422 research outputs found

    Characterization and Reduction of Noise in Manifold Representations of Hyperspectral Imagery

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    A new workflow to produce dimensionality reduced manifold coordinates based on the improvements of landmark Isometric Mapping (ISOMAP) algorithms using local spectral models is proposed. Manifold space from nonlinear dimensionality reduction better addresses the nonlinearity of the hyperspectral data and often has better per- formance comparing to the results of linear methods such as Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF). The dissertation mainly focuses on using adaptive local spectral models to fur- ther improve the performance of ISOMAP algorithms by addressing local noise issues and perform guided landmark selection and nearest neighborhood construction in local spectral subsets. This work could benefit the performance of common hyperspectral image analysis tasks, such as classification, target detection, etc., but also keep the computational burden low. This work is based on and improves the previous ENH- ISOMAP algorithm in various ways. The workflow is based on a unified local spectral subsetting framework. Embedding spaces in local spectral subsets as local noise models are first proposed and used to perform noise estimation, MNF regression and guided landmark selection in a local sense. Passive and active methods are proposed and ver- ified to select landmarks deliberately to ensure local geometric structure coverage and local noise avoidance. Then, a novel local spectral adaptive method is used to construct the k-nearest neighbor graph. Finally, a global MNF transformation in the manifold space is also introduced to further compress the signal dimensions. The workflow is implemented using C++ with multiple implementation optimizations, including using heterogeneous computing platforms that are available in personal computers. The re- sults are presented and evaluated by Jeffries-Matsushita separability metric, as well as the classification accuracy of supervised classifiers. The proposed workflow shows sig- nificant and stable improvements over the dimensionality reduction performance from traditional MNF and ENH-ISOMAP on various hyperspectral datasets. The computa- tional speed of the proposed implementation is also improved

    Bayesian Nonparametric Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images

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    Hyperspectral imaging is an important tool in remote sensing, allowing for accurate analysis of vast areas. Due to a low spatial resolution, a pixel of a hyperspectral image rarely represents a single material, but rather a mixture of different spectra. HSU aims at estimating the pure spectra present in the scene of interest, referred to as endmembers, and their fractions in each pixel, referred to as abundances. Today, many HSU algorithms have been proposed, based either on a geometrical or statistical model. While most methods assume that the number of endmembers present in the scene is known, there is only little work about estimating this number from the observed data. In this work, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric framework that jointly estimates the number of endmembers, the endmembers itself, and their abundances, by making use of the Indian Buffet Process as a prior for the endmembers. Simulation results and experiments on real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, yielding results comparable with state-of-the-art methods while being able to reliably infer the number of endmembers. In scenarios with strong noise, where other algorithms provide only poor results, the proposed approach tends to overestimate the number of endmembers slightly. The additional endmembers, however, often simply represent noisy replicas of present endmembers and could easily be merged in a post-processing step

    A Graph-Based Semi-Supervised k Nearest-Neighbor Method for Nonlinear Manifold Distributed Data Classification

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    kk Nearest Neighbors (kkNN) is one of the most widely used supervised learning algorithms to classify Gaussian distributed data, but it does not achieve good results when it is applied to nonlinear manifold distributed data, especially when a very limited amount of labeled samples are available. In this paper, we propose a new graph-based kkNN algorithm which can effectively handle both Gaussian distributed data and nonlinear manifold distributed data. To achieve this goal, we first propose a constrained Tired Random Walk (TRW) by constructing an RR-level nearest-neighbor strengthened tree over the graph, and then compute a TRW matrix for similarity measurement purposes. After this, the nearest neighbors are identified according to the TRW matrix and the class label of a query point is determined by the sum of all the TRW weights of its nearest neighbors. To deal with online situations, we also propose a new algorithm to handle sequential samples based a local neighborhood reconstruction. Comparison experiments are conducted on both synthetic data sets and real-world data sets to demonstrate the validity of the proposed new kkNN algorithm and its improvements to other version of kkNN algorithms. Given the widespread appearance of manifold structures in real-world problems and the popularity of the traditional kkNN algorithm, the proposed manifold version kkNN shows promising potential for classifying manifold-distributed data.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, 7 table

    Experimental Study of Hierarchical Clustering for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images

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    [EN] Estimation of the number of materials that are present in a hyperspectral image is a necessary step in many hyperspectral image processing algorithms, including classification and unmixing. Previously, we presented an algorithm that estimated the number of materials in the image using clustering principles. This algorithm is an iterative approach with two input parameters: the initial number of materials (P0) and the number of materials added in each iteration (¿). Since the choice of P0 and ¿ can have a large impact on the estimation accuracy. In this paper, we made an experimental study of the effect of these parameters on the algorithm performance. Thus, we show that the choice of a large ¿ can significantly reduce the estimation accuracy. These results can help to make an appropriate choice of these two parameters.This research has been supported by Generalitat Valenciana, grant PROMETEO 2019/109.Prades Nebot, J.; Salazar Afanador, A.; Safont, G.; Vergara Domínguez, L. (2021). Experimental Study of Hierarchical Clustering for Unmixing of Hyperspectral Images. IEEE. 1-5. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICARES53960.2021.96652011

    Dimension Estimation Using Weighted Correlation Dimension Method

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    Tree species identification in an urban environment using a data fusion approach

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    This thesis explores a data fusion approach combining hyperspectral, LiDAR, and multispectral data to classify tree species in an urban environment. The study area is the campus of the University of Northern Iowa. In order to use the data fusion approach, a wide variety of data was incorporated into the classification. These data include: a four-band Quickbird image from April 2003 with 0.6m spatial resolution, a 24-band AISA hyperspectral image from July 2004 with 2m spatial resolution, a 63-band AISA Eagle hyperspectral image from October 2006 with lm spatial resolution, a high resolution, multiple return LiDAR data set from April 2006 with sub-meter posting density, spectrometer data gathered in the field, and a database containing the location and type of every tree in the study area. The elevation data provided by the LiDAR was fused with the imagery in eCognition Professional. The LiDAR data was used to refine class rules by defining trees as objects with elevation greater than 3 meters. Classes included honey locust, white pine, crab apple, sugar maple, white spruce, American basswood, pin oak and ash. Results indicate fusing LiDAR data with these imageries showed an increase in overall classification accuracy for all datasets. Overall classification accuracy with the October 2006 hyperspectral data and LiDAR was 93%. Increases in overall accuracy ranged from 12 to 24% over classifications based on spectral imagery alone. Further, in this study, hyperspectral data with higher spatial resolution provided increased classification accuracy. The limitations of the study included a LiDAR data set that was acquired slightly before the leaves had matured. This affected the shape and extent of these trees based on their LiDAR returns. The July 2004 hyperspectral data set was difficult to georectify with its 2m resolution. This may have resulted in some minor issues of alignment between the LiDAR and the July 2004 hyperspectral data. Future directions of the study include developing a classification scheme using a Classification And Regression Tree, utilizing all of the LiDAR returns in a classification instead of just the first and fourth returns, and examining an additional LiDAR-derived data set with estimated tree locations

    Intrinsic Dimension Estimation: Relevant Techniques and a Benchmark Framework

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    When dealing with datasets comprising high-dimensional points, it is usually advantageous to discover some data structure. A fundamental information needed to this aim is the minimum number of parameters required to describe the data while minimizing the information loss. This number, usually called intrinsic dimension, can be interpreted as the dimension of the manifold from which the input data are supposed to be drawn. Due to its usefulness in many theoretical and practical problems, in the last decades the concept of intrinsic dimension has gained considerable attention in the scientific community, motivating the large number of intrinsic dimensionality estimators proposed in the literature. However, the problem is still open since most techniques cannot efficiently deal with datasets drawn from manifolds of high intrinsic dimension and nonlinearly embedded in higher dimensional spaces. This paper surveys some of the most interesting, widespread used, and advanced state-of-the-art methodologies. Unfortunately, since no benchmark database exists in this research field, an objective comparison among different techniques is not possible. Consequently, we suggest a benchmark framework and apply it to comparatively evaluate relevant state-of-the-art estimators
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