25,738 research outputs found

    Idiomatic integrated circuit design

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    Pengaruh Desain Gambar, Merek dan Kualitas Produk Kaos terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Distro Idiomatic YOGYAKARTA

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of graphic design, brand, and product on purchase decisions and determine the dominant factor influencing purchase decisions on products t-shirt in Distro Idiomatic Yogyakarta. This research was conducted in Distro Idiomatic Yogyakarta using samples of 100 consumers in Distro Idiomatic Yogyakarta taken by convenience sampling technique. Hypothesis testing, using multiple linear regression analysis, while data processing using SPSS version 20. The results showed that (1) graphic design have a significant effect on purchase decisions (2) brand have a significant effect on purchase decisions (3) product quality have a significant effect on purchase decisions (4) the dominant factor influencing purchase decision is graphic design. The conclusion of this study, that all hypothesis are accepted

    Normative data for idiomatic expressions

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    Idioms for µ-charts

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    This paper presents an idiomatic construct for µ-charts which reflects the high-level specification construct of synchronization between activities. This, amongst others, has emerged as a common and useful idea during our use of µ-charts to design and specify commonly-occurring reactive systems. The purpose of this example, apart from any inherent interest in being able to use synchronization in a specification, is to show how the very simple language of µ-charts can used as a basis for a more expressive language built by definitional extension

    Making Python Code Idiomatic by Automatic Refactoring Non-Idiomatic Python Code with Pythonic Idioms

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    Compared to other programming languages (e.g., Java), Python has more idioms to make Python code concise and efficient. Although pythonic idioms are well accepted in the Python community, Python programmers are often faced with many challenges in using them, for example, being unaware of certain pythonic idioms or do not know how to use them properly. Based on an analysis of 7,638 Python repositories on GitHub, we find that non-idiomatic Python code that can be implemented with pythonic idioms occurs frequently and widely. Unfortunately, there is no tool for automatically refactoring such non-idiomatic code into idiomatic code. In this paper, we design and implement an automatic refactoring tool to make Python code idiomatic. We identify nine pythonic idioms by systematically contrasting the abstract syntax grammar of Python and Java. Then we define the syntactic patterns for detecting non-idiomatic code for each pythonic idiom. Finally, we devise atomic AST-rewriting operations and refactoring steps to refactor non-idiomatic code into idiomatic code. We test and review over 4,115 refactorings applied to 1,065 Python projects from GitHub, and submit 90 pull requests for the 90 randomly sampled refactorings to 84 projects. These evaluations confirm the high-accuracy, practicality and usefulness of our refactoring tool on real-world Python code. Our refactoring tool can be accessed at 12 pages, accepted to ESEC/FSE'202

    Figures of speech : figurative expressions and the management of topic transition in conversation

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    In conversation, speakers occasionally use figurative expressions such as “had a good innings,” “take with a pinch of salt,” or “come to the end of her tether.” This article investigates WHERE in conversation such expressions are used, in terms of their sequential distribution. One clear distributional pattern is found: Figurative expressions occur regularly in topic transition sequences, and specifically in the turn where a topic is summarized, thereby initiating the closing of a topic. The paper discusses some of the distinctive features of the topic termination/transition sequences with which figurative closings are associated, particularly participants' orientation to their moving to new topics. Finally, the interactional use of figurative expressions is considered in the context of instances where their use fails to secure topical closure, manifesting some conflict (disaffiliation, etc.) between the participants


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    A large number of idiomatic emotion expressions in Korean are composed of certain nouns of human body parts accompanied by selected predicates, which represent a ‘physiological metonymy’ of sentiment (Lakoff 1987, Ungerer & Schmid 1996)or instance, kasum-i ttwita literally means a physiological reaction (i.e. one’s heart beat) but also can represent the emotion like being thrilled to bits. We compared idiomatic emotion expressions used in English online movie reviews and those observed in Korean, and noticed that the nouns of body parts such as kasum ‘heart’, maum ‘mind’ or nwun ‘eyes’ emerge frequently in both languages, whereas ekkay ‘shoulder’, kancang ‘intestines’ or ppye ‘bones’ seem to be rather reserved for Korean emotion expressions. In this study, we extract idiomatic emotion expressions based on the 13 nouns of body parts listed by Lim (2001) from Korean online movie reviews. For instance, nouns such as meli ‘head’, ip ‘mouth’ or simcang ‘cardia’ are frequently used for constituting the emotion expressions of POSITIVE values as shown in ip-ul tamwul-swu epsta ‘be with open mouth (with delight) these nouns hardly occur in NEGATIVE emotion expressions, which is not predictable from their semantic features, but reveals their lexical idiosyncrasy. The frequent emotion expressions observed in online movie reviews will be analyzed and classified according to their semantic properties. We will show what salient traits of Korean emotion expressions can be remarked in current online subjective documents such as users’ reviews, blogs or opinion texts

    Grammatical Errors Made By Students’ on the Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation in the Politic Texts

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    English is an important role in education or technology since it functions as one of the international languages. The aim is to describe a type of grammatical error and find out the causes of errors in translating vocative text based on the idiomatic translation. The research was conducted at SMP Swasta Al-Maksum. The research design used descriptive quantitative. The population of this research was students consist of 41 students. The technique sampling was purposive sampling, sample is 41 students. The test was teacher-made. The data were acquired by administrating an objective test was a text which consisted of 10 items to test their knowledge in translating the text based on idiomatic translation, each correct translation has scores one and the incorrect translation was scored zero. The findings showed that 71% of samples were able and 29% of samples were unable in translating the text based on idiomatic translation. It means that students were able to translate the text-based on idiomatic translation

    Exploring Research through Design in Animal-Computer Interaction

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    This paper explores Research through Design (RtD) as a potential methodology for developing new interactive experiences for animals. We present an example study from an on-going project and examine whether RtD offers an appropriate framework for developing knowledge in the context of Animal-Computer Interaction, as well as considering how best to document such work. We discuss the design journey we undertook to develop interactive systems for captive elephants and the extent to which RtD has enabled us to explore concept development and documentation of research. As a result of our explorations, we propose that particular aspects of RtD can help ACI researchers gain fresh perspectives on the design of technology-enabled devices for non-human animals. We argue that these methods of working can support the investigation of particular and complex situations where no idiomatic interactions yet exist, where collaborative practice is desirable and where the designed objects themselves offer a conceptual window for future research and development

    The universality of categories and meaning: a Coserian perspective

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    Studies in linguistic typology have challenged the idea that languages can be analyzed in terms of a set of preestablished universal categories. Each language should instead be described “in its own terms,” a view consistent with the ‘old’ structuralist paradigm in linguistics. The renewed orientation toward differences between languages raises two questions: (i) How do we identify the meanings which are assumed to be crosslinguistically comparable? (ii) What is the relationship between language-particular categories and comparative concepts commonly used in linguistic typology? To answer these questions, this article focuses on a number of distinctions advocated by Eugenio Coseriu (1921–2002). Coseriu distinguishes three levels of meaning (designation, “signifiés,” and sense) and three types of universals (essential, empirical, and possible universals). Their relevance for linguistic typology is discussed with regard to the expression of possession and a particular diathesis in Japanese, viz. ukemi or “indirect passive.” As well as relating language-particular categories and comparative concepts, Coseriu’s approach offers a promising avenue to account for the ways language-specific meanings interact with extralinguistic knowledge and contents of discourse and texts, which are the object of translation