75 research outputs found

    Wireless infrared communications for space and terrestrial applications

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    Voice and data communications via wireless (and fiberless) optical means has been commonplace for many years. However, continuous advances in optoelectronics and microelectronics have resulted in significant advances in wireless optical communications over the last decade. Wilton has specialized in diffuse infrared voice and data communications since 1979. In 1986, NASA Johnson Space Center invited Wilton to apply its wireless telecommunications and factory floor technology to astronaut voice communications aboard the shuttle. In September, 1988 a special infrared voice communications system flew aboard a 'Discovery' Shuttle mission as a flight experiment. Since then the technology has been further developed, resulting in a general purpose of 2Mbs wireless voice/data LAN which has been tested for a variety of applications including use aboard Spacelab. Funds for Wilton's wireless IR development were provided in part by NASA's Technology Utilization Office and by the NASA Small Business Innovative Research Program. As a consequence, Wilton's commercial product capability has been significantly enhanced to include diffuse infrared wireless LAN's as well as wireless infrared telecommunication systems for voice and data

    Analisa Perbandingan Wirelesslan Dan Wirelan

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    Jaringan data dalam satu institusi pemerintah ataupun swasta terutama satu korporat, sudah merupakan kebutuhan manajerial. Dengan ketersediaan jaringan data tersebut, maka keputusan-keputusan manajemen akan jauh lebih cepat daripada hanya ditunjang dengan satu sistem server yang stand alone. Satu contoh misalnya dalam bidang layanan kependudukan, dimana data jumlah penduduk dalam satu daerah harus dapat diakses, baik oleh seorang Kepala Daerah, Kepala Dinas Kependudukan maupun oleh pelaksana layanan KTP secara online. Dapat dibayangkan bagaimana bila server tersebut hanya stand alone dan berada pada pelaksana layanan KTP saja.Dengan jaringan yang makin meluas, sistem wireline akan menjumpai beberapa kesulitan instalasinya, baik segi estetika pengaturan ruangan maupun pemeliharaan kerusakan jaringan yang terjadi, serta kendala jaringan yang terpisah bangunan gedungnya. Solusinya adalah penggantian sistem tersebut menjadi wireless. Dengan sistem wireless, antara pusat pemerintahan (gedung utama) dengan unit kerja pemerintahan yang terpisah gedung maupun lokasi, dapat terjaring dalam sistem wireless tersebut dengan mudah. Disamping itu dengan sistem wireless, host (lap top) dapat diatur berpindah pindah, untuk satu keperluan rapat misalnya, dengan leluasa.Penelitian ini akan membahas teknologi akses Internet melalui sistem WLAN (Wireless LAN) atau WiFi (Wireless Fidelity), dimana user dimungkinkan untuk bergerak atau mobile. Persoalan yang akan dibahas terutama menyangkut pada proses handover antara access point satu dengan access point berikutnya

    A study of application of IBM-compatible personal computer local area networks (PC LANs) among computer professionals in Hong Kong.

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    Cheung Wing Kin, Chong Kwok Kwong, Daniel.Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990.Bibliography: leaf 133.ABSTRACT --- p.iiTABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ivLIST OF FIGURES --- p.viiLIST OF EXHIBITS --- p.viiiLIST OF TABLES --- p.ixPREFACE --- p.xiChapterChapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1The World Market of LAN --- p.3Local Market of LAN in Hong Kong --- p.7The Research --- p.8The Significance of Study Findings --- p.9Chapter II. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.10Target Population --- p.10Unit of Analysis --- p.11Population Size --- p.12Sample Size --- p.14Data Collection --- p.15Objective --- p.15Selection of Data Collection Method --- p.15Questionnaires --- p.16Design --- p.16Contents --- p.18Despatch Methods --- p.18Research Aids --- p.20Summary --- p.20Chapter III. --- SURVEY FINDINGS --- p.21Despatch and Collection of Questionnaries --- p.21Company Data --- p.26Classification --- p.26Size in Terms of Number of Staff --- p.27Degree of Computerization --- p.27Number of PC in Use --- p.30PC LAN Installed --- p.32Hardware Particulars --- p.35Type of Computers in Use --- p.35PC LAN Hardware in Use --- p.35Length of Use of PC LAN --- p.37Assessment of Hardware in Use --- p.38Software Particulars --- p.39PC LAN Software in Use --- p.39Applications in Use --- p.39Assessment of Software in Use --- p.40Criteria in Choosing PC LANs --- p.41Job Function --- p.43Role in Purchasing --- p.43Report --- p.44Chapter IV. --- ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS --- p.45Response Rates --- p.45Company Data --- p.46Classification --- p.46Degree of Computerization --- p.48Size in Terms of Number of Staff --- p.50Number of PC in Use --- p.52PC LANs Installed --- p.54Hardware Particulars --- p.55Type of Computers in Use --- p.55PC LAN Hardware in Use --- p.55Length of Use of PC LAN --- p.57Assessment of Hardware in Use --- p.57Software Particulars --- p.57PC LAN Software in Use --- p.57Applications in Use --- p.59Assessment of Software in Use --- p.59Observation Relating to the Objectives of the Survey --- p.60Objective 1 : PC LAN Market Segment in Hong Kong --- p.60Objective 2 : Identify Market Characteristics --- p.63Objective 3 : Selection Criteria of LANs --- p.66Objective 4 : Gap between what are offered and what are needed --- p.66Objective 5 : Major Applications of PC LANs in Hong Kong --- p.71Job Function --- p.73Role in Purchasing --- p.73Report --- p.74Chapter V. --- CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION --- p.75Conclusion --- p.75Extent of Usage of PC LANs in Hong Kong --- p.76PC LAN Market Segment in Hong Kong --- p.76PC LAN Market Characteristics in Hong Kong --- p.77Selection Criteria of PC LANs in Hong Kong --- p.78Gap Between what are offered and what are needed for PC LAN in Hong Kong --- p.78Major Applications of PC LANs in Hong Kong --- p.79Recommendation --- p.79Firms Already Installed PC LANs --- p.79Firms Not Yet Installed PC LANs --- p.81Marketeers --- p.82APPENDIX --- p.85BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.13

    Database management and redesigning of faculty of engineering web page

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    ACUTA eNews February 1993, Vol. 22, No. 2

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    In This Side Region Director Nominations President\u27s column Institutional Excellence Award Drew Uinv. Voice Mail New Publications Editor Miami Univ. Voice Mail Tampa Exhibits Review Executive Directo

    Ein mobiler Serviceroboter zur Automatisierung der Probenahme und des Probenmanagements in einem biotechnologischen Pilotlabor

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    Scherer T. A mobile service robot for automisation of sample taking and sample management in a biotechnological pilot laboratory. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2004.In biotechnologischen Laboratorien ist die Qualität der typischerweise pharmazeutischen Produkte ein wortwörtlich lebenswichtiges Ziel. Die Qualität der Zellkultivierungen wurde historisch nur durch off-line Messungen von physikalischen Prozessparametern wie pH und pO2 sichergestellt. Biologische Parameter wie die Zelldichte und -viabilität wurden nur off-line gemessen, weil das dazu notwendige Probenmanagement hochkomplizierte Manipulationen und Analysen beinhaltet und deshalb nicht automatisiert werden konnte. Es gibt zwar mehrere automatisierte Geräte, um einem Labortechniker zu assistieren, aber kein System, welches das gesamte Probenmanagement automatisiert. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Typ von Serviceroboter präsentiert, der aus einem auf einer mobilen Plattform montierten Roboterarm besteht und diese Lücke schließt. Dieser Roboter muss eine ganze Reihe von Problemen bewältigen: Er muss seine Position im Labor bestimmen können (Lokalisation), er muss eine kollisionsfreie Bahn zu den beteiligten Geräten finden können (Bahnplanung mit Hindernisvermeidung), er darf bei seinen Bewegungen keine Menschen gefährden oder Laborausrüstung beschädigen (Kollisionsvermeidung), er muss die zu bedienenden Geräte erkennen und ihre Position präzise messen können (Bildverarbeitung), er muss sie bedienen können (Armsteuerung), er muss Objekte greifen können (Greifer und Finger) und er muss sie gefügig handhaben können, um sie nicht zu beschädigen (Kraftregelung). Er muss autonom sein, um nur die allernotwendigste Menge an Benutzereingriffen zu benötigen, und doch durch ein Laborsteuerprogramm kontrollierbar sein, um Eingriffe zu erlauben. Schließlich muss er einfach durch ungeschultes Personal zu warten sein. All diese Aspekte werden von dem in dieser Arbeit präsentierten neuen Robotersystem abgedeckt.In biotechnolgical laboratories, the quality of the typically pharmaceutical product is a literally life-important goal. Historically, the quality of the cell cultivations was ensured by on-line measurements of physical process parameters like pH and pO2 only. Biological parameters like cell density and viability were only measured off-line, because the necessary sample management involves highly complicated manipulations and analyses and could therefore not be automated. Various automated devices to assist a laboratory technician do exist, but so far no system to automate the entire sample management. In this work a novel type of service robot consisting of a robot arm mounted on a mobile platform is presented that closes this gap. This robot has to master a multitude of problems: It must be able to locate its position in the laboratory (localisation), it must be able to find a collision-free path to the involved devices (path planning with obstacle avoidance), it must not endanger humans or damage laboratory equipment while moving (collision avoidance), it must be able to recognize the devices to be manipulated and measure their precise position (computer vision), it must be able to manipulate them (arm control), it must be able to grasp objects (gripper and fingers) and it must be able to handle them with compliance in order to not damage them (force control). It must be autonomous in order to only require the least possible amount of user intervention, and yet controllable by a laboratory control program in order to allow intervention. Finally, it must be easily maintainable by non-expert personell. All these aspects are covered by the novel robot system presented in this thesis

    Untersuchung des Einsatzes von Web Service-Technologien in Automationsnetzwerken

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    In letzter Zeit wurden viele spezifische Protokolle entwickelt. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, inwieweit es möglich ist, existierende proprietäre Protokolle auf Web Services abzubilden. Es wurde des Weiteren die Skalierbarkeit von Web Services untersucht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Web Services in Netzwerken beliebiger Größen eingesetzt werden können. Ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Web Services im Hinblick auf die Echtzeitfähigkeit. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verarbeitung der Nachrichten in die Hardware verlagert werden kann

    Uso del Software Packet Tracer en el aprendizaje de la red de datos en los estudiantes del Instituto Superior SISE - 2021

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    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación de corte tecnológico, que relaciona el uso de un software de virtualización y el aprendizaje de redes, tuvo como objetivo determinar en qué medida el uso del software Cisco Packet Tracer mejora el aprendizaje de la red de datos en los estudiantes de la Escuela de Tecnología de la Información (ETI) del Instituto Superior Tecnológico SISE. Para lo cual, la metodología se basó en una investigación de tipo aplicada, de un nivel descriptivo, con un enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental, contando con una población conformada por 420 estudiantes y una muestra de 60 estudiantes pertenecientes al quinto ciclo, a quienes se les aplicó una prueba para medir el conocimiento del Packet Tracer y un cuestionario como instrumento para medir el aprendizaje sobre red de datos. Información que fue procesada y analizada a través de la estadística descriptiva; y, como resultado, se encontró que un 85% de los estudiantes alcanzaron una calificación de aprobatorio, de los cuales en su mayor parte tienen de regular a buen conocimiento del software. Asimismo, en cuanto al aprendizaje de redes, se encontró que el 82% de los estudiantes saben configurar diversos dispositivos a través de varios enlaces; también se encontró que el 77% de los estudiantes conocen que los servidores Cisco Meraki sirven para configurar y simular redes en la nube. Entonces, en su mayor parte, demostraron saber cómo hacer una implementación lógica y física de la red de datos, así como también, administrarla. Se concluyó que el uso del software Packet Tracer contribuye a la mejora del aprendizaje de la red de datos.The objective of this technological research work, which relates the use of virtualization software and network learning, was to determine to what extent the use of Cisco Packet Tracer software improves data network learning in students from the School of Information Technology (ETI) of the SISE Higher Technological Institute. For which, the methodology was based on an applied type of research, at a descriptive level, with a quantitative approach and non-experimental design, with a population made up of 420 students and a sample of 60 students belonging to the fifth cycle, whom A test was applied to measure knowledge of Packet Tracer and a questionnaire as an instrument to measure learning about the data network. Information that was processed and analyzed through descriptive statistics; and, as a result, it was found that 85% of the students reached a passing grade, most of which have a fair to good knowledge of the software. Likewise, regarding the learning of networks, it was found that 82% of the students know how to configure various devices through various links; It was also found that 77% of the students know that Cisco Meraki servers are used to configure and simulate networks in the cloud. So, for the most part, they demonstrated knowing how to logically and physically implement the data network, as well as manage it. It was concluded that the use of Packet Tracer software contributes to the improvement of data network learning.ChosicaTecnología y soportes educativosEscuela Profesional de Matemática e Informátic

    Комп’ютерні мережі. Книга 1

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    Затверджено Міністерством освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України як посібник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів (Лист No 1/11-8052 від 28.05.12)У навчальному посібнику розглянуто структуру OSI та TCP/IP моделей, характеристики фізичного, канального, транспортного та мережевого рівнів. Описано технології локальних та глобальних мереж