673,376 research outputs found


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    Enzim katepsin merupakan enzim penting yang berperan dalam prases pelunakan daging ikan selama prases kemunduran mutu. Aktivitas enzim ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap proses kemunduran mutu ikan . Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui karakteristik enzim tersebut dalam proses kemunduran mutu sehingga dapat mengambil langkah yang tepat dalam penanganan dan pengolahan ikan. Tuiuan penelitian ini adalah mengekstrak enzim katepsin dari ikan patin dan menentukan karakter enzim katepsin yang berasal dari ikan patin. Penelitian ini dilakukan dua tahap yaitu ekstraksi enzim kasar dan pengendapan dengan amoniusulfat. Hasil penelitian ekstrak kasar (crude ekstrak) enzim katepsin menunjukkan aktivitas spesifik 0,457 U/mg, enzim tersebut dapat diendapkan dengan menggunakan ammonium sulfat 60%. Pengendapan dengan renggunakan ammanium sulfat menghasilkan aktivitas spesifik 0,23 kali. Enzim katepsin mempunyai suhu aptimum 50 ºC dan pH optimum 6, kansentrasi substrat optimum 6% dengan nilai aktivitas 0,8167 U/ml. Berat enzim katepsin kasar hasil SDS-PAGE 12,97-55,49 kDA dan berat malekul enzim diduga mempunyai aktivitas proteolitik pada analisis zymogram adalah 28,88 kDa Kata kunci: enzim, katepsin, karakteristik, ikan pati


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    Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu 1) bagaimana kuasa patriarki dalam novel Entrok karya Okky Madasari, 2) apa sajakah kritik yang ditampilkan pengarang dalam novel Entrok. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk (1) mendeskripsikan gambaran kuasa patriarki dalam novel Entrok karya Okky Madasari, (2) mendeskripsikan apa saja kritik yang ditampilkan pengarang dalam novel Entrok karya Okky Madasari. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep teori Feminisme, yaitu untuk melihat kedudukan perempuan di tengah-tengah kekuasaan patriarki. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif yang berarti data yang dihasilkan berupa kata-kata atau kalimat dalam bentuk kutipan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kuasa patriarki yang dialami oleh tokoh perempuan dalam novel Entrok pada negara, lembaga budaya, bekerja, pelecehan seksual, dan kekerasan. Perempuan dianggap lemah, sehingga menjadi sumber penindasan dari kaum laki-laki. Meskipun demikian, pengarang menggambarkan bahwa perempuan juga dapat memposisikan kedudukan mereka setara dalam ranah domestik maupun ranah publik, walaupun tidak seutuhnya perempuan terbebas dari kuasa patriarki.  Kata Kunci: Patriarki, Feminisme, dan Novel Entrok

    Study on Mollusk and Algae or Phytoplankton Community in Southeast Waters of Bali

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    A study was carried out to observe the relation between mollusk with algae or phytoplankton in southeast waters of Bali. The study was conducted at Mertasari, Sindhu, Serangan, Purnama, and Kethewel beach. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 34 species of phytoplankton found in this study. The most predominant phytoplankton species in each beach were Navicula sp at Mertasari, Nitzschia sp at Sindhu, Pseudo-nitzschia sp at Purnama, Chaetoceros sp at Kethewel. Observation on macro algae showed that Ulva sp was to be the most predominant species in Serangan, Mertasari, and Sindhu beach (17.95, 16.25, and 17.81%). In mollusk observation, gastropod groups showed to be higher number than bivalve group. Nassarius sp showed to be the most predominant in Serangan beach (13.33%), while Ruditapes sp was predominant in Mertasari and Sindhu beach (11.59% and 14.81%). The highest diversity index of phytoplankton was shown by Kethewel beach (H = 1.35), while the lowest was shown by Shindu beach (H = 0.95). The highest diversity index of macroalgae was shown by Serangan beach which showed H = 2.08, while the lowest was shown by Purnama beach which showed H = 0.69. Serangan beach showed the highest diversity index (H = 2.72) with E = 0.66 compared to another locations, while Kethewel beach showed the lowest diversity index (H = 0.69 and E = 1). There was a relation between the existences of gastropod as the highest number of mollusk and Ulva sp as the gastropod feed

    Phytoplankton Diversity as Ecological Indicator in Jimbaran Bay Waters

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    A study was carried out to evaluate the ecological condition in Jimbaran Bay Waters by using Phytoplankton Diversity Index. The study was conducted at Balangan, Pemuda, Jimbaran, Kedonganan, Kelan and Segara Beach located in Jimbaran Bay. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was used to analyze the ecological condition, supported by analysis on water quality including dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand 5 days (BOD5), water pH, and water salinity. There were 51 species of phytoplankton classified to 5 classes had been observed from this study: Bacillariophycae, Cyanophyceae, Zygnemophyceae, Dinophyceae, and Chlorophyceae. Balangan beach showed higher diversity index (H) and evenness index (E) (H = 1.19; E = 0.29) compared to the other site (Pemuda: H = 0.89, E = 0.25; Jimbaran: H = 0.89, E = 0.26; Kedonganan: H = 0.96, E = 0.28; Kelan: H = 0.85, E = 0.20; and Segara: H = 0.91, E = 0.33). However, overall ecological condition showed diversity index more than 1 (H = 1.44; E = 0.27). Measurement of water quality showed that the highest quality of water was shown by Balangan Beach (DO 5.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 0.9 mg/L), while the lowest was shown by Kelan Beach (DO 4.2 mg/L, pH 7.2, salinity 29 ppt, and BOD5 2.9 mg/L). Result of the study showed that ecological status of Jimbaran Bay Waters was having moderate diversity, sufficient productivity, and medium ecological pressure (pollution)


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    ABSTRAK : Menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) bagi rakyat Indonesia selain dapat meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat yang lebih luas, disamping itu tantangan dalam persaingan sepertinya akan menjadi masalah mendasar, tidak hanya kaitannya dengan masalah ekonomi secara langsung, tetapi juga masalah sosial dan budaya. Oleh sebab itu masyarakat Indonesia perlu mengangkat life mereka sebagai tawaran menghadapi MEA tersebut. Paper ini mencoba mengulas beberapa tantangan serta bagaimana masyarakat Indonesia menghadapinya. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan.Pembelajaran, IPS, ME


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    ABSTRAK Artikel ini menguraikan konsep pendidikan karakter yang berlandaskan pada kearifan Iokal' potret karakter pendidikan kita dewasa ini, tantangan yang harus diperjuangkan bersama untuk menjadikan pendidikan Indonesia yang berkarakter dengan landasan budaya lokal, serta solusi masa depan pendidikan lndonesia yang berlandaskan kearifan lokal dalam bingkai pendidikan Nasional yang berkarakter. Kata Kunci : Globalisasi, Pendidikan Karakter, Kearifan Lokal


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali bentuk-bentuk kegotong royongan yang masih tertanam dalam masyarakat Desa Duampanuae. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey lapangan, pengamatan terlibat, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gotong royong dalam mendirikan rumah (mappatettong bola) merupakan strategi dalam pola hidup bersama yang saling meringankan beban masing-masing pekerjaan. Kerja sama ini merupakan suatu bukti adanya keselarasan hidup antar sesama, khususnya di masyarakat pedesaan. Namun demikian, di beberapa masyarakat perkotaan pun saat ini, dalam beberapa hal masih memerlukan semangat gotong-royong. Gotong-royong sebagai bentuk solidaritas sosial terbentuk karena-adanya kepentingan kelompok sehingga mereka membentuk kesatuan untuk saling menolong, saling berbagi dan saling memberi. Kata Kunci : Mappatettong Bola, Nilai Budaya, Gotong Royong


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    ABSTRACTNationalism and empiricism, because accounting uses thought to examine the data of accounting transactions used in the preparation of financial reports. This fact is something that can be answered accurately by the human senses. As a component of axiology or in accounting studies, accounting science is used as part of the accounting profession. Accounting science explains how financial reporting processes and transaction relationships affect each other in epistemology. The study examines accounting science from a theoretical perspective with a focus on epistemological aspects. This is crucial because philosophically accounting can be trapped in a science trap if it does not understand these aspects in a field of science. (Suwardi, 1999). The structure of the discussion in this study begins with a discussion of God's early command to carry out accounting. Next, we will discuss the philosophy of accounting from an epistemological point of view. The Islamic concept of accounting is discussed in the next section, and we will deduce the Islamic epistemological side of accountancy.Keywords: Ontology, Accounting Education, Implementatio

    Toki wa ima

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    William Jefferson Tyler Memorial Prize for Undergraduate ResearchThe year 1582 saw the downfall of one of Japan's three great unifiers, Oda Nobunaga (b. 1534) at the hands of his own retainer, Akechi Mitsuhide (1528?-1582), and paved the way for the rise of those generals who filled the power vacuum created at Nobunaga's death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598) and Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616). The rebellion of Akechi in the so-called Incident at Honnōji (Honnōji no hen 本能時の変) has sparked cultural and historical interest in both Japan and the West for the past four centuries, in part due to the fragmented and difficult to corroborate accounts that have been authored regarding this revolt. Sources contemporary to the Incident at Honnōji give at once vague and intriguing explanations of both the actions of Akechi and his lieutenants and the manner in which their actions were perceived—and perhaps more tantalizingly, lead the reader to few firm conclusions. As one of the most enigmatic events in Japanese history, the Incident at Honnōji is fertile ground for embellishment, political appropriation, storytelling, and popular culture, and bears its fruit in the form of competing theories and tales. This enigma of Honnōji has indeed sparked debate over the exact actions taken by, and the motives of Akechi, and the reader cannot help but feel drawn to investigate the origins of these theories. Upon examination of the primary sources and a representative selection of secondary materials, one finds a hall of mirrors constructed about him as conflicting accounts and interpretations fail to coalesce into a systematic, solid truth about the impetus behind Akechi's assassination of Oda. Honnōji being one of the watershed moments in the history of the feudal period in Japan, it is all the more fascinating that its casus belli is shrouded in mystery. Various writers in both Japanese and English have produced treatises on the Incident at Honnōji. In attempting to outline the theories and suggestions that have been made about its particulars, one must turn a critical eye to each author's research methodology, political or personal background, and to the cultural climate of the day. Beginning with documents produced shortly after Honnōji, and proceeding through the Tokugawa (1603-1868), Meiji (1868-1912), and modern periods, I intend to present a brief analysis of representative works that treat the incident, focusing particularly on tracing the development of each theory or representation and its basis in earlier source materials. Starting with a problematization of the source perhaps most closely contemporary to the Honnōji affair, Ōta Gyūichi’s Shinchō-kō ki (The Chronicle of Lord Nobunaga), I will identify this document as what may be considered the “door left open” for subsequent speculation. Examining Akechi’s renga (linked verse) poetry which may be read as intimating his intent to rebel, I will provide a possible interpretation of his lines, and of their implications. I will then turn to other sources roughly contemporary to the incident, including letters written about Honnōji and Oda by the Jesuit missionary Luis Fróis, and a document written by an Akechi officer who claimed to have been at Honnōji, Honjō Sōemon. Next, I will discuss the most common theories on what motivated Akechi to assassinate his lord, basing my analyses on the commentary and research by such modern Japanese scholars as Takayanagi Mitsutoshi, Kuwata Tadachika, and Taniguchi Katsuhiro. Finally, I will briefly discuss recent adaptations that depict the Honnōji incident and relations between Akechi and Oda, including the 2006 PlayStation 2 title Sengoku Musō 2 (released internationally as “Samurai Warriors 2”), which contains player-controlled reenactments of the interaction between Akechi and Oda, and gives the player the opportunity to take control of both personas in their final confrontation at Honnōji. Commentary on and analysis of the treatments of Akechi and Oda in the 2009 Japan Broadcasting Corporation production Tenchijin (“Virtues of the Peerless Ruler”), a historical fiction drama based on the events of the Sengoku (1467-1573) and Azuchi-Momoyama (1568-1603) periods will round out discussion on modern adaptations. I will aim to explore the motivations and trends behind these myriad stances on the Honnōji affair, and to leave readers with a more comprehensive understanding of the incident through exposition of multiple sources from across Japanese literary and cultural history. Study of the incident serves as a stepping stone to further questions about the nature of how historical works are drafted—what is the difference, if any, between the exegesis of history through prose and through poetry or fiction? Drawing on such authors as Hayden White and Richard Bauman, I will briefly utilize the narrative of Honnōji to illustrate broader points about some of the challenges that writing history poses. While the contemporary historical sources, themselves occasionally conflicted and hard to corroborate, aid the observant and critical reader in attempting to reconstruct the actual circumstances and events related to Honnōji, the modern fictional adaptations of the narrative serve two roles. Naturally, these adaptations serve to entertain—but in doing so, we have a window through which we can view the values and historical contexts of the periods in question. In what light are Akechi’s actions viewed across the flow of Japanese history, in both scholarly and creative contexts? And what trope might Akechi have been assigned in the grand context of Japanese literary figures? Through studying varying accounts of the same event—from historical chronicles to fictional re-creations—we may cultivate a more comprehensive understanding of the Incident at Honnōji as it is perceived over time. As this is a watershed moment that affected the course of Japanese political, military, and cultural history, it is worthwhile to turn a critical eye to the sources that give accounts of its particulars. The mystery surrounding Akechi Mitsuhide’s motivations, the timing of his actions, and the abrupt end to the military rule of Oda Nobunaga are subjects that compel the student of Japan to further study. And in Akechi’s words, toki wa ima—the “time is now”—to turn our attention to the journey he has taken, from Honnōji in the sixteenth century to PlayStation 2 and television in the twenty-first.Bitstream added on 2010-06-11. No. of bitstreams: 1 bschindewolfdistinction_final.pdf: 401534 bytes, checksum: e16d56c54da0f0b126c9cb040b658e20 (MD5)No embarg

    Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga Ny.S Dengan Masalah Utama: Anemia Ibu Hamil Pada Ny.S Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sangkrah Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Anemia kini menjadi masalah yang cukup serius karena prevelensi yang terus meningkat sejalan dengan perubahan gaya hidup seperti jarang mengkonsumsi sayuran hijau dan hanya mengkonsumsi makanan cepat saji Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui asuhan keperawatan pada pasien dengan hipertensi meliputi pengkajian, intervensi, implementasi dan evaluasi keperawatan. Hasil : Setelah dilakukan pengkajian asuhan keperawatan selama satu minggu didapatkan masalah keluarga Ny.S kurangnya pengetahuan tentang Anemia pada Ibu Hamil yang meliputi pengertian, penyebab, tanda dan gejala, pencegahan dan komplikasi anemia pada ibu hamil Kesimpulan : Kerjasama antar tim kesehatan dengan keluarga sangat diperlukan untuk keberhasilan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien anemia pada kehamilan, komunikasi terapeutik dapat mendorong pasien lebih kooperatif, dengan mengajarkan mengolah sayuran hijau yang benar tanpa mengurangi kandungan vitamin didalam sayuran tersebut, wawasan keluarga bertambah tentang cara mengolah sayuran hija