177,732 research outputs found

    Integrative medicine - combination of conventional medicine and traditional herbal medicine may find its potential applications in the treatment of certain dermatological and endocrine diseases – review of the literature

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    Introduction and purpose   Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is an integral component of a comprehensive healing system known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Within TCM, herbs are utilized to rebalance the energy forces of Yin and Yang, which flow through imperceptible channels within the body with the aim of restoring energy equilibrium. It is important to acknowledge that herbs have the potential to exert significant effects on the body comparable to pharmaceutical drugs, and therefore, should be approached with equal caution and respect The aim of the study was to present the current state of knowledge about the potential use of Chinese herbs in the treatment of certain dermatological and endocrine diseases.   State of the knowledge Chinese medicine has found application in various diseases and health conditions, both physical and mental. In the studies delving into dermatological diseases, Chinese medicine therapy resulted in a reduction in chronic urticaria activity and psoriasis area severity index. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) effectively improved the response rate and reduced the maximum nodule diameter of benign thyroid nodules. Furthermore it was reported that certain Chinese herbs improve the functioning of mitochondria in β-cells contributing to better management of patients with diabetes mellitus.   Conclusion Chinese medicine seems to be a valuable supplement to conventional medicine in the treatment of some chronic diseases. Simultaneously, our focus should be on the development of a new wave of pharmaceutical products that guarantee high efficacy and low toxicity conforming to international standards. It is imperative to enhance research in Chinese medicine and advance engineering technologies to ensure the superior quality of TCM preparations

    New Perspectives on Chinese Herbal Medicine (Zhong-Yao) Research and Development

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    Synthetic chemical drugs, while being efficacious in the clinical management of many diseases, are often associated with undesirable side effects in patients. It is now clear that the need of therapeutic intervention in many clinical conditions cannot be satisfactorily met by synthetic chemical drugs. Since the research and development of new chemical drugs remain time-consuming, capital-intensive and risky, much effort has been put in the search for alternative routes for drug discovery in China. This narrative review illustrates various approaches to the research and drug discovery in Chinese herbal medicine. Although this article focuses on Chinese traditional drugs, it is also conducive to the development of other traditional remedies and innovative drug discovery

    Acupuncture or low frequency infrared treatment for low back pain in Chinese patients: a discrete choice experiment

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    Acupuncture is a popular but controversial treatment option for low back pain. In China, it is practised as traditional Chinese medicine; other treatment strategies for low back pain are commonly practised as Western medicine. Research on patient preference for low back-pain treatment options has been mainly conducted in Western countries and is limited to a willingness-to-pay approach. A stated-preference, discrete choice experiment was conducted to determine Chinese patient preferences and trade-offs for acupuncture and low frequency infrared treatment in low back pain from September 2011 to August 2012 after approval from the Department of Scientific Research in the study settings. Eight-six adult outpatients who visited the ‘traditional medicine department’ at a traditional Chinese medicine hospital and the ‘rehabilitation department’ at a Western medicine hospital in Guangdong Province of China for chronic low back pain during study period participated in an interview survey. A questionnaire containing 10 scenarios (5 attributes in each scenario) was used to ask participants' preference for acupuncture, low frequency infrared treatment or neither option. Validated responses were analysed using a nested-logit model. The decision on whether to receive a therapy was not associated with the expected utility of receiving therapy, female gender and higher out-of-pocket payment significantly decreased chance to receive treatments. Of the utility of receiving either acupuncture or low frequency infrared treatment, the treatment sensation was the most important attribute as an indicator of treatment efficacy, followed by the maximum efficacy, maintenance duration and onset of efficacy, and the out-of-pocket payment. The willingness-to-pay for acupuncture and low frequency infrared treatment were about 618.6and618.6 and 592.4 USD per course respectively, demonstrated patients' demand of pain management. The treatment sensation was regarded as an indicator of treatment efficacy and the most important attribute for choosing acupuncture or low frequency infrared treatment. The high willingness-to-pay demonstrated patients' demand of pain management. However, there may be other factors influencing patients' preference to receive treatments

    Traditional Chinese Medicine and Its Role in Women’s Health

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    This paper is a literature review of traditional Chinese medicine and its role in women’s health. A search was performed and a group of 208 articles were initially found using the Liberty Summons search engine. Out of those 208 articles, only 16 were included based on various criteria. The articles were then read and analyzed and compiled into two main themes: maternal health and an “other” category. The findings resulted in strong evidence for some herbal treatments and acupuncture in a select few areas, with inconclusive evidence for other acupuncture treatments and a mixed review of the traditional “Doing a month.” Future research is needed in all areas as there is a noticeable lack of rigorous research on the topic

    Acupuncture for cancer pain in adults.

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    BACKGROUND: Forty percent of individuals with early or intermediate stage cancer and 90% with advanced cancer have moderate to severe pain and up to 70% of patients with cancer pain do not receive adequate pain relief. It has been claimed that acupuncture has a role in management of cancer pain and guidelines exist for treatment of cancer pain with acupuncture. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate efficacy of acupuncture for relief of cancer-related pain in adults. SEARCH STRATEGY: CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, AMED, and SPORTDiscus were searched up to November 2010 including non-English language papers. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating any type of invasive acupuncture for pain directly related to cancer in adults of 18 years or over. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: It was planned to pool data to provide an overall measure of effect and to calculate the number needed to treat to benefit, but this was not possible due to heterogeneity. Two review authors (CP, OT) independently extracted data adding it to data extraction sheets. Quality scores were given to studies. Data sheets were compared and discussed with a third review author (MJ) who acted as arbiter. Data analysis was conducted by CP, OT and MJ. MAIN RESULTS: Three RCTs (204 participants) were included. One high quality study investigated the effect of auricular acupuncture compared with auricular acupuncture at 'placebo' points and with non-invasive vaccaria ear seeds attached at 'placebo' points. Participants in two acupuncture groups were blinded but blinding wasn't possible in the ear seeds group because seeds were attached using tape. This may have biased results in favour of acupuncture groups. Participants in the real acupuncture group had lower pain scores at two month follow-up than either the placebo or ear seeds group.There was high risk of bias in two studies because of low methodological quality. One study comparing acupuncture with medication concluded that both methods were effective in controlling pain, although acupuncture was the most effective. The second study compared acupuncture, point-injection and medication in participants with stomach cancer. Long-term pain relief was reported for both acupuncture and point-injection compared with medication during the last 10 days of treatment. Although both studies have positive results in favour of acupuncture they should be viewed with caution due to methodological limitations, small sample sizes, poor reporting and inadequate analysis. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is insufficient evidence to judge whether acupuncture is effective in treating cancer pain in adults

    Big business with Chinese characteristics: two paths to growth of the firm in China under reform

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    This paper presents a case study of two large firms which emerged from among the ranks of traditional state-owned enterprises and new entrants: Shougang (steel) and Sanjiu (pharmaceuticals). Rather than being irreconcilable with the market economy, the experience of these two firms suggests that the Chinese Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army possessed a rich legacy of organisational and motivational skills. Moreover, Shougang and Sanjiu both grew rapidly through mergers and acquisitions in the absence of privatisation and a developed stock market. Furthermore, the main reason for Shougang and Sanjiu's success is not special help from the government or the army, but rather the fact that its leadership used their autonomy to construct a highly effective business organisation

    Identifying barriers to sharing patient knowledge between healthcare professionals from traditional and western medicines in Chinese hospitals.

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    The Chinese healthcare system incorporates two entirely different medical philosophies, namely, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western Medicine (WM). In the 1950s and by the request of the central government, the two medical professional communities have been both required and encouraged to collaborate with each other. In order to ensure successful implementation of the patient-centred healthcare policy also imposed by the central government, these two very different healthcare professional groups are required to communicate and share knowledge about individual patients. This tacit knowledge sharing (KS) aims at protecting the needs, interests and benefits of patients, as well as guaranteeing that the patient is at the centre of the collaborative processes. However, the two medical communities do not coexist harmoniously and do not readily communicate and share knowledge with each other. There are barriers hindering the processes of KS between TCM and WM healthcare professionals. This thesis reports a PhD research study, which aims to identify barriers to the sharing of patient knowledge between the two types of health care professionals in the context of Chinese hospitals. The study adopted a Grounded Theory approach as the overarching methodology to guide the analysis of the data collected in a single case-study design. A public hospital in central China was selected as the case-study site, at which 49 informants were interviewed by using semi-structured and evolving interview scripts. The research findings point to five categories of KS barriers: contextual influences, hospital management, philosophical divergence, Chinese healthcare education and interprofessional training. Further conceptualising the research findings, it was identified that KS is mostly prevented by philosophical and professional tensions between the two medical communities. Therefore, to improve KS and reduce the effects of the identified barriers, efforts should be made targeted at resolving both types of tensions. The conclusion advocates the establishment of national policies and hospital management strategies aimed at maintaining equality of the two medical communities and putting in place an interprofessional common ground to encourage and facilitate communication and KS. This project contributes to the general fields of knowledge management and knowledge sharing. Specifically, the study contributes to the knowledge sharing in Chinese healthcare organisations, that is, to the fields of healthcare information and knowledge management research in China