177 research outputs found

    Padrões espaciais na distribuição de abelhas Euglossina (Hymenoptera, Apidae) da região Neotropical

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    Abelhas das orquídeas (Apini, Euglossina) apresentam distribuição principalmente Neotropical, com cerca de 200 espécies e cinco gêneros descritos. Muitos levantamentos locais de fauna estão disponíveis na literatura, mas estudos comparativos sobre a composição e distribuição dos Euglossina são ainda escassos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os dados disponíveis de 29 assembleias a fim de entender os padrões gerais de distribuição espacial nas áreas amostradas ao longo do Neotrópico. Métodos de ordenação (DCA e NMDS) foram utilizados para descrever os agrupamentos de assembleias de acordo com as ocorrências de abelhas das orquídeas. As localidades de florestas da América Central e da Amazônia formaram grupos coesos em ambas as análises, enquanto as localidades de Mata Atlântica ficaram mais dispersas nos gráficos. Localidades na margem leste da Amazônia aparecem como áreas de transição características entre esta sub-região e a Mata Atlântica. As análises de variância entre o primeiro eixo da DCA e variáveis selecionadas apresentaram valores significantes quanto à influência dos gradientes de latitude, longitude e precipitação, bem como das sub-regiões biogeográficas nos agrupamentos das assembleias. O padrão geral encontrado é congruente com os padrões biogeográficos previamente propostos para a região Neotropical. Os resultados do DCA auxiliam ainda a identificar, de forma independente, os elementos das faunas de cada uma das formações vegetais estudadas.Spatial distribution patterns of Euglossina bees (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in the Neotropical region. Orchid bees (Apini, Euglossina) have a mainly Neotropical distribution, comprising, approximately, 200 species and five genera. Several local fauna surveys are available in the literature, but comparative studies on the Euglossina composition and distribution patterns are still scarce. The aim of this study is to analyze published data from 29 assemblages in order to understand the spatial distribution patterns of the sampled areas along the Neotropics. Ordination procedures (DCA and NMDS) were employed in order to describe the groupings of assemblages according to orchid bees occurrences. The Central America and Amazonian forests localities formed cohesive groups in both analyses, while Atlantic Forest localities were more dispersed. Areas on the eastern border of the Amazon shared characteristic of transitional areas between this sub-region and the Atlantic Forest. Moreover, analysis of variance among the first DCA axis and variables showed significant influence of latitudinal, longitudinal and rainfall gradients, as biogeographical sub-regions on Euglossina's assemblages groupings. The general pattern is congruent with previously proposed biogeographical scenarios for the Neotropical region. The DCA results also help to identify, independently, the faunal elements inherent to the different studied forested formations.Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)FAPESPPROTAX/CNP

    Modern VLSI Analogue Filter Design: Methodology and Software Development

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    This thesis describes various approaches for the design of modern analogue filters and provides a practical filter and equaliser design aids system XFILT. The thesis begins by placing the analogue filter design technique and software into a historical and technology perspective. The evolution of the analogue filter is traced from early work, through the passive-RLC to transconductor-C and switched-current realisations. The software development in VLSI analogue filter automation is reviewed. For SC filter design, a cascade SC design approach which includes a novel pole-zero pairing method and a comprehensive comparison of SC filter realisation using different biquads are presented. Very useful guidelines for the choice of a suitable biquad structure according to the nature of the filter problem are presented. The canonical realisations of SC filter are studied. The multirate SC system design is described. Several strategies and the algorithms for multirate SC system design are proposed. In transconductor-C filter design research, the definition of a canonical ladder based transconductor-C filter is introduced, and two canonical ladder based transconductor-C filter design approaches are proposed. The ladder based transconductor-C equaliser design is also discussed. A practical video frequency transconductor-C filter and equaliser design is given to demonstrate the utility of the matrix design method and the design software. A new approach to realise exact ladder based SI filter with first and second generation memory cell has been proposed. The bilinear transformation is used in the design procedure. Eight different SI ladder based structures can be obtained for one prototype ladder. Therefore it provides SI filter designers with various circuit choices based on different requirement such as area, maximum ratio of transistor aspect ratio limit, sensitivity or noise performance. Techniques to improve dynamic range and reduce circuit parameter spread are also presented. The proposed approach is well suited for a computer compiler implementation. A suitability study of each decomposition method for different filtering applications is also carried out and a general guideline for the choice of different decomposition methods is obtained. A comparison study on SI filter sensitivity performance based on first generation and second generation memory cells is carried out. Using four filter examples, it is demonstrated that SI filters based on a second generation SI memory cell have good sensitivity performance. For SI filters based on first generation memory cells, it is shown that a high ratio of clock frequency to cutoff frequency in the lowpass case, or a high ratio of clock frequency to midband frequency in the bandpass case would introduce high sensitivity. A novel approach for SI ladder filter based on the S2I integrator is also proposed and a canonical realisation for SI filter based on S2I integrator is developed. Examination of SI equaliser design reveals that cascade structure is a better candidate than ladder based structure. Multirate SI filter system design is also studied. Finally, a very brief introduction to the assembly of the design methods in this thesis into a software package XHLT for VLSI analogue filter and equaliser design is given. The user aspects of XFILT have been discussed and various capabilities of XFILT are demonstrated. Several advanced facilities which remove traditional design limitations are illustrated. The philosophy of the system is explained. It is shown that the distinguished features of XFILT are Ease of Use. General Applicability, and Ease of Extension. The system structure is described and the graphics interface which acts both as user friendly interface and a system manager of all the software is outlined. Fabricated SC, transconductor-C, and SI filter and equaliser have been designed by using XFILT. The system is under further enhancement toward a commercial product

    A Hybrid Quantum-Classical Approach based on the Hadamard Transform for the Convolutional Layer

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    In this paper, we propose a novel Hadamard Transform (HT)-based neural network layer for hybrid quantum-classical computing. It implements the regular convolutional layers in the Hadamard transform domain. The idea is based on the HT convolution theorem which states that the dyadic convolution between two vectors is equivalent to the element-wise multiplication of their HT representation. Computing the HT is simply the application of a Hadamard gate to each qubit individually, so the HT computations of our proposed layer can be implemented on a quantum computer. Compared to the regular Conv2D layer, the proposed HT-perceptron layer is computationally more efficient. Compared to a CNN with the same number of trainable parameters and 99.26\% test accuracy, our HT network reaches 99.31\% test accuracy with 57.1\% MACs reduced in the MNIST dataset; and in our ImageNet-1K experiments, our HT-based ResNet-50 exceeds the accuracy of the baseline ResNet-50 by 0.59\% center-crop top-1 accuracy using 11.5\% fewer parameters with 12.6\% fewer MACs.Comment: To be presented at International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 202

    A estrutura das comunidades de peixes das Bacias dos Rios Cuiabá e Negro, Pantanal, Brasil

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    This thesis aims to test effect of multiple scales in mosaic on the landscape pattern of organization of assemblages of fish in the Pantanal. The samples were taken from 2005 to 2010 in lakes in the Cuiabá River and from 2005 to 2006 in the Negro River. In 2009 and 2010 they were also sampled the littoral zone of the main River Cuiabá. The samples in Cuiabá River showed that the basin has a rich ichthyofauna, with higher values in vegetated lakes wh n compared to non-vegetated rivers. The high species richness in the Cuiabá River basin was far higher than the Negro River, with estimates of 222 species for the first and 60 for the second. The Cuiabá River basin showed also higher diversity values Alfa, Shannon, Simpson, but both rivers showed similar abundances curves. The pattern of spatial distribution of nesting diversity was similar, with major contributions from the meso and beta diversity macroescalas. This indicates that the key processes are the same in both basins, although not overlapping the lagoons. In relation to biological conservation, this study shows the importance of these coastal areas for the maintenance of diversity.A presente tese tem como objetivo testar o efeito de multiescalas no mosaico da paisagem sobre o padrão de organização de assembleias de peixes no Pantanal. A área de estudo pertence a duas bacias hidrográficas no Pantanal, a bacia do rio Negro e rio Cuiabá. As amostragens foram realizadas de maio, junho, setembro, outubro e novembro de 2005 a 2010 nas lagoas do rio Cuiabá e de 2005 a 2006 no rio Negro. As amostragens na bacia do rio Cuiabá demonstram que a ictiofauna desta bacia é rica, com maiores valores para as zonas litorâneas vegetadas das lagoas em relação as não vegetadas delas dos rios. A alta riqueza de espécies na bacia do rio Cuiabá foi muito maior que as do rio Negro, com estimativas de 222 espécies para a primeira e 60 para a segunda. A bacia do rio Cuiabá apresentou também, elevados valores de diversidade Alfa, Shannon, Simpson, no entanto, apesar das diferenças apresentaram curvas de abundância parecidas. O padrão de aninhamento espacial de distribuição da diversidade foi similar, com maiores contribuições da diversidade beta na meso e macroescalas. O que indica que processos chaves aturam sobre ambas as bacias, apesar da não sobreposição das lagoas. No tocante à conservação biológica, o presente estudo mostra a importância destas zonas litorâneas para a manutenção da diversidade

    As iscas com elas ou iscas à portuguesa: património, gastronomia e turismo em Lisboa

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    Nesta dissertação, apresentamos um estudo de caso sobre o prato tradicional Iscas de Fígado com/sem Elas. A partir de uma abordagem antropológica, analisamos o modo como este prato se tornou num símbolo e o seu papel como oferta gastronómica da cidade de Lisboa, num âmbito temporal que vem desde o século XIX até à actualidade, bem como a sua relação com o turismo. O ponto de vista dos anfitriões, em particular no que respeita aos restaurantes do centro da cidade, foi um dos aspectos analisados neste trabalho. Os resultados da pesquisa documental, dos levantamentos e das entrevistas efectuadas permitiu-nos identificar as características deste prato no âmbito da gastronomia portuguesa. Consequentemente, possibilitou-nos estabelecer uma perspectiva histórica e social da sua forma de consumo no espaço da cidade, reconhecer o seu papel no âmbito dos processos de patrimonialização que subsequentemente enformam as estratégicas de divulgação turística; e, finalmente, examinar a presença deste prato na oferta gastronómica da cidade de Lisboa. A legitimação antropológica da patrimonialização deste prato, em virtude da sua relevância gastronómica no contexto dos hábitos e vivências alimentares específicos da cidade de Lisboa, convive com a inexistência de divulgação institucional deste património no âmbito do turismo, o que tem fomentado o desconhecimento desta realidade gastronómica por parte de muitos anfitriões e profissionais de restauração. Simultaneamente, e de forma paradoxal, verifica-se a presença das Iscas de Fígado com/sem Elas numa vasta percentagem de restaurantes e casas de comida no centro histórico de Lisboa.In this dissertation we present a case study of the course Iscas de Fígado com/sem Elas (Slices of Liver with/without Them). From an anthropological perspective we assayed the relation of this gastronomic symbol of Lisbon with the cultural heritage and the gastronomy context of this city since the 19th century up to nowadays. The hosts point of view on this subject, in particular in what concerns the restaurants of the city centre, was one aspect we analysed in this work. Therefore the outputs of this research, the survey and the interviews produced for this study allowed us to identify the main culinary characteristics and properties of this course in the context of the Portuguese gastronomy and furthermore set a social and historical perspective of its consumption within the urban background of the city. Our study clearly points to an anthropological validation of the Iscas de Fígado com/sem Elas (Slices of Liver with/without Them) as a traditional course of Lisbon, given its gastronomic relevance in the specific traditions and eating habits of this city. The nonexistence, and/no application of a clear program or strategy for the institutional touristic publishing is reflected in the unknowing of this gastronomy reality by those who deal with the guests or costumers that visit Portugal’s main town, that is the restaurant’s owners, cooks and attendants. Nevertheless, this course is currently served, in a weekly or daily basis, in most of the restaurants located in the historical and central area of Lisbon

    Automated Exploration of the ASIC Design Space for Minimum Power-Delay-Area Product at the Register Transfer Level

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    Exploring the integrated circuit design space for minimum power-delay-area (PDA) product can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when the target standard-cell library has hundreds of options. In this dissertation, heuristic algorithms that automate this process have been developed, implemented and validated at the reg- ister transfer level. In some cases, the PDA product was 1.9 times better than the initial baseline solution. The parallel search algorithm exhibited 9x speed up when executed on 10 machines simultaneously. These two new methods also characterize the design space for the given RTL code by generating power-delay-area points in addition to the minimum PDA point in case the designer wishes to select a different solution that is a tradeoff among these metrics. As a final step, these two search algorithms are integrated into a fully automated ASIC design flow

    Analogue filter networks: developments in theory, design and analyses

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    Мирко М. Милић : (1932–1993)

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    Mirko M. Milić was born on April 21, 1932, in Galati (Romania), where his father, Mario, who originated from Dubrovnik (Croatia), worked as a maritime pilot maneuvering sea ships through dangerous waters of the Danube delta to and/or from the Black Sea. Due to political reasons (Cominform Resolution), Milić’s family was forced to leave Romania in 1948. He fi nished high school in Belgrade, in 1950, then graduated in 1956 with excellent grades (9.43 out of 10), and obtained M.Sc. degree (1963) and Ph.D. degree (1968), all from the School (Faculty) of Electrical Engineering (ETF), University of Belgrade. In 1956 he joined the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, fi rst as a Teaching Assistant, then as an Assistant Professor (1963), Associate Professor (1973), and Professor (1980). He was primarily teaching Circuit Theory, fundamental subject connecting all areas of electrical engineering, but also a number of other subjects in undergraduate and graduate studies, such as: Topology-Based Methods for Network Analysis and Synthesis, Selected Topics for Circuit Analysis, Nonlinear Circuits, Digital Signal Processing, Application of Computer System ECAP, Computer-Aided Circuit Design, and Dynamics of Measuring Systems. He introduced the course Electrical Modeling of Physical Processes, where he used well-known methods from circuit theory to solve diff erent non-electrical problems. He wrote several textbooks covering circuit theory and solved problems, and textbooks Graph Theory and Applications (co-authored by Academician. Dragoš Cvetković) and Electrical Modeling of Physical Systems. Mirko Milić also had an active role in teaching and research activities in the area of electrical engineering at the University of Niš and in the Military Technical Academy in Belgrade. From 1965 until 1967 he was on a British Council Scholarship at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London (UK). In 1977, he was invited as a visiting professor-researcher to the University of California, Berkeley (USA). Also, during 1990, he held a series of lectures in the Technical University of Istanbul (Turkey). He loved to work with students and to introduce research to them. With students (not only graduate, but also with undergraduate students) he analyzed and studied newest and top-ranked papers in the fi eld of the circuit theory. To popularize the circuit theory and motivate students for this subject, in 1990 he decided to establish a foundation for awarding talented students from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. He provided the founding by his own money. Unfortunately, his early death (in 1993) stopped these activities. His wife, Professor Miroslava Olujić, continued these activities and, aft er serious administrative diffi culties, she established the Foundation of Professor Mirko Milić in 2004 (more than 10 years aft er his death). Th e Foundation started in 2004 and each year (during the celebration of School Day, in December) the best senior student, having the highest grade in Circuit Th eory, and the student having the best published paper in the fi eld of circuit theory were awarded. Professor Milić was an extraordinary and passionate scientist. His work, encompassing a broad spectrum of the circuit theory, was undoubtedly well recognized and respected internationally. His comments, discussions, and reviews were profound, clear, and extremely valuable to his colleagues. Professor Milić made numerous scientifi c contributions. He was an academic who left an exceptional mark on the engineering science. His papers were cited by many authors in numerous scientifi c books and journals. He contributed to several areas of the fundamental circuit and system theory. The main characteristic of his research was “to be at least one step ahead of others”. He was one of the pioneers in the foundation of the spectral graph theory, having also published a textbook (with Academician D. Cvetković) in this fi eld. His papers cover a variety of areas, including topological-dynamic properties of passive and active networks, state-space descriptions of linear and nonlinear networks, qualitative analysis and bounds of the solutions of semi-state models, Lagrangian descriptions of nonlinear networks, numerical analysis, modeling, and signal processing. During the last years of his life, he was interested in neural networks, in particular cellular neural networks (CNN), where he suggested a novel CNN having only one active element per network cell. Among others, his result concerning unique solvability of linear time-invariant RLC circuits has proved to be one of the deepest results in the circuit theory. Two textbooks, two solution manuals with solved problems in the circuit theory, and numerous scientifi c papers (120 papers), published in the leading international journals and conference proceedings, have marked the productive period of Professor Milić’s life. Many people knew Professor Milić as a pure and precise theoretician. It is, hence, interesting that he had a patent submission entitled “Analog nth Order Filter Suitable for Integrated Technology”. Furthermore, although he preferred exact solutions in closed form over the numerical solutions, he recognized the importance of computer applications and in 1970s he established a course in computer program ECAP and a course in computer-aided design of electronic circuits. Also, he completed 5 technical reports. Professor Milić was an active member of several international and Yugoslav scientifi c and professional societies and committees, and chair and member of a number of conference committees: ISCAS (International Symposia on Circuits and Systems), ISTET (International Symposia on Th eoretical Electrical Engineering), ECCTD (European Conferences on Circuit Th eory and Design). He was scientifi c secretary, program committee member, active participant and lecturer of international symposia ISYNT (International Symposium on Network Th eory). Symposia ISYNT were established by Professor Radoslav Horvat in 1968. Th ese symposia were held with (about) four years frequency till 1989, just before the disintegration of former Yugoslavia, gathering top-ranked scientists from circuit theory community, such as: J. Aggarwal, T. Bickart, H. Carlin, L. Chua, P. Civalleri, A. Davies, T. Deliyannis, C. Desoer, S. Dutta Roy, J. Fidler, A. Fettweis, M. Ghausi, E. Kuh, E. Laker, E. Lindberg, G. Martinelli, S. Mitra, G. Moschytz, J. Neirynck, R. Newcomb, A. Petrenko, T. Roska, R. Saal, J. Scanlan, G. Temes, Y. Tokad, M. Van Valkenburg, V. Zima, and others. Note that the respectable conferences ECCTD started in 1974, six years aft er ISYNT. He participated as invited lecturer in a number of high-level congresses, conferences and symposia on circuits and systems. He was a member of scientifi c committees for many conferences. Among others, he was a committee member and sessions chairman of almost all conferences ECCTD, including ECCTD in Davos (1993), just before his death. Mirko Milić was a permanent member of the Scientifi c Committee of ISTET and the Information Committee of SEFI (Société Européene pour la Formation des Ingénieurs), Senior Member of the largest and most respectable society of electrical and electronic engineers IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), and the member of the Yugoslav Society for ETAN (Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automation, and Nuclear Engineering). He was also a reviewer of distinguished international journals: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, International Journal on Circuit Th eory and Applications, and Mathematical Reviews, as well of a number of Yugoslav technical journals. With Academician Rajko Tomović (1919–2001) and several colleagues from the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, he initiated the fi rst Seminar on Neurocomputing, held on December 20–21, 1990, in Belgrade. He helped the seminar series to continue, despite the disintegration of former Yugoslavia. During the very cold winter 1992/93, at the war time in the region of former Yugoslavia, power restrictions and enormous infl ation in Serbia and Montenegro, he organized the second Seminar on Neural Networks as a series of lectures held on Saturdays from November 1992 to May 1993. Under the leadership of Professor Branimir Reljin, the seminars continued from 1995 as biennial international conferences on neural networks and applications (NEUREL), technically co-sponsored by the IEEE. Professor Milić was a passionate scientist and teacher, always ready to explore new research fi elds. When working, he never spared himself nor anyone else working with him. He loved his work, both teaching and research, and always had numerous new ideas and plans. He was active just to the end of his life, but his sudden death prevented him from completing many of his projects. His unfi nished ideas and initial researches were continued by his associates, colleagues, and former Ph.D. students. During his work he was a member of a number of committees at the School of Electrical Engineering and at the University of Belgrade. He was a member of the Board for Computing Centre at the School of Electrical Engineering. Note that the School of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade was the fi rst academic institution in the broader Balkan region to establish a modern computing centre, in 1968. Also, he was a member of the editorial board of the Publications of Electrical Engineering Faculty, the scientifi c journal published by the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade. For his work Mirko Milić obtained many awards and other acknowledgements from universities and societies. Among others, he gained Special Certifi cate from IEEE, in 1984, on the occasion of centenary of the IEEE Society, and Silver Medallion of the Technical University of Istanbul (Turkey). Th e conference NEUREL 2004, in Belgrade, was devoted to Mirko Milić, while in the conference ECCTD 2009 (Istanbul, Turkey), Professor Cem Goknar organized а special session devoted to M. Milić. Th e recently published textbook “A Short History of Circuits and Systems” (IEEE, 2016) contains a signifi cant part devoted to our late professors Mirko Milić and Radoslav Horvat. Mirko Milić made a clear distinction between his professional and private lives. Consequently, only a few of his colleagues knew him as an extraordinary expert in philosophy, arts, music, and as a jazz afi cionado. His illness (the diabetes), which he fought over a long period of time, was perhaps the reason that he worked even harder, as though he wanted to be “just one step ahead of the ultimate destiny that awaits us all”. In 1988, he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Professor Mirko Milić had two main passions in his life: passion for science and passion for traveling. Last days of his life he passed just enjoying his two passions: he was in Davos (Switzerland) at the European Conference on Circuit Th eory and Design (ECCTD), where he participated as a lecturer and the member of the Technical Program Committee, sharing experiences and ideas with his colleagues from all over the world. Aft er the conference, he spent some time in Switzerland and suddenly passed away in Bern on September 9, 1993.Биографије и библиографије / Српска академија наука и уметности ; књ.17. II Одељење, Одбор за проучавање живота и рада научника у Србији и научника српског порекла ; књ. 1