74 research outputs found

    Review of ATLAS Software Documentation (February 8-9, 2006)

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    Review of the ATLAS Offline Documentation: Web pages, WorkBook, TWiki, HyperNews, Doxygen

    La investigación sobre hipertexto : fundamentación teórica del ciberperiodismo y caminos para la docencia

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    El hipertexto representa hoy un referente teórico y metodológico para el ciberperiodismo y, más concretamente, para la redacción ciberperiodística, disciplina académica emergente y centrada en el estudio de los mensajes difundidos a través de los medios de Internet. El artículo se aproxima al origen y a los porqués de esta articulación en torno a un modelo sobre el que se ha investigado y escrito durante largos años, no sólo en ciberperiodismo. Estas revisiones pretenden servir para justificar la necesidad de avanzar en los aspectos fundamentales del nuevo saber y proponer el estudio del modelo hipertextual como vía para asimilar los basamentos teóricos de la nueva disciplina, desplegando para ésta un marco compartido y suficientemente consolidado que se guíe por el interés profesional y docente. Para justificar esta hipótesis, la autora centra su atención en el conocimiento de cada (ciber)género, aspecto éste de máxima validez en el campo de la didáctica redaccional. Según esto, la redacción ciberperiodística está llamada a funcionar como uno de los principales paradigmas orientadores del estudio del ciberperiodismo en España. Aunque joven todavía, cuenta para ello con una tradición académica e investigadora que resulta suficientemente esforzada para amparar en su preceptiva los préstamos disciplinarios y promover una compatibilidad teórica y práctica no siempre garantizada en la preceptiva dictada en el contexto del periodismo tradicional.Hypertext nowadays represents a theoretical and methodological reference for the field of online journalism and, more specifically, for newswriting on the Internet, considered to be an emerging discipline that is focused on the study of messages distributed using Internet media. This article examines the origin of and reasons for this articulation around a model that has been extensively investigated and written about for years, not only in online journalism. These revisions seek to justify the need for progress in the fundamental aspects of new knowledge and suggest the study of the hypertextual model in journalism to be the main path to assimilating the cognitive basis of the new discipline. To justify this hypothesis, the author focuses her attention on the knowledge of each online genre, this being a highly valuable aspect for the teaching of online newswriting. Therefore, the discipline of Newswriting on the Internet is expected to feature prominently in the study of online journalism in Spain. Though still young, there is a strong enough tradition of academic research of the discipline to support cross-disciplinary influences and develop the kind of compatibility between theory and practise that is not always possible in traditional studies of the writing of journalistic text

    Professional Development in a Digital Age: Issues and Challenges for Standards−Based Reform

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    This paper discusses possible roles for online technologies in professional development begins by describing characteristics of professional development approaches that enable teachers to engage in standards−based teaching. Electronic technologies offer two leverage points that bridge time and place constraints imposed by onsite professional development: (1) ubiquitous access to resources that support student and teacher learning; (2) expanded opportunities for teachers' learning communities through electronic conferencing systems, whose common features, designs, and uses are described. Finally, challenges and potential solutions for making effective use of electronic technologies for professional development are described.This paper discusses possible roles for online technologies in professional development begins by describing characteristics of professional development approaches that enable teachers to engage in standards−based teaching. Electronic technologies offer two leverage points that bridge time and place constraints imposed by onsite professional development: (1) ubiquitous access to resources that support student and teacher learning; (2) expanded opportunities for teachers' learning communities through electronic conferencing systems, whose common features, designs, and uses are described. Finally, challenges and potential solutions for making effective use of electronic technologies for professional development are described

    Professional Development in a Digital Age: Issues and Challenges for Standards−Based Reform

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    This paper discusses possible roles for online technologies in professional development begins by describing characteristics of professional development approaches that enable teachers to engage in standards−based teaching. Electronic technologies offer two leverage points that bridge time and place constraints imposed by onsite professional development: (1) ubiquitous access to resources that support student and teacher learning; (2) expanded opportunities for teachers' learning communities through electronic conferencing systems, whose common features, designs, and uses are described. Finally, challenges and potential solutions for making effective use of electronic technologies for professional development are described.This paper discusses possible roles for online technologies in professional development begins by describing characteristics of professional development approaches that enable teachers to engage in standards−based teaching. Electronic technologies offer two leverage points that bridge time and place constraints imposed by onsite professional development: (1) ubiquitous access to resources that support student and teacher learning; (2) expanded opportunities for teachers' learning communities through electronic conferencing systems, whose common features, designs, and uses are described. Finally, challenges and potential solutions for making effective use of electronic technologies for professional development are described

    Legal knowledge-based systems: new directions in system design

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    This thesis examines and critiques the concept of 'legal knowledge-based’ systems. Work on legal knowledge-based systems is dominated by work in 'artificial intelligence and law’. It seeks to automate the application of law and to automate the solution of legal problems. Automation however, has proved elusive. In contrast to such automation, this thesis proposes the creation of legal knowledge-based systems based on the concept of augmentation of legal work. Focusing on systems that augment legal work opens new possibilities for system creation and use. To inform how systems might augment legal work, this thesis examines philosophy, psychology and legal theory for information they provide on how processes of legal reasoning operate. It is argued that, in contrast to conceptions of law adopted in artificial intelligence and law, 'sensemaking' provides a useful perspective with which to create systems. It is argued that visualisation, and particularly diagrams, are an important and under considered element of reasoning and that producing systems that support diagramming of processes of legal reasoning would provide useful support for legal work. This thesis reviews techniques for diagramming aspects of sensemaking. In particular this thesis examines standard methods for diagramming arguments and methods for diagramming reasoning. These techniques are applied in the diagramming of legal judgments. A review is conducted of systems that have been constructed to support the construction of diagrams of argument and reasoning. Drawing upon these examinations, this thesis highlights the necessity of appropriate representations for supporting reasoning. The literature examining diagramming for reasoning support provides little discussion of appropriate representations. This thesis examines theories of representation for insight they can provide into the design of appropriate representations. It is concluded that while the theories of representation that are examined do not determine what amounts to a good representation, guidelines for the design and choice of representations can be distilled. These guidelines cannot map the class of legal knowledge-based systems that augment legal sensemaking, they can however, be used to explore this class and to inform construction of systems

    La metamorfosis del reportaje en el ciberperiodismo: concepto y caracterización de un nuevo modelo narrativo

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    El artículo examina los rasgos y elementos definitorios del reportaje en el contexto del ciberperiodismo a partir de las especificidades narrativo-funcionales del hipermedia. Esta aproximación descubre posibilidades estructurales y estilísticas desconocidas que señalan para esta modalidad tradicional otro concepto, una función enriquecida y, lo que es quizá más significativo, una clasificación diferente. El trabajo sigue así un planteamiento teórico gene¬ral que busca progresar en el estudio de aquellos prototipos cuya praxis estaría demostrando en nuestros días una mayor habilidad para el desarrollo de nuevos modos narrativos, en virtud de la creciente explotación de los recursos exclusivos de la Web, especialmente, de la hipertextualidad

    Evaluación de los ciberdiarios en las comunidades vasca y navarra

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    El presente texto propone una evaluación de los ciberdiarios de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (CAV) y de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra (CFN), empleando metodologías ya establecidas y contrastadas, de manera que se pueda obtener un panorama completo del aprovechamiento real de las posibilidades del lenguaje hipermedia por parte de estas empresas. Se analizan todos los medios diarios de información general que disponen de una edición en Internet: El Correo, El Diario Vasco, Deia, Gara y Berria en el caso de la CAV, y Diario de Navarra y Diario de Noticias en la CFN. En primer lugar, se les somete a una evaluación previa general empleando la metodología propuesta desde el campo de la documentación. A continuación, se les somete a una comparación con su versión impresa, y se cotejan los resultados con los de una investigación europea similar en la que los autores participan. Finalmente, se analizan los reportajes especiales y sus usos hipertextuales, a la luz de las estructuras ya establecidas por la teoría del hipertexto

    Les Houches Guidebook to Monte Carlo Generators for Hadron Collider Physics

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    Recently the collider physics community has seen significant advances in the formalisms and implementations of event generators. This review is a primer of the methods commonly used for the simulation of high energy physics events at particle colliders. We provide brief descriptions, references, and links to the specific computer codes which implement the methods. The aim is to provide an overview of the available tools, allowing the reader to ascertain which tool is best for a particular application, but also making clear the limitations of each tool.Comment: 49 pages Latex. Compiled by the Working Group on Quantum ChromoDynamics and the Standard Model for the Workshop ``Physics at TeV Colliders'', Les Houches, France, May 2003. To appear in the proceeding