regency Regional Regulation Number 2/ 2010 about Compulsory Study 12 (Twelve) Years. While, Central Government issued compulsory study 12 year policy in June 2013 through Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation Number 80/2013 about Universal Secondary Education. Obviously, this is a bold step of Kudus Regency Government in improving the education quality at Kudus Regency. The research objectives are: to know, analyze, and describe about Implementation of compulsory study 12 years policy to increase education in Kudus Regency; and to know, analyze, and describe about supporting and inhibiting factors toward implementation of compulsory study 12 years policy to increase education quality in Kudus Regency. This research resulted that the implementation compulsory study 12 years policy in Kudus Regency has been successfully, viewed from the actor that completely carry out their duties and responsibilities; the existence of funding and programs from Kudus Regency Government and Central Government is supporting the mechanism implementation in accordance with the provisions. The compulsory study 12 years policy in Kudus Regency had positive impact in improving the education quality at Kudus Regency, it is seen from the increase of Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) for secondary education from 60% in 2008 to 80,59% in 2013. The success in improving the education quality is also seen from achievement of Kudus Regency in obtained champions in various championships. The supporting factors are The content of the Kudus Regency Regional Regulation Number 2/ 2010 about Compulsory Study 12 Years and the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 80/ 2013 about Universal Secondary Education which clear and easy to understand; the willingness of Kudus Society in receiving the compulsory study 12 years policy; the support funding and scholarships provided by Kudus Regency Government and Central Government. And the inhibiting factors are lack of quality and quantity of human resources (teachers) in Kudus Regency; lack of facilities and infrastructure in supporting the education; the facilities and infrastructure referred is the practice equipments for students that expensive; inequality in educational development at Kudus Regency, especially in rural area; the mindset of Kudus Regency society who ignore the education, especially in rural area; unpredictable conditions such as flood that rather frequently in Kudus, so that damage the education infrastructure

    Implementation Of Regional Regulation No. 3 Of 2022 Regarding Child Friendly District In Langkat District Viewed From The Perspective Of Fiqh Siyasah

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    Child Friendly District (KLA) is a program that guarantees and protects children's rights so that they can live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity and dignity and avoid violence and discrimination. In Indonesia, violations of children's rights are increasingly common. Therefore, by enacting local regulations regarding child-friendly districts in Langkat Regency, in this case, the aim is to uphold children's rights. This study describes the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 3 of 2022 concerning KLA through 5 Clusters. There are still unfulfilled children's rights, such as low school participation, inadequate health insurance, limited infrastructure for children, and cases of child abuse. The results of the implementation of the KLA policy experienced obstacles in several factors, to be precise, the number and quality of human resources had to be expanded, correspondence and collaboration between policy implementers had not yet taken root so that the satisfaction of children's freedom was not optimal and furthermore the local community's understanding of KLA still did not exist. The KLA policy is in accordance with the principles of fiqh siyasa because it can provide benefits to people's lives, especially children

    Analysis of The Effect of Tax Socialization, Tax Sanction, and Quality of Service of Tax Officials on MSME Taxpayer Compliance (Case Study on Individual and Entity Taxpayers in Pati Regency)

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     This study aims to determine the effect of Tax Socialization, Tax Sanctions, and Service Quality of Tax Officers on MSME Taxpayer Compliance.The population in this study are individual taxpayers and MSME entities registered at the KPP Pratama Pati Regency. Samples were taken as many as 100 respondents using the incidental sampling method, namely a sampling technique where the distribution of questionnaires in this case was carried out to respondents who were willing or willing to be asked for data by researchers. While collecting data using a questionnaire.  The results of this study indicate that Tax Socialization has a significant positive effect on Taxpayer Compliance, Tax Sanctions have a significant positive effect on Taxpayer Compliance, and Service Quality of Tax Officers has a significant positive effect on Taxpayer Compliance, and Tax Dissemination, Tax Sanctions and Service Quality of Tax Officers simultaneously significant positive effect on Taxpayer Compliance. 


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    This study aims to analyze implementation of human rights in economic field and role of the Government, Educational Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the prevention and control of trafficking in women. How to achieve the goal, is done by empirical studies and documentation studies, to obtain primary and secondary data. This research is descriptive analytical. The approach method used is empirical juridical. Data analysis was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Factors that cause the implementation of human rights in the economic field have not been fully realized because between legal policies and legal implementation have not been running consistently and simultaneously. The realization of human rights in the economic field is still only limited to issues and has not become a concrete implementation. The role of the Government in the prevention and overcoming of trafficking in women is still limited to political will by the issuance of a law that ratifies the ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, then followed by Institutional Infrastructure Compilation. The role of Educational Institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the prevention and prevention of trafficking in women, has responded with action, prevention and handling of trafficking in women, through the socio-economic empowerment of families and advocacy in handling cases of trafficking in women. The struggle and movement for the achievement of feminism justice, in the economic field is carried out by empowering the family economy, improving education and expanding access to job search for women by utilizing information technology

    The Pattern of Spatial Interaction of Workers in Central Java Province using the Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) Approach

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    The mobility of labor from one area to another forms a pattern of labor spatial interaction. In 2019, there are 17.4 million people in Central Java Province who have the potential to mobilize workers. This is due to the difference in wages between the area of origin and the destination area, the unemployment of the area of origin, development in other areas. This study aims to analyze the pattern of spatial interaction of the workforce in 29 District and 6 cities in Central Java Province. The sample used by the workforce from 2014 to 2019. This research method uses the euclidean distance spatial weight matrix approach to calculate Local Moran's I with Explanatory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA).The results of this study concluded that the pattern of spatial interaction of labor internally in Central Java Province occurred. This is evidenced by the strong spatial interaction pattern of the workforce in Central Java Province in 2019. Cilacap District workers, Demak District workers, Banyumas District workers, Semarang City workers, Tegal District workers, Semarang District workers, and Pemalang District workers with high labor characteristics have spatial interactions with district / city workers with labor characteristics high. The weak pattern of spatial interaction of labor in Central Java Province in 2019 was shown from Banjarnegara District, Batang District, Blora District, Pekalongan City, Temanggung District, Purworejo District, Rembang District, Rembang District, Sragen District workers, Sukoharjo District workers, Wonosobo District workers, Karanganyar District workers, and Pekalongan District workers with low labor characteristics interact spatially with District / cities with low labor characteristics. The pattern of spatial interaction of workers in Central Java Province which is manifested in the form of labor migration is thought to be due to the open unemployment rate, most of which are high school graduates. The difference in wages for work from the region of origin and the wages for the work of the destination region is a consideration for workers who migrate internally in Central Java Province

    The Implementation of Community Empowerment Program in Reducing the Poverty (Case Study of PNPM-Mandiri Urban in Besito Village, Gebog Sub-district, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia)

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    Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat adalah program nasional untuk mempercepat pengurangan kemiskinan. Di Indonesia, program ini bernama PNPM-Mandiri. Implementasi program di beberapa daerah menunjukkan keberhasilan dengan pengurangan kemiskinan. Namun demikian, banyak daerah yang gagal dalam mengimplementasikan program yang ditunjukkan oleh kemiskinan tetap, bahkan memburuk. Oleh karena itu, perlu analisis lebih lanjut apakah berhasil dari implementasi program tidak dapat secara otomatis mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan. Masalahnya terjadi di Besito Desa Gebog Kabupaten Kudus Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. BKM Besito Makmur, organisasi berbasis masyarakat di Desa Besito, memenangkan Penghargaan Kabupaten Kudus dari Mayor Kudus dalam beberapa tahun dan juga dari tingkat provinsi, tetapi pengurangan kemiskinan masih tinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis efektivitas, efisiensi, relevansi, keberlanjutan dan dampak PNPM-mandiri dalam mengurangi kemiskinan, peran pemangku kepentingan dalam koordinasi dan partisipasi untuk mengurangi kemiskinan melalui PNPM-Mandiri, faktor-faktor pembatasan PNPM- Implementasi Mandiri, dan hasil dari program. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dalam menganalisis pelaksanaan Urban PNPM Mandiri di Desa Besito, sebuah proyek pemberdayaan masyarakat yang didukung oleh Sendi Bank Dunia yang didanai oleh masyarakat setempat. Data pengumpulan menggunakan tiga metode: wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini termasuk warga setempat, Walikota Desa Besito, manajer BKM Besito Makmur, petugas Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kudus, Fasilitator Desa, PJOK Gebog (orang yang bertanggung jawab atas Kabupaten Gebog untuk kegiatan operasional) dan sebagainya. Sebagai hasil dari evaluasi, program perkotaan PNPM-Mandiri ini tampaknya gagal dalam hal pengurangan kemiskinan sebagai tujuan akhir. Ada beberapa faktor konstraining yang ditemukan. Beberapa karena skala kecil (semacam proyek percontohan untuk eksperimen) dan ketidakcocokan terhadap kebutuhan lokal. Namun, peneliti dapat mengidentifikasi pelajaran yang dipetik dari kegagalan ini

    Regional Disparities in Central Java. An Empirical Study

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    Regional ungleich verteiltes regionales Wachstum führt zu Disparitäten und sozialen Spannungen. Regionalpolitik und -planung müssen darauf reagieren. Dies setzt voraus, dass die Ursachen der zugrunde liegenden Prozesse bekannt sind und die geplanten Maßnahmen daran ansetzen. Im globalen Süden sind die Möglichkeiten einer auf der amtlichen Statistik beruhenden Regionalanalyse gering, daher sind hier angepasste Methoden erforderlich. Die vorliegende Studie entwickelt und testet diese in Zentral-Java/Indonesien

    The Model of Developing and Establishing Public Trust of Zakat-Paying Community in East Java

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    Through government law and regulations, a decree has been issued regarding zakat management organization under the auspices of central and regional governments, but within several years the organization which was initially able to raise funds up to hundreds of billions of rupiah has failed to remain consistent in the past five years. Many muzaki (zakat payers) switch to channeling funds managed by private sector rather than those governed by the government. Therefore, it is imperative to study zakat management from the point of view of public administration, especially with regard to zakat management and public trust. The present study applied qualitative descriptive method through survey, 42 zakat managers and administrators of the Badan Amil Zakat (BAZ) and Layanan Amil Zakat (LAZ) as well as 180 respondents paying zakat chosen by random sampling. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and questionnaires, as well as documentation. The results of the study indicate that there are efforts considered quite optimal in building the trust of the community paying zakat by arranging the system with fine transparency and accountability that can be accessed by the public. Distribution patterns can also be obvious to the public. In addition, the ease of obtaining information regarding technical matters of payment and distribution of zakat can be accessible to the public through online media, as well as news bulletins and institutional wall magazines. Public trust itself is seen as quite positive towards zakat management institutions, so the decrease in zakat collection by related zakat management institutions (BAZ and LAZ) in the last few years has been influenced by the choice and convenience of zakat payers in private institutions that have become operative, coupled with the need for accreditation that assesses the competence of zakat management institutions. Keywords: zakat management, organizational development, public trus

    Abstract Book of The 1st Universitas Lampung International Conference on Social Science, November 11th-12th, 2020

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    This research aims to assist the police institution in making efforts to prevent theft crimes that increased during the Covid-19 period by mapping areas prone to theft crimes based on the incident's location and the level of intensity of theft crimes. This research is empirical, managed quantitatively, and qualitatively by collecting data through documentation and literature study. The results showed an increase in the number of theft crimes by 42.65% in Makassar City during the six months of the coronavirus pandemic period. This research also succeeded in mapping the locations prone to theft crimes, mostly in residents' homes rather than in the business center, the central area of money circulation. The research results also show that almost all sub-districts in Makassar City are the places where theft crimes occur, dominated by medium and high categories. This study recommends that police institutions pay more attention to residential areas, which are the areas where theft crimes most occur during the pandemic period. Furthermore, this research implies that it can become a reference for the police institution to prepare efforts to prevent theft crimes in Makassar City and other areas during the Covid-19 period