15 research outputs found

    Imagery Conjured through Melodic DevelopmentsiIn “15 Step” by Radiohead

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    This paper investigates the melodic developmenst of Radiohead's composition titled 15 Step and how it conjures imagery for the listeners. While the band has website performances, there is a lack of compositional analysis of the group's work. The results of this study are that melodic developments such as melodic contour, melodic motion, and melodic rhythm results in conjured imagery. This paper contributes knowledge to other composers who might be interested in composing music using innovative melody developments to conjure imagery. This research further explains these techniques and gives insight into how Radiohead composes its music. Keywords: Melodic development; Conjuring imagery; Music Composition; Radiohead eISSN: 2398-4287© 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI

    Imagination and narrative : young people's experiences

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    Imagery generation in dramatized audio drama is still poorly understood with the majority of work having been done from a radio advertising perspective. This study sought to understand audio drama imagery generation by using teenage listeners. The study demonstrated that teenagers can follow purely auditory narrative with ease and can generate unique and vivid imagery through aural dramatic stimulation. The study also showed that listening in the dark and as a group are appealing for audiences

    “The Theater of the Mind”: The Effect of Radio Exposure on TV Advertising

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    Contemporary society requires communication strategies that integrate different media channels in order to improve advertising performance. Currently, there are not many scientific research studies of the various mass media, comparing the results of audiovisual advertising to purely audio or visual messages aimed at detecting the best combination of media, especially from a neurophysiological perspective. This study aims to investigate the effects of previous exposure to an advertisement via radio on the consumers’ response to the same advertisement shown on television (TV) or as a banner on a website. A total of seventy participants in a between-subjects experiment watched several television commercials during the advertising break of a documentary or saw some banners during a web surfing task. Half were first exposed to the same advertisements via radio. The results have shown that participants who previously listened to the radio advertisements spent a longer time looking at the brand and had a higher engagement when watching the same advertisements on television. Moreover, they had a different kind of visual attention to the website banners. This pattern of results indicates the effect of mere exposure—that is, the exposure to a radio advertisement enhances the effectiveness of the same advertisement via television or web, offering useful insights for media planning campaigns. Even if mere exposure has been extensively studied, cross-media research is scarcely explored, whereas this study detected the effects of mere exposure in a cross-media communication strategy, showing that it can be measured through psychophysiological methods

    Modality-Specific Effects of Perceptual Load in Multimedia Processing

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    Digital media are sensory-rich, multimodal, and often highly interactive. An extensive collection of theories and models within the field of media psychology assume the multimodal nature of media stimuli, yet there is current ambiguity as to the independent contributions of visual and auditory content to message complexity and to resource availability in the human processing system. In this article, we argue that explicating the concepts of perceptual and cognitive load can create progress toward a deeper understanding of modality-specific effects in media processing. In addition, we report findings from an experiment showing that perceptual load leads to modality-specific reductions in resource availability, whereas cognitive load leads to a modality-general reduction in resource availability. We conclude with a brief discussion regarding the critical importance of separating modality-specific forms of load in an increasingly multisensory media environment

    Modality-Specific Effects of Perceptual Load in Multimedia Processing

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    Digital media are sensory-rich, multimodal, and often highly interactive. An extensive collection of theories and models within the field of media psychology assume the multimodal nature of media stimuli, yet there is current ambiguity as to the independent contributions of visual and auditory content to message complexity and to resource availability in the human processing system. In this article, we argue that explicating the concepts of perceptual and cognitive load can create progress toward a deeper understanding of modality-specific effects in media processing. In addition, we report findings from an experiment showing that perceptual load leads to modality-specific reductions in resource availability, whereas cognitive load leads to a modality-general reduction in resource availability. We conclude with a brief discussion regarding the critical importance of separating modality-specific forms of load in an increasingly multisensory media environment

    Bem-vindos ao pod-drama-cast e a uma nova experiência de escuta: a comunidade virtual de The Archers

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    As novas tecnologias e especialmente o podcast favorecem a recuperação do género mais criativo do meio radiofónico: o drama, que, por não estar sujeito à actualidade, se adapta aos novos modos de produção e recepção de conteúdos na Internet e através do podcast. Surgem, assim, na Internet diversas experiências que, tendo o drama radiofónico como protagonista, estão a contribuir para recuperar o género. Uma experiência significativa, que exemplifica como a rádio convencional se adapta às novas tecnologias, criando uma nova comunidade virtual de ouvintes, é a novela The Archers (BBC), com emissão regular desde 1951. As páginas seguintes compreendem um estudo sobre a adaptação tecnológica realizada por The Archers, analisando os principais recursos empregues, que permitem caracterizar esta nova comunidade virtual de ouvintes

    ¿Veo cuando oigo? Recursos sonoros para estimular la creación de imágenes mentales en el oyente

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    La capacidad de la radio para estimular la creación de imágenes mentales en el oyente es una de las características más destacadas tanto en la bibliografía como en las investigaciones de referencia. Pero a pesar de ser una característica ampliamente reconocida, pocas son las investigaciones experimentales que han comprobado si la radio genera esta creación de imágenes mentales y, especialmente, qué recursos sonoros son efectivos para lograr este objetivo. Por ello, a lo largo de estas páginas, se realizará una revisión del estado de esta cuestión y un análisis de la influencia de dos estímulos propios de la radio, los efectos de sonido y los planos sonoros, para determinar su incidencia en la creación de imágenes mentales. Los resultados de diversas investigaciones constatan que un mensaje radiofónico complejo, que emplee varios recursos sonoros, presenta más probabilidades de generar imágenes mentales, especialmente cuando se emplean efectos de sonido y planos sonoros.La capacitat de la ràdio per estimular la creació d'imatges mentals en l'oient és una de les característiques més destacades tant en la bibliografia com en les investigacions de referència. Però tot i ser una característica àmpliament reconeguda, poques són les investigacions experimentals que han comprovat si la ràdio genera aquesta creació d'imatges mentals i, especialment, quins recursos sonors són efectius per assolir aquest objectiu. Per això, al llarg d'aquestes pàgines, es realitzarà una revisió de l'estat d'aquesta qüestió i una anàlisi de la influència de dos estímuls propis de la ràdio, els efectes de so i els plans sonors, per determinar la seva incidència en la creació de imatges mentals. Els resultats de diverses investigacions constaten que un missatge radiofònic complex, que utilitzi diversos recursos sonors, presenta més probabilitats de generar imatges mentals, especialment quan es fan servir efectes de so i plans sonors

    Radio evolution: conference proceedings

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT