1,094 research outputs found

    Impact of Adaptation Currents on Synchronization of Coupled Exponential Integrate-and-Fire Neurons

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    The ability of spiking neurons to synchronize their activity in a network depends on the response behavior of these neurons as quantified by the phase response curve (PRC) and on coupling properties. The PRC characterizes the effects of transient inputs on spike timing and can be measured experimentally. Here we use the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (aEIF) neuron model to determine how subthreshold and spike-triggered slow adaptation currents shape the PRC. Based on that, we predict how synchrony and phase locked states of coupled neurons change in presence of synaptic delays and unequal coupling strengths. We find that increased subthreshold adaptation currents cause a transition of the PRC from only phase advances to phase advances and delays in response to excitatory perturbations. Increased spike-triggered adaptation currents on the other hand predominantly skew the PRC to the right. Both adaptation induced changes of the PRC are modulated by spike frequency, being more prominent at lower frequencies. Applying phase reduction theory, we show that subthreshold adaptation stabilizes synchrony for pairs of coupled excitatory neurons, while spike-triggered adaptation causes locking with a small phase difference, as long as synaptic heterogeneities are negligible. For inhibitory pairs synchrony is stable and robust against conduction delays, and adaptation can mediate bistability of in-phase and anti-phase locking. We further demonstrate that stable synchrony and bistable in/anti-phase locking of pairs carry over to synchronization and clustering of larger networks. The effects of adaptation in aEIF neurons on PRCs and network dynamics qualitatively reflect those of biophysical adaptation currents in detailed Hodgkin-Huxley-based neurons, which underscores the utility of the aEIF model for investigating the dynamical behavior of networks. Our results suggest neuronal spike frequency adaptation as a mechanism synchronizing low frequency oscillations in local excitatory networks, but indicate that inhibition rather than excitation generates coherent rhythms at higher frequencies

    The Impact Of Spike-Frequency Adaptation On Balanced Network Dynamics

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    A dynamic balance between strong excitatory and inhibitory neuronal inputs is hypothesized to play a pivotal role in information processing in the brain. While there is evidence of the existence of a balanced operating regime in several cortical areas and idealized neuronal network models, it is important for the theory of balanced networks to be reconciled with more physiological neuronal modeling assumptions. In this work, we examine the impact of spike-frequency adaptation, observed widely across neurons in the brain, on balanced dynamics. We incorporate adaptation into binary and integrate-and-fire neuronal network models, analyzing the theoretical effect of adaptation in the large network limit and performing an extensive numerical investigation of the model adaptation parameter space. Our analysis demonstrates that balance is well preserved for moderate adaptation strength even if the entire network exhibits adaptation. In the common physiological case in which only excitatory neurons undergo adaptation, we show that the balanced operating regime in fact widens relative to the non-adaptive case. We hypothesize that spike-frequency adaptation may have been selected through evolution to robustly facilitate balanced dynamics across diverse cognitive operating states

    Synchronization of electrically coupled resonate-and-fire neurons

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    Electrical coupling between neurons is broadly present across brain areas and is typically assumed to synchronize network activity. However, intrinsic properties of the coupled cells can complicate this simple picture. Many cell types with strong electrical coupling have been shown to exhibit resonant properties, and the subthreshold fluctuations arising from resonance are transmitted through electrical synapses in addition to action potentials. Using the theory of weakly coupled oscillators, we explore the effect of both subthreshold and spike-mediated coupling on synchrony in small networks of electrically coupled resonate-and-fire neurons, a hybrid neuron model with linear subthreshold dynamics and discrete post-spike reset. We calculate the phase response curve using an extension of the adjoint method that accounts for the discontinuity in the dynamics. We find that both spikes and resonant subthreshold fluctuations can jointly promote synchronization. The subthreshold contribution is strongest when the voltage exhibits a significant post-spike elevation in voltage, or plateau. Additionally, we show that the geometry of trajectories approaching the spiking threshold causes a "reset-induced shear" effect that can oppose synchrony in the presence of network asymmetry, despite having no effect on the phase-locking of symmetrically coupled pairs

    Imperfect chimera and synchronization in a hybrid adaptive conductance based exponential integrate and fire neuron model

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    In this study, the hybrid conductance-based adaptive exponential integrate and fire (CadEx) neuron model is proposed to determine the effect of magnetic flux on conductance-based neurons. To begin with, bifurcation analysis is carried out in relation to the input current, resetting parameter, and adaptation time constant in order to comprehend dynamical transitions. We exemplify that the existence of period-1, period-2, and period-4 cycles depends on the magnitude of input current via period doubling and period halving bifurcations. Furthermore, the presence of chaotic behavior is discovered by varying the adaptation time constant via the period doubling route. Following that, we examine the network behavior of CadEx neurons and discover the presence of a variety of dynamical behaviors such as desynchronization, traveling chimera, traveling wave, imperfect chimera, and synchronization. The appearance of synchronization is especially noticeable when the magnitude of the magnetic flux coefficient or the strength of coupling strength is increased. As a result, achieving synchronization in CadEx is essential for neuron activity, which can aid in the realization of such behavior during many cognitive processes

    Influence of Delayed Conductance on Neuronal Synchronization

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    In the brain, the excitation-inhibition balance prevents abnormal synchronous behavior. However, known synaptic conductance intensity can be insufficient to account for the undesired synchronization. Due to this fact, we consider time delay in excitatory and inhibitory conductances and study its effect on the neuronal synchronization. In this work, we build a neuronal network composed of adaptive integrate-and-fire neurons coupled by means of delayed conductances. We observe that the time delay in the excitatory and inhibitory conductivities can alter both the state of the collective behavior (synchronous or desynchronous) and its type (spike or burst). For the weak coupling regime, we find that synchronization appears associated with neurons behaving with extremes highest and lowest mean firing frequency, in contrast to when desynchronization is present when neurons do not exhibit extreme values for the firing frequency. Synchronization can also be characterized by neurons presenting either the highest or the lowest levels in the mean synaptic current. For the strong coupling, synchronous burst activities can occur for delays in the inhibitory conductivity. For approximately equal-length delays in the excitatory and inhibitory conductances, desynchronous spikes activities are identified for both weak and strong coupling regimes. Therefore, our results show that not only the conductance intensity, but also short delays in the inhibitory conductance are relevant to avoid abnormal neuronal synchronization.Peer Reviewe

    How adaptation currents change threshold, gain and variability of neuronal spiking

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    Many types of neurons exhibit spike rate adaptation, mediated by intrinsic slow K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents, which effectively inhibit neuronal responses. How these adaptation currents change the relationship between in-vivo like fluctuating synaptic input, spike rate output and the spike train statistics, however, is not well understood. In this computational study we show that an adaptation current which primarily depends on the subthreshold membrane voltage changes the neuronal input-output relationship (I-O curve) subtractively, thereby increasing the response threshold. A spike-dependent adaptation current alters the I-O curve divisively, thus reducing the response gain. Both types of adaptation currents naturally increase the mean inter-spike interval (ISI), but they can affect ISI variability in opposite ways. A subthreshold current always causes an increase of variability while a spike-triggered current decreases high variability caused by fluctuation-dominated inputs and increases low variability when the average input is large. The effects on I-O curves match those caused by synaptic inhibition in networks with asynchronous irregular activity, for which we find subtractive and divisive changes caused by external and recurrent inhibition, respectively. Synaptic inhibition, however, always increases the ISI variability. We analytically derive expressions for the I-O curve and ISI variability, which demonstrate the robustness of our results. Furthermore, we show how the biophysical parameters of slow K+\mathrm{K}^+-conductances contribute to the two different types of adaptation currents and find that Ca2+\mathrm{Ca}^{2+}-activated K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents are effectively captured by a simple spike-dependent description, while muscarine-sensitive or Na+\mathrm{Na}^+-activated K+\mathrm{K}^+-currents show a dominant subthreshold component.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures; Journal of Neurophysiology (in press