16 research outputs found

    Productivity Change of UK Airports: 2000-2005

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    In this paper, the two innovative nonparametric models, the Luenberger productivity model and Luenberger–Hicks–Moorsteen productivity indicator are used to estimate the productivity of UK airports. These airports are ranked according to their total productivity for the period 2000- 2005 showing that the majority of UK airports are not improving their efficiency in the period. Economic implications arising from the study are derived.productivity measurements; UK airports; data envelopment analysis; Luenberger productivity indicator and Luenberger–Hicks–Moorsteen productivity indicator.

    Ecological Benchmarking to Explore Alternative Fishing Schemes to Protect Endangered Species by Substitution: The Danish Demersal Fishery in the North Sea

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    The cod stock in the North Sea is threatened by overexploitation. To recover this fishing stock, pressure needs to be reduced. This implies that catch compositions with small amounts of cod are preferred by public policy makers. The present analysis assesses the technological efficiency of fishing trips in terms of the substitution possibilities away from cod by considering landings of cod as an undesirable output. A conservative non-parametric frontier technology approach imposing minimal assumptions and based on directional distance functions is applied to explore alternative fishing activities for Danish gill netters operating in the North Sea with the goal of reducing cod catches. Since performance on different fishing trips may be influenced by the operating environment, a four-stage approach is applied to correct for exogenous factors (Fried et al. (1999)). The corrected directional distance function efficiency scores reveal the behavioural inefficiencies, i.e., prospects for decreasing the catch of cod while catch of other species are increased.Capacity, Directional distance function, Fisheries, Output Substitution

    Input, Output and Graph Technical Efficiency Measures on Non-Convex FDH Models with Various Scaling Laws: An Integrated Approach Based upon Implicit Enumeration Algorithms

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    In a recent article, Briec, Kerstens and Vanden Eeckaut (2004) develop a series of nonparametric, deterministic non-convex technologies integrating traditional returns to scale assumptions into the non-convex FDH model. They show, among other things, how the traditional technical input efficiency measure can be analytically derived for these technology specifications. In this paper, we develop a similar approach to calculate output and graph measures of technical efficiency and indicate the general advantage of such solution strategy via enumeration. Furthermore, several analytical formulas are established and some algorithms are proposed relating the three measurement orientations to one another.Data Envelopment Analysis, Free Disposal Hull, technical efficiency

    The Impact of Agri-Environmental Policies and Production Intensification on the Environmental Performance of Dutch Dairy Farms

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    This study examines the impact of policies and intensification on the environmental performance of Dutch dairy farms in the period 2001-2010 using a hyperbolic distance function. The results indicate that the change from the Mineral Accounting System to the combination of the Application Standards Policy with decoupled payments has not significantly changed farms’ hyperbolic efficiency. Farms receiving agri-environmental and animal welfare payments are less hyperbolically efficient than those that do not, highlighting greater decreases in desirable outputs than decreases in undesirable outputs. Finally, intensification increases hyperbolic efficiency, suggesting that intensive practices may increase production without harming the environment

    Endogeneity, heterogeneity, and determinants of inefficiency in Norwegian crop-producing farms

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    This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain.This paper addresses the endogeneity of inputs and output (which is mostly ignored in the stochastic frontier (SF) literature) in the SF panel data model under the behavioural assumption that firms maximize returns to the outlay. We consider a four component SF panel data model in which the four components are: firms' latent heterogeneity, persistent inefficiency, transient inefficiency and random shocks. Second, we include determinants in transient inefficiency. Finally, to avoid the impact of distributional assumptions in estimating the technology parameters, we apply a multi-step estimation strategy to an unbalanced panel dataset from Norwegian crop-producing farms observed from 1993 to 2014. Distributional assumptions are made in second and third steps to predict both persistent and transient inefficiency, and their marginal effects. Keywords Efficiency; Endogeneity; Returns to the outlay; Panel dataacceptedVersio

    Environmental performance and shadow value of polluting on Swiss dairy farms

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    Better understanding the trade-offs/synergies between desirable and environmentally harmful (undesirable) farm outputs is relevant for future targeting and tailoring of agri-environmental policy measures. We use a hyperbolic distance function to represent the production technology employed by Swiss dairy farms in mountainous regions, thus allowing for simultaneous expansion of desirable outputs (milk and non-milk) and contraction of undesirable output (nitrogen surplus). We calculate the farm-specific shadow price of the undesirable output. The obtained shadow prices (mean value with respect to milk output was equal to 28 Swiss francs per kg of nitrogen) provide quantitative information on farmers’ costs of reducing nitrogen pollution

    Economic cross-efficiency

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    This paper introduces a series of new concepts under the name of Economic Cross-Efficiency, which is rendered operational through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) techniques. To achieve this goal, from a theoretical perspective, we connect two key topics in the efficiency literature that have been unrelated until now: economic efficiency and cross-efficiency. In particular, it is shown that, under input (output) homotheticity, the traditional bilateral notion of input (output) cross-efficiency for unit l, when the weights of an alternative counterpart k are used in the evaluation, coincides with the well-known Farrell notion of cost (revenue) efficiency for evaluated unit l when the weights of k are used as market prices. This motivates the introduction of the concept of Farrell Cross-Efficiency (FCE) based upon Farrell's notion of cost (revenue) efficiency. One advantage of the FCE is that it is well defined under Variable Returns to Scale (VRS), yielding scores between zero and one in a natural way, and thereby improving upon its standard cross-efficiency counterpart. To complete the analysis we extend the FCE to the notion of Nerlovian cross-inefficiency (NCI), based on the dual relationship between profit inefficiency and the directional distance function. Finally, we illustrate the new models with a recently compiled dataset of European warehousesSpanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and the State Research Agency under grants PID2019-105952GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and EIN2020-112260/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Economic Cross-Efficiency

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    This paper is concerned with introducing a series of new concepts under the name of Economic Cross-Efficiency, which is rendered operational through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) techniques. To achieve this goal, from a theoretical perspective, we connect two key topics in the efficiency literature that have been unrelated until now: economic efficiency and cross-efficiency. In particular, it is shown that, under input (output) homotheticity, the traditional bilateral notion of input (output) cross-efficiency for unit l, when the weights of an alternative counterpart k are used in the evaluation, coincides with the well-known Farrell notion of cost (revenue) efficiency for evaluated unit l when the weights of k are used as market prices. This motivates the introduction of the concept of Farrell Cross-Efficiency (FCE) based upon Farrell’s notion of cost efficiency. One advantage of the FCE is that it is well defined under Variable Returns to Scale (VRS), yielding scores between zero and one in a natural way, and thereby improving upon its standard cross-efficiency counterpart. To complete the analysis we extend the FCE to the notion of Nerlovian cross-inefficiency (NCI), based on the dual relationship between profit inefficiency and the directional distance function. Finally, we illustrate the new models with a recently compiled dataset of European warehouses

    New Definitions of Economic Cross-Efficiency

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    Overall efficiency measures were introduced in the literature for evaluating the economic performance of firms when reference prices are available. These references are usually observed market prices. Recently, Aparicio and Zofío (2019) have shown that the result of applying cross-efficiency methods (Sexton et al., 1986), yielding an aggregate multilateral index that compares the technical performance of firms using the shadow prices of competitors, can be precisely reinterpreted as a measure of economic efficiency. They termed the new approach ‘economic cross-efficiency’. However, these authors restrict their analysis to the basic definitions corresponding to the Farrell (1957) and Nerlove (1965) approaches, i.e., based on the duality between the cost function and the input distance function and between the profit function and the directional distance function, respectively. Here we complete their proposal by introducing new economic cross-efficiency measures related to other popular approaches for measuring economic performance. Specifically those based on the duality between the profitability (maximum revenue to cost) and the generalized (hyperbolic) distance function, and between the profit function and either the weighted additive or the Hölder distance function. Additionally, we introduce panel data extensions related to the so-called cost Malmquist index and the profit Luenberger indicator. Finally, we illustrate the models resorting to Data Envelopment Analysis techniques--from which shadow prices are obtained, and considering a banking industry dataset previously used in the cross-efficiency literature