29 research outputs found

    Unlocking the Potential of Similarity Matching: Scalability, Supervision and Pre-training

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    While effective, the backpropagation (BP) algorithm exhibits limitations in terms of biological plausibility, computational cost, and suitability for online learning. As a result, there has been a growing interest in developing alternative biologically plausible learning approaches that rely on local learning rules. This study focuses on the primarily unsupervised similarity matching (SM) framework, which aligns with observed mechanisms in biological systems and offers online, localized, and biologically plausible algorithms. i) To scale SM to large datasets, we propose an implementation of Convolutional Nonnegative SM using PyTorch. ii) We introduce a localized supervised SM objective reminiscent of canonical correlation analysis, facilitating stacking SM layers. iii) We leverage the PyTorch implementation for pre-training architectures such as LeNet and compare the evaluation of features against BP-trained models. This work combines biologically plausible algorithms with computational efficiency opening multiple avenues for further explorations

    Hebbian continual representation learning

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    Continual Learning aims to bring machine learning into a more realistic scenario, where tasks are learned sequentially and the i.i.d. assumption is not preserved. Although this setting is natural for biological systems, it proves very difficult for machine learning models such as artificial neural networks. To reduce this performance gap, we investigate the question whether biologically inspired Hebbian learning is useful for tackling continual challenges. In particular, we highlight a realistic and often overlooked unsupervised setting, where the learner has to build representations without any supervision. By combining sparse neural networks with Hebbian learning principle, we build a simple yet effective alternative (HebbCL) to typical neural network models trained via the gradient descent. Due to Hebbian learning, the network have easily interpretable weights, which might be essential in critical application such as security or healthcare. We demonstrate the efficacy of HebbCL in an unsupervised learning setting applied to MNIST and Omniglot datasets. We also adapt the algorithm to the supervised scenario and obtain promising results in the class-incremental learning

    Hebbian Continual Representation Learning

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    Continual Learning aims to bring machine learning into a more realistic scenario, where tasks are learned sequentially and the i.i.d. assumption is not preserved. Although this setting is natural for biological systems, it proves very difficult for machine learning models such as artificial neural networks. To reduce this performance gap, we investigate the question whether biologically inspired Hebbian learning is useful for tackling continual challenges. In particular, we highlight a realistic and often overlooked unsupervised setting, where the learner has to build representations without any supervision. By combining sparse neural networks with Hebbian learning principle, we build a simple yet effective alternative (HebbCL) to typical neural network models trained via the gradient descent. Due to Hebbian learning, the network have easily interpretable weights, which might be essential in critical application such as security or healthcare. We demonstrate the efficacy of HebbCL in an unsupervised learning setting applied to MNIST and Omniglot datasets. We also adapt the algorithm to the supervised scenario and obtain promising results in the class-incremental learning

    High-Fidelity Zero-Shot Texture Anomaly Localization Using Feature Correspondence Analysis

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    We propose a novel method for Zero-Shot Anomaly Localization that leverages a bidirectional mapping derived from the 1-dimensional Wasserstein Distance. The proposed approach allows pinpointing the anomalous regions in a texture with increased precision by aggregating the contribution of a pixel to the errors of all nearby patches. We validate our solution on several datasets and obtain more than a 40% reduction in error over the previous state of the art on the MVTec AD dataset in a zero-shot setting

    Gaze-Based Human-Robot Interaction by the Brunswick Model

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    We present a new paradigm for human-robot interaction based on social signal processing, and in particular on the Brunswick model. Originally, the Brunswick model copes with face-to-face dyadic interaction, assuming that the interactants are communicating through a continuous exchange of non verbal social signals, in addition to the spoken messages. Social signals have to be interpreted, thanks to a proper recognition phase that considers visual and audio information. The Brunswick model allows to quantitatively evaluate the quality of the interaction using statistical tools which measure how effective is the recognition phase. In this paper we cast this theory when one of the interactants is a robot; in this case, the recognition phase performed by the robot and the human have to be revised w.r.t. the original model. The model is applied to Berrick, a recent open-source low-cost robotic head platform, where the gazing is the social signal to be considered

    Skin Cancer Prediction Model Based on Multi-Layer Perceptron Network

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    Melanoma is acknowledged by the World Health Organization as the most severe type of skin cancer, significantly contributing to skin cancer-related deaths worldwide. This type of cancer manifests through noticeable changes in moles, including their size, shape, colour, or texture. In this study, we introduce an innovative and robust method for detecting and classifying melanoma in various image types, including both basic and clinical dermatological images. Our approach employs the HSV (Hue, Saturation, and Value) colour model, along with mathematical morphology and Gaussian filtering techniques. These methods are used to pinpoint the area of interest in an image and compute four key descriptors crucial for melanoma analysis: symmetry, border irregularity, colour variation, and dimension. Despite the prior usage of these descriptors over an extended period, the manner in which they are calculated in this proposal is a key factor contributing to the improvement of the outcomes. Following this, a multilayer perceptron is utilized for the purpose of categorizing malignant and benign melanoma. The study included three datasets consisting of basic and dermatological photographs that are frequently referenced in academic literature. These datasets were applied to both train and assess the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Based on the results obtained from k-fold cross-validation, it is evident that the proposed model surpasses three existing state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, the model demonstrates remarkable precision, with an accuracy rate of 98.5% for basic images and 98.6% for clinical dermatological images. It exhibits a high level of sensitivity, measuring 96.68% for simple images and 98.05% for dermatological images. Additionally, its specificity stands at 98.15% when analyzing basic images and 98.01% for dermatological images, indicating its effectiveness in both types of image analysis. The findings have demonstrated that the utilization of this gadget as an assistive tool for melanoma diagnosis would enhance levels of reliability in comparison to traditional methods

    Exploring the Potential of Convolutional Neural Networks in Healthcare Engineering for Skin Disease Identification

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    Skin disorders affect millions of individuals worldwide, underscoring the urgency of swift and accurate detection for optimal treatment outcomes. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have emerged as valuable assets for automating the identification of skin ailments. This paper conducts an exhaustive examination of the latest advancements in CNN-driven skin condition detection. Within dermatological applications, CNNs proficiently analyze intricate visual motifs and extricate distinctive features from skin imaging datasets. By undergoing training on extensive data repositories, CNNs proficiently classify an array of skin maladies such as melanoma, psoriasis, eczema, and acne. The paper spotlights pivotal progressions in CNN-centered skin ailment diagnosis, encompassing diverse CNN architectures, refinement methodologies, and data augmentation tactics. Moreover, the integration of transfer learning and ensemble approaches has further amplified the efficacy of CNN models. Despite their substantial potential, there exist pertinent challenges. The comprehensive portrayal of skin afflictions and the mitigation of biases mandate access to extensive and varied data pools. The quest for comprehending the decision-making processes propelling CNN models remains an ongoing endeavor. Ethical quandaries like algorithmic predisposition and data privacy also warrant significant consideration. By meticulously scrutinizing the evolutions, obstacles, and potential of CNN-oriented skin disorder diagnosis, this critique provides invaluable insights to researchers and medical professionals. It underscores the importance of precise and efficacious diagnostic instruments in ameliorating patient outcomes and curbing healthcare expenditures

    Anomaly Detection System for Data Quality Assurance in IoT infrastructures based on Machine Learning

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    The inclusion of IoT in digital platforms is very common nowadays due to the ease of deployment, low power consumption and low cost. It is also common to use heterogeneous IoT devices of ad-hoc or commercial development, using private or third-party network infrastructures. This scenario makes it difficult to detect invalid packets from malfunctioning devices, from sensors to application servers. These invalid packets generate low quality or erroneous data, which negatively influence the services that use them. For this reason, we need to create procedures and mechanisms to ensure the quality of the data obtained from IoT infrastructures, regardless of the type of infrastructure and the control we have over them, so that the systems that use this data can be reliable. In this work we propose the development of an Anomaly Detection System for IoT infrastructures based on Machine Learning using unsupervised learning. We validate the proposal by implementing it on the IoT infrastructure of the University of Alicante, which has a multiple sensing system and uses third-party services, over a campus of one million square meters. The contribution of this work has been the generation of an anomaly detection system capable of revealing incidents in IoT infrastructures, without knowing details about the infrastructures or devices, through the analysis of data in real time. This proposal allows to discard from the IoT data flow all those packets that are suspected to be anomalous to ensure a high quality of information to the tools that consume IoT data.This project has been funded by the UAIND22-01B project "Adaptive control of urban supply systems" of the University of Alicante

    Towards generating and evaluating iconographic image captions of artworks

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    To automatically generate accurate and meaningful textual descriptions of images is an ongoing research challenge. Recently, a lot of progress has been made by adopting multimodal deep learning approaches for integrating vision and language. However, the task of developing image captioning models is most commonly addressed using datasets of natural images, while not many contributions have been made in the domain of artwork images. One of the main reasons for that is the lack of large-scale art datasets of adequate image-text pairs. Another reason is the fact that generating accurate descriptions of artwork images is particularly challenging because descriptions of artworks are more complex and can include multiple levels of interpretation. It is therefore also especially difficult to effectively evaluate generated captions of artwork images. The aim of this work is to address some of those challenges by utilizing a large-scale dataset of artwork images annotated with concepts from the Iconclass classification system. Using this dataset, a captioning model is developed by fine-tuning a transformer-based vision-language pretrained model. Due to the complex relations between image and text pairs in the domain of artwork images, the generated captions are evaluated using several quantitative and qualitative approaches. The performance is assessed using standard image captioning metrics and a recently introduced reference-free metric. The quality of the generated captions and the model’s capacity to generalize to new data is explored by employing the model to another art dataset to compare the relation between commonly generated captions and the genre of artworks. The overall results suggest that the model can generate meaningful captions that indicate a stronger relevance to the art historical context, particularly in comparison to captions obtained from models trained only on natural image datasets

    CAT-CAD: A Computer-Aided Diagnosis Tool for Cataplexy

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    Narcolepsy with cataplexy is a severe lifelong disorder characterized, among others, by sudden loss of bilateral face muscle tone triggered by emotions (cataplexy). A recent approach for the diagnosis of the disease is based on a completely manual analysis of video recordings of patients undergoing emotional stimulation made on-site by medical specialists, looking for specific facial behavior motor phenomena. We present here the CAT-CAD tool for automatic detection of cataplexy symptoms, with the double aim of (1) supporting neurologists in the diagnosis/monitoring of the disease and (2) facilitating the experience of patients, allowing them to conduct video recordings at home. CAT-CAD includes a front-end medical interface (for the playback/inspection of patient recordings and the retrieval of videos relevant to the one currently played) and a back-end AI-based video analyzer (able to automatically detect the presence of disease symptoms in the patient recording). Analysis of patients’ videos for discovering disease symptoms is based on the detection of facial landmarks, and an alternative implementation of the video analyzer, exploiting deep-learning techniques, is introduced. Performance of both approaches is experimentally evaluated using a benchmark of real patients’ recordings, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed solutions