39 research outputs found

    Identification of ribosomal RNA genes in metagenomic fragments

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    Motivation: Identification of genes coding for ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is considered an important goal in the analysis of data from metagenomics projects. Here, we report the development of a software program designed for the identification of rRNA genes from metagenomic fragments based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). This program provides rRNA gene predictions with high sensitivity and specificity on artificially fragmented genomic DNAs

    Draft Genome Sequence and Gene Annotation of <i>Stemphylium lycopersici</i> Strain CIDEFI-216

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    Stemphylium lycopersici is a plant-pathogenic fungus that is widely distributed throughout the world. In tomatoes, it is one of the etiological agents of gray leaf spot disease. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence of S. lycopersici, including its gene structure and functional annotation.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Draft Genome Sequence and Gene Annotation of <i>Stemphylium lycopersici</i> Strain CIDEFI-216

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    Stemphylium lycopersici is a plant-pathogenic fungus that is widely distributed throughout the world. In tomatoes, it is one of the etiological agents of gray leaf spot disease. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence of S. lycopersici, including its gene structure and functional annotation.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Plant-Pathogenic Fungus Stemphylium 2 lycopersici Strain CIDEFI-216

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    Stemphylium lycopersiciis a pathogenic fungus that provokes the leaf spot disease on over 30 host genera worldwide, among them Tomato. Here we report the draft genome sequence ofS. lycopersicistrain CIDEFI-216. Total genomic DNA was isolated from a monosporic culture using the DNeasy Plant Mini Kit (Qiagen) and was used to construct 100 bp paired-end libraries, which were then sequenced by Illumina HiSeq 2000 technology. Reads were assembled using SOAPdenovo2 software at Macrogen (Korea).Gene prediction was performed by Fgenesh software (Softberry), functional annotation was carried out with Blast2GO software (BioBam) and tRNAs and rRNAs were predicted usingtRNAscan-SE and HMM-rRNA tools from WebMGA server. The paired-end libraries produced 31117554 reads with a total of 3142872954 bp, representing an average coverage of 77.39 X. The genome was assembled into 419 scaffolds with a total length of 35.18 Mbp (1000 bp; N50=498048 bp) and an overall G+C content of 50.5 %. A total of 8998 protein-coding genes were predicted, whose functional annotation is discussed. Additionally, 94 tRNAs and 44 rRNAs were found. This draft genome sequence, the first available forS. lycopersici, represents a new resource for further research into the taxonomy, biology and phytopathology of this plant pathogen

    Draft Genome Sequence and Gene Annotation of <i>Stemphylium lycopersici</i> Strain CIDEFI-216

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    Stemphylium lycopersici is a plant-pathogenic fungus that is widely distributed throughout the world. In tomatoes, it is one of the etiological agents of gray leaf spot disease. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence of S. lycopersici, including its gene structure and functional annotation.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Microbiome overview in swine lungs

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    Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the etiologic agent of swine enzootic pneumonia. However other mycoplasma species and secondary bacteria are found as inhabitants of the swine respiratory tract, which can be also related to disease. In the present study we have performed a total DNA metagenomic analysis from the lungs of pigs kept in a field condition, with suggestive signals of enzootic pneumonia and without any infection signals to evaluate the bacteria variability of the lungs microbiota. Libraries from metagenomic DNA were prepared and sequenced using total DNA shotgun metagenomic pyrosequencing. The metagenomic distribution showed a great abundance of bacteria. The most common microbial families identified from pneumonic swine’s lungs were Mycoplasmataceae, Flavobacteriaceae and Pasteurellaceae, whereas in the carrier swine’s lungs the most common families were Mycoplasmataceae, Bradyrhizobiaceae and Flavobacteriaceae. Analysis of community composition in both samples confirmed the high prevalence of M. hyopneumoniae. Moreover, the carrier lungs had more diverse family population, which should be related to the lungs normal flora. In summary, we provide a wide view of the bacterial population from lungs with signals of enzootic pneumonia and lungs without signals of enzootic pneumonia in a field situation. These bacteria patterns provide information that may be important for the establishment of disease control measures and to give insights for further studies

    i-rDNA: alignment-free algorithm for rapid in silico detection of ribosomal gene fragments from metagenomic sequence data sets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Obtaining accurate estimates of microbial diversity using rDNA profiling is the first step in most metagenomics projects. Consequently, most metagenomic projects spend considerable amounts of time, money and manpower for experimentally cloning, amplifying and sequencing the rDNA content in a metagenomic sample. In the second step, the entire genomic content of the metagenome is extracted, sequenced and analyzed. Since DNA sequences obtained in this second step also contain rDNA fragments, rapid <it>in silico</it> identification of these rDNA fragments would drastically reduce the cost, time and effort of current metagenomic projects by entirely bypassing the experimental steps of primer based rDNA amplification, cloning and sequencing. In this study, we present an algorithm called i-rDNA that can facilitate the rapid detection of 16S rDNA fragments from amongst millions of sequences in metagenomic data sets with high detection sensitivity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Performance evaluation with data sets/database variants simulating typical metagenomic scenarios indicates the significantly high detection sensitivity of i-rDNA. Moreover, i-rDNA can process a million sequences in less than an hour on a simple desktop with modest hardware specifications.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In addition to the speed of execution, high sensitivity and low false positive rate, the utility of the algorithmic approach discussed in this paper is immense given that it would help in bypassing the entire experimental step of primer-based rDNA amplification, cloning and sequencing. Application of this algorithmic approach would thus drastically reduce the cost, time and human efforts invested in all metagenomic projects.</p> <p>Availability</p> <p>A web-server for the i-rDNA algorithm is available at <url>http://metagenomics.atc.tcs.com/i-rDNA/</url></p

    Microbial communities of the Red Sea sponge Carteriospongia foliascensand genomic characterization of the dominated sponge symbiont “CandidatusSynechococcus spongiarum”

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    海绵是一种最古老最原始的多细胞动物,因其丰富的潜在天然活性产物而备受关注。海绵分布范围广泛且具有重要的生态学意义。海绵与微生物存在广泛且紧密的联系,这方面已经有相当多的研究报道,但是对海绵Carteriospongiafoliascens仍未有关于微生物群落结构的研究。我们从沙特阿拉伯红海沿岸采集了海绵C.foliascens的组织样品并对其微生物群落组成进行分析。研究表明,海绵C.foliascens微生物群落结构非常简单,组织中OTU的数目低于100,微生物多样性低于周围水体。该海绵中的微生物主要属于蓝细菌门,此外拟杆菌门和变形杆菌门也占有较高的比例。进一步分析表明蓝细菌门的“Candid...As one of the oldest, most primitive metazoans, sponges are important sources of natural products with biotechnological and medical values. They are distributed globally and play important ecological roles. Sponges are reported to be closely associated with diverse and dense microbes.Although the diversity of sponge associated microbes has been widely studied, the microbial community of the sponge...学位:博士后院系专业:海洋与地球学院_海洋科学学号:201117004

    Phylogenetic and Functional Metagenomic Profiling for Assessing Microbial Biodiversity in Environmental Monitoring

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    Environmental management decisions have to base on holistic understanding of biodiversity and functional capability in ecosystems. Environmental metagenomics is an emerging and powerful approach allowing rapidly and reliably determine and compare microbial biodiversity and functional profiles. Advances in next generation sequencing technologies and bioinformatic tools allow set up analysis pipelines which are useful for well designed and targeted monitoring exercises already today. In the paper we demonstrate how direct sequencing of the total community DNA and analysis of the data are applicable to assess anthropogenic impact on the coastal marine ecosystems.JRC.H.1-Water Resource